Refa Tax Service Co.
Here for all your tax and book keeping needs. Everything from payroll to annual income taxes. offers a variety of services at top quality.
Our modest, family oriented business has been operating since 1996 out of Chicago, IL. Officially rated in the top three percentile in the U.S., Refa Tax Service Co. This including, but not limited to, payroll services, sales and restaurant taxes, IFTA/HUT, specific permits, and of course business and personal income taxes. We'll even help you start your new business with comprehensive guidance. W
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Refa Tax Service Co.: Client Videos The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act: What You Need to Do Now: Feeling confused about what to do when confronting the new tax laws? Here's a great place to start.
Refa Tax Service Co.: Client Videos Key 2017 Tax Highlights: Focus on key information you need to know for the upcoming tax season.
Top GOP senator says election losses could complicate tax reform Republicans face head winds from a new $74 billion hole in their plan and political fallout from Tuesday’s state and local losses.
6 Most Important Deductions You Need to Claim | GOBankingRates As Americans fire up their laptops and desktops to get another e-filing tax season underway, they might overlook something as old as tax time itself: savvy tax deductions that can coax a smile as you file. Take a look at the six most important tax deductions you should claim this tax season as you g...
From child-care costs to mortgage interest to charitable donations to moving expenses, the IRS offers a lengthy list of tax write-offs that can reduce your taxable income, so read carefully and decide which ones you can take. To help get you started, here's a list of the 50 best tax deductions for 2017.
Tax Deductions 2017: 50 Tax Write-Offs You Don't Know About Don't miss out on savings with these 50 tax write-offs.
IRS Special Edition Tax Tip 2016-13 - The Internal Revenue Service and its Security Summit partners this week issued an alert to taxpayers and tax professionals to be on the lookout for fake IRS tax bills that may arrive by email, as an attachment, or by mail purportedly related to the Affordable Care Act.
The IRS has received numerous reports of scammers sending a fraudulent version of a notice- labeled CP2000 - for tax year 2015. The issue has been reported to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration for investigation.
This scam may arrive by email, as an attachment, or by mail. It has many signs of being a fake:
The CP2000 notices appear to be issued from an Austin, Texas, address;
The letter says the issue is related to the Affordable Care Act and requests information regarding 2014 coverage;
The payment voucher lists the letter number as 105C;
Requests checks made out to I.R.S. and sent to the “Austin Processing Center” at a post office box.
IRS impersonation scams take many forms: threatening phone calls, phishing emails and demanding letters. Learn more at Reporting Phishing and Online Scams. The IRS does not initiate unsolicited email contact or contact by social media.
An authentic CP2000 notice is used when income reported from third-party sources such as an employer does not match the income reported on the tax return. Unlike the fake, it provides extensive instructions to taxpayers about what to do if they agree or disagree that additional tax is owed. A real notice requests that checks be made out to “United States Treasury.”
The IRS and its Security Summit partners – the state tax agencies and the private-sector tax industry – are conducting a campaign to raise awareness among taxpayer and tax professionals about increasing their security and becoming familiar with various tax-related scams.
For more information on scams as well as steps you can take to boost your security, visit Taxes. Security. Together or Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself on
Health Care Law:
What’s New for
Individuals & Families
Do I Need to File a Tax Return?
Information You Will Need:
Filing status
Federal income tax withheld
Basic information to help you determine your gross income
Do I Need to File a Tax Return? Estimated Completion Time: 12 minutes. However: 15 minutes of inactivity will end the interview and you will be forced to start over.
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Stay Vigilant Against Bogus IRS Phone Calls and Emails Tax scams take many different forms. Recently, the most common scams are phone calls and emails from thieves who pretend to be from the IRS. They use the IRS name, logo or a fake website to try to steal your money. They may try to steal your identity too. Here are several tips from the IRS to help y…
IRS-Impersonation Telephone Scam
An aggressive and sophisticated phone scam targeting taxpayers, including recent immigrants, has been making the rounds throughout the country. Callers claim to be employees of the IRS, but are not. These con artists can sound convincing when they call. They use fake names and bogus IRS identification badge numbers. They may know a lot about their targets, and they usually alter the caller ID to make it look like the IRS is calling.
Victims are told they owe money to the IRS and it must be paid promptly through a pre-loaded debit card or wire transfer. If the victim refuses to cooperate, they are then threatened with arrest, deportation or suspension of a business or driver’s license. In many cases, the caller becomes hostile and insulting.
Or, victims may be told they have a refund due to try to trick them into sharing private information.
If the phone isn't answered, the scammers often leave an “urgent” callback request.
Note that the IRS will never: 1) call to demand immediate payment, nor will the agency call about taxes owed without first having mailed you a bill; 2) demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe; 3) require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes, such as a prepaid debit card; 4) ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone; or 5) threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying.
Tax Scams/Consumer Alerts A bogus email asks tax professionals to update their IRS e-services portal information and Electronic Filing Identification Numbers (EFINs). The links that are provided in the bogus email to access IRS e-services appear to be a phishing scheme designed to capture your username and password. This ema…
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Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence Live in Central Park, 1981.
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Contact the business
5736 N Western Avenue
Chicago, IL
Opening Hours
Monday | 9am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 5pm |
Thursday | 9am - 5pm |
Friday | 9am - 5pm |
Saturday | 9am - 5pm |
Sunday | 9am - 5pm |
PO BOX 5299
Chicago, 60680
Accounting, tax preparation, all year round, problem resolution, experience and the personal touch :
We want to be your tax resource of choice, year in year out, and to grow with you. We have locations throughout the city and suburbs.
A professional black owned and operated income tax and bookkeeping business that has been in service since 1961.
4707 N Broadway Street Ste 308
Chicago, 60640
We are a CPA firm located in the Andersonville/Uptown neighborhood. Along with taxes we also offer a
Virtual Address
Chicago, 60690
Providing individuals & business with their bookkeeping, payroll, and income tax preparational needs
332 S Michigan Avenue , Suite 121 , PMB #5329
Chicago, 60604
Virtual and Mobile Services are available
159 North Sangamon Street
Chicago, 60607
We help you better manage your life, your business, your goals, your planning and make sure that you
7234 W Touhy Avenue
Chicago, 60631
Family owned and operated accounting and tax preparation services to businesses and individual customers throughout the greater Chicago land area for 50+ years.