South Jersey Allergy & Asthma Associates PA

Office for allergies, asthma, immune disorders, & allergic reactions We are dedicated to providing compassionate, high quality medical care.

At South Jersey Allergy and Asthma we specialize in the care and diagnosis of allergies and asthma for both adults and children. Our first goal is to listen to your concerns and together we will target treatment to your preferences. The physician is highly experienced in the field of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. She also understand about alternative treatment for allergies. We are interested i


Our flu vaccine is coming in this coming Wednesday, September 21st. It is only for those under 65. We will not be able to offer flu vaccines for anyone over 65. We will be giving our flu shots out as soon as we get them. Thanks. Dr. Linda


I know I have been silent for awhile because quite honestly I didn't know how my knee/ leg fracture would heal and when I would be returning to the office. I am beyond thankful that I am now walking with little assistance and mostly pain free. It was necessary for me to be out of the office for awhile so I could make sure my leg healed properly. I will be back in the office in two weeks and am looking forward to doing so after nearly 5 weeks of bedrest and subsequent physical therapy which continues. I couldn't have done this without the overwhelming support of my staff and my husband....and all of you who have been patient during my absence. I have missed you all but God is good and he has answered my prayers. I just may not be zipping around the office as usual for awhile, which is actually a good thing. Hopefully this is it! I look forward to only positive things going forward! Dr. Linda


I would like to be transparent and let everyone know that I may not be in the office few weeks. We will continue to administer allergy shots. I just won't be available for office visits other than biologics. My staff will be available to handle refills of medications, orders but if there are any acute issues they will need to be addressed by an Urgent Care or your primary physician for the time being. Please note this is not an easy decision but I need to take care of myself. A lingering tooth infection which has now moved to my sinuses has necessitated a hospitalization over this past weekend. Hoping to be back soon. Dr. Linda


FYI...It is a still a state law that masks are required in all medical offices. Please note you must have a mask prior to entering our facilities with no exceptions. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Dr. Linda


A reminder...the office will be closed tomorrow, March 8, 2022 all day due to unforseen dental surgery. Please note. The office WILL be open next Wednesday, March 16th as my surgery has been moved up. Thanks. Dr. Linda


Good morning,

My date for oral surgery just got moved up to tomorrow, March 8th. Thus I will be out of the office tomorrow all day and back in the office on Wednesday morning, March 9th. I will of course now be in the office on Wednesday, March 16th. Sorry for the inconvenience. Dr. Linda


Please note the office will be closed on Wednesday, March 16th for office visits and shots. Thank you for your understanding under circumstances that cannot be avoided. Dr. Linda


Beginning Tuesday, March 1st, we will be welcoming patients back to our office. No phone calls will be necessary from the parking lot for visits or shot patients. All shot patients are expected to wait in the office after their shots. Of course we will continue to practice social distancing in the waiting room. Also masks will still be required in our office. Welcome back! Dr. Linda


I want to correct shot hours for this coming Thursday. Shots will not be given in the am Thurs, January 27th. They will only be given from 2 pm till 5 pm that day. Thanks. Dr. Linda


Please note...the office will be closed for allergy shots next Thursday, Jan 27th, from 10 am till 2 pm. We will reopen at 2 pm for allergy injections which will be given from 2 pm till 6:30 pm that day. Thank you for your understanding.


We are having difficulties with phone issues today. If you are coming today for a shot or an office visit, please walk up the ramp if there is no one there in the vestibule and we will be out. Thanks. Sorry for the inconvenience. Dr. Linda

Vault Health 01/17/2022

Promise this is the last post of the day...I think, hopefully! My staff just informed me that Vault Health has a COVID testing site at Swedesboro Public Works, I believe. This can also be scheduled
at I am not sure whether they are doing Rapids or PCR testing. Hope this helps.

Vault Health Schedule your appointment online Vault Health


Another thing....Rapid COVID testing is often falsely negative with this Omicron variant so you may in fact have COVID if you have symptoms but not test positive. PCR testing is better in diagnosing Omicron. Also, Omicron is presenting just like an upper respiratory tract infection with symptoms of sore throat, headache, nasal congestion. You do not have to have a fever or the prior typical cough symptoms which is making diagnosing Omicron a little more challenging for health care workers. Thanks.


I hope everything is hanging in there. Fingers crossed, this is the herd immunity we have been waiting for...between vaccines and COVID infections. There is one other site that I forgot to mention where you can get a rapid COVID test. You can make an appointment at "Test Here" which is located in Voorhees. Please note that PCR tests can be positive for several weeks despite not being infectious anymore. Rapid test are the gold standard as to whether you are infectious anymore after you get COVID. With that said, I would not bother trying to find a rapid test after infection because they are difficult to find currently. Please use the CDC guidelines which includes 5 days of quarantine and five days of masking outside the home, provided you feel fine after the fifth day of quarantine. If you are still symptomatic after days 5 you need to wait till you feel better before venturing outside your home, masking for at least 10 days total from when you became ill. Hope this helps. Have a good day everyone. Dr. Linda


So as you all know, COVID numbers have risen dramatically over the past two weeks. Home tests are difficult to come by. COVID testing at drug stores is all back up...the soonest appointment is sometimes up to week later. You have three current options to get a quicker COVID test currently...all PCR:

1.Virtua at the old hospital Carnie Blvd site in Voorhees but you must schedule thru "my chart". If you do not have a "my chart" account, you must register for one as this is how you get your test results. I am not sure of the hours. It is for all people who live, work or attend school in Burlington, Camden or Gloucester County.
2. Willingboro Town Center for all residents, workers or student of Burlington County. You must make an appointment at The hours of operation are Mondays 8-1; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 12-6. No known weekend hours.
3. A. Cooper in Hospital Garage in Camden which will take patients without appointments but it is encouraged. Once again, you need to set up a Cooper "my chart" to get testing results. This site is operational from 9:15-3 Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. It is closed Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays.
It is open Sundays: 8 am till noon
B. Cooper Cherry Hill Specialty Care on Route 70 in Cherry Hill where appointments must be scheduled. The hours of operation are 9:15-3 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays. It is closed Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
It is open Sundays: 8 am till noon. Once again, please set up a Cooper "my chart" so you can get results.

Finally, these next few weeks are going to be tough ones for sure. If you are ill, just assume COVID may be a strong possibility. Rapid testing is not always reliable and you need to take two tests if the first one is negative 48 hours apart. Even then the results may be falsely negative. Due to the contagious nature of this virus, it is recommended that if you do not feel well mask around other people that you live or work with. If you suspect COVID and cannot locate a test, please stay home for a minimum of five days and mask for five days after this. You must be without a fever for 24 hours before you can leave your home. If you have a fever, please assume is it COVID omicron variant and quarantine as per CDC recommendations. Other symptoms include headache, sore throat, sinus symptoms, cough. This variant is difficult since it presents as an upper respiratory infection without some of the prior tell tale signs of other COVID variants.

Finally, finally please know I am available to answer your questions or concerns. Please be patient as I have been inundated with calls but I promise I will get back to you. Also know that we are doing everything humanly possible to keep everyone safe in terms of COVID protocols which continue in my office. On that note, have a good day and MASK UP EVERYWHERE! Please get your boosters since they have been shown to help prevent severe disease and hospitalizations. Remember you are doing it for other people and not necessarily for yourself as you have loved ones who want to make sure you have done all you can to be around for a long time to come. :) Aren't you glad you read my email?! LOL. I knew there would be alot of questions. We will get through this together. Dr. Linda


In light of the snow storm expected tomorrow, Monday January 3rd, please call the office to make sure we are there before venturing out. Thanks.


Good afternoon everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your December holidays. Out of an abundance of caution, with the numbers of COVID rising, I have made the decision to go back shots in the vestibule. Please call the office when you arrive and we will tell you when to come up the ramp. After your shots, you will wait in the car for the necessary allotted time after, like we did before. If you wish to stay in the office after your shots, you are still welcome to do so in a private room when available. This will include office visits as well where no one will be waiting in the waiting room for the time being.

This will enable us to operate in a safer environment for all concerned. Trust me, I am very disheartened myself about how all of this is playing out. I consider these next few weeks to be critical time. Please continue to mask up whether you are vaccinated, boosted or not. You will keep yourself safer by doing so as I am convinced now more than ever this is your best protection, along with not exposing yourself to other households in the next few weeks!


A reminder; we will be closed from
December 24th through January 2nd.
I also want everyone to know I am monitoring the COVID situation closely. The chairs are now social distanced in the waiting room and we may go back to allergy shots in the vestibule when we come back depending on the numbers. Safety is of paramount concern for all. Enjoy your holidays but please remember to be cautious. It has been my privilege to serve as your health care provider; thank you for continued support of our office. Dr. Linda


Another thing....I expect to get the flu shots the mid part of September for those under 65. I spoke to Smith Kline today, my supplier of influenza vaccines. Please remember there needs to be two weeks between any COVID vaccines and the flu shots. Stay safe. Dr. Linda


Please note...the office will be closed from Monday, October 11th through Monday October 18th. Please plan accordingly. I would be lying if I said COVID hasn't taken a toll on me. I need time to recharge my battery and to organize myself. There are no exotic vacations planned as I have not been anywhere literally... so I can keep the practice running. But the time off might even include finally cleaning out my grown kids' stuff which has taken over almost my entire basement with their multiple moves. We are finally seeing the end of that thankfully! I am grateful for your understanding.


Please note, we will have no nurse or doctor till 11 am this coming Thursday to give allergy injections. This was very last minute but out of my control. Thanks for your understanding. Dr. Linda


As a side note, we are back to doing pulmonary function testing in our office as well as per COVID protocol with antibacterial, antiviral filters. Thanks for persevering through this pandemic and continuing to trust your medical care to us. It means more to me than you will know. Dr. Linda


As a reminder, please bring your mask when you come to our office. All patients entering medical facilities must still wear a mask as per CDC guidelines. Thanks. Dr. Linda


Beginning Monday, June 7th, ALL shot patients will be required to sit in the office for the mandatory 20 minutes after their injections. It is for your safety! Other arrangements were initially made due to COVID concerns but things have significantly improved in NJ. There will be NO exceptions. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.


As of June 7th, I will open my office fully to shot patients. You will no longer need to call from the parking lot when you arrive. Masking in physicians' offices will continue as per CDC guidelines. We will be adjusting the chairs in the waiting room so appropriate social distancing can be maintained. All shots patients are expected to wait in the office after their shots going forward as of June 7th. Have a great week.


I have decided to open my office to patients fully beginning June 2021. Of course regular screening will be done over the phone for ill patients prior to their visits. Patients will still have the option to do a Telemed visit with me instead of an in person visit.

We will continue our COVID safety measures in our office. As per NJ state mandate, anyone who visits a health care provider will need to continue to wear their masks to their appointments. I have hired an additional employee, an LPN, to help with the transition back into the office. For now shots will continue to operate as they have been till we can see how the first phase progresses. Thank you as always for your support of our practice. I see light at the end of the tunnel and summer is coming! Hope you all enjoyed the beautiful day. Dr. Linda


Oh another thing, you need to register for the Virtua Megasite in Moorestown separately from the state COVID registration. Thanks.


A couple of things. I am not a big Facebook person but I feel I must get this out there. I hope everyone is staying safe and well. It has been a difficult year for sure for everyone. I am encouraging everyone to get the COVID vaccine when eligible; it is literally the difference from my perspective as to when and how we end this epidemic. So many of you have voiced concerns over the vaccines safety profile and I understand as these vaccine are new but as an immunologist I feel confident in stating I have no reservations about vaccine safety. With that said, I am not going to lie and say I myself wasn't concerned initially since I received the shot week the second week it was released, but I felt I had a responsibility to my patients and to all those I would be in close contact with which included loved ones, who they themselves were high risk.
Also in regards to the Pfizer/Moderna vaccines the incidence of anaphylaxis is 5-10 in one million doses given and these likely involved a reaction to PEG, which is the ingredient in Miralax. Of course with ANY vaccine there are always risks but I feel the risks with these vaccines is actually less than the many vaccines you have already been given. I know less about the J&J vaccines since they are just coming on board but I am constantly reading to stay up to date. More importantly, several of you have been asking where can I get my vaccine when it is available? This is a Herculean task for many of you. I found a good Facebook Website entitled, NJ Vaccine Hunters which provides alot of good information. With that said, I would not give out any personal information to these vaccine hunters to find you a vaccine as that is risky from my perspective. I will tell you what worked for me and other options. Virtua has a direct phone line you can try which is posted on the New Jersey Vaccine hunters page or you can directly message me for the number. Rite Aid Website is problematic, as is the "findashot" website. Trust me, I tried. Over the past few days, I was able to secure a vaccine slot for someone through the CVS website going into a different state where there was availability and changing the zip code after. The CVS appointments drop very late at night around midnight or very early in the morning between 5-6 am. I logged in at 11:45 pm and kept refreshing. If you are willing to stay up all night it might work. Atlantic City Convention Center also drops appointments on specific days and specific times. Please directly message me for this information also. I would be happy to help advise you how to best get an appointment. One of my physician colleagues relayed to me several months ago that she believes you are either going to contract COVID or be vaccinated...and I am honestly unfortunately seeing how this is playing out not to mention the COVID long haulers. I say this out of concern for all of you and I hope I have not offended any of you but this was not my intention. If you don't get the COVID vaccine for yourself, please do it for someone you love. As always please feel free to reach out to me for advice or direction. I will get back to you as soon as I can. Dr. Linda


I will be doing my TeleMed visits today from home. Dr. Linda


The office will be closed today due to inclement weather. Thank you for your understanding. Dr. Linda

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108 Kings Highway South
Cherry Hill, NJ

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 2pm
Tuesday 10am - 12pm
2pm - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 2pm

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