The University of Chicago Law School, Chicago, IL Videos

Videos by The University of Chicago Law School in Chicago. UChicagoLaw is serious about ideas... and has a lot of fun along the way.

Memories & Congratulations to Geoffrey R. Stone on 50 Years of Teaching

Professor Geoffrey Stone reached an extraordinary milestone of 50 years of teaching and University service. An innovative teacher, strategic leader, and prolific scholar on civil rights and constitutional law, Stone has had an outsized impact in the world of academia and beyond. Alumni and colleagues shared memories and congratulations. Add to the Kudoboard:

Other The University of Chicago Law School videos

Memories & Congratulations to Geoffrey R. Stone on 50 Years of Teaching
Professor Geoffrey Stone reached an extraordinary milestone of 50 years of teaching and University service. An innovative teacher, strategic leader, and prolific scholar on civil rights and constitutional law, Stone has had an outsized impact in the world of academia and beyond. Alumni and colleagues shared memories and congratulations. Add to the Kudoboard:

Reflections from Geoffrey R. Stone on 50 Years of Teaching
Professor Geoffrey Stone marked a half century of teaching this academic year. His influence stretches far and wide, but throughout his career Prof. Stone has remained steadfastly committed to the Law School and the University that he has called home. Over the decades, he has taught an estimated 8,000 students, served as Law School Dean, served as University Provost, and led many committees that have shaped key University policies and initiatives, including, most notably, the Chicago Principles. Full-length video:

Meet our New Dean of Students Brandi Welch
A first-generation law student, Dean of Students Brandi Welch earned her JD from the University of Texas at Austin Law School. She went on to practice corporate law in New York City, later returning to Austin to work with startups and private equity. She eventually returned to her alma mater in a student affairs role. Working with law students, she has found a great way to put her own life experiences and skills to work in an impactful way. “I wanted to be a person who could be there for those students and say: you can do this. You’re made for this,” she said.

Lawfare Podcast: Data Federalism
Professor Bridget Fahey joined Alvaro Marañon for a Lawfare Podcast episode to discuss her Harvard Law Review article, "Data Federalism." Listen in full:

Professor Anup Malani discussed the placebo effect with Bapu Jena on Freakonomics. 🎧

What Inspires Thanks at the Law School
We asked the Law School community, "What are you thankful for?"

Julie Bradlow, ’88, Discovered the Human Stories behind Tax Cases

Edna Epstein, ’73, Remembers Grant Gilmore’s Class Unfolding ‘As If He Were Teaching Poetry’

How Law Review Taught Cheryl Pollak, ’78, the Power of Collaboration

Reunion Weekend 2018

Sarah Wilbanks, ’16, Learned to Take Ownership of a Project

Michelle Mbekeani-Wiley, ’14

Ashley Keller, ’07

Reunion 2017

Elements of the Law

Sharon Fairley, ’06 - My Chicago Law Moment

My Chicago Law Moment: Patricia Latham, ’66

Laura Edidin, ’96 - My Chicago Law Moment

James C. Franczek, Jr., '71 - My Chicago Law Moment

Reunion 2016