Certificate Clearing Corporation - CCC

Certificate Clearing Corporation's mission is to innovate the way lawsuits settle and consumers bene

Don’t gut Illinois law that protects our personal biometric information | Editorial 03/24/2021

We know the value of people's biometric data is not easily measured, but these laws are critical in protecting us. CCC helps consumers recover money from these cases and supports strong privacy laws.


Don’t gut Illinois law that protects our personal biometric information | Editorial Under the guise of helping small businesses, lawmakers are trying to repeal or eviscerate Illinois’ pioneering Biometric Information Protection Act.

TikTok biometric privacy settlement held up by objections $92 million not even close | Biometric Update 03/08/2021

After the historic $650M Facebook IL BIPA settlement, we know the TikTok BIPA Privacy class action should settle, but the real question is how much should TikTok pay? https://www.biometricupdate.com/202103/tiktok-biometric-privacy-settlement-held-up-by-objections-92-million-not-even-close

TikTok biometric privacy settlement held up by objections $92 million not even close | Biometric Update The app allegedly uses facial recognition technology to collect and store users’ biometric data without the required written permission.


Why File a Class Action Claim? (Part 2)

Bottom line:
-It’s your money
-You were wronged
-It’s low-effort cash

I understand you may have quite a few questions left. Simply put, there’s an easier way to get paid by selling your class action claim. CCC purchased hundreds of claims in the FB IL BIPA settlement and those eligible were paid within 60 days.

The class action process can take years to settle. Even if you need money, that settlement check isn’t likely to show up in time to solve your problems. And, sometimes the check isn’t a check at all. The payoff may be in some other form that seems far less appealing.

Often, there’s a quicker and easier way to take advantage of your class eligibility. CCC purchases most types of class action claims; from securities to business and consumer settlements we want to show you why we are the experts. That means you can provide your information, sign over your claim, and get paid now--not several months down the road. We look forward to buying more claims from consumers and stay tuned to our page for new opportunities.


Why File a Class Action Claim?

Have you ever filed a class action claim? If so, you’re in the minority. The response rate in most consumer class action cases is very low. For instance, in the recent Illinois Facebook Biometric class action, about 1.4 million people filed claims. That may sound like a lot, but about 7 million were eligible.

It’s a strange phenomenon. The average person will pick up a muddy $5 bill on the sidewalk, but nearly 80% of those eligible for the Facebook settlement said, “No thanks” to filling out a form to collect a $350 check. Albeit it can take months or years to pay out, filing a claim can take just minutes.

Some people aren’t sure what’s required of them and so shy away from the process. Others assume there won’t be much money involved and so it’s not worth the time. In fact, there are good reasons to file that claim. For instance:

- It’s your money. If you didn’t opt out of the suit, then a share of that settlement or verdict is yours. If you don’t claim it, someone else will get your money.

- You were wronged. If you’re part of a successful class action, something happened that shouldn’t have happened. Maybe you didn’t suffer direct damages--that’s true for many people in the Facebook case. But, someone you did business with broke the rules. They owed you better. And, the class action helps ensure that
they’ll do better in the future.

- It’s low-effort cash. By the time you’re invited to file a claim, it’s all over but the paperwork. The question you’re being asked is basically, “Should we send you some money?” There’s no downside to taking it. If you’re fortunate enough that Facebook’s $350 doesn’t mean anything to you, you should still be the one to decide where it will do the most good.

Reach out with questions you may have about a case!


Resumen rápido: Illinois fue uno de los primeros estados en aprobar leyes de privacidad biométricas y otros han seguido su ejemplo ahora que ven cuánto se benefician las empresas de estos datos. Facebook llegó a un acuerdo por $650 millones por posibles violaciones de las leyes de privacidad y nos preguntamos cuánto tiempo antes de que Instagram se enfrente a las consecuencias y resuelve la demanda BIPA contra ellos?

La Legislatura del Estado de Illinois aprobó la Ley de Privacidad de Información Biométrica (BIPA) en 2008 para proteger contra la recolección y almacenamiento ilegal de información biométrica de una persona en Illinois. En 2020, el abogado de los demandantes presentó una demanda colectiva contra Facebook alegando que Facebook violó BIPA al almacenar ilegalmente las plantillas biométricas de cara de los usuarios que fueron etiquetados en fotos sin su consentimiento. Facebook resolvió la demanda por $650 millones después de ser reglado por el juez que una oferta anterior por $550 millones no era suficiente dada una pena mínima de $1,000 por violación si se demostraba culpable en la corte.

Sorprendentemente, a principios de 2020, Facebook informó de 2.47 millones de usuarios activos diarios y 3.14 millones de usuarios activos mensuales en todas sus las redes sociales, por ejemplo, Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp y Oculus. Dado ese volumen de usuarios, no es sorprendente que Facebook haya llegado a un acuerdo en lugar de enfrentar una pena multimillonaria si se demuestra culpable en los tribunales.

La compra de Instagram en 2012 fue fácil para Facebook, ya que vio a sus usuarios pasar más tiempo y atención fuera de Facebook y en Instagram. Lo que es más importante reconocer es que con esta compra Facebook ganara cuota de mercado y datos de usuarios en el espacio de las redes sociales.

Al igual que todas las transacciones corporativas de alto perfil, Facebook tuvo que superar las preocupaciones antimonopolio, pero ahora se enfrentan a otra demanda de clase de BIPA acusándolos de una vez más recoger ilegalmente plantillas de cara biométricas. Esta vez se relaciona con los usuarios de Instagram.

Dada la cantidad de datos que Facebook valora, es fácil imaginar que sabían exactamente qué información estaba recopilando Instagram al analizar fotos o contenido de vídeo. En términos generales, Facebook debería seguir fortaleciendo sus póliza de privacidad, pero hacerlo podría costarles mucho en ganancias. Te dejo con una breve cita del juez en el caso BIPA de Facebook comentando sobre las empresas implicadas y donde deja la puerta abierta para futuras demandas contra estas empresas:

“La otra cosa que me preocupa es el alcance de las empresas liberadas. Incluye todas las empresas afiliadas… Quiero decir, ya sabes, eso es Instagram. Eso es Oculus. Eso es WhatsApp... no estoy dispuesto a dejar que esas compañías se desanillen en este caso, donde no eran acusados, las demandas en contra de ellos no fueron articuladas, y la cantidad que la gente agraviada va a obtener es de $150. Eso no me parece bien.”

Walmart Reaches $10M Settlement with Employees in Class Action BIPA Lawsuit 01/25/2021

Another lawsuit where a large corporation settles, and rightfully so given Walmart would be required to pay $1,000 to $5,000 per eligible employee if proven guilty in court; that is roughly $22M- $110M instead of the $10M they paid

Walmart Reaches $10M Settlement with Employees in Class Action BIPA Lawsuit Walmart has reached a $10 million settlement with employees in a class action lawsuit in Illinois over its collection of biometric data


개인 생체정보 보호법(BIPA)은 개인의 생체정보를 불법적으로 수집·저장하는 것을 막기 위해 2008년 통과됐습니다. 수년 동안 이 법은 조용히 시행되었지만, 2020년 페이스북은 사진에 태그가 붙은 사용자들의 얼굴 인식 데이터를 동의 없이 불법 보관해왔다는 혐의를 받아 개인 생체정보보호법의 역사적인 집단소송에 대해 합의를 본 바 있습니다. 페이스북은 5억 달러에 합의를 제안했었으나, 유죄가 인정되면 당초 한 건의 위반당 최소 천 달러를 배상해야 하는
상황에서 그것은 충분하지 않다며 판사에게 꾸지람을 듣고 6억 5천만 달러(약 8천억원)를 지급했습니다. 놀랍게도, 2020년 초에 페이스북은 페이스북, 인스타그램, 페이스북 메신저, 왓츠앱 및 오큘러스와 같은 모든 제품에 대해 총 24억 7천만 명의 일간순이용자(DAU)와 31억 4천만 명의 월간순이용자가 현재 사용하고 있다고 보고했습니다. 이 같은 이용자 수를 감안할 때 법정에서 유죄가 입증될 경우 수십억 달러 규모의 배상금이 발생할 가능성이 있었던 페이스북이 합의에
이른 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다.

페이스북이 얼마나 많은 데이터를 저장하는지와 그 데이터들의 판매로 이익을 얻으려는 목적도 이제 분명해졌습니다. 특히 페이스북은 일찌감치 사용자 데이터의 가치가 어느 정도인지를 인식해 웹 분석업체 ‘오나보’를 써서 페이스북의 경쟁사를 감시하도록 하여 시장점유율을 확대하려 했고, 결국 십억달러의 인스타그램 인수 과정을 오나보에 전적으로 맡겼습니다.

2012년 인스타그램의 구매는 기존 페이스북 사용자들이 사진 및 영상 기반 경쟁자들의 플랫폼으로 이탈하는 것을 목격해왔기 때문에 당연한 수순이었지만, 더 중요한 것은 그것이 그들이 더 많은 시장점유율을 얻을 수 있었고 또 인스타그램의 데이터를 얻는 방법이었다는 것입니다. 독점 금지에 대한 우려를 극복하는 것이 페이스북에게는 매우 중요한 일이지만, 이제 그들은 인스타그램 사용자들의 얼굴 인식 데이터를 불법적으로 수집한 혐의로 또 다시 개인 생체정보 보호법 집단 소송에 직면해 있습니다. 페이스북이 데이터를 얼마나 중시하는지를 감안하면 인스타그램이 사진이나 영상 콘텐츠를 분석할 때 어떤 정보를 수집하고 있는지 그들이 정확히 알고 있었다는 것은 상상하기 쉽습니다. 일반적으로 말해서, 페이스북이 오늘날 거대기업임을 감안할 때 개인정보 보호정책을 계속해서 강화해야 마땅하겠지만, 그렇게 함으로써 잠재적인 손실로 이익이 바닥을 치게 될 수도 있습니다. 페이스북 개인 생체정보 보호법 소송 사건에서 판사가 관련 회사에 대해 언급하는 짧은 인용문을 남깁니다:

"제가 또 우려하는 것은 석방된 당사자들의 규모입니다. 여기에는 '페이스북의 자매 및 계열사'가 모두 포함됩니다. 제 말은, 모두 아시다시피, 이건 인스타그램이에요. 오큘러스입니다. 왓츠앱입니다... 저는그들이 피고인이 아닌, 그들에 대한 주장이 연결되지 않은 이 사건에서 이 회사들이 처벌을 면하도록 해줄 의향이 없습니다. 억울한 사람들이 받게 될 액수는 150달러입니다. 제가 보기엔 그건 옳지 않은 것 같아요."


Key takeaway: Illinois was one of the first states to pass biometric privacy laws and others have followed suit now that they see how much companies profit from this data. Facebook settled for $650M and we wonder how long before Instagram faces the music and settles?

The Illinois State Legislature passed the Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) in 2008 to protect against the unlawful collection and storage of a person’s biometric information in Illinois. In 2020 plaintiff’s counsel filed a class action lawsuit against Facebook alleging that Facebook violated BIPA by illegally storing the biometric face templates of users who were tagged in photos without their consent. Facebook settled the class action lawsuit for $650 million after being scolded by the Judge that an earlier offer to settle for $500 million was not enough given a $1,000 minimum penalty per violation if proven guilty.

Remarkably, in early 2020, Facebook reported 2.47 billion daily active users and 3.14 billion monthly active users across all of its offerings—e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Oculus. Given that user volume, it is not surprising that Facebook settled instead of potentially facing a multibillion-dollar penalty if proven guilty in court.
It is also now clear just how much data Facebook stores and all for the purpose of profiting from its sale. Facebook, in particular, recognized early on how much their user data was worth, so they tried to expand their market share by hiring, Onavo, a web analytics firm, to assist with the surveillance of Facebook’s competitors and eventually relied on Onavo to work through the process of acquiring Instagram for $1B.

The purchase of Instagram in 2012 was natural for Facebook to do as it saw its users transition more of their time and attention away from Facebook to Instagram. More importantly the acquisition was a way for Facebook to gain market share and user data in the social media space. Like all high-profile corporate transactions, Facebook had to overcome antitrust concerns, but now they are facing another BIPA class action accusing them of once again illegally collecting biometric face templates. This time it relates to Instagram users. Given how much Facebook values data, it is easy to imagine they knew exactly what information Instagram was collecting when analyzing photos or video content. Generally speaking, Facebook should continue to strengthen its privacy policies given the behemoth it is today but doing so could potentially cost them dearly in bottom line profit. I leave you with a short quote from the Judge in the Facebook BIPA case commenting on the companies involved:

“The other thing I'm concerned about is the scope of the parties released. It includes all of… 'Facebook's sister and affiliated companies.' I mean, you know, that's Instagram. That's Oculus. That's WhatsApp...I am not willing to let those companies off the hook in this case, where they weren't defendants, claims against them were not articulated, and the amount that the aggrieved people are going to get is $150. That just doesn't seem right to me."


CFA files price-fixing lawsuit 01/20/2021

CCC knows how broad the class action space can be, but antitrust matters are particularly interesting to us since the key Defendants tend to stay at the top of their industry even after settling. Reach out if you need help filing a claim in the Broiler Chicken Antitrust Settlement.

CFA files price-fixing lawsuit Chick-fil-A, the Georgia-based fast food giant, has filed suit against a string of major poultry processors, including some based in Georgia, claiming price fixing.

Aviso en Español | Smartphone Performance Settlement 01/19/2021

Como líder mundial en electrónica de consumo, Apple ha empujado los límites de lo que los teléfonos celulares pueden hacer realmente. También se han enfrentado con unos obstáculos. A lo largo de los años, el iPhone y Android han estado en una batalla continua por la cuota de mercado. Para satisfacer el apetito del público, Apple implementó innovaciones en su dispositivo, como la producción de pantallas más grandes para el iPhone 6. Estos nuevos iPhones y otras generaciones del teléfono se vendieron con procesadores de chip A8 que promueven velocidades de rendimiento más rápidas, mientras que son más eficientes energéticamente.

Desafortunadamente, a medida que el iPhone aumentaba su potencia informática, también requería actualizaciones de software, lo que supuestamente ralentizaba el rendimiento. Como resultado, se presentó una demanda colectiva contra Apple por el rendimiento reducido de dispositivos iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus y/o se que ejecutaban iOS 10.2.1 o posterior o dispositivos iPhone 7 y 7 Plus que ejecutaban iOS 11.2 o posterior.

Apple resolvió el caso bajo condiciones únicas: Si hay suficiente gente que participa en la demanda, pueden pagar hasta $500M a los consumidores dañados del iPhone, aunque actualmente, sólo $310M se reserva para ser distribuido. La fecha límite para presentar una reclamación ha pasado, pero con menos del 10% de las personas elegibles participando, nos gustaría ayudar presentando y comprando su reclamación tardía si usted cree que es elegible. Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información y tenga en cuenta que puede presentar una reclamación tardía por su cuenta.

Aviso en Español | Smartphone Performance Settlement Si usted es o fue propietario estadounidense de un dispositivo iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus o SE con iOS 10.2.1 o posterior en el territorio estadounidense antes del 21 de diciembre de 2017, o propietario estadounidense de un dispositivo iPhone 7 o 7 Plus con iOS 11.2 o posterior en el territorio e...

Home | Smartphone Performance Settlement 01/12/2021

As a global leader in consumer electronics, Apple has pushed the boundaries of what cellphones can truly do. They have also faced a fair share of hurdles. Over the years, iPhone and Android have been in a continuous battle over market share. To satisfy the public’s appetite, Apple feverishly implemented innovations to its flagship device, such as producing larger screens for the iPhone 6. These new iPhones and other generations of the phone were sold with A8 chip processors promoting faster performance speeds, while being more energy efficient.

Unfortunately, as the iPhone increased its computing power, it also required software updates, which allegedly slowed down performance. As a result, a class action was filed against Apple for the reduced performance of iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, and/or SE devices that ran iOS 10.2.1 or later or iPhone 7 and 7 Plus devices that ran iOS 11.2 or later.

Apple settled the case under unique conditions: if enough people participate, they can pay as much as $500M to harmed iPhone consumers, although currently, only $310M is set aside to be distributed. The deadline to file a timely claim has passed, but with less than 10% of eligible people participating, we would like to help by filing and purchasing your late claim if you believe you are eligible. Please reach out to learn more and note you can file a late claim on your own: https://www.smartphoneperformancesettlement.com/

Home | Smartphone Performance Settlement If you are or were a U.S. owner of an iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, and/or SE device that ran iOS 10.2.1 or later before December 21, 2017, and/or a U.S. owner of an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus device that ran iOS 11.2 or later before December 21, 2017, you could be entitled to benefits under a class action...


Si los fabricantes de automóviles podrían aprender algo del escándalo de las emisiones de diesel de Volkswagen, es que ocultar información o sus prácticas como empresa puede costarle caro, $14,700,000,000 es lo que le costó a VW para llegar a un acuerdo con tres agencias federales que demandaron por sus prácticas comerciales engañosas. Ahora estamos en el 2020 y Mercedes-Benz ha llegado a un acuerdo por más de $3,000,000,000 por supuestamente instalar una característica de software que redujo la producción de emisiones.

El acuerdo les costará miles de millones, pero no solo financieramente, también en términos de su reputación. Son percibidos como un fabricante de coches de lujo, pero cortando las esquinas puede disminuir esa percepción rápidamente. La reputación de una compañía de automóviles de lujo es uno de sus activos más importantes, Mercedes-Benz lo ha puesto en la tabla de picar.

En términos generales, el caso se trata de unos 250,000 vehículos de pasajeros diésel Mercedes-Benz y camionetas Sprinter vendidos en los EE.UU. entre 2009 y 2016 que utilizaron software de trampa de emisiones. El acuerdo pagará más de $700,000,000 a los propietarios de vehículos elegibles y las actualizaciones de software también se harán para cumplir con los reguladores federales. Estos vehículos incluyen:

E250 (2014-2016)
E350 (2011-2013)
GL320 (2009)
GL350 (2010-2016)
GLE300d (2016)
GLE350d (2016)
GLK250 (2013-2015)
ML250 (2015)
ML320 (2009)
ML350 92010-2014)
R320 (2009)
R350 (2010-2012)
S350 (2012-2013)
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (4-cylinder) (2014-2016)
Freightliner Sprinter (4-cylinder) (2014-2016)
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (6-cylinder) (2010-2016)
Freightliner Sprinter (6-cylinder) (2010-2016)

Publicaremos más información sobre el caso cuando hay actualizaciones y por favor póngase en contacto si cree que puede haber sido propietario o que actualmente tiene uno de estos vehículos.


만약 자동차 제조 업체가 ‘폭스바겐 디젤게이트’를 통해 배운것이 있다면, 그것은 정보를 숨기거나 영업 관행에 대해 거짓말을 하면 소비자들에게 많은 비용을 지불해야 한다는 사실 일 것 입니다. $14.7 Billion(14.7조 원)은 소비자들을 기만하는 영업 관행에 대해 소송을 제기한 세 개의 연방 기관과 협의하는 데 폭스바겐이 소비한 비용입니다. 2020년 현재, 메르세데스-벤츠는 규제 기관에서 차량들을 테스트할 때 배기 가스 배출량을 줄이는 소프트웨어를 설치한 혐의로 $3 Billion(3조 원) 가량에 합의하였습니다. 합의는 재정적으로 막대할 뿐만 아니라 그들의 명성에도 큰 악영향을 끼칠 것 입니다. 이러한 사소한 행동으로 메르세데스-벤츠는 고급 자동차 회사 이미지에 타격을 줄 수 있는 위험에 처했습니다.

광범위하게 말하자면 이 소송은 배기 가스 배출량을 줄이는 소프트웨어를 사용하여 2009년부터 2016년까지 미국에서 판매 된 약 250,000 대의 메르세데스-벤츠 디젤 승용차와 스프린터 밴에 적용됩니다. 합의는 자격이 되는 차량 소유자에게 $700,000,000 이상을 지불 할 것이며 연방 규제 기관법을 준수하기 위해 소프트웨어 업데이트도 요구 할 것 입니다. 아래와 같은 차량들이 포함 됩니다.

E250 (2014-2016)
E350 (2011-2013)
GL320 (2009)
GL350 (2010-2016)
GLE300d (2016)
GLE350d (2016)
GLK250 (2013-2015)
ML250 (2015)
ML320 (2009)
ML350 92010-2014)
R320 (2009)
R350 (2010-2012)
S350 (2012-2013)
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (4-cylinder) (2014-2016)
Freightliner Sprinter (4-cylinder) (2014-2016)
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (6-cylinder) (2010-2016)
Freightliner Sprinter (6-cylinder) (2010-2016)

승인을 위한 최종 단계에 도달하면 이 사례에 대한 더 많은 정보를 게시 할 예정이며 이러한 차량 중 하나를 소유했었거나 현재 소유하신 분들은 문의 하시기 바랍니다.


If auto manufacturers could learn anything from the VW Diesel Emissions scandal, it is that concealing information or flat out lying about your business practices can cost you dearly, $14,700,000,000 ($14.7 Billion) is what it cost VW to settle with three federal agencies who sued over their deceitful business practices. Fast forward to 2020 and Mercedes-Benz has now settled for over $3,000,000,000 ($3 Billion) for allegedly installing a software feature that reduced emission output when their vehicles are being tested by regulators. The settlement will cost them billions, but not only financially, also in terms of their reputation. They are perceived as a luxury car maker, but cutting corners can diminish that perception quickly. A luxury car company’s reputation is one of its most important assets, Mercedes-Benz has put it on the chopping block.

Broadly speaking the litigation addressed an estimated 250,000 Mercedes-Benz diesel passenger cars and Sprinter vans sold in the U.S between 2009 and 2016 that used emissions cheating software. The settlement will pay over $700,000,000 to owners of eligible vehicles and software updates will also be made to comply with federal regulators. Those vehicles include:

E250 (2014-2016)
E350 (2011-2013)
GL320 (2009)
GL350 (2010-2016)
GLE300d (2016)
GLE350d (2016)
GLK250 (2013-2015)
ML250 (2015)
ML320 (2009)
ML350 92010-2014)
R320 (2009)
R350 (2010-2012)
S350 (2012-2013)
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (4-cylinder) (2014-2016)
Freightliner Sprinter (4-cylinder) (2014-2016)
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter (6-cylinder) (2010-2016)
Freightliner Sprinter (6-cylinder) (2010-2016)

We will be posting more information on the case as it reaches the final steps for approval and please reach out if you think you may have owned or currently own one of these vehicles. We will post the settlement website as soon as it goes live as well.

More than 1.4M Facebook Users in Illinois Filed Claim for Payout in $650M Settlement, Attorney Says 12/02/2020

Feliz diciembre, mi gente! Esperemos que todos han disfrutado de una agradable cena de Acción de Gracias y que pudieron pasar tiempo con sus familias. Antes de la fecha límite del 23 de noviembre, CCC presentó bastantes reclamaciones para nuestros clientes en el Acuerdo BIPA de Facebook en IL, pero curiosamente menos del 10% de las personas elegibles participaron. Ahora estamos intentando presentar y comprar reclamaciones tardías, así que si crees que eres elegible, pero no presentastes una reclamación a tiempo mandenos un mensaje. NBC también publicó la siguiente historia con una actualización sobre el caso: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/more-than-1-4m-facebook-users-in-illinois-filed-claim-for-payout-in-650m-settlement-attorney-says/2379492/?fbclid=IwAR2eUIdr6pk6G3W8-QR672mFlBbDV-CXEQxnqIK2mnfCSxQCrecven4od-0

More than 1.4M Facebook Users in Illinois Filed Claim for Payout in $650M Settlement, Attorney Says More than 1.42 million Illinois residents filed a claim for a payout potentially ranging from $200 to $400 from a $650 million settlement in a lawsuit filed against Facebook.

More than 1.4M Facebook Users in Illinois Filed Claim for Payout in $650M Settlement, Attorney Says 12/02/2020

Happy December, everyone! We hope you all enjoyed a delicious Thanksgiving meal and spent time with family and friends. Prior to the Nov. 23 deadline, CCC filed quite a few claims for our clients in the IL FB BIPA Settlement, but interestingly less than 10% of eligible people filed. We are now attempting to file and purchase late claims so reach out if you believe you qualify but did not file a claim on time. Check out the NBC story: https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/more-than-1-4m-facebook-users-in-illinois-filed-claim-for-payout-in-650m-settlement-attorney-says/2379492/

More than 1.4M Facebook Users in Illinois Filed Claim for Payout in $650M Settlement, Attorney Says More than 1.42 million Illinois residents filed a claim for a payout potentially ranging from $200 to $400 from a $650 million settlement in a lawsuit filed against Facebook.

Facebook llegó a un Acuerdo de $650 miliones de dolares para usuarios en Illinois 11/22/2020

¡Feliz domingo! Mañana es el último día para presentar una reclamación en la demanda colectiva de Facebook. Por favor comuníquese si tiene preguntas.


Facebook llegó a un Acuerdo de $650 miliones de dolares para usuarios en Illinois Reclame su dinero de esta demanda colectiva con CCC.

Just a few days left for Illinoisans to file for share of $650M Facebook settlement, which has already drawn nearly 1.4 million claims 11/21/2020

Just 72 hours before the deadline to participate. You can file on your own without CCC. If you would like to avoid waiting sign up to sell your claim and receive $100 in 30 days. Thank you Chicago Tribune for the reminder piece: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-facebook-privacy-settlement-deadline-illinois-20201119-y5et6mdz6va4ph676mijbd3nzi-story.html%3foutputType=amp

Just a few days left for Illinoisans to file for share of $650M Facebook settlement, which has already drawn nearly 1.4 million claims Illinois Facebook users have until Monday to file a claim in a $650 million privacy settlement. With nearly 1.4 million claimants, your share could be worth about $400.

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