Liz Garcia, Real Estate

Elizabeth Garcia- REALTOR ®
Coldwell Banker West
Ca DRE 01737986 With 17 years of experience, our team of realtors will work with you through every step.

Whether you are looking to sell your home or you’re a first-time homebuyer, Liz Garcia – Coldwell Banker West is your go-to in Chula Vista, CA. From understanding the real estate market to assistance in downsizing your home, our real estate agents understand it can be complicated and we believe in educating clients when selling a home or buying a first home. Give our real estate agents a call today!

Are Home Prices Going To Come Down? 07/29/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Are Home Prices Going To Come Down?

Today’s headlines and news stories about home prices are confusing and make it tough to know what’s really happening. Some say home prices are heading for a correction, but what do the facts say? Well, it helps to start by looking at what a correction means.

Here’s what Danielle Hale, Chief Economist at, says: “In stock market terms, a correction is generally referred to as a 10 to 20% drop in prices . . . We don't have the same established definitions in the housing market.”

In the context of today’s housing market, it doesn’t mean home prices are going to fall dramatically. It only means prices, which have been increasing rapidly over the last couple years, are normalizing a bit. In other words, they’re now growing at a slower pace. Prices vary a lot by local market, but rest assured, a big drop off isn’t what’s happening at a national level.


Coldwell Banker West

Are Home Prices Going To Come Down? Today’s headlines and news stories about home prices are confusing and make it tough to know what’s really happening.

Unlocking the Benefits of Your Home's Equity 07/26/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Unlocking the Benefits of Your Home's Equity

Equity is the difference between what your house is worth and what you still owe on your mortgage. The typical homeowner gained $28,000 over the past year and has a grand total of $305,000 in equity. And there are a lot of great ways you can use that equity. Want to know how much equity you have? Let’s connect so you can get a Professional Equity Assessment Report (PEAR).

Coldwell Banker West

Unlocking the Benefits of Your Home's Equity Equity is the difference between what your house is worth and what you still owe on your mortgage.

How the Economy Impacts Mortgage Rates 07/25/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

How the Economy Impacts Mortgage Rates

As someone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home, you’re probably paying close attention to mortgage rates – and wondering what's ahead.

One thing that can affect mortgage rates is the Federal Funds Rate, which influences how much it costs banks to borrow money from each other. While the Federal Reserve (the Fed) doesn’t directly control mortgage rates, they do control the Federal Funds Rate.

The relationship between the two is why people have been watching closely to see when the Fed might lower the Federal Funds Rate. Whenever they do, that’ll put downward pressure on mortgage rates. The Fed meets next week, and three of the most important metrics they’ll look at as they make their decision are:

1. The Rate of Inflation
2. How Many Jobs the Economy Is Adding
3. The Unemployment Rate

What Does This Mean Moving Forward?

While mortgage rates are going...

Coldwell Banker West

How the Economy Impacts Mortgage Rates As someone who’s thinking about buying or selling a home, you’re probably paying close attention to mortgage rates – and wondering what's ahead.

A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly 07/24/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly

If you’re in the market to buy a home, there’s some exciting news for you.

Here are two key reasons working with your agent to look into new home construction could help you find a more budget-friendly option.

Reason 1: Lower Median Prices for Newly Built Homes

The median sales price for newly built homes is lower than the median sales price for existing homes today. This might seem surprising, but it’s true according to the latest data from the Census and the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

Why is that? Builders are focused on building what they can sell. And right now, there’s a very real need for smaller and more affordable homes – so that’s what they’ve been bringing to the market.

Reason 2: Attractive Incentives from Home Builders

Another big reason to consider a newly built home is the range of incentives that many home builders...

Coldwell Banker West

A Newly Built Home May Actually Be More Budget-Friendly If you’re in the market to buy a home, there’s some exciting news for you.

Why a Foreclosure Wave Isn’t on the Horizon 07/23/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Why a Foreclosure Wave Isn’t on the Horizon

Even though data shows inflation is cooling, a lot of people are still feeling the pinch on their wallets. And those high costs on everything from gas to groceries are fueling unnecessary concerns that more people are going to have trouble making their mortgage payments. But, does that mean there’s a big wave of foreclosures coming?

Here's a look at why the data and the experts say that’s not going to happen.

There Aren’t Many Homeowners Who Are Seriously Behind on Their Mortgages

One of the main reasons there were so many foreclosures during the last housing crash was because relaxed lending standards made it easy for people to take out mortgages, even when they couldn’t show they’d be able to pay them back. At that time, lenders weren’t being as strict when looking at applicant credit scores, income levels, employment status, and debt-to-income...

Coldwell Banker West

Why a Foreclosure Wave Isn’t on the Horizon Even though data shows inflation is cooling, a lot of people are still feeling the pinch on their wallets.

How Affordability and Remote Work Are Changing Where People Live 07/22/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

How Affordability and Remote Work Are Changing Where People Live

There’s an interesting trend happening in the housing market. People are increasingly moving to more affordable areas, and remote or hybrid work is helping them do it.

Consider Moving to a More Affordable Area

Today’s high mortgage rates combined with continually rising home prices mean it’s tough for a lot of people to afford a home right now. That’s why many interested buyers are moving to places where homes are less expensive, and the cost of living is lower.

If you’re hoping to buy a home soon, it might make sense to broaden your search area to include places where homes that fit your needs are more affordable. That’s what a lot of other people are doing right now to find a home within their budget.

Remote Work Opens Up More Home Options

If you work remotely or drive into the office only a few times each week, you have many more...

Coldwell Banker West

How Affordability and Remote Work Are Changing Where People Live There’s an interesting trend happening in the housing market.

Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market 06/26/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market

Should you buy a home now or should you wait? That’s a big question on many people’s minds today. And while what timing is right for you will depend on a lot of other personal factors, here’s something you may not have considered.

If you’re able to buy at today’s rates and prices, it may be better to focus on time in the market, rather than timing the market.

The Downside of Trying To Time the Market

Trying to time the market isn’t a good strategy because things can change. Here’s an example. For the better part of this year, projections have said mortgage rates will come down. And while experts agree that’s still what’s ahead, shifts in various market and economic factors have pushed back the timing of when that’ll happen.

The Advice You Need To Hear If You’re Ready and Able To Buy Now

Right now, you may be focused on what’s happening with...

Coldwell Banker West

Focus on Time in the Market, Not Timing the Market Should you buy a home now or should you wait?

How Long Will It Take To Sell My House? 06/25/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

How Long Will It Take To Sell My House?

You want your house to sell fast. And you may be wondering how long the whole process is going to take. One way to get your answer? Work with a local real estate agent.

They have the expertise to tell you how quickly homes are selling in your area and what’s impacting timelines for other sellers.

The Growing Supply of Homes for Sale

Over the past few months, the number of homes for sale has increased. This is good news when you move because it means you’ll have more options as you search for your next home. But it also means buyers have more to choose from, so if your house doesn’t stand out – it may take a bit longer to sell.

How It’s Impacting Listings Today

Think of the homes on the market like loaves of bread for sale in a bakery. When a fresh batch of bread is put out, everyone wants the newest and hottest one. But if a loaf sits there too long, it...

Coldwell Banker West

How Long Will It Take To Sell My House? You want your house to sell fast. And you may be wondering how long the whole process is going to take. 

Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024 06/24/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024

As we move into the second half of 2024, here’s what experts say you should expect for home prices, mortgage rates, and home sales.

Home Prices Are Expected To Climb Moderately

Home prices are forecasted to rise at a more normal pace. The graph below shows the latest forecasts from seven of the most trusted sources in the industry:

The reason for continued appreciation? The supply of homes for sale.

While inventory is up compared to the last couple of years, it’s still low overall. And because there still aren’t enough homes to go around, that’ll keep upward pressure on prices.

If you’re thinking of buying, the good news is you won’t have to deal with prices skyrocketing like they did during the pandemic. Just remember, prices aren’t expected to drop. They’ll continue climbing, just at a slower pace.

Mortgage Rates Are Forecast To...

Coldwell Banker West

Housing Market Forecast: What’s Ahead for the 2nd Half of 2024 As we move into the second half of 2024, here’s what experts say you should expect for home prices, mortgage rates, and home sales.

The Downsides of Selling Your House Without an Agent 06/21/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

The Downsides of Selling Your House Without an Agent

Considering selling your house without an agent? You should know there are some serious downsides to handling it on your own. You’ll be missing out on marketing tools that draw in more buyers, pricing and market expertise, essential negotiation skills, in-depth knowledge of the fine print in contracts, and so much more. Don’t take all of this responsibility on. Instead, DM me so you have someone with the knowledge and experience you’ll need on your side.

Coldwell Banker West

The Downsides of Selling Your House Without an Agent Considering selling your house without an agent? You should know there are some serious downsides to handling it on your own.

Why a Vacation Home Is the Ultimate Summer Upgrade 06/20/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Why a Vacation Home Is the Ultimate Summer Upgrade

Summer is officially here and that means it’s the perfect time to start planning where you want to vacation and unwind this season. If you’re excited about getting away and having some fun in the sun, it might make sense to consider if owning your own vacation home is right for you.

An Ameriprise Financial survey sheds light on why people buy a second, or vacation, home (see below):

• Vacation destination or a place to get away from the stresses of everyday life (81%)

• Better weather (49%)

• Rental income (41%)

• Primary residence in the future (33%)

• Having a venue for gatherings with family and friends (25%)
Ways To Buy Your Vacation Home

And you don’t have to be wealthy to buy a vacation home. Bankrate shares two tips for how to make this dream more achievable for anyone who’s interested:

• Buy with loved ones or friends: If you’re okay...

Coldwell Banker West

Why a Vacation Home Is the Ultimate Summer Upgrade Summer is officially here and that means it’s the perfect time to start planning where you want to vacation and unwind this season.

What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs 06/19/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs

There's no denying it's gotten more challenging to buy a home, especially with today's mortgage rates and home price appreciation. And that may be one of the big reasons you’re eager to look into grants and assistance programs to see if there’s anything you qualify for that can help. But unfortunately, many homebuyers feel like they don’t know where to start.

A recent Bank of America Institute study asked prospective buyers where they lack confidence in the process and need more information. And this is what topped the list:

53% said they need help understanding homebuying grant programs.

So, here’s some information that can help you close that gap.

What Is Down Payment Assistance?

Contrary to what you may have heard, typically you don’t have to put 20% down unless it’s specified by your loan type or lender. So, you likely don’t need to...

Coldwell Banker West

What You Need To Know About Today’s Down Payment Programs There's no denying it's gotten more challenging to buy a home, especially with today's mortgage rates and home price appreciation.

Worried About Mortgage Rates? Control the Controllables 06/18/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Worried About Mortgage Rates? Control the Controllables

Chances are you’re hearing a lot about mortgage rates right now. You may even see some headlines talking about last week’s Federal Reserve (the Fed) meeting and what it means for rates. But the Fed doesn’t determine mortgage rates, even if the headlines make it sound like they do.

The truth is, mortgage rates are impacted by a lot of factors: geo-political uncertainty, inflation and the economy, and more. And trying to pin down when all those factors will line up enough for rates to come down is tricky.

That’s why it’s generally not worth it to try to time the market. There’s too much at play that you can’t control. The best thing you can do is control the controllables.

And when it comes to rates, here’s what you can influence to make your moving plans a reality.

Your Credit Score

Credit scores can play a big role in your mortgage rate...

Coldwell Banker West

Worried About Mortgage Rates? Control the Controllables Chances are you’re hearing a lot about mortgage rates right now.

Do Elections Impact the Housing Market? 06/17/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Do Elections Impact the Housing Market?

The 2024 Presidential election is just months away. As someone who’s thinking about potentially buying or selling a home, you’re probably curious about what effect, if any, elections have on the housing market.

Home Sales

During the month of November, in years when the Presidential election takes place, there’s typically a slight slowdown in home sales. As Ali Wolf, Chief Economist at Zonda, explains: “Usually, home sales are unchanged compared to a non-election year with the exception being November. In an election year, November is slower than normal.”

Home Prices

What about home prices? Do they drop during election years? Not typically. As residential appraiser and housing analyst Ryan Lundquist puts it: “An election year doesn’t alter the price trend that is already happening in the market.”

Mortgage Rates

Mortgage rates are important because they affect...

Coldwell Banker West

Do Elections Impact the Housing Market? The 2024 Presidential election is just months away.

Real Estate Is Still the Best Long-Term Investment [INFOGRAPHIC] 06/14/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Real Estate Is Still the Best Long-Term Investment [INFOGRAPHIC]

According to a recent poll from Gallup, real estate has been voted the best long-term investment for twelve straight years. That’s because a home is so much more just than a roof over your head. It’s also an asset that typically grows in value over time. If you’ve been debating if it makes more sense to rent or buy, DM me to talk about why homeownership can be a better bet in the long run.

Coldwell Banker West

Real Estate Is Still the Best Long-Term Investment [INFOGRAPHIC] According to a recent poll from Gallup, real estate has been voted the best long-term investment for twelve straight years.

Homebuilders Aren’t Overbuilding, They’re Catching Up 06/13/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Homebuilders Aren’t Overbuilding, They’re Catching Up

You may have heard that there are more brand-new homes available right now than the norm. Today, about one in three homes on the market are newly built. And if you’re wondering what that means for the housing market and for your own move, here’s what you need to know.

Why This Isn’t Like 2008

People remember what happened to the housing market back in 2008. And one of the factors that contributed to that crash was that there were too many homes for sale. While only part of the oversupply back then came from builders, the lasting impact is that some people still feel uneasy when they hear new home construction has ramped up.

Even though the supply of new homes has grown this year, the data shows there’s no need to worry. Builders aren’t overbuilding, they’re just catching up.

New Home Construction May Be at Its Peak for the Year


Coldwell Banker West

Homebuilders Aren’t Overbuilding, They’re Catching Up You may have heard that there are more brand-new homes available right now than the norm.

Home Prices Aren’t Declining, But Headlines Might Make You Think They Are 06/12/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Home Prices Aren’t Declining, But Headlines Might Make You Think They Are

If you’ve seen the news lately about home sellers slashing prices, it’s a great example of how headlines do more to terrify than clarify. Here’s what’s really happening with prices.

The key is knowing the difference between the asking price and the sold price.

Understanding Asking Price vs. Sold Price

In essence, the asking price, also known as a listing price, is the amount a seller hopes to get for their home when they list it. In reality, sellers can’t just put any price tag on their house and expect it to sell for top dollar.

Here’s the most important thing to note: Actual sold prices are still rising, and they’re expected to continue to do so at least over the next 5 years.

What Does This Mean for Home Prices?

So, while there's been an increase in price reductions recently, this doesn't mean overall home values are...

Coldwell Banker West

Home Prices Aren’t Declining, But Headlines Might Make You Think They Are If you’ve seen the news lately about home sellers slashing prices, it’s a great example of how headlines do more to terrify than clarify.

Savings Strategies Every First-Time Homebuyer Needs To Know 06/11/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Savings Strategies Every First-Time Homebuyer Needs To Know

If homeownership is on your goal sheet for your future, you’re probably working on your savings. And a big priority is making sure you’ve got a plan in place for things like your closing costs, down payment, and more.

Here are a few strategies that can help speed up that process.

Budget and Track Your Expenses: To start, create a detailed budget that tracks the money you’ve got coming in and the money going out. This’ll give you a better look at your finances as a whole.

Cut Down on Unnecessary Spending: Now that you have your budget sheet done and you know how you’re spending your money, look for any line items that aren’t absolutely essential. If you cut down on those, you can re-allocate that cash toward buying a home. Even the little things can add up.

Automate Your Savings: Once you know how much you want to set aside for your...

Coldwell Banker West

Savings Strategies Every First-Time Homebuyer Needs To Know If homeownership is on your goal sheet for your future, you’re probably working on your savings.

Selling Smart: Why a Real Estate Agent Makes All the Difference 06/10/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Selling Smart: Why a Real Estate Agent Makes All the Difference

If you’re considering selling your house on your own as a “For Sale by Owner” (FSBO), you want to think about if it’s really worth the extra stress.

Getting the Price Right

Setting the right price for your house is important. And, if you’re selling your house on your own, two common issues can happen. You might ask for too much money (overpricing). Or you might not ask for enough (underpricing). Either can make it hard to sell your house.

To avoid these problems, team up with a real estate agent. Agents know how to figure out the perfect price because they have a deep understanding of the local housing market.

Understanding and Performing Paperwork

Selling a house involves a bunch of paperwork and legal documentation that has to be just right. There are a lot of rules and regulations to follow, and that makes it a bit tricky for...

Coldwell Banker West

Selling Smart: Why a Real Estate Agent Makes All the Difference If you’re considering selling your house on your own as a “For Sale by Owner” (FSBO), you want to think about if it’s really worth the extra stress.

The Wealth-Building Power of Homeownership [INFOGRAPHIC] 06/07/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

The Wealth-Building Power of Homeownership [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you’re trying to decide if buying a home is worth it, consider the long-term benefits, like building equity as home values grow over time. According to the FHFA, home values have increased by 315.7% since 1991. Home equity is one reason owning your own place can really pay off in the long run. When you're ready, DM me.

Coldwell Banker West

The Wealth-Building Power of Homeownership [INFOGRAPHIC] If you’re trying to decide if buying a home is worth it, consider the long-term benefits, like building equity as home values grow over time.

Your Equity Could Make a Move Possible 06/06/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Your Equity Could Make a Move Possible

Many homeowners looking to sell feel like they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Today’s mortgage rates are higher than the one they currently have on their home, and that’s making it harder to want to sell and make a move.

What Is Equity?

Think of equity as a simple math equation.
Your equity grows as you pay down your loan over time and as home prices climb. And thanks to the rapid home price appreciation we saw in recent years, you probably have a whole lot more of it than you realize.

The latest from the Census and ATTOM shows more than two out of three homeowners have either completely paid off their mortgages.
That means the majority of homeowners have a game-changing amount of equity right now.

How Your Equity Can Help Fuel Your Move
• Be an all-cash buyer
• Make a larger down payment

The First Step: Determine How Much Equity You Have...

Coldwell Banker West

Your Equity Could Make a Move Possible Many homeowners looking to sell feel like they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place right now.

The Sweet Spot for Buying Luxury Homes 06/05/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

The Sweet Spot for Buying Luxury Homes

If you’ve been looking for a home at the high end of your market, but haven’t found the right one, you may have put your search on hold. But according to recent data, now may be the time to jump back in. Here’s why.

There Are More Luxury Homes To Choose From

What’s considered the top-end of the market, or a luxury home, will always vary by location. But generally speaking, they’re homes that are valued in the top 5% of any given market. According to a recent report from the Institute for Luxury Home Marketing, the selection of luxury homes is increasing.

There are considerably more single-family luxury homes available now than there were a year ago. In fact, there are even more than there were just a month ago. This means you should have a wider variety of top-of-the-line homes to choose from, each with unique features and styles.

Rising Luxury Home Prices...

Coldwell Banker West

The Sweet Spot for Buying Luxury Homes If you’ve been looking for a home at the high-end of your market, but haven’t found the right one, you may have put your search on hold.

What To Expect if You Buy or Sell a Home This June 06/04/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

What To Expect if You Buy or Sell a Home This June

June is a busy month in the housing market because a lot of people buy and sell this time of year. So, if you’ve got a move on your mind and you’re looking to make it happen this month, here’s a snapshot of what you need to know to make sure you’re ready.

If You’re Buying This June

A lot of homebuyers with children like to move after one school year ends and before the next one begins. That’s one reason why late spring into summer is a popular time for homes to change hands. And whether that’s a motivator for you or not, it’s important to realize more buyers are going to be looking right now – and that means you’ll want to be ready for a bit more competition. But there is a silver lining to a move this time of year. This is also when more sellers will list – so you should find you have more options.

During this busy season, it’s extra important to...

Coldwell Banker West

What To Expect if You Buy or Sell a Home This June June is a busy month in the housing market because a lot of people buy and sell this time of year.

More Than a House: The Emotional Benefits of Homeownership 06/03/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

More Than a House: The Emotional Benefits of Homeownership

With all the headlines and talk about housing affordability, it can be tempting to get lost in the financial side of buying a home. That’s only natural as you think about the dollars and cents of it all.

And while you ultimately need to be able to afford a home you buy, don’t lose sight of why homeownership was so important to you in the first place. That’s because buying a home is so much more than just a financial transaction.

Here’s a look at just a few of those more emotional or lifestyle perks, to help anchor you to why homeownership is one of your goals.

A Sense of Satisfaction

Owning a home is often associated with better mental health and well-being. T

More Stability for Your Family

Another thing that may make homeowners feel more satisfied is that they’re finally able to put down roots.

A Stronger Feeling of Community

And if...

Coldwell Banker West

More Than a House: The Emotional Benefits of Homeownership With all the headlines and talk about housing affordability, it can be tempting to get lost in the financial side of buying a home.

Top Reasons To Own a Home [INFOGRAPHIC] 05/31/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

Top Reasons To Own a Home [INFOGRAPHIC]

Buying a home has powerful financial and non-financial benefits. It creates more stability, helps grow your net worth, and gives you an undeniable sense of pride. While today’s market can be challenging for buyers, use these reasons to remind you of why homeownership is so worthwhile. When you’re ready to enjoy all the amazing advantages that come with owning a home, let’s get in touch.

Coldwell Banker West

Top Reasons To Own a Home [INFOGRAPHIC] Buying a home has powerful financial and non-financial benefits.

The Biggest Mistakes Buyers Are Making Today 05/30/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

The Biggest Mistakes Buyers Are Making Today

Buyers face challenges in any market – and today’s is no different. With higher mortgage rates and rising prices, plus the limited supply of homes for sale, there’s a lot to consider.

Putting Off Pre-approval

As part of the homebuying process, a lender will look at your finances to figure out what they’re willing to loan you for your mortgage. This gives you a good idea of what you can borrow so you can really wrap your head around the financial side of things before you start looking at homes. Make sure you get your pre-approval first.

Holding Out for Perfection

While you may have a long list of must-haves and nice-to-haves, you need to be realistic about your home search. Even though your ideal state is you find a home that checks every box, you may need to be willing to compromise – especially since inventory is still low.

Buying More House Than You...

Coldwell Banker West

The Biggest Mistakes Buyers Are Making Today Buyers face challenges in any market – and today’s is no different.

How an Agent Helps Market Your House 05/29/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

How an Agent Helps Market Your House

You’re ready to sell your house. But what do you need most from your real estate agent? Well, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) asked that very question to recent sellers and found one of the top things they were looking for is help marketing their house to potential buyers. Maybe that’s what you need the most help with too.

You expect your real estate agent to write a great description of your house for the listing and pair it with some high-quality photos. But that’s not all you’re going to get when you partner with a great agent:

• Listing on the MLS – By listing your house on the MLS, it will get more visibility from other real estate agents and buyers.

• Using a Yard Sign – A yard sign catches the eye of people driving or walking by.

• Having an Open House – When your agent advertises and hosts your open house, buyers see others are interested in...

Coldwell Banker West

How an Agent Helps Market Your House You’re ready to sell your house. But what do you need most from your real estate agent?

How Do Climate Risks Affect Your Next Home? 05/28/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

How Do Climate Risks Affect Your Next Home?

If you’re planning to move, climate change is something you might want to consider, no matter where you are. So, how can you be sure your investment is safe from the elements?

For starters, work with a local real estate agent to understand the likelihood of your future home being exposed to hazards like wind, floods, and wildfires. Your agent will know the area and be able to tell you about the risks you’ll most likely face.

A Home Built to Last

If you’re planning to be in your home for many years, you want to know it’s going to last. One way to think ahead is to work with your real estate agent to ensure the home you buy can withstand environmental hazards. They’re up to date on the most common building and remodeling techniques—like a secondary water barrier on the roof or noncombustible, fire-resistant exterior walls—used to protect homes from the...

Coldwell Banker West

How Do Climate Risks Affect Your Next Home? Climate change is impacting where people buy homes.

How VA Loans Can Help You Buy a Home 05/27/2024

Liz Garcia CA DRE 01737986

How VA Loans Can Help You Buy a Home

For over 80 years, Veterans Affairs (VA) home loans have helped millions of veterans buy their own homes. If you or someone you know has served in the military, it's important to learn about this program and its benefits.

Here are some key things to know about VA loans before buying a home.

Top Benefits of VA Home Loans

VA home loans make it easier for veterans to buy a home, and they're a great perk for those who qualify. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, some benefits include:

• Options for No Down Payment: Qualified borrowers can often purchase a home with no down payment. That’s a huge weight lifted when you’re trying to save for a home. The Associated Press says: “. . . about 90% of VA loans are used to purchase a home with no money down.”

• Don’t Require Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI): Many other loans with down payments under 20% require...

Coldwell Banker West

How VA Loans Can Help You Buy a Home For over 80 years, Veterans Affairs (VA) home loans have helped millions of veterans buy their own homes.

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Joining Coldwell Banker West offers real estate agents a unique combination of tools, support, and opportunities designe...
This home isn't going to sell itself 😂 𝑳𝑰𝒁 𝑮𝑨𝑹𝑪𝑰𝑨 Mentor I Manager I REALTOR©•619-549-1389••C...
Ready to dive into investment properties but not sure about your mortgage options? Let’s break it down:🔸 Look Beyond Tra...
This is how Coldwell Banker West is choosing to celebrate love today! 💌🥂 I hope everyone has an amazing day celebrating ...
Zillow conducted a survey, that scrutinized over 300 design styles and keywords related to home features found in for-sa...
Are you unsure of the ways to get more business from social media or client referrals? Read below! -Define your brand's ...
Prepping to Sell Your Home? Focus on these three areas to best prepare for a housing inspection! Make It Inviting • Open...
It can be a downer when you see those high costs and low inventory. And it's even tougher for first-time buyers who keep...
Looking to elevate your real estate game on Instagram? Whether you're posting, sharing stories or commenting, remember t...
How are mortgage rates going to look for the rest of 2023? Here are predictions of by multiple sources of mortgage rates...
Chula Vista has secured its spot as one of the top 15 cities for retired military, according to a recent CoworkingCafe s...
Is your buyer or seller considering a VA Loan? VA Loans are applicable to people buying homes, condos, or those needed t...



2300 Boswell Road, 100
Chula Vista, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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As a realtor, my past experience is your success!! If you looking to sell or buy your house call � me.

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900 Lane Avenue Unit 116
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✅ Trusted Realtor in San Diego. Ca Dre 02113096 Hablo español. Free consultations. Contact me today.✅

Ric Manalo, Real Estate Broker Ric Manalo, Real Estate Broker
821 Kuhn Drive #102
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DRE# 00757836 | eXp Realty

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Let's Talk Seniors Realty Group, Jewell 4 Homes Let's Talk Seniors Realty Group, Jewell 4 Homes
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Real estate services specializing in helping seniors and their families in San Diego. Ephesians 6:2

Jose Payne King Jose Payne King
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Sell your home in 8 days and walk away with thousands more than if you sold the traditional way.

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Service Beyond the Sale! CADRELic#01842005

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Great Apartments, Great Service and The Amenities You Deserve.

Rznson Capital llc Rznson Capital llc
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Solutions for possibilities concerning your Real Estate & Private Money needs!