alignment_with_prairieyana, Chico, CA Videos

Videos by alignment_with_prairieyana in Chico. Follow�TIPS for LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE Guide for people on the path of awakening and self-actualization Reiki Master� Alignment Mentor Shamanic Guide

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🤭Are you ready for the big secret of how I’m getting more of all of the things I want and need in my life? Let’s dive in.👇🏼If you’ve been following me for any period of time, then you know already that my big secret is no secret at all.😁🔑Creating the life you desire is all about releasing this sh*t that is no longer serving you.❓How do you know it’s not serving you?👉🏼 Because the energy around it is thick and dense and uncomfortable. Nothing is flowing with ease and grace. 👉🏼All the things that are no longer serving you are standing in the way of everything that is for your highest greatest good👉🏼The sooner you can get comfortable with letting go of what doesn’t serve you, the sooner you will make room for what you DO want in your life.💫After that, you start aligning to the energy of what you want to attract. You become a devoted student of higher conscious thinking and you develop a growth-mindset in which you find solutions to perceived hurdles.💫You become resilient AF.💫This is the healed place from where you will attract all that your heart desires. DM the word ALIGNMENT to me. Let’s chat and get you on your way to amplifying your blessings. (Law of attraction, energy balancing, Chakra balancing, energy healing, reiki master, growth, expansion, personal development, whole person healing, attract the love you want, goals, align to your goals, mindset, growth mindset, vibrational energy, act as if, limiting beliefs, perception shifting, aligned living, joyful life, gratitude, law of attraction, super manifester, remembering who you are, purpose driven life, life coach, wellness coach, accountability, dreams, goals,) #growthmindset #lawofattraction #energybalancing#chakrabalancing #enerygyhealing #reikimaster #personalgrowth #mindbodyspirit #wholepersonhealing #lawofattractioncoach #supermanifester #Careerandlifeplanning #goals #aligntoyourgoals #vibrationalenergy #actasif #limitingbeliefs #perceptionshifting #

Life brings many twists and turns, but our ability to maneuver through them, and remain steadfast along our path will determine our outcome.The big catch is that sometimes we make plans and have ideas about how we want our life to be, and then life happens, and it’s not quite what we envisioned.Sometimes certain doors shut on us that we hoped would be open. But when we have faith, that creator has our back, we can have faith that it’s for the better, because something even more magnificent is coming along. This is the growth mindset you want to embody. Having faith that something better is coming along.What’s something been challenging you in your life? DM me and tell me about it.My special gift is helping clients, overcome limiting beliefs and aligned to the path of least resistance that is FOR my clients. Explore my website for my healing services. A one hour session with me could mean the difference between getting blown off course or aligning to a better path. (Chakra balancing, energy healing, reiki master, attract the love you want, goals, align to your goals, vibrational energy, act as if, limiting beliefs, perception shifting, aligned living, joyful life, gratitude, law of attraction, super manifester, remembering who you are, purpose driven life, life coach, wellness coach, accountability, dreams, goals,)Hashtags#chakrabalancing #enerygyhealing #reikimaster #lawofattractioncoach #supermanifester #Careerandlifeplanning #goals #aligntoyourgoals #vibrationalenergy #actasif #limitingbeliefs #perceptionshifting #alignedliving # joyfullife #gratitude #rememberwhoyouare #purposedrivenlife #lifecoach #wellnesscoach #accountabilitypartner #dreams #goals

Every experience we go through is an opportunity for us to grow and expand and to become a guiding light for others. It is the resistance to learning the lessons that keeps us stuck in unhealthy patterns. The sooner we can align to what the empowered lesson is, the sooner we can advance to the next level of greatness within the human consciousness.DM and share the stories you’ve been processing though. Are you ready to move into the place of wisdom-sharer? (Limiting beliefs, empowering thoughts, Chakra balancing, root chakra, earthing, energy healing, reiki master, growth, expansion, personal development, whole person healing, attract the love you want, goals, align to your goals, vibrational energy, act as if, limiting beliefs, perception shifting, aligned living, joyful life, gratitude, law of attraction, super manifester, remembering who you are, purpose driven life, life coach, wellness coach, accountability, dreams, goals,)Hashtags#limitingbeliefs #empoweringthoughts #chakrabalancing #enerygyhealing #reikimaster #personalgrowth #mindbodyspirit #wholepersonhealing #lawofattractioncoach #supermanifester #Careerandlifeplanning #goals #aligntoyourgoals #vibrationalenergy #actasif #limitingbeliefs #perceptionshifting #alignedliving # joyfullife #gratitude #rememberwhoyouare #purposedrivenlife #lifecoach #wellnesscoach #accountabilitypartner #dreams #goals

Take it from someone who knows. Aligning your energy with all of your hopes and your dreams is so much easier when you have an energy coach to help guide you along the way.The world needs you and your gifts. Stop playing small. Let’s get you on the path to living your greatest life possible. I want to support you on your path. Check out my testimonials of clients who have worked with me. Many of them released what was no longer serving them and are now opened up and doing what they love. I’d love to help you do the same. (New year, Chakra balancing, energy healing, reiki master, growth, expansion, personal development, whole person healing, attract the love you want, goals, align to your goals, vibrational energy, act as if, limiting beliefs, perception shifting, aligned living, joyful life, gratitude, law of attraction, super manifester, remembering who you are, purpose driven life, life coach, wellness coach, accountability, dreams, goals,)#groundingenergy #newyear #goodbye2023#chakrabalancing #enerygyhealing #reikimaster #personalgrowth #mindbodyspirit #wholepersonhealing #lawofattractioncoach #supermanifester #Careerandlifeplanning #goals #aligntoyourgoals #vibrationalenergy #actasif #limitingbeliefs #perceptionshifting #alignedliving # joyfullife #gratitude #rememberwhoyouare #purposedrivenlife #lifecoach #wellnesscoach #accountabilitypartner #dreams #goals

I haven’t always lived my life ‘in alignment.’ In fact, by my current standards, I used to be a major piece of work-in-progress. (Okay, I am continually a work in progress. But I’m further along now than I was before). If someone had asked me back in the day why I thought I didn’t have many wonderful, close girlfriends, I probably would’ve said something like, “because they’re shady, too catty, they’re annoying, and ’hella’ (California Girl) inconsiderate.”Notice that I didn’t mention anything about myself and the role I played in my relationships with others. It was all outward blaming. Zero accountability. Ask me the same question today, as a grown woman, who has done interpersonal work, inner child healing, shadow work, and basically became a student of learning how to be a good human being… I now have a different perspective to share. Instead of going over what the problems were, I’ll discuss more along the lines of what the solution to the problems were.The first big breakthrough I had that moved me towards having beautiful relationships with other women was actively working towards healing my mother-wound. I had to heal my trauma around fears of abandonment and rejection. After that, I worked to heal my father-wound. This is where I worked to heal my experience of feeling the need to compete with other females (step mothers, in this case) for male attention. Later, I learned about shadow work. I learned to release my heavy judgments of others that were in fact, reflections of judgments I had of myself.I also learned to release limiting beliefs and the heavy burden of fear, lack, shame, and guilt.All of this work brought me to where I want to be. Enjoying closer relationships with others and with myself. DM me if you are on a similar course and would like guidance along the way. (energy healing, aligned living mentor, reiki master, chakras, self healing, mentorship, life coaching, HO’OPONOPONO prayer, forgiveness prayer, somatic,

If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, this short breathwork exerciseis for you. Inhale throughyour nose for 8 seconds. At the top of your inhale, hold your breath for 4 seconds. Exhale all of the air out of your lungs through your mouth. Repeat 3-8 times. Practice this breathing technique daily to proactively regulate your nervous system and oxygenate your body. 🙏🏼 (Breathwork, meditation, breathing exercise, relaxation, stress management, stress relief, mental health, self care anxiety, tips for relaxation, chill out, breath, Prana, transcendence) #prana #meditation #quiettime #metime #stressrelief #mentalhealth #breathwork #soulfish #mentalclarity #mentorship #coaching #energyshift #purpose #metamorphosis #makechange #leaders #success #brandnewday #energyhealing #transcendance

So many of us beat ourselves up trying to hurt those who have hurt us. To the point of nearly killing ourselves, in some cases. 🔑You can’t make everything better by self-harming to “make everyone else pay for what they have done to you.” What you can do is understand that the power to heal and transcend is within YOU and know that every experience is for your growth and expansion. 💫Find the perception of your experience that will allow you to grow and expand. To become more empathetic and compassionate. Even an advocate for others. For you to learn then share the path of healing with others. 💫We are not meant to live in misery. The fact that we are even alive is a pure miracle. See the gift and embody it every moment of everyday. Your wisdom and good works are needed on the planet, in your community, in your household... You have more influence than you know. 👉🏼Follow me for daily inspiration for living your life in alignment and working through your healing journey. I am here to help uplift you. (energy healing, aligned living mentor, reiki master, chakras, self healing, mentorship, life coaching, HO’OPONOPONO prayer, forgiveness prayer, somatic, trauma, trauma informed, Breathwork, journaling, directed writing,). #alignedlivingmentor #somatics #generationalhealing #breathwork #familydynamics #crossroads #intergenerationalhealing #peace #harmony #innerpeace #bethechange #breakthecycle #newyou #wellnesscoach #lifecoach #reikimasterteacher #reikihealing #chakrabalancing #chakras

We don’t have to wait for a new day or even a new year to start making new choices. What we do need is the desire for change. We need to realize that the old ways aren’t cutting it, that they’re not getting us where we want to be. We have to be so damn over sh*t that there is no other option than to make change. 💫Wanting change in your life? Tune in with your spirit. What is it calling for? It’s that nagging voice in your head saying the same thing over and over. “This needs to shift.” Find solutions to all the “reasons” you haven’t made the change yet and commit to taking action steps everyday towards the new you. 💫Go deeper into your metamorphosis. Seek wisdom from those with a proven track of success. Share your dreams with those who are in your corner and want the best for you. Not all of us have great support systems, this is when you want to tune in with a non-biases helper. 💫As an Aligned Living Mentor, I use my gifts of reading energy and guiding my clients to their most heart centered point where they can maneuver confidently towards designing and manifesting their most joy filled life. My offerings are single session 1:1 Mentorship, and 6 and 12 week sessions where we dive into next level transformation.It’s a brand new day. -PrairieYana. (Making change, life purpose, purpose driven life, joy, happiness, interpersonal healing, attachment style, healing journey, mentorship, life coaching, wellness coaching, industry leaders, brand new day, self healing,). #soulfush #mentorship #coaching #energyshift #purpose #metamorphosis #makechange #leaders #success #brandnewday

We all know how challenging and emotionally taxing relationships can be. But they can be so beautiful and fulfilling too. Relationship dynamics are the primary issues my clients come to me with to resolve and heal. This is what I wish I knew before I ever started dating. Pass them on. 💫I wish I knew that I could be the source of my own love and approval. I wish I knew that I could be that energy for myself and that when I carried that loving approval for myself that it would radiate out of me and anyone attracted to me would be attracted to that energy. They would see and feel it too and reflect it back to me. 💫Our vibe attracts our tribe. I work with my clients to help them embody this self love. One session of energy work and mentorship goes a long way, but the most healing and integration comes with commiting yourself to my 6 or 12 week Aligned Living Mentorship offerings. Are you ready to live your life in alignment? 🔑(Self love, self care, self respect, attract love, healthy relationships,) #relationship #selflove #bethevibration #masterattractor #manifestlove #alignedlivingmentor

Join Alignment Mentor and Reiki Master-Teacher, PrairieYanaas your guide to go within and release stuck energy, through Breathwork and inner-personal exploration. Our intensive session will consist of: -Sacred sage smoke bath for clearing energy and calling in protection -Welcome circle and introductions, along with a discussion of what to be prepared for during your breathwork session -Prompted writings for self-exploration -Meditation for grounding your energy and intention setting -Kundalini and yogic movement for energetic activation -and flow 60 minutes of breathwork to high bass, chakra-activating sounds -Integration time for group processing, post-breathwork session -Ceremony will be concluded with time to create art, inspired by your breathwork experience This Breathwork Experience is for YOU, if:✔️You desire to release old energy.✔️You are ready to write a new chapter in your book of life, with perhaps an exciting plot-twist.✔️You want to raise your own vibration and attract others with higher vibrations.✔️You want to become better aligned to manifest the life you want to live.✔️You have an adventurous spirit and want to try something new. When: Friday, December 9th, 2022 6:15pm-11:15pm Location: This Breath into Being: Aligned Living Breathwork Experience will be held at 1122 Mangrove Ave, Chico, Ca.

Breath work workshops are becoming more and more popular. I see advertisements popping up left and right for 1 to 2 hour events.This is because breath work is a powerful tool for rapid healing through the release of stuck energy.What sets the Breath into Being: Aligned Living Breathwork Experience apart from other workshops is that we go in deep to explore the root of is causing discomfort within the energetic field. This is a 5 hour intensive where we explore ways to move through that energy and transmute into energy that is aligned and free of blockages. I have a special gift for those who register for this experience, by November 11: A free one on one Aligned Living Mentorship session, with me. We will explore your chakras, discuss any blockages you may be experiencing, explore your intentions and goals for healing and better prepare you for the breath work experience to come. To claim this free gift, simply add a 1-hour Mentorship to your cart when you purchase your spot in the Breath into Being Experience, and use Promo Code: BREATHEFREE at checkout. ***Registration In LinkTree Link in Bio*** About mentoring with me: “Formally trained to listen with a compassionate and empathetic ear, Prairie assists her clients in processing through their most pressing issues and life challenges. From healing childhood traumas, overcoming depression and anxiety, to relationship challenges, manifesting wealth, overcoming stifling road blocks, setting and achieving goals, Prairie is able to assist her clients in working through an array of issues.” #freegift #mentorship #coaching #breathwork #mentor #wellness #healing #retreat #selfcare #betterlife #bossbabe