Spartan Lifestyle

Spartan Lifestyle

Mindset, Nutrition, and Fitness Coaching designed to help you achieve your health goals and achieve


As Summer draws to an end the sun is shining less hours in the day. But you still have the same 24 hours! Stay focused, continue the path!


Happy Labor Day!


By improving your body, mind, and spirit we will improve your relationships, productivity, and well-being. Let's work together to always be improving!


Do you want to improve your life? No matter what "stage or age" you are at I can help!



Most of us love the break of Summer. A little sense of freedom. Late nights outdoors. An extra ice cream cone each week. But, one great thing that Back To School brings is a sense of structure. A little relief for us as parents knowing that the kids will be "entertained" on a regular schedule.

How can this help us as parents?
-Schedule your time.
-Make time for your walks and workouts.
-Plan your meals and prep them.
-Spend time feeding your brain and soul with good things.

Allow the structure of Back To School to help structure you a little more this year.


It's National Wellness Month. Is it time for you to regroup and take care of yourself? I am here to help! Reach out to me today, and this time next year you will be so focused on living the Spartan Lifestyle that you won't need a regroup.


Choose to be a Champion for yourself today!


The Spartan Lifestyle is not a program that you do. The Spartan Lifestyle is part of your everyday life. You make the choice daily to be in the scripture, sharpening your mind, fueling your body properly, and caring for it through movement and strength training. We will encompass goals, schedules, obstacles, and even forgiveness, creating a foundation for positive change.

I empower you through education to break down your current barriers and so you can feel good about your daily choices and can be transformed.

Do you want to take the first steps in your lifestyle transformation? DM me!


Here are what others are saying about Spartan Lifestyle Coaching:
-I feel more of a sense of gratitude.
-I sleep better.
-I am moving better.
-This is more than strength.
-I didn't know workouts don't always have to be hardcore.
-I have less brain fog.
-I like that I don't have to make decisions every day. They are already planned.
-I am thankful for the accountability.
-I love that Coach Nick tailors to my specific needs.
-This is sustainable.


This week in my emails I talked about "Is Peanut Butter a Protein?".

What do you think? Is it a protein? Drop your thoughts below 👇🏼👇🏼

If you are not part of our biweekly virtual communications and want to be send me a DM!


The key component of Spartan Lifestyle is making this a lifestyle not "another diet or fad". Here are a few tips on how to stay on track! If you would like more information about living the Spartan Lifestyle DM me!


The Iowa State Fair starts this week! There is so much to love! Angie and I love the Livestock/Ag Building and the food, of course! What is your favorite exhibit, ride, or fair food?


Let's chat about "emotional control"! Stay tuned as I divulge more information on how this plays into your success as an athlete and in all we do!


Gentlemen, are you ready to break the cycle that you have put yourself in?
Are you ready to find consistency at a higher level?

DM me today! Let's chat about living the Spartan Lifestyle!


Weekend Challenge:

It is the weekend. It is a time when most people fall off the health and wellness train. So this weekend I want to propose you do 5 things each day to help you feel "on track". Even if you are off to a late start, you still have plenty of time.

Do the full list today and tomorrow and you will feel like you stayed accomplished.


At Spartan Lifestyle Coaching we understand that everyone is on a different journey, both mentally and physically. Come as you are, we will meet you there as a starting point! We will help you break down the mental and physical barriers and help you achieve the success you have been looking for.


We all hear drink more water. The key to drinking more water is understanding why it is important for our bodies to be replenished Spartan Lifestyle Coaching wants you to understand the reasoning behind the methods. So that you can make informed decisions about your health and wellness!


Angie Rouse and I feel like we have unlocked the 4 keys to living our best life, and we love sharing this information with others! We want you to live life being the best version of yourself!

In our latest email, we share those 4 keys!

If you would like more information on living the Spartan Lifestyle or would like to be added to future communications, DM me!


Have you checked out the Summer Edition of 'What's Cookin' Ang?!'? Here is just one of the refreshing recipes that Angie makes up for us in the summertime! Reach out today to get your digital copy of 'What's Cookin' Ang?!'!


“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” –Robert Urich


Living the Spartan Lifestyle means being deliberate and intentional every day! This week's email included several tips on how to plan and stay on track tomorrow! If you are interested in being added dm me!


❓Are you a male aged 45-50 who is busy with your kids and career?
❓Are you struggling to develop an efficient and effective health program?
❓Are you feeling frustrated with your lack of process?
❓Are you and your peer group starting to experience more frequent health complications?
❓Have you been sitting on the sidelines watching my videos and posts thinking maybe one day?
❓Do you find that your mind sabotages your daily routine and activities?

👊🏼If 1 or all of the above describes you, reach out today! Let's have a consultation at 773-682-9308!

Shift Your Focus: From "Summer Body" to Feeling Good 27/06/2024

Shift your focus from summer body to feeling good! Find out how here 👇🏼👇🏼

Shift Your Focus: From "Summer Body" to Feeling Good Summer's here, and with it comes all sorts of messages about achieving a so-called "summer body." But this year, let's ditch the pressure and focus on feeling our absolute best! Instead of chasing a fleeting ideal, let's embrace a summer of feeling good. This means: Finding joy in movement: Instead....


Please leave your 5-Star Review here 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


Here are two photos, taken 14 years apart: my last MMA fight and my recent BJJ tournament. In both, I looked physically prepared and ready to go, but I fell short and didn’t win. The disappointment was real.

However, the real victory was in the journey. I built mental strength, committed to excellence, and embraced growth while facing fear. It wasn’t about the wins but about the confidence and resilience I gained. It was about overcoming the embarrassment I felt 14 years ago. And taking my piece of humble pie with a little more grace as an older athlete.

Sometimes, even when we feel we’ve come up short in achieving big goals, we realize we’ve achieved a lot just by pursuing them.

Focus on what you can control: your effort, mindset, and daily choices. Prioritize your input goals and let the output goals take care of themselves. While outcomes may vary, the commitment to improve will always lead to a fulfilling life.


Healthy habits are a way of life, not a sports season!

Are you kids out of school and thinking it's now time to relax? This is how most kid's/teen's minds operate. But if your child is an athlete this is the opposite of what they should be doing. Yes, summer is a time to enjoy the warmth, long days, and extra time, however, now is not the time to stop conditioning. It is extra important that your youth athlete continues to work on the muscles and the skills they use in season. That way when they are back in season they are building upon the conditioning (mentally and physically), not starting over.

For questions dm me!


Happy First Day of Summer! Just in time for Summer, Angie Rouse has released her What's COOKIN' ANG?! Summer Recipes! If you are interested in getting your own copy dm me!


I love working with student-athletes. While the approach is similar, it is also very different. The young athletes come to see me to take their sport to the next level, however, Spartan Lifestyle Coaching gives them a holistic approach to their "workout". Just as working with adults we also focus on mindset, education, and the why behind things. The best part is seeing the lightbulb come on when they learn it does not have to be an intense workout. We can take things slow, and focus on the right movements/inputs, and the reward will be great!

Videos (show all)

Can you hear the grass calling?The weather is beginning to change and I’m excited to get back outside more regularly.  S...
⚔️Spartan Lifestyle Men’s Academy⚔️Week in Review!A financial professional realized that you can’t just listen and read ...
Office Mobility
Nathan Temeyer talks to us today about his and wife Nicole Temeyer’s experience in the Spartan Lifestyle Program.Nathan ...
Friday Night Lights!
Poached Cod with Chili Tomato Sauce!
Chili Roasted Sweet Potatoes!
3 Best Exercises to Stand Tall and Proud!
Brussels Sprouts and Steak Stir-fry
Strong Together!
How to Bake Spartan Warrior Banana Bread!
Goodbye, Poor Posture! Hello, Exercises for Pelvic Tilt!

