Train with Shane

Train with Shane

One-to-one and partner training in River North and the north side of Chicago. I also do online fitness coaching.


Happy Father’s Day!


Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!


RIP. In the words of Tom Petty, there goes the last DJ. Lin’s bin was one the best segments ever.



Hang time. Hanging is good for grip strength, shoulder stability, and decompresses the spine. Hop up on the jungle gym the next time you’re at the playground.

Photos from Train with Shane's post 28/07/2022

Kale garden and boy eating kale


Kindergarten graduation today for this guy.


5 Plank Variations 👇

Follow for health and fitness tips 💡

Make your core workouts more challenging with these plank variations!

Give me a 👍 in the comments if you do any of these.


Dumbbell single arm row 💥

Follow for health & fitness tips.

The dumbbell row is one of the most incorrectly executed lifts I see.

People routinely allow their scapula to protract at the bottom of the movement and engage the upper trapezius on the pull, which takes emphasis away from the lats.

With most exercises, the faster they’re done, the worse the technique. Unless you’re going for speed and power, keep the reps slow and controlled.

To challenge the core muscles, kneel on the same side you’re rowing from (i.e. if you’re rowing with the right arm, place your right knee on the bench).

Tag a friend who needs help with their dumbbell rows 💪


Ab Wheel 🔥

Follow for health & fitness tips.

DM me with any questions 👊


Squat Better 👇
Follow for health and fitness tips 💡
The squat is a compound exercise that involves movement across several joints: the hips, knees and ankles. To avoid injury, use this checklist to ensure you are squatting properly:

1️⃣Stand with feet slightly wider then hip width apart. For proper foot position, do what works best for you (ie. toes pointed straight ahead, or slightly out). Pull the scapula down and back and brace the abdominals.
2️⃣With your weight in your heels, sit the hips back and keep knees behind toes.
3️⃣Keep the chest up and maintain a neutral spine. A slight arch in the lower back is acceptable.
4️⃣Engage your abs and breathe (inhale down and exhale coming up). The hips and torso should move in unison during the upward phase.
5️⃣How deep you go varies from person to person. I like to shoot for top of the quads parallel to the floor, but those lacking hip and ankle mobility might find this difficult. Go as low as you can while maintaining the best technique. If you lack ankle mobility, try placing 2.5- or 5-pound plates under your heels to lift them off the floor. Doing this reduces ankle dorsiflexion, which makes squatting more manageable.

As always tag a friend!


Resistance Training Equipment Progressions 😅

Follow for health & fitness tips.

Starting a resistance training program can be a daunting task.

With so many options where do you begin?

The answer can be complex, and depending on your experience it’s best to begin with a solid foundation of bodyweight movements.

Exercises like hip hinges, squats, lunges, hip bridges, push ups, and inverted push ups are a good place to start.

Then, following the continuum on the infographic, work your way down the list as your abilities and strength improve.

DM me about my VIP online fitness coaching service if you’re ready to get started with an intelligently designed program to achieve your goals 👊


I am paraphrasing this quote from an interview I read recently in .
He’s not the most likely person I would take health advice from, but I agree with Mr. Mellencamp on this one. Choose wisely, and shop on the perimeter of the grocery store my friends. And yes, I know he smokes like a chimney.


What Time Should You Exercise 🤷

Follow for health & fitness tips.

First of all, there’s no right or wrong answer here. The most important factor is exercising regularly and your routine fitting your schedule at a time that’s best for you.

I have found from experience that the people who exercise first thing in the morning have the highest compliance rate.

We all have busy lives, and something inevitability comes up during the day that thwarts the workout. Before you know it, two weeks have passed and you haven’t done rep number one.

What time of day do you work out?


Keep your back healthy 👇

Follow for health and fitness tips.

A healthy back equals a happy person.

Everyone has fallen victim to low back pain at some point in their lives.


Office workers.

Your mom.

Your dad.


One of the simplest activities you can do is walk. Walking utilizes the muscles of the hips and core, which are essential for back health.

It may seem obvious, but eating right is important too. Feeding your muscular system nutrient dense food is going to help keep you feeling your best.

A sound exercise program should include, but is not limited to: squats, lunges, glute bridge variations and isolated core work.

Tag a friend in need!


Boost your energy and improve your mood 💥

Follow for health and fitness tips.

I equate it to hitting the refresh button on myself.

It can be as simple as taking a 20 minute walk, or doing 2-3 rounds of a circuit using compound movements.

Make it happen 🙌


Fix Your Posture👇

Follow for health & fitness tips 👍

I fine an essential part of having good posture is being more aware of it.

A good place to start is getting in tune with the muscles between the scapula (the middle/lower trapezius and rhomboids). Learning how to pull the shoulder blades down and contract these can make a huge difference in how you feel and look on a day-to-day basis.

I recommend training your upper back muscles for endurance. Sitting at a desk all day can be a marathon, which is a lot of time for your scapula to potentially be in a protracted position.

Aim for 15-20 reps per set.

Finally, think about your desk ergonomics and if there are any changes you can make to put your body in a better position while at work.

Tag a friend or co-worker in need!


5 tips to get lean and lose fat 💪

Part 5: Sleep 7-9 hours

Lack of sleep has been shown to impact the hunger hormones gherlin and leptin, which can increase your appetite during the day. Do yourself a favor and get some sleep!

Give me a 👍in the comments if you sleep at least 7 hours regularly.


5 tips to get lean and lose fat 💪

Part 4: Interval train

Studies show that anaerobic interval training has a greater impact on fat loss than long cardio sessions due to EPOC (excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption). In short, after a bout of high intensity interval training metabolism is elevated for approximately 24-48 hours. During this period the body is burning more calories, most of which comes from fat.

An example workout would be intervals on the assault bike with a 1:2 or 1:3 work to rest ratio (15 seconds pushing hard and 30-45 seconds recovery) for 5-10 rounds.


5 tips to get lean and lose fat 💪

Part 3: Resistance train

As stated in part 2, you want weight loss to come from fat and not muscle. Resistance training increases resting metabolism and helps maintain (if not increase) muscle mass as you reduce body fat. In general you should:

*resistance train 2-3 days a week
*do 2-3 sets per exercise
*do 6-15 reps per set

Give me a 👍in the comments if this is your approach to resistance training.


5 tips to get lean and lose fat 💪

Part 2: Protein

Coupled with resistance training, protein is essential for preserving muscle tissue during weight loss. Ideally you want weight loss to come from fat and consuming enough protein ensures this process occurs. Protein also provides satiety, which can lead to an overall reduction in calorie intake (thus a calorie deficit 😉). Aim to consume 0.8-1 grams of protein per pound of body weight to promote fat loss.


5 tips to get lean and lose fat 💪

This is a 5 part series and today we look at part 1 👇

1. Be in a caloric deficit most days of the week. The deficit does not need to be huge, but it needs to be consistent. Start by tracking what you eat for a month to see if what you’re consuming is resulting in weight loss. To determine daily calories, multiply your bodyweight by 10-14 (10 if you are sedentary and 14 if you are more active). Also, consider eating the same foods/drinks for consistencies sake (the more variables you control the more accurate your tracking will be). Weigh yourself weekly (ideally on the same day and time) and adjust daily calorie intake accordingly.

If this makes sense give me a 👍 in the comments.

Tomorrow I will discuss the importance of eating protein.


Yeah I put on about 7 pounds. These things happen. I’ll see how I feel at the end of the week after I’m back on my “normal diet”.


Happy holidays!


Benefits of strength training 💪

Follow for health and fitness tips.

This is an important one! Of all the activities you can do to make a difference in how you feel from day to day, I can’t think of anything more important than strength training.

The return you get on time spent lifting weights is priceless, and it does not have to be complicated. Stick to the basics: squats, deadlifts, lunges, bench press, lat pulldowns, hamstring curls or single leg RDL, and shoulder press. If you have more time and want to get creative that’s great, but the exercises I just mentioned are the foundation of a solid strength training program.

In a general sense, aim for 2-5 sets of each exercise and 5-12 reps. If you’re lifting twice a week, make them full body workouts. If you’re going more frequently, then consider breaking up the muscle groups throughout the week. Also, document your workouts to track progress.👍

Being stronger = a happier and healthier person


When to change your exercise program 🤔

Follow for health & fitness tips.

Are you not making gains anymore with your lifts?

Are you feeling stagnate and burned out with your routine?

Notice how you’re not sore anymore from a workout that used to make sitting down uncomfortable the next day?

You’re feeling that way for a reason, because it’s not having the same effect as it once was.

Our bodies are great at adapting to stress, especially when it comes to exercise.

Depending on your goals, a good rule of thumb is to change your program every 6-12 weeks.

Introducing a new program can kickstart new muscle growth and break weight loss plateaus 👍


Register NOW for the Lean for New Year’s Fitness Challenge to become the best version of yourself in 2022 💥 We DO NOT meet face to face for this challenge. This remote, online program is delivered through an intelligently designed phone app. You complete the workouts on your OWN TIME at a gym, or in your home. The program begins Monday, January 3rd and lasts for 6 weeks. Registration link in my bio.

*This is a paid program.

Challenge Features:
- - - - - - - - - 4 workout options based on the equipment you have available (full gym, dumbbell, suspension straps & dumbbell, bodyweight) delivered through an intelligently designed app with video demos and written descriptions
- Cardio program
- Daily calorie target with macro breakdown
- Nutritional recommendations for fat loss and strength gains
- Before & after pics
- Weekly check ins to keep you on track

- Reduced body fat
- Gain strength & add muscle
- Strengthen core, tone arms and butt
- Better sleep and reduce stress
- More energy so you can be more productive!

Song “Love And The Light” by Hot as Hell


2022 Health & Fitness Goals 💥

As promised here my personal health & fitness goals for 2022:

Ween myself off the prescription medication I’ve been on for GERD for the last 5 years. Yes, sacrifices will be made but it will be worth it (I hope!). I started chipping away at this November 1, and the hardest thing so far is giving up coffee 😬

1. Kayak 125 miles (I did just over 100 this year)
2. Bike from Chicago to Milwaukee.

What’s your health & fitness goal(s) for 2022? Post it up in the comments!


Dynamic Warmup 🔥

Follow for health and fitness tips.

First of all, I’m not against using a treadmill, elliptical, or bike to warm up before a workout. They work just fine, but I would rather move in all three planes of motion as opposed to one (the sagittal plane).

Arm circles - This is a pretty self explanatory shoulder warmup.

TRX assisted squats progressing to bodyweight - I’m in my 40’s so I like to ease into doing squats.

Lunge with arm drivers - I love this one. It not only warms the legs up, but it stretches the hip flexors and enhances spinal mobility.

Side shuffle with arm swings - A little bit of work in the frontal plane never hurts.

Grapevine - This is a nice low-impact agility exercise. Start slow and increase speed as you become more comfortable with the movement.

Butt kickers - Warms up the quadriceps.

Runners stretch - A great mobility exercise for the hip flexors and spine.

Groiner - The most dynamic of all these movements. I saved it until the end, because I needed to do everything else first in order to do this one…..great for hip mobility.

Song “Bullet Train to L.A.” by Pleasure Principal 😼

Videos (show all)

5 Plank Variations 👇Follow @trainwithshane312 for health and fitness tips 💡Make your core workouts more challenging with...
Dumbbell single arm row 💥Follow @trainwithshane312 for health & fitness tips.The dumbbell row is one of the most incorre...
Ab Wheel 🔥Follow @trainwithshane312 for health & fitness tips.DM me with any questions 👊#abwheel #abroller #sixpackabs #...
Squat Better 👇--Follow @trainwithshane312 for health and fitness tips 💡--The squat is a compound exercise that involves ...
Fix Your Posture👇Follow @trainwithshane312 for health & fitness tips 👍I fine an essential part of having good posture is...
Register NOW for the Lean for New Year’s Fitness Challenge to become the best version of yourself in 2022 💥 We DO NOT me...
2022 Health & Fitness Goals 💥As promised here my personal health & fitness goals for 2022:Health:Ween myself off the pre...
Dynamic Warmup 🔥Follow @trainwithshane312 for health and fitness tips.First of all, I’m not against using a treadmill, e...
Walking🚶‍♀️Walking is something we can all can benefit from and should do.If you’re new to exercising, it’s a great way ...
Future bow hunter and master of archery. #archery #bowhunting
S/A Farmers Walk (Suitcase Carry) 💥Follow @trainwithshane312 for health & fitness tips.This is a great exercise for stre...
How to get on & off a bosu ball 💥Safety first folks!DM me with any questions or comments.#exercisesafety #bosutraining #...



820 N Orleans Suite 100
Chicago, IL

Opening Hours

Monday 05:30 - 21:00
Tuesday 05:30 - 21:00
Wednesday 05:30 - 21:00
Thursday 05:30 - 21:00
Friday 05:30 - 20:00
Saturday 07:00 - 16:00
Sunday 08:00 - 15:00