International Traditional Karate Association, Chicago, IL Videos

Videos by International Traditional Karate Association in Chicago. "Offering world-class instruction in Shotokan Karate, Japanese Karate, self-defense, stress management, and personal development. At ITKA Karate, we focus on cultivating discipline, confidence, and lifelong skills for both mind and body."

Kihon, Shotokan Karate.
By Sensei Bambouyani!

Other International Traditional Karate Association videos

Kihon, Shotokan Karate. By Sensei Bambouyani!

Traditional Japan Karate Kihin, Shotokan Karate. International Traditional Karate Association

Dear sensei, lets work together to make Traditional Karate stronger!!


"Experience Authentic Traditional Karate" "You don't need to travel to Japan to learn true traditional karate. Join ITKA Karate right here at home. Our expert instructors bring the same dedication and expertise you would find in Okinawa. Start your martial arts journey with us today and become part of a legacy. Enroll now and train with the best!" #kanchobambouyani #oldirvingparkchicago #dunningchicago #portageparkchicago #jeffersonparkchicago #lakeviewchicago #karatekid #itkakarate Mahmoud Bambouyani Joe Greenberg International Traditional Karate Association

"Every day, I step onto the mat with my mind, heart, and body fully committed. Karate is more than a passion—it's my path to personal growth and dedication and a way to serve others. #KarateLife #Commitment #Passion". #itkakarate #oldirvingparkchicago #oldirvingparkchicago #martialarts #competition #competition #southloopchicago #traditionalkarate #dunning #lakeviewchicago #dunningchicago

Join today: ITKA Karate a world renewned Traditional Japanese Karate school. Program for all ages beginners a d advances. Currently accepting appication at 2 locations. A: Lake front, Lincoln Park Cutural Center. B: ITKA Headquarters at 5945 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago 60634, Portage Park. For a complimentry class send email request to. [email protected]. #portageparkchicago #jeffersonparkchicago #dunningchicago #oldirvingparkchicago #lincolnparkchicago #lakeviewchicago #andersonvillechicago #southloopchicago

Memory.Traveling international.

Millions of people watched the Seminar by ITKA Karate on the International major media. Kancho M. Bambouyani's seminar on June 2,3,23 was broadcast on Bangladesh Independent Television Published News and viewed by millions. #itkakarate #japankarateshotofederation #belmontcraginchicago #portageparkchicago #harwoodheights #evenston #TraditionalKarate #karateunion #shotokankarate #chicagolakefront

Practice Kihon, keeps you fit, limits injuries, and builds a strong foundation for your Kata, Kumite, Bunkai, and self-defense. Mahmoud Bambouyani Sensei, Public Servant #traditionalkarate #japankarateassociation #japankarateshotofederation #itkakarate #chicagokarate #shotokankarate #shotokan #shotokankaratedo #belmontcraginchicago #portageparkchicago #chicagolakefront #jeffersonparkchicago #norridgeillinois #norridge #harwoodheights #evenston #chicago #aaukarate #wkf #karateunion Join us for the ITKA Karate tournament on October 7th and 8th at the beautiful Chicago Lakefront, Margate Park

Join ITKA KARATE today, 6 decades of teaching authentic Shotokan and world-class karate. Visit ITKA Headquarters at 5945 w Irving Park in Chicago. Apply today #portageparkchicago 773-283-8200 email [email protected] #traditionalkarate #jeffersonparkchicago #norridgeillinois #belmontcraginchicago

ITKA Karate is a prestigious organization Teaching World class Shotokan-Japanese Karate. Worldwide over 20 million practitioners train the same, under highly sophisticated Masters. Follow Kancho Bambouyani of ITKA Karate (on FB & Insta) as he travels and teaches worldwide. #karate #traditionalkarate #portageparkchicago #jeffersonparkchicago

Be powerful yet selfless. M. Bambouyani Sunday brunch downtown Chicago.

Register now, click on the link below to register for ITKA Tournament dealing ariving soon. A. Online Tournament B. In person Tournament #karate #karatetournament #shotokan #traditionalkarate #okinawakarate #wkf #NKF #lincolnpark #jeffersonpark #dunningpark