Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)

Purpose is to share photos, updates, and testimonies for Baja Christian Ministries. More info?

Call 909-627-4339 or check out our website below


We're grateful to have hosted first-time team from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church :: Redondo Beach led by Pastor Peter Dunn, whose father Phil was a founding board member of Baja Christian Ministries! They continued the legacy by building a home for a family of 7 in a new community.
Thank you St. Andrew's team for serving and making a difference in Mexico! Your support means the world to us and those we serve!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 07/31/2024

In June, our Project Little Child campus in east Tijuana moved to a new location in El Niño, a church that BCM actually helped build 15 years ago. While the location is perfect, we were presented with challenges right away as there was not sufficient classroom space for our 40+ kids.

This past weekend, God provided in a huge way when a team from Friends Church Fullerton answered the call and built the first of a two-story classroom! They even repainted our playground set and made it look brand new!

Thank you Friends Fullerton team! Our staff and kids will be constantly remembering your generosity as they gather in their beautiful, new classroom!

We thank God for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers. We recall, in the presence of our God and Father, your work produced by faith, your labor motivated by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
~1 Thessalonians 1:2-3

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 07/30/2024

Alexander, a Project Little Child student in our Rosarito campus, and his family were forced to move to east Tijuana in June and were living in a tent structure on their lot.

This past weekend, their prayers were answered when first-time team from Grace Fellowship Bible Church in Hemet, CA, built them their very own home! Praise God for his kindness and goodness!

Thank you Grace Fellowship team ! You were an absolute delight to work with!

The LORD is good to all; His compassion rests on all He has made. ~Psalm 145:9

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 07/30/2024

What a tremendous past week to finish out our busy summer season !
First-time team from Grace City Church of Oregon and Every Nation City Church, Las Vegas combined forces for a power-packed week of ministry.
The first half of the week, they built a home for single mom and her physically-impaired son, as well as participated in two outreaches into the surrounding community. The third day, they built a playground at one of Project Little Child's education centers and did activities with the kids, and the final day they helped with Project Little Child's first annual field day for over 70 of our students and their families.
What a blessing this team was ! Praise God for the body of Christ working together for his Kingdom purposes!

"Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." ~Psalm 133:1

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 07/23/2024

Reflection Church's first-time team made a huge impact this past week! Single mom Glenda and her five kids received a brand new home and the community was blessed with a fiesta, including a Vida Clown show and hot dog lunch! Thank you Reflection Church for truly reflecting and demonstrating the love of Christ in word and deed!

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. ~2 Corinthian 3:18

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 07/19/2024

🏡 **Celebrating a New Home Built with Love!** 🏡

EveryNation CityChurch, in partnership with BCM, successfully built a home for a precious family last week!

🙏 **Gratitude Overflowing:**
We want to extend our thanks to every volunteer, donor, and supporter who made this possible. Your hard work, generosity, and prayers have made a profound impact.

🌟 **Looking Ahead:**
Our mission doesn’t stop here. There are more families in need, and with your continued support, we can bring hope and homes to many more.❤️

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 07/17/2024

We were thrilled to welcome a new team from The Bridge Church this past weekend! They worked hard with great attitudes and now another family has a secure and quality home to call their own!

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. ~1 John 4:7

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 07/16/2024

This past weekend, Watermark OC Church built a house for a family with 6 boys, where 3 of them are currently enrolled in one of our "Refugio de Amor" education centers in Plan Libertador. The team received special help when some of the "Refugio de Amor" kids visited the job site with their teachers to help paint the house their classmates were receiving. Ultimately the whole weekend was a beautiful colaboration of the body of Christ and demonstration of his tangible love and provision for this precious family!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 07/10/2024

Amazing past week with the youth and adult leaders from Grace Family Church, Newtown, CT who traveled all the way from Connecticut to love on the people of Baja!

Over the course of five days, they not only built two houses but ran an excellent VBS program in 3 different locations, including one of our Project Little Child campuses!

Thank you Grace Family team for being a joy to work with! May you be blessed as you have been a blessing to many !

Let all that you do be done in love.
~1 Corinthians 16:14~

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 06/27/2024

Wonderful partnering with MI6:8 missions last week as they blessed Pastor Daniel and Iglesia de Cristo Sinae congregation with a church classroom and two families with brand new homes! Praise God for his faithfulness and how His body builds up and encourages one another! (1 Thessalonians 5:11)


Ten Days!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 06/14/2024

A team of fathers and sons from Loyola High School came to bless a family with a home this past weekend and we appreciate their great attidudes, hard work and willingness to serve!

Thank you Loyala team for stepping into the lives of this family! We pray they will be reminded of God’s unfailing love every day through this gift!

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. ~Colossians 3:17


Experience the heartwarming adventure of a lifetime as 54 dedicated individuals (13 families) unite for the "Mexico Family Trip" to build three homes for precious families. This video showcases our incredible journey of teamwork, love, and community service, capturing what it means to give back.

Watch as the process unfolds, from raising the first wall to handing over the keys to grateful families. We shared the Good News along the way, changing many lives forever!

Subscribe to our channel for more inspiring stories, and follow our adventures as we continue to make a positive impact in Baja and beyond!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 06/07/2024

This week, two extremely needy families, who lived side by side, received new homes in Jesus' name! Both fathers were physically disabled and the family members depend on selling items at the border to collectively make enough to pay for their land, where they all lived under makeshift shacks with tarps over their heads. Through the winter months, they weathered the cold and rain, never dreaming that God would guide us to them in their place of need.

It was beautiful to see the family of Christ come together and answer these families' prayers in such a powerful way! The first team was a combined one from Vivid Church of Brea and Come Alive Family Church from Indiana, all first timers! The second team was a BCM Baja is Alive team with many God's Not Dead alumni. Both teams served with great love, joy, and generosity! The local community was blessed with food kits for families and focused prayer and sharing the Gospel in two separate outreaches. Even a short time was spent blessing the Refugio de Amor kids at our Rosarito campus!

We realized that all these teams' names speak of LIFE - our God brings hope and resurrection life in even the most hopeless and dark places. That is why we do what we do!

In him was life, and the life was the light of all people! ~John 1:4

You, Lord, hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry. ~Psalms 10:17

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 05/30/2024

Five families' lives forever changed this past weekend!

We're beyond grateful to have partnered with incredible teams from Family Community Church, Life Bible Fellowship, GracePoint Church , Solid Ground Church, and Gateway Karis Church! not neglect to do good and to share with others, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
~Hebrews 13:16

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 05/22/2024

Always a pleasure to welcome our friends from Red Hill Lutheran Church & School and bless a family with a home in Jesus' name !
Thank you Red Hill team for your consistent service and generosity in God's kingdom work in Baja!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 05/22/2024

Such a great group of teenagers from Crean Lutheran High School who came this past Friday to build a house for Alondra and her three kids! These young people were so eager and teachable and a joy to work with ! Thank you also to the BCM team and other volunteers who helped pound (most of) this house out in one day!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 05/21/2024

Every family we build for has their own unique story and the receiving of a home is an incredible blessing, a gift they could never have provided for on their own. Some family situations we encounter are so devastating that words fall short.

Last year, Miguelina, a single mom of three, received a call in the early morning while she was at work, informing her that her house had collapsed from a fire, killing 8 of her family members, including her 11 year old daughter and elderly mother.

Miguelina and her 2 sons survived that tragic day, yet she confessed this past year she could barely move beyond the consuming pain and loss.

This past weekend, Angie Howell and Chad Heisler joined forces with James Avey and his young men's discipleship group to build a new home of hope for Miguelina and her sons. This home was a tangible demonstration of God's loving care for them, that they are not forgotten, that He brings new life and hope and beauty out of the ashes.

Such an amazing time with this divinely orchestrated team, who also shared God's love to Miguelina's neigbors and friends through a time of sharing, prayer and gifting of food kits!

You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, so that my soul may praise you and not be silent.
~Psalm 30:11-12~

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 05/10/2024

17 years ago today on Mother's Day, Dulce Maria Reyna Lopez was signed up as the first Bible & Purple Book group leader. Group #1 finished their study of God's word with the Purple Book a few months later.
We praise God for the amazing work of the Bible and Purple Book discipleship program over the years, with over half a million people signed up throughout Baja California, México, and into central and south América.

Do you know you can help support the Bible and Purple Book Discipleship Program by giving towards One Million Disciples at ? Your support helps purchase more Bibles, Purple Books, provide for the follow-up process , and launch new initiatives into Central and South América!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 05/09/2024

Awesome time with FRIENDS COMMUNITY CHURCH- BREA this past weekend as we blessed a family with a home and latrine!
We also invited neighbors to an outreach with food packs for families and a new Bible and Purple Book and small group formed!
Thank you Friends team for serving and loving in word and deed!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 05/03/2024

The power team from Cerritos Baptist Church knocked out a house and latrine in one day this past Saturday, and that one day commitment has now dramatically changed the trajectory of this beautiful family for the long term!
A huge shout out to the awesome Cerritos team for your partnership with us to make this possible!

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 05/03/2024

The absolute joy (and many tears shed) to give and to receive a home that forever impacts those involved! Two precious families were handed the keys to their brand new homes this past weekend, built by the amazing team from Malibu Pacific Church. They also gifted the families with latrines and furniture kits and the surrounding community with food packs. Thank you Malibu Pacific team for your long term partneship with BCM and for blessing so many lives over the years!

Acts 20:35 AMP
In everything I showed you [by example] that by working hard in this way you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed [and brings greater joy] to give than to receive.’”

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 04/15/2024

We had amazing weekend with Friends Christian School of Brea, where a team of over 90 parents, staff and elementary and junior high students combined forces to build three homes and latrines for needy families, and also gifted each family a furniture kit!

All who participated brought great attitudes and willingness to work hard and serve the community of Alondras, even organizing a VBS for the kids!

Thank you Emily and Teddy Omondi and Friends Christian School for being the hands and feet of Jesus this weekend! We were honored to serve at your side!

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 04/12/2024

Last weekend we welcomed new team from Cal State Long Beach led by first-time leaders Doug and Kim Winberg. This amazing team built a house and latrine for a family in Alondras and went above and beyond by adding insulation and treating the community to a delicious barbecue lunch!
Thank you Cal State team for your dedication and compassion that made a life-changing difference!


Always an honor to serve alongside Robb Hammond and Rockharbor Church of Costa Mesa! We are thankful for their hearts to serve and to bless others so consistently over the years. Now, another precious family has a secure, weatherproof roof over their heads!

‭1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
We always thank God for all of you...and we recall.... your work produced by faith, your labor motivated by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus.

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 02/23/2024

We were blessed to serve alongside the amazing team from Calvary Church Los Gatos this past week! They packed in so much over three days: a community outreach with food packs for families the first day, and a housebuild for single mom and her children and amazing VBS program for the kids at our Refugio de Amor campus in Tijuana the final two days!

Thank you, Los Gatos team, for the beautiful love and service you poured out! May you be refreshed as you have refreshed others!

A generous soul will prosper, and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. ~Proverbs 11:25

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 01/20/2024

Our first mission team of the year was from Bridges Community Church in Las Altos, CA, and it was a joy to co-labor alongside some beloved familiar and new faces!

This awesome team built two houses for needy families! Both families were living in shacks on their properties and were overjoyed to receive a safe and secure roof over their heads, with the bonus of furniture package! The team also did a community ourtreach and gave away food packs to families. On the final day, they sponspored a New Years' event for the kids of our education center in Lomas del Valle and for the rest of community, which included games, tamales, and Brotherhood ministries extreme bike show!

Thank you, Bridges team, for the love and generosity you poured out! May you be blessed as you have richly blessed others!

~Proverbs 11:25~

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 12/31/2023

Finished out the year with John Houston and Community Covenant Church team, who has come annually for 31 years to bless a family with a home in Mexico!
This young family were last minute recipients and couldn't get over their surprise and joy! They had been living on a shack on the property and to be blessed with a home, as well as insulation, is an indescribable blessing entering into the cold season!
The team also sponsored food kits to bless local families in a community outreach.
Thank you Community Covenant Church for your faithful partneship over the years ! May your cups be filled to overflowing this New Year!

Photos from Baja Christian Ministries (BCM)'s post 12/31/2023

Every year-end, a team of fathers and sons from Loyala High school, led by Chris Laubach, come to bless a family in Mexico with a home. This past week, single mom Cynthia and her three children were the ones who received this life-changing blessing! Thank you Loyala team for your fantastic attitudes and hearts to serve! It was an honor to serve alongside you!

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and will be repaid in full. ~Proverbs 19:17


Community Covenant. Last group of 2023!

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Videos (show all)

Join us in Baja for a life changing weekend! #Bajachristianministries #missions #ServeinBaja #mexicomission #worship #lo...
Last House of the Year with Community Covenant!
Ten Days!
Building a Church with Mi6:8
Today, we kicked off 4 of the 5 houses we are building this weekend! Praise God!  (Video cred of today's progess to one ...
Thank you, Kings Elementary, for blessing Raquel and Victor with a new home!
Eric Prager Interview - Baja Christian Ministries on OvercomersTV.LIVE - #183
Fiesta with One Week Missions
Day after a build!
Baja and Beyond 2022
Outreach and Dedication with Crosspoint!
Baja and Beyond


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