Clear Chiropractic, Chula Vista, CA Videos

Videos by Clear Chiropractic in Chula Vista. Helping families achieve their best health possible at all stages of life. We customize gentle adjustments for pregnant mommas, kiddos & adults!

Other Clear Chiropractic videos

Do we answer phones?? Yes! But on the other side of that phone and within the walls of this special place, life-changing wins are praised daily. WE CARE ABOUT YOU! Thank you for letting Clear Chiropractic be a part of your family, and thank you for being a part of ours. We will never take these big moments for granted. ♥️ #pxdocs #pediatricchiropractic

When a child struggles to poop easily and regularly, it’s often not just a sign of troubles with their digestive system, but also their nervous system. 🪧💩 Most parents whose children are struggling with chronic constipation feel like they’ve tried it all – prunes, probiotics, magnesium supplements, essential oils, diet changes, detoxes, suppositories, and maybe even the nasty + dangerous drug Miralax. 🌱💊 We find again and again that children struggling with chronic constipation also have signs of neurological stress + imbalance elsewhere in life – sleep troubles, sensory overload, behavior and emotional regulation challenges, and more. 🧠😬 If you feel like you’ve tried absolutely everything to get your child pooping more easily + more regularly and they’re still struggling – watch this entire video to discover the real root cause of their chronic constipation and what you can do naturally to get their body working better once again! 💩👏 #pxdocs // #pediatricchiropractic // #chronicconstipation // #constipation // #drugfreesolutions // How to help chronic constipation // Remedies for constipation // Natural remedies for constipation // How to treat constipation naturally // What causes constipation // How can I help my child with constipation // Is Miralax safe for kids

Have you tried everything for your little one… but nothing has seemed to work when it comes to their challenges?! Well, you’re definitely not alone! 😣 We hear this from almost every mom who comes to Clear Chiropractic. They have quite literally tried everything from the traditional medical route to the holistic one, and it may have helped to some point, but their sweet child has either plateaued or gone backward. 😫 Why is this?! 🤷 Since the nervous system controls every function within a child’s body, it should be the #1 thing looked at when searching for a root cause! So if your doctor hasn’t addressed nervous system dysregulation, then it’s time to find a new doctor! 👏 At Clear Chiropractic, our team goes straight to the source which is why hundreds of moms say, “We finally found the missing piece!” So if you’re reading this and wondered if it’s your child’s nervous system that’s the root of it all, click the link in our bio! We have so many resources and an objective scan that measures your child’s neurological stress connecting all of the symptoms and making it finally make sense! Let’s get down to the root cause so that all of the other GOOD things can finally work now that the nervous system is regulated and ready to heal! 💪 #pxdocs #chronicillness / Why isn’t my child healing / Why is it taking my child a long time to heal / What to do when you’ve tried everything / Tips for a sick child

1. You know your child best! Trust your Mom gut 2. IEPs and 504 plans do not define your child. 3. There are other options to research and try before turning directly to medications for ADHD 4. Not every kid is built the same. Some have different learning styles and that’s okay 5. At Clear Chiropractic our team is here for you every step of this school year 📚 If you’re looking for more information on drug-free answers to help your child this school year, download our free back-to-school guide Link in our bio! ♥️ #pxdocs 504 Plan / Back to School / IEP / Transitioning to school / ADHD

If you are feeling exhausted and emotionally drained after weeks + months of sleepless nights and trying to soothe a crying, distressed baby, please know that you are not alone and our team is here to help! You deserve more than just misguided communication that your baby will eventually grow out of it.  If you’re ready to find real answers and drug-free solutions for your baby’s colic, watch this video from Dr. Eva and then click the link below or in our bio for our next steps. Let us help you and your little one find the peace, comfort, and restful sleep you both desperately need. Don’t spend another exhausting night wondering if there’s hope – DM us if you have any questions! Our team is ready to help! ♥️ #pxdocs #gassybaby  / Tips for colic / Natural remedies for colic

What a helpless feeling when we have tried everything but nothing seems to work and all we want is for our child to feel better! We’re right there with you mama! This is why we decided to look at constipation through the lens of the nervous system! 🧠 When a child is constipated it means that there is a miscommunication between the brain and the body where a “signal” isn’t getting transmitted properly. Our team of doctors at Clear Chiropractic know how to find and detect these neurological disruptions and miscommunications, and then make safe and gentle adjustments to improve that signaling and brain-to-body communication. 👏 The first step is to get scheduled for our Neurological INSiGHT Scans. This technology is non-invasive and will show us exactly where that signaling error is occurring and where there is stress stuck within the nervous system! For more information, visit the link in our bio, or feel free to DM us! ♥️ #pxdocs / how to help constipation naturally / causes of constipation / supplements for constipation / side effects of miralax

Spring allergies 🌷 can be a real nightmare for children and parents alike. 😢 Constant congestion, runny noses, and itchy eyes – it’s a never-ending cycle of discomfort. If you’ve tried every over-the-counter medication, holistic protocol, and natural supplement out there but still find yourself searching for answers, this video from Dr. Eva is for you! 🙌 Discover the often-overlooked connection between the nervous system and the immune system that could be the key to unlocking the root cause of your child’s neuroimmune struggles and spring allergies. 🧠 Learn how factors like subluxation and dysautonomia can contribute to an overactive immune response and how Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic care can help restore function.  Click the link in our bio to read more about spring and seasonal allergies and take the first step towards a happier, healthier little one! 👏

WHAT?! WHERE?!?! 🫢 You can find all of this at Clear Chiropractic! 😍 As moms, it’s so important when we find doctors who put our family’s health first, listen to all of our concerns, get to the root cause, AND create customized care plans! We hope you’ve found your happy place because we love it here! ♥️ We would love to connect with you! Feel free to DM us or click the link in our bio for more information on what we do here at Clear Chiropractic. 👏 #pxdocs #clearchiropractic #clearchiro

As pediatric chiropractors, we’ve pretty much seen it all. We’ve chased kids around the office, crouched underneath benches, gotten up on our tippy toes, performed adjustments on top of mom or dad, adjusted kids while sleeping, been hit, kicked, punched, spat up on and even pooped on 😅 Parents — your kiddo is safe here. And there’s no behavior that will scare us off. What we’ve seen over the years is that the most resistant of kids will soften and come to love their adjustments over time, when we meet them where they are at and work quickly and efficiently to help their nervous systems adapt 🙃 Questions or concerns about getting your kiddo adjusted? Send us a DM! 💌 #adhd #sensoryprocessingdisorder #spd #spdawareness #autismawareness #autism #add #developmentaldelay #developmentaldelays #pediatricchiropractic #pediatricchiropractor #chiropractorforkids #icpa4kids

Do ya feeeeeel us?!? 🤣 #chiropractic #chiropracticadjustment #pediatricchiro #kidschiropractic #yeah

“Your child has a hard time focusing and paying attention.” or “Your child just won’t sit still or follow directions.” Whether you’ve heard it from your child’s teacher, baseball coach, tutor, or pediatrician, many parents tell us that they’ve been told this before. They’ve also been advised to seek help from medications right away. But what if there’s a drug-free answer that may be worth checking out? Maybe it’s not that your child is purposely being the class clown or interrupting the activity for the day. Maybe it has something to do with their nervous system and vagus nerve! 🧠 The vagus nerve is a critical component of the autonomic nervous system and plays a substantial role in regulating many functions, including behavior and the ability to calm down. 😌 The vagus nerve is involved in the body’s stress response and emotional regulation, which are often implicated in ADHD. The vagus nerve’s role in the parasympathetic nervous system, often referred to as the “rest and digest” system, involves promoting a state of relaxation and recovery. An adequately functioning vagus nerve can help regulate emotional responses, stress levels, and attention. 🎉 At Clear Chiropractic, we have found that a dysregulated autonomic nervous system, including impaired vagal tone (the activity of the vagus nerve), could contribute to these ADHD-related difficulties. Our doctors specialize in the nervous system and are able to test and see if your child’s vagus nerve needs a little bit of help! Interested in the technology we use to test this? Read about it in our bio and DM us to schedule! ♥️ #pxdocs // #pediatricchiropractic // #nervoussystem // #biohacking // #Vagusnerve // #ADHD// Dysregulated nervous system // Connection between vagus nerve and ADHD // ADHD test // Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

As with most childhood health conditions today, low muscle tone and developmental delays have complex, multifactorial causes. There is rarely just one reason hypotonia in children develops. ⬇️ Some common contributing factors include birth trauma, including interventions like c-section delivery, forceps, or vacuum extraction. This is hard on our baby’s bodies physically. There are also prenatal factors at play such as exposure to any medications, maternal stress, or other toxins. Whatever the cause may be, these all lead to nervous system dysfunction. And the nervous system is the head honcho of all other systems including the neuromuscular system! So if our babies’ nervous systems are under a lot of stress, this can lead to low muscle tone.❗ So how can we help them?! By addressing their nervous system first! 🧠 At Clear Chiropractic, our doctors are trained to find the stress that is stuck within the nervous system. With the focus being on optimizing neuromuscular tone, coordination, and function, our customized care plans help regulate the nervous system, reduce subluxation, decrease inflammation, and stimulate the vagus nerve. This leads to improved communication between the brain and muscles, enhancing motor tone and coordination naturally. This will help other therapies work even better! Do you have more questions about low muscle tone or the nervous system? Visit the link in our bio for resources or always feel free to DM our team! We would love to hear your child’s story! ♥️ #pxdocs // #pediatricchiropractic // #lowmuscletone // #lowtoneinautism // #floppybaby // #hypotonia // #floppyinfantsyndrome // #ragdollsyndrome //How to help low muscle tone // Tips for low muscle tone // Low muscle tone in kids // #lowtone // Low muscle tone in babies // Tools to help low tone

Encouraging tummy time for your baby is not just about giving them a different perspective, ➡️ it’s a fundamental step in development milestones, especially for those dealing with torticollis and plagiocephaly. 👏 But there’s more! During tummy time, our babies develop intricate connections within their nervous system. So why is tummy time a struggle for so many babies who present with torticollis and plagiocephaly? 🤷 Tummy time can be a great home tool for babies who have torticollis and plagiocephaly. This position can help distribute pressure on the skull. Moreover, active play and interaction during tummy time contribute not only to physical strength and motor skills but also to cognitive development and the formation of connections in the brain. If your child is struggling with tummy time, plagiocephaly, or torticollis, there may be a very important step that’s missing: nervous system regulation. 🧠 The nervous system controls all of our baby’s head and neck muscles. During birth, stress can play a major role in creating tension within the nervous system, which causes these muscles to favor one side or not function properly! This is why neurologically-focused pediatric chiropractic is an essential first step in helping the body conquer torticollis and plagiocephaly. Once our doctors start these specific and gentle pediatric chiropractic adjustments, the nervous system will calm, relax, and restore function to the body, helping tummy time become an easier skill! 🎉 If you love this content share it with a friend! Our team at Clear Chiropractic is always here to help you and your family! ♥️ #torticollis // #pxdocs // #pediatricchiropractic // Tips to help torticollis // Torticollis stretches // What is torticollis // #wryneck // #plagiocephaly // #whatisplagiocephaly // #flatheadsyndrome // Tips to improve baby flat spots // Plagiocephaly helmet

As we scroll Instagram and search Google, we’re always hearing more and more about the nervous system! 🧠 But is it really that important to have a healthy one?! Well, let’s see! It’s impossible to list every function that the nervous system regulates because there are THOUSANDS!!! And science hasn’t even tapped into all that the human body and nervous system can do. BUT we can chat about the ones that you see in this reel! 👏 The nervous system is the body’s control center, regulating and coordinating all physiological processes. When it functions optimally, it contributes to a well-functioning mind and body! The nervous system is the link between the immune system and sleep quality. Without a regulated nervous system, chances are that it’s harder to fight off those icky bugs or get a good night’s sleep! 😴 The nervous system also influences emotional and mental health. An imbalanced system can contribute to conditions like anxiety, depression, and mood disorders! It also plays a role in how adaptable we are to stress! Have you heard of “fight-or-flight” or “rest-and-digest”?! These are terms that explain two sides of the nervous system. In babies, a regulated nervous system is crucial for healthy development, both neurologically and emotionally. It sets a foundation for milestones, learning, behavior, and social interactions. And let’s not forget digestion, physical coordination, and cognitive development! 👏 If you ask us, all of these functions are VERY important! Want to know more about the most foundational way to regulate your nervous system?! Click the link in our bio! 🔗 And if you have any questions, jump into our DMs. We LOVE chatting about this stuff!! 🤩 #pxdocs // #pediatricchiropractic // #regulatenervoussystem // #nervoussystem // #biohacking // How to regulate my nervous system // Tips for regulating nervous system // #Vagusnerve // #Breathingtechniques // Dysregulated nervous system // Regulated nervous sys

Anxiety in children is unfortunately more prevalent than ever. With higher expectations, more opportunities for activities, and the pressure from social media, being “just” a kid is HARD! We can’t take all of the stressors away, so how can we help our kiddos handle them better? 🤷 Anxiety often involves dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. 🧠 This system has two branches: the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) and the parasympathetic (“rest and digest”). In anxious children, the sympathetic branch may be overactive, leading to increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and a sense of unease. A prolonged “fight or flight” response can result in chronic stress, impacting a child’s emotional and physical well-being. The stress response, managed by the nervous system, can lead to physical symptoms and exacerbate anxiety. 😣 At Clear Chiropractic, we strive to help your child achieve a balanced and adaptable nervous system through neurologically-focused pediatric chiropractic adjustments! 👏 Want to learn how your child can conquer their anxiety through drug-free care?! 💊🚫 Our team wants the best for you and your child! ♥️ #pxdocs #childanxiety #tipsforanxiety #pediatricchiropractic #stressrelief #familychiropractic

Just a few highlights from our monthly Breastfeeding Support Group! 🥰 #clearchiropractic #breastfeedingsupport #breastfeedingmama #familychiropractic

Clear Chiropractic is thankful for you! 💜✨ We hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🥰 We will see everyone back in the office on Monday 11/27 💚✨ #clearchiropractic #familychiropractic #healthyfam #happythanksgivng #thankfulgratefulblessed

✨Get to Know the Clear Chiro Team✨ Did we name any of your favorite karaoke songs? 🎶🎵🎤 #clearchiropractic #meettheteam #kareokesongs #familychiropractic #sandiegochiropractor

We have our Breastfeeding Support Group this Wednesday 11/1 at 12 pm! 🥰💕 Remember costumes are welcomed so the babies can wear their costumes one more time! 🎃😄 #clearchiropractic #breastfeedingsupport #pregnancyjourney #sandiegopregnancy #familychiropractic