C'ville Arts: A Cooperative Gallery, Charlottesville, VA Videos

Videos by C'ville Arts: A Cooperative Gallery in Charlottesville. Local, handmade, fine art & crafts sold by the artists themselves. Distinctive art & great gifts!

C’ville Arts Features, “Making Spirits Bright” During the entire month of December.

This holiday season, come see our wide range of artists' works all in one place duringour fe. Then, stroll through our shop to see even more!

#shoplocal #cooperative #art #artists #gifts

Other C'ville Arts: A Cooperative Gallery videos

C’ville Arts Features, “Making Spirits Bright” During the entire month of December. This holiday season, come see our wide range of artists' works all in one place duringour fe. Then, stroll through our shop to see even more! #shoplocal #cooperative #art #artists #gifts

October's featured artist, Genevieve Story, has a delightful array of options from wall art, notecards, playing cards, and oh my goodness, adorable baby clothes! charlottesville #cville #pyrography #localart

Woo-hoo! Spooky & Special beaded art in our front window for a few more days. Bead Brothers have some charming gifts. charlottesville #cville #localart

Wow! What vibrant art Sigrid still has in the window! #charlottesville #cville #localart

October's featured artist, Genevieve Story, has a delightful array of art to enjoy and make perfect gifts. #charlottesville #cville #pyrography #localart

October's featured artist, Genevieve Story, has a delightful array of art to enjoy and make perfect gifts.

October's featured artist, Genevieve Story, has a delightful array of options from wall art, notecards, playing cards, and oh my goodness adorable baby clothes!

Natalie did wonderful demonstrations this evening at her art opening!

Our Featured Art Show of Please come and find lots of Milenko Katic's work as our February featured artist which will be available through the 28th. Afterward, find his collection in his main display location in our gallery. We intend to have his art available until the end of the year or all of his art has been sold, whichever comes first. Be sure to find that special piece to add to your collection.😊

Don't miss Milenko Katic's work throughout the month of February.

Milenko Katic's work will be available throughout the month.

Our Featured Art Show of Milenko Katic's work will be available through the month.

Welcome to our Featured Art Show of Milenko Katic!

Welcome to the featured Art Show of Milenko Katic!

Milenko Katic, our featured artist for February!

February Featured Artist is Milenko Katic!

There are a few more days left to enjoy our artists' studio sale!

SAVE THE BEES! Creamy natural lotion bar by Grubby Girl Handmade soaps and bath products Hurry down here and get yours before they're all gone! I just bought one and there are 7 left. Although she may make some more. 😉 💛 🐝

January is Studio Sale time! Some of our artists are clearing their studios to make way for new creative work. Please, come, enjoy, and shop while you support your local artists, and small businesses and get great gifts too.

All-month studio sale with great prices for you and the gifts you're looking for.

Enjoying some beautiful new original artwork by Haley J !!!

Trina Player's beautiful functional ceramic art will continue to be featured though the rest of November. Come get your special gifts while she has an expanded display of these one of a kind bowls, cups, platters and more.

Remember to stop by and see what's new at our artist cooperative. Deb Booth really has some new and unique quelling art up front in our display window.

These Frida Kahlo dolls and art are Adorable and unique and one of kind. Pleasr don't miss your opportunity to have one for yourself or as a gift for someone special. Lori Jakubow's art is also on a special display in our front window this month!

Alex Pettigrew Wood Art
Two more weeks to enjoy Alex Pettigrew's featured art show at C'ville Arts: A Cooperative Gallery !

Janice Stegall-Seibert's Show
All through October we have Janice Stegall-Seibert's beautiful whimsical felt art featured in the front gallery. Come in and be inspired!

Kim Clarke's Featured Art Show
Kim's featured art show is still on display in the front of our gallery for the rest of September. Please, come and get a closer look.