Gum Renew

Gum Renew Pro was created to target the true root cause behind gum problems, unlike most products on the market.

This product targets the termite bacteria hiding under the gums themselves.


Support a healthy mouth and healthy gums with this DIY probiotic toothpaste.

◽ ¼ cup cold-pressed organic coconut oil
◽ ¼ cup bentonite clay
◽ ½ teaspoon baking soda
◽ 2 tablespoons xylitol
◽ ½ teaspoon prebiotic powder
◽ 2 crushed capsules probiotics
◽ ½ teaspoons raw cacao powder
◽ 1 ½ teaspoons ground ginger
◽ ½ teaspoon cinnamon
◽ ½ teaspoon vitamin E oil
◽ ¼ cup distilled or filtered water, divided

1. Warm coconut oil over medium-low heat until melted.
3. Add bentonite clay through cinnamon to a food processor or high-speed blender and blend for 10-15 seconds until combined.
3. Add one tablespoon of coconut oil to the blender and blend for another 10-15 seconds; the mixture will be crumbly. Wipe the edges to ensure everything is combined with the oil.
4. Add the vitamin E and remaining coconut oil, and blend for another 10-15 seconds. The mixture will become runny. Blend again if needed to create a smooth and creamy texture.
5. With the blender running, slowly add the water and blend until it is thoroughly mixed.
6. Transfer to a glass container with a lid or a nontoxic refillable squeeze tube.


Although it’s usually overshadowed by calcium and vitamin D, vitamin K2 is a critical nutrient for oral and dental health.


Vitamin K2 helps to keep the oral microbiome in balance, prevents the development of cavities, and supports remineralization by blocking the substances that break down bone. It also helps support the body’s natural production of osteocalcin, a protein that supports bone strength.

Where is vitamin K2 found?

🔸 Leafy greens (kale, collards, spinach, chard)
🔸 Parsley
🔸 Broccoli
🔸 Brussel sprouts
🔸 Egg yolks
🔸 Liver
🔸 Fermented foods


The ONE nutrient needed for gum health

It’s a vitamin we all know and love, and citrus fruits are one of the most well-known sources…

What is it?

Vitamin C!

The reason why vitamin C is so important for oral health is because it strengthens the gums and the soft tissue in the mouth, but it can also protect against inflammation of the gums and deteriorating gum health.

Here are the 10 best sources:

➡️ Acerola cherries
➡️ Rosehips
➡️ Guava
➡️ Citrus fruits
➡️ Peppers
➡️ Strawberries
➡️ Mustard spinach
➡️ Kale
➡️ Kiwi
➡️ Broccoli


Is eucalyptus good for gums?

The smell of eucalyptus in a shower may permeate the bathroom, but using it internally can also do a lot of good for the gums!

Studies show that eucalyptus oil is an anti-inflammatory germicide that may help to treat receding gums and stimulate the growth of new gum tissue to restore health.

Here’s how to use it:

💚 Oil pulling - Use a carrier oil like coconut oil combined with a few drops of eucalyptus and swish around the mouth for 10-15 minutes. Spit out and repeat once daily to support healthy gums and mouth tissues.

💚 DIY mouthwash - Add a few drops of oil to water and swish around the mouth vigorously for 1-2 minutes.

💚 Direct application - Some oils can be directly applied to the gums, but eucalyptus should be diluted with a carrier oil and gently massaged into the soft tissue of the gums.


Need quick relief from gum pain? Try these!

◽ Saltwater rinse - Salt helps to prevent growth of bacteria in the mouth and decrease the bacteria on the gums, which may be a contributing factor to swelling.

◽ Try a hot or cold compress - Place on the area of the face where pain is.

◽ Use essential oils - Oils like peppermint, oregano, and clove have natural pain-relieving, inflammation-reducing, and circulation-boosting properties. Dilute a few drops in water and spray on the gums.

◽ Use tea bags - Black tea and green tea are high in astringent tannins that help to absorb anything that’s irritating the gums, while anti-inflammatory herbs like ginger and chamomile help to soothe.


Is dairy good for teeth and gum health? It just may be!

Here are 3 reasons why:

1️⃣ Sugars like sucrose or high fructose corn syrup are a primary trigger for tooth decay. Certain bacteria in the mouth consume these sugars and produce acid as a by-product. The acid weakens tooth enamel and eventually causes cavities. Dairy products without added sugar contain lactose, which produces less acid than other types of sugar.

2️⃣ High acid levels in the mouth are a primary reason for tooth decay, but because most dairy is low acidity, eating a bit after a sugary snack could help lower the pH of the oral cavity. Not to mention, dairy is high in calcium, which helps to preserve the important mineral balance in tooth enamel.

3️⃣ Dairy can also help the gums! One study found that people who regularly consumed dairy had a lower risk of poor gum health.

But when it comes to dairy, ensure it’s always grass-fed!


Essential oils seem to do everything--from soothing digestion and headaches, to boosting immunity and fighting off pathogens. But essential oils may also help teeth and gums!

Here are the top 6 essential oils for boosting oral health:

➡️ Clove: Cloves have a natural ability to restrict growth of bacteria and can help fight mouth and throat infections.

➡️ Thyme: As part of the mint family, thyme is great for boosting the flavor of oral care products, but it also contains natural chemicals that help prevent oral health conditions.

➡️ Oregano: As a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, oregano oil may help to reduce bacterial and fungal infections, and may also help boost the immune system!

➡️ Tea Tree: Tea tree is a natural remedy for bad breath and contains ingredients that help to reduce plaque buildup.

➡️ Peppermint: A staple in most oral care products, peppermint is known for its cooling and numbing elements that can effectively soothe tooth and muscle aches.

➡️ Cinnamon: As a powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic, cinnamon should be a staple in all oral care! It’s a great cleanser and helps to protect against bacterial overgrowth.


Looking for a tasty and tart way to keep the teeth and gums healthy? How about cranberries!

Cranberries are rich in a compound called anthocyanins--along with blueberries, red cabbage, eggplant peel, black rice, and raspberries--which may prevent bacteria from attaching and colonizing on host tissues, including teeth.

There are even some studies to show that mouthwash infused with cranberries can improve the health of the oral cavity!


Are raspberries good for the gums?

Raspberries are not only delicious and super nutrient-dense, but they’re also a great source of dietary fiber. Just one cup of raspberries offers a whopping 8g of fiber!

But why fiber for gum health⁉️

Foods high in fiber help keep teeth and gums clean by getting saliva flowing. Aside from good dental hygiene, fiber is the next best natural defense against cavities and gum disease. About 20 minutes after eating food containing sugars or starches, saliva begins to stop acids and enzymes from attacking the teeth and gums. Saliva contains traces of calcium and phosphate, which also help to restore minerals to areas of teeth that have lost them from the bacterial acids.


Is kimchi good for health?

When it comes to oral care, probiotics are a staple. The gut is a representation of what’s going on in the entire body, so if the gut isn’t healthy then the mouth can’t be either!

Because kimchi is a traditionally fermented food, it’s rich in probiotics that are great for balancing out gut bacteria--especially a strain called lactobacilli. When the gut microbiome is healthy, it translates to a healthy oral cavity.

Always look out for the naturally fermented kind (as opposed to anything using vinegar) to ensure it’s loaded with good bacteria.


Sensitive teeth? Try vanilla extract!

It’s a staple in baked goods of all sorts, but as it turns out vanilla extract should also be a staple in dental hygiene practices!

There are three reasons why vanilla extract is beneficial for sensitive teeth:

⭐ The low alcohol content helps to slightly numb the gums and reduce pain and discomfort
⭐ Vanilla contains a compound called eugenol, which has analgesic properties and helps to decrease pain and sensitivity
⭐ It has proven antioxidant and antiseptic properties that may fight bacteria and reduce inflammation to soothe and protect



A saltwater rinse is an age-old remedy believed to promote healthy gums, but it may also be beneficial for treating a sore throat, gums, and even for pain relief.

And as an easy and cost-effective home remedy, salt water can help to maintain proper oral health.


➡️ It helps to reduce inflammation
➡️ Decreases the presence of bacteria in the mouth

Studies show that rinsing with salt water daily can help to reduce plaque buildup and keep both teeth and gums healthy.

Simply add a ½ teaspoon of sea salt to a cup of warm water and rinse away!


Sore and inflamed gums? Turmeric may help!

The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, is a compound that offers more than just a potent yellow color. It also has powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties that may help to heal and soothe inflamed or irritated gums.

Turmeric is widely available in supplements, but there are plenty of other ways to use it!

➡️ Turmeric toothpaste
➡️ Topical turmeric paste
➡️ Turmeric mouthwash
➡️ Turmeric tooth whitening powder


Honey and warm water are a staple when sickness hits, but can they help to improve oral health?

Inflammation is the number one concern with gums and it’s caused by bacterial overgrowth.

With powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, honey can help to speed up healing and reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. If teeth are sensitive, add a spoonful of honey to some warm water and swish around the mouth!

But be careful about the type of honey 🐝 Manuka appears to offer the most benefits.



Want healthy teeth and gums? These 6 nutrients are key:

➡️ Calcium - It’s no surprise that calcium is good for teeth. It plays an important role in building bones and providing structural support, and for oral care specifically, hardening enamel and strengthening the jawbone.

➡️ Vitamin D - The sunshine vitamin plays an important role in bone metabolism and calcium absorption, as well as increasing bone mineral density.

➡️ Potassium - Improves bone mineral density, as well as works alongside magnesium to prevent blood from becoming too acidic, which can leach calcium from bones and teeth.

➡️ Phosphorus - Phosphorus supports the role of calcium in strengthening bones and teeth.

➡️ Vitamin K - Aside fro involvement in blood clotting, vitamin K aids in the production of osteocalcin, a protein that supports bone strength.

➡️ Vitamin C - This super antioxidant helps to strengthen gums and the soft tissues within the oral cavity. It also helps to protect against gingivitis and prevent teeth from loosening.



Charcoal has become kind of like the CBD of oral health--it seems to benefit everything.

The theory behind its benefits bank on the fact that the carbon has been treated to make the surface of its particles more porous, and all of those little nooks act like magnets for other particles. This means everything binds to it that gets in its path--stains, tartar, bacteria, and viruses.

Activated charcoal is the latest and greatest thing for “whitening teeth,” and when used in conjunction with proper oral hygiene, it’s a great tool for helping to remove surface stains that result from things like coffee, tea, and to***co.


Regularly brushing teeth helps to remove food and plaque that can sometimes get stuck between the teeth, but brushing regularly also helps to maintain gum health.

Here’s how to brush properly to keep gums and teeth healthy 🪥:

But first, investing in a good toothbrush is important. The right toothbrush should be soft-bristled and fit inside the mouth comfortably.

➡️ Hold your toothbrush on a slight angle, aiming the bristles towards the area where the tooth meets the gums.
➡️ Gently brush with short, circular, back-and-forth motions. Be careful not to brush too hard, as the bristles can hurt the gums.
➡️ Make sure you get the gum line. Bacteria like to hang out where the tooth and gums meet, and it’s too often missed.
➡️ Brush teeth for about two minutes, remembering to brush the outside, inside, and chewing surfaces of all teeth, as well as the tongue.


Sea buckthorn is a plant that’s been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. It’s rich in a number of vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, one of which includes naturally occurring antioxidants.

What’s more, the berries also provide a concentrated source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus, along with good amounts of folate, biotin and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, and E.

And if that wasn’t enough, it’s one of the only plants to produce all 4 essential fatty acids!

For gum health, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are especially important to protect gums and teeth from damage, as well as support proper immune function to prevent bacterial infections.


Tongue scraping is a traditional practice that’s been used for centuries to maintain good oral hygiene.

It uses a simple U-shaped stainless steel (or copper) scraper that reaches the back of the mouth to clean the surface of the tongue.

It helps to reduce unwanted bacteria in the mouth, thus improving overall health and decreasing risk of oral issues. Tongue scraping also helps to rid the mouth of sulfur compounds that contribute to bad breath!

By removing the top coat of bacteria from the tongue, taste perception may also be improved, making food more flavorful and delicious.

Tongue scrapers are widely available at health stores or drugstores. Gold, silver, copper, tin, and brass are all good materials, and the scraper should be non-sharp and curved, so as not to injure the tongue. Stainless steel scrapers that resist corrosion are also good.



Baking soda is an inexpensive, highly effective cleaner for teeth and general oral care.

It may have some antibacterial properties that can protect teeth and maintain health, but it’s also effective for removing plaque and making teeth appear whiter and brighter.

This is because the grains of baking soda brushing against teeth disrupt the stuck-on plaque, helping to reduce bacteria count and prevent damage to teeth and gums. And because bacteria thrive in acidic environments, the alkaline pH of baking soda helps to fend off bacteria and prevent growth and proliferation!


Mouthwash is great for fighting bad breath, as well as maintaining health of the teeth and gums.

Try this simple, homemade mouthwash that’s just as effective and breath-freshening as what’s sold in stores:

➡️ 1 tsp. sea salt
➡️ 1 tsp. baking soda
➡️ 1 tsp. xylitol
➡️ 8 drops peppermint essential oil or other oil(s), optional
➡️ 20 drops mineral drops
➡️ 1 cup distilled water

1. Add all of the ingredients to a storage bottle with a sealable lid and mix thoroughly.
2. Shake before each use to help disperse oils and any baking soda or traces of salt that may have settled at the bottom.


Aside from brushing, flossing is one of the best practices for the entire mouth--not just the teeth. And if there is ever swelling, soreness, or bleeding in the gums after flossing, it’s not a bad thing!

This is the body trying to irrigate the food, plaque, and bacteria in the gums by triggering inflammation and bleeding. The gums are mechanically stimulated by flossing, which causes this response.

There are several benefits to flossing that will leave both the mouth and gums healthier.

➡️ Removes sticky bacteria from teeth
➡️ Maintains health of the body
➡️ Maintains healthy gums and mouth
➡️ Improves smile


Is tea tree oil good for oral care?

Tea tree oil seems to be the “it” when it comes to natural healthcare.

Especially for keeping the mouth healthy, tea tree oil shows a lot of potential. Research shows that tea tree oil may maintain health of the gums and prevent bleeding. It’s antibacterial properties may also help to control bacteria in the mouth.

Tea tree oil is widely available in natural toothpastes or a DIY version.



➡️ Peppermint: Peppermint leaves contain chlorophyll and also have antiseptic properties that fight against bacteria-causing bad breath.

➡️ Parsley: Parsley is great for freshening breath because it contains an enzyme that can help remove odor-causing particles.

➡️ Coriander: In its dried version or fresh (cilantro), both are great for freshening breath due to the high concentration of volatile oils in the plant.

➡️ Cinnamon: Chewing on a cinnamon stick or drinking a cup of water simmered with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder can help to kill bacteria in the mouth due to cinnamon’s potent antibacterial properties.

➡️Aniseed: Seeds like aniseed, clove, cardamom, and fennel all have antimicrobial properties that make them powerful breath fresheners.


🥥 Can coconut oil improve dental health? 🥥

Coconut oil is one of those products that is good for many health concerns--maintaining oral health included.

Traditionally, coconut oil has been to whiten teeth, freshen breath, and generally improve overall oral health. Most often, it’s used for oil pulling--the practice of swishing oil around the mouth for anywhere from 1 to 20 minutes to reduce growth of harmful bacteria.

Coconut oil is the popular choice for oil pulling because of the high ratios of lauric acid, which have been found to be antimicrobial. Coconut may also help to prevent inflammation of the gums and kill bacteria that cause bad breath!


Essentials oils contain a lot of potent medicinal properties that can help with all sorts of conditions, including maintaining oral health!

The antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties of many essential oils make them excellent for helping keep dental health.

The 3 most common essential oils used in dental products include: peppermint, clove, and cinnamon.

➡️ Peppermint - Possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal, and biofilm-inhibiting properties, which helps to inhibit biofilm formation in the oral cavity. Peppermint oil is also great for helping reduce periodontitis, gingivitis, and halitosis.

➡️ Clove - Clove oil is also anti-fungal, antioxidant, and antibacterial making it a commonly added ingredient in dental products. Clove oil has also been shown to have a strong inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus bacteria.

➡️ Cinnamon - Like peppermint and clove, cinnamon is antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic making it an ideal cleanser for everyday oral care. Cinnamon oil also contains one of the strongest antimicrobial properties that protects against bacteria that causes tooth decay.

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