IWS Family Health - Infant Welfare Society of Chicago, Chicago, IL Videos

Videos by IWS Family Health - Infant Welfare Society of Chicago in Chicago. IWS Family Health provides pediatrics, adult health, prenatal, dental, optometry, counseling, psychiatric services, coordinated care, speech & occupational therapy, social skills groups, & more at the Angel Harvey Family Health Center in Logan Square.

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Other IWS Family Health - Infant Welfare Society of Chicago videos

Únase con nosotros para escuchar anuncios de nuestro centro de salud y participar en una discusión sobre sus necesidades. Join us to hear updates and participate in a conversation about your needs.

🦷 Happy National Dentist's Day to our fantastic dentists! We are so grateful to your commitment to providing quality care and keeping our teeth healthy is appreciated. You make every visit comfortable and stress-free, and we are grateful for the personal attention you give to each of us. If you are interested in joining the talented dental team, visit our website to learn more about any open positions >> IWSFamilyHealth.com 💙 #ChicagoSmiles #NationalDentistsDay #ChicagoDentist #HealthySmiles — ¡Feliz Día Nacional del Dentista a nuestros fantásticos dentistas! Estamos muy agradecidos por su compromiso de brindar atención de calidad y gracias por mantener nuestros dientes sanos. Usted hace que cada visita sea cómoda y libre de estrés, y estamos agradecidos por la atención personal que nos brinda a cada uno de nosotros. Si está interesado en unirse con nuestro talentoso equipo dental, visite nuestro pagina de web para obtener más información sobre los puestos vacantes >> IWSFamilyHealth.com #SonrisasChicago #DíaNacionaldelDentista #DentistadeChicago #SonrisasSaludables

A heartfelt thank you to our incredible Auxiliary for creating and gifting the Angel Baby Bags with love and care. Your dedication brings comfort and warmth to our newborn patients. WANT TO GET INVOLVED WITH US? MANY OPTIONS 👇 #1: ⭐ JOIN THE AUXILIARY ⭐ The engine behind so many generous acts of kindness shared with our IWS patients—like these baby bags given to moms of a newborn on their first visit. With nine chapters across the Chicagoland area, there are plenty of opportunities to volunteer your time! #2: ⭕️BE A PART OF THE ASSOCIATE BOARD GIVING CIRCLE ⭕️ Want to make sure financial donations make a splash? The Giving Circle is comprised of generous donors who partner together to determine how donations are distributed. Give back to a cause near & dear to your heart with other like-minded givers. #3: 👼 BECOME AN ANGEL OF HOPE 👼 Your donations are tax-deductible all year long. Become a monthly giving partner as an Angel of Hope and provide a meaningful financial gift every month of the year. Your donations help us create a healthier and more equitable Chicago for everyone. Together, we can make a difference! 💙 #HealthcareForAll #ChicagoCares #DonateForChange

🤰Wondering if you're on the baby train? 🚂👶 Missed a period? Feel like puking occasionally? Tender breasts? Peeing like it's your job? Tired with mood swings in tow? Yep, these could be early pregnancy signs! 🤔 While not everyone gets the memo, these symptoms often signal baby news. Home tests are cool, but a pro's word seals the deal. Ready for the journey? Schedule your first prenatal care pitstop with us! 🚀📞 Call 773.782.2800 to get the party started. 💖 WE'VE GOT YOU, FAM! #UnexpectedPregnancy #PregnancyJoy #FamilyPlanning #PrenatalAdventure #IWSfamilyhealth #chicagohealth 🍼 _______ 🤰 ¿Te preguntas si estás en el tren del bebé? 🚂👶 ¿Has tenido falta de tu período? ¿Sientes náuseas de vez en cuando? ¿¿Senos sensibles? ¿Orinando como si fuera tu trabajo? ¿Cansancio con cambios de humor? Sí, ¡estos podrían ser signos tempranos de embarazo! 🤔 Aunque no todos reciben el memo, estos síntomas a menudo indican noticias de bebé. Las pruebas caseras son geniales, pero la palabra de un profesional sella el trato. ¿Listo para el viaje? ¡Programe tu primera parada de atención prenatal con nosotros! 🚀📞 Llama al 773.782.2800 para que comience la fiesta. 💖¡TE TENEMOS, FAMILIA! 🍼

Answering some common Q’s about the Covid-19 vaccine ^ 😉 💉 Help everyone in your community—including yourself—by preventing the spread of #COVID19. Remember to wear a mask, get tested, and stay home if you are sick. 😷 If you’re a patient and haven’t gotten vaccinated or received your booster, take action today. ☎️ Give us a call today at 773.782.2800 to schedule your COVID vaccine or booster. #IWSFamilyHealth #ChicagoHealth #CovidVaccine #CovidBooster #CovidConfidence #CovidFAQ

Join our team and make a difference! We are hiring a Licensed Therapist. Visit our website career page to learn more and apply today. ✍🏽 https://iwsfamilyhealth.org/about-us/careers/ #Chicagotherapist #Licensedtherapist #ChicagoHealth #IWSFamilyHealth #Hiring #mentalhealth #therapist

Si ves algo, di algo. Estamos en permanecer #TraumaInformed para que podamos ser la diferencia que queremos ver. Llama al 773.782-2800 si tú o alguien que conoces necesita ayuda. ______ If you see something, say something. We believe in remaining #TraumaInformed so we can be the difference we want to see. Call 773.782-2800 if you or someone you know needs help. #IWSFamilyHealth #StopBullying #AntiBullying #NoBullying #CyberBullying #BullyingAwareness #EndBullying #SayNoToBullying #TraumaInformedCounseling #Counseling #MentalHealth #SpeakUp #ConsejeríaInformadaSobreTrauma #Consejería #SaludMental

If you see something, say something. We believe in remaining #TraumaInformed so we can be the difference we want to see. Call 773.782-2800 if you or someone you know needs help. #IWSFamilyHealth #StopBullying #AntiBullying #NoBullying #CyberBullying #BullyingAwareness #EndBullying #SayNoToBullying #TraumaInformedCounseling #Counseling #MentalHealth #SpeakUp #ConsejeríaInformadaSobreTrauma #Consejería #SaludMental _____ Si ves algo, di algo. Estamos en permanecer #TraumaInformed para que podamos ser la diferencia que queremos ver. Llama al 773.782-2800 si tú o alguien que conoces necesita ayuda.

Mood. #IWSFamilyHeath #HispanicHeritageMonth #HispanicHeritage #Hispanic #HispanicsBeLike #Latino #Latinos #LatinosBeLike #Latina #LatinosUnidos #SomosLatinos #OrgulloLatino #LatinoPride #SoyLatina #SoyLatino #GrowingUpHispanic

The odds were against her—but there is HOPE at IWS Family Health! Why? Because of friends and partners who donate to see cycles of abuse, poverty, limited healthcare, and more broken FOR GOOD! Watch this powerful story of freedom, compassion, love, and acceptance unfold at: https://iwsfamilyhealth.org/get-involved/angels-of-hope/ and become a monthly donor today to make more stories of HOPE a reality. #IWSFamilyHealth #TeenPregnancy #ChicagoHealth #PrenatalCare — Las probabilidades estaban en su contra, ¡pero hay ESPERANZA en IWS Family Health! ¿Por qué? ¡Gracias a amigos y socios que donan para ver ciclos de abuso, pobreza, atención médica limitada y más rotos PARA SIEMPRE! Vea cómo se desarrolla esta poderosa historia de libertad, compasión, amor y aceptación en: https://iwsfamilyhealth.org/get-involved/angels-of-hope/ y conviértase en un donante mensual hoy para hacer realidad más historias de ESPERANZA.

🙅🏽‍♀️ THAT’S NOT OUR NAME! Hey, don’t worry... legally, we will remain the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago. But I’m sure even YOU have a preferred “shortened name.” Well ours in now ➡️ IWS Family Health! Short and sweet so you can reference us easily when you spread the news about your favorite clinic 😉 Not a patient yet? Well, you and the whole family can join us today at iwsfamilyhealth.org/contact-us/ — 🙅🏽‍♀️ ¡ESE NO ES NUESTRO NOMBRE! Oye, no te preocupes... legalmente seguiremos siendo la Sociedad de Bienestar Infantil de Chicago. Pero estoy seguro de que incluso USTED tiene un “nombre abreviado” preferido. Bueno, el nuestro ahora ➡️ IWS Family Health! Breve y dulce para que pueda hacer referencia a nosotros fácilmente cuando difunda las noticias sobre su clínica favorita 😉 ¿Aún no eres paciente? Bueno, tú y toda la familia pueden unirse a nosotros hoy en http://iwsfamilyhealth.org/contact-us/

What's in a name?... Well, let our Chief Strategy Officer, Michelle DiBenedetto, tell you! Take a look at what she has to say about how a shortened name means MORE for the future! #IWSFamilyHealth ____ ¿Lo que hay en un nombre?... Bueno, ¡deje que nuestra directora de estrategia, Michelle DiBenedetto, se lo cuente! ¡Echa un vistazo a lo que tiene que decir sobre cómo un nombre abreviado significa MÁS para el futuro!

Did you catch a bit of Denise’s story earlier this week?... We can’t wait for you to see how the story ends. Take a look at this video. And remember—stories of HOPE like this are made possible because of generous friends like YOU! Help change the narrative for another life today when you give at: infantwelfaresociety.org/eoy — Viste la primera parte de la historia de Denise esta semana¿... No podemos esperar que veas cómo termina la historia. Mira este video y recuerda —las historias de ESPERANZA como esta son posibles gracias a amigos generosos como USTED! Ayúdanos a cambiar la historia de otra vida hoy con su contribución aquí: infantwelfaresociety.org/eoy/

It’s National Health Center Week, and we are honored to have served the Chicago community for more than 100 years. Thank you for trusting us with your medical needs. To us, you are family. #NationalHealthCenterWeek

At Angel Harvey Family Health Center, we take care of the whole family and love to support our Chicago community in the process. So if you or anyone you know needs assistance even beyond your healthcare needs, check out our community resources. We have partners in everything from childcare to housing! Take a look here: https://infantwelfaresociety.org/patients/community-resources/

Our Goal: Bridge the Gap
Our goal is to the bridge the gap in healthcare for all. We believe that everyone should have access to healthier minds, healthier bodies, and ultimately healthier futures. Please consider visiting www.hindsdaleiws.com to participate in the silent auction fundraiser for the Hinsdale Chapter of the Auxiliary’s Illuminate 2021 Tablescapes open now through March 21 only! Thank you for your continued support! #communityimpact

How amazing is the @Pluie diaper changing table? 👶🏻Multipurpose handles (holds your purse mama’s) 👶🏼Plush-foam cushion 👶🏽Retractable security strap (for those squirmy babies we love so much) 👶🏾And most importantly, the world’s FIRST sanitizing UVC light system Open the table. Change your baby. Close it up. And within 1 minute, it’s disinfected and ready to for the next cutie pie! We’re so grateful to partner with #Pluie for their very first installation of this revolutionary technology, especially in this ongoing season of #COVID19 Healthy bodies. Healthy minds. That’s what it’s all about. Come on by and visit our Pediatric Wing to check out the new Pluie system. #communitysafety #healthybabies #peaceofmind

Is the COVID vaccine safe for your family? There’s a lot of information floating around about COVID vaccines – and it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. As your neighborhood healthcare home in Chicago, we are honored to serve as a trusted support to our community. Our very own Dr. Jennifer Powell, MD provides credible insight into why you can trust that the COVID vaccine is indeed safe. While some wonder if the vaccine was put together too quickly, Dr. Powell assures us, “Overall, we’ve seen that the money that was put forward, has led to good science, and that has produced a safe vaccine.” #covid #covid19vacccine

Advice for getting the COVID-19 vaccine
Are you concerned about getting the COVID-19 vaccine? Before you search for answers on the internet, check that the information comes from a credible source and is updated on a regular basis. ¡Que no te engañen! What better resource than your local physician! Hear from our very own Dr. Jennifer Powell, MD who gives you credible insight into the benefits of taking the vaccine. “I would encourage everyone who is interested in the vaccine to figure out a way to get it,” says Dr. Powell. “I think it is a miracle of modern science.” Get vaccinated and call us at 773-782-2800 if you have any questions!

COVID Vaccines
For the past month, we’ve had the privilege of vaccinating our staff, frontline essential workers and residents age 65+. We’ve served our Chicago community grocery store workers, teachers, and qualified patients. This week, we’re already beginning second doses of the #COVID19Vaccine It’s been an honor to be a part of leading the effort to provide a way through this pandemic. ¡Juntos lo superaremos!