Unique Healing Massage and Gifts

Licensed deep tissue medical massage therapist with over 20 years experience.

*With over 18 years experience, my therapeutic approach is unique and customized to each client, every visit.

*I specialize in relieving/reducing chronic pain, 'troubleshooting' to identify the possible cause(s) of the issue(s), and providing suggestions for resolving the issues that result in the client's pain.

*Endurance Runner and Triathlete with 1st place finishes at the Tulsa Urban 100 mi


“Pursue what is meaningful,not what is expedient.”

Good evening!

>Pursue: to chase, to diligently seek.
>Meaningful: having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose.
>Expedient: a means of attaining an end, especially one that is convenient but considered improper or immoral.
>Integrity: a person's commitment to honesty and a willingness to do what's right.

Diligently seek what has an important, useful quality & purpose with integrity.

Integrity trumps expediency, always.

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend.
Much love,lisa


“A shift in how we think about life produces a shift in how we experience it.”

Good afternoon!

Today, our beliefs, prejudices and values are influenced by experiences of yesterday. We can not change what happened, but we can change the way we THINK about what happened.

Here are two options:
1. Die a little every day. Let what happened depress and limit you, focus on heartbreak, entitlement, unfairness, and/or loss - joyless life.

2. Live every day with an attitude of gratitude. Treat each day as a blank canvas. When adversity happens accept the challenge, utilize tools and/or skills, learn the lesson, and grow.

Today, and every day, learn and grow.
Attitude of gratitude is a pathway to experience daily love of your lifetime!

Have a marvelous, marvelous Monday!
Much love,lisa


“Don’t expect to see positive changes in your life, if you surround yourself with negative people.”

Good morning!

Negativity breeds negativity.

As the saying goes, if you surround yourself with “dogs”, you’ll ultimately get “fleas”.

However, at some point I have to ask myself the questions:
“Why is everyone so negative?!”🧐
“Am I the one with fleas?”🧐
“Could it be me?”😳

I can’t change anyone else. My power lies within openness and willingness to change my perspective, my attitude and myself.

Be the change you want to see.
Change is simple…not easy.
Lead the way.

Have a tremendous, tremendous Thursday!
Much love,lisa


“Doing your best is more important than being the best.”

Good morning!🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑🌘🌗🌖🌕

Tell that to my ego.🤭

One of my most important life-lessons is humility, and realizing “best” is relative to integrity, character and doing the next right thing.

I remind myself that I am the me of today, not yesterday, nor what I want to be tomorrow. Accepting where I am today, and utilizing my resources to be the best version of myself.

Progress not perfection.

Have a marvelous, marvelous Monday!
Much love,lisa🙏😘🌷


“Your response to the situation literally has the power to change the situation itself.”

Good morning!

I’m a lover not a fighter.

That truth is arguably MY perspective yet is conditional and contingent upon these two principles:
1) My spiritually fitness
2) My “H-A-L-T-S” conditions are in check

1) Spiritual fitness is about having a sense of purpose and meaning in your life - positive/healthy connectivity with my inner being and worldviews, faith, values, ethics, morals, as well as senses of purpose and connectedness.

2). My “H-A-L-T-S” conditions are feelings of being hungry, angry, lonely, tired, or sick. These feelings are more physical, and will change, when the appropriate actions are taken.

Remember: Feelings aren’t facts.

Pause…especially when agitated.
Be kind to yourself and others.
Respond, rather than react.

Have a tremendous, tremendous Thursday!
Much love,lisa🙏😘❤️‍🩹🌷


“Wherever you are investing your time, you are creating your life.”

Good afternoon!

This is a great reminder, and an affirmation I need to refocus on balance.

I have had a tendency to forego cultivating personal relationships and taking time for God, myself, family and friends, to invest the majority of my time working or busying myself doing “things” that take precedence over precious time with said loved ones.

There are no do-overs.

This weekend, today, right now are opportunities. Invest your time wisely!

Have a wonderful, wonderful Wednesday!
Much love, lisa


“When you know yourself, you are empowered. When you accept yourself, you are invincible.”

Good morning!

Just as our relationship with our Creator:

>When we know the Light, we are empowered with knowledge.
>When we accept the Light, we have an armor that is invincible from the darkness of these days!

Establish a healthy relationship with The Light, yourself, and be a light!

Darkness be afraid! Fear us!

Have a terrific, terrific Tuesday!
Much love,lisa🙏😘❤️‍🩹🌷


“You cannot breathe life into someone refusing to inhale.”

Good morning!

I awakened this morning at 1:31 AM, and began doing self-massage therapy on my neck and shoulders. Painful.😣

Fast forward to 3:23AM, I began journaling in my notebook, and wrote these two lines at the very beginning:

Inspire: To breathe life into.
I desire to trust and inspire.

Fast forward to 5:38AM, as I do every morning between 5&6AM, I called the RCDC UA Line, and the thought of the day was:

“You cannot breathe life into someone refusing to inhale.”

I don’t believe in coincidences.

My purpose, intention and desire are to inspire others (and myself) to live, laugh, love and rejoice, each day and every day to the fullest.

I will not allow others to be my killjoy,
and you don’t have to either.
Be your ideal self today.
Your choice…
Choose happy!

Just breathe…
Inhale the good.
Exhale the bad.

Have a fabulous, fabulous Friday!
Much love,lisa 🙏😘❤️‍🩹🌷


“Most profound personal growth does not happen in the calm, it happens in the throws of conflict.”

Good morning!

🌷Happy First Day of Spring!🌷

Enough cannot be said about having a deeply profound sense of gratitude from and without knowing loss, weakness and darkness.

Today, let’s remember to see the flowers and the trees, the beauty in the sky up above, and celebrate this new season of today!

Have a tremendous, tremendous Thursday!
Much love,lisa


“The enemies of ego are:
1. Self awareness
2. Concern for others
3. Remembering what matters most”

Good morning!

Ego is our sense of self:
self worth
self esteem
self importance.

With an inflated ego, I feel superior, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. That is, I have a feeling of being all powerful, all knowing, and that my presence everywhere!

What an arrogant, pompous ass am I?! God-complex much?! 🧐🙄😞

Then, with my deflated ego, I’ve gone the complete 180 (not 360 like some people incorrectly say - 180 is opposite of where you are, 360 is a complete circle so your at the same point)…

See! I can’t help myself. I’m talking about a deflated ego, and I break off into an explanation “be informative and offer good information”. I justify it by the fact I was “simply clarifying for all to be on the same page”, but I’m actually setting myself up as being superior or more informed.

Like it or not, it comes down to ego.
Self awareness, concern for others
and remembering what matters most help me keep my ego in check.

Balance is key.

Yes, I’ve been eating a lot of humble pie, as I’ve been working on my self awareness, my self worth, my self esteem, and self importance.

Again, Balance is key.

Have a wonderful, wonderful Wednesday!

Much love,lisa


“God’s timing is forever accurate. In your waiting, God is working on the person you are becoming.”

Good morning!

This message could not have been more poignant for me today.

To be honest, waiting, idle time, nor being still are NOT my fortes. So the reminder I am powerless over timing and/or anything other than my attitude and behaviors is needed - not necessarily welcomed, but necessary.

When I am challenged to wait, WAIT! Wait, that’s it: “challenged”…
Be not “challenged” by waiting.
Change my perspective.
Embrace the wait.

Have patience.
Patience is a person's ability to wait something out or endure something tedious, without getting riled up.

What is deemed “tedious” is relative to the situation and individual, as is the level of patience.

Faithfully and diligently continue to do what God has called you to today, with patience. And remember, God’s timing is forever accurate. Accept that fact.

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Much love,lisa


“Not all positive change feels positive in the beginning.”

Good morning!

Change isn’t easy. The outcome will be as it should, but your experience is as positive or negative as you choose.

Change is inevitable. We have no control in whether change is going to happen, as change is happening every time the second hand tics.

Positive change is relative, a mindset.
We base our judgement of whether something is positive, good, bad, or the other🤷🏻‍♀️, by our unique, individual paradigms/experiences.

Further, our attitude toward change directly affects our experience of our journey through change.

We cannot control anything but our attitude and mindset. The “suck” of change is fleeting - sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

Embrace the “suck”, and get it done!

Acceptance. Surrender. Willingness.
Embrace the “suck”, and get it done!

Have a fabulous, fabulous Friday!
Much love,lisa🙏😊❤️‍🩹


“Habit is overcome by habit.”

Good morning!

So true! And, life seems to be more peaceful with a trilogy…

When change in our life happens, by choice, imposed, or unforeseen circumstances, SPIRITUAL, MENTAL, PHYSICAL balance is basic, fundamental and key for an ideal outcome of wellness.

Isn’t that the key: wellness?
Well, add love, joy and happiness.😊

I’ve discovered this, but incarceration, introspection, and willingness to change my thinking and behaviors was essential.

When I experienced a loss, it cut out a HUGE hole in my being. I was empty, desperate and in need of filling the hole in my soul.

I was alone, empty and hopeless.

I was angry at God, so my spiritual wellness tanked, and I was left with physical and mental aspects of my “trilogy of wellness” to sustain my day-to-day existence.

Mentally, all I knew was how much my body and soul hurt, and I just wanted my pain to end. Numb and/or escape was/were my answer(s) to feeling or dealing with my pain.

Well, I wasn’t a “drinker”, “gambler”or “promiscuous”, but I sure knew how to work and exercise! There opened my doors to addictions to exercise, work and an eating disorder.

So, I filled my hole with work and exercise. At age 28, I met my “soulmate”. He drank, so then I added alcohol and s*x to my repertoire, ‘tool kit’, or ‘numb and escape’ modality.

When “soulmate” turned out to be a con man, we broke up (no more s*x), I got injured (no more exercise) and was down to drinking and working to deal with all my pain.

Note: I’m still doing this “alone” with NO spiritual connection or relationship, because I’m strong, independent, and free (wait for it…).

Within a few months, I lost my job because I was drinking “on the job” - actually had tequila hidden or in “water” bottles and freely “swigged” throughout the day. And yes, I was incarcerated for drinking and driving.

🙏Praise God no one was killed.🙏

Surprising to no one, I lost my job and my business - not once, not twice, but THREE times.

Resiliency with no change in behavior or willingness to work on the root of my issues (my loss, void or hole in my soul), nearly killed me.

Praise the Light of my Being, God as I understand, gave me (and gives me) grace, love, and acceptance through my humility, surrender, and willingness to work.

My life in recovery rocks!

When my spiritual wellness is in check, all other aspects of self are easier to balance and maintain.

I’ve learned to connect spiritually first.
Balance: mind, body, spirit.
Habit begets habit.

May peace, joy, love and wellness be yours. All are yours and available.
Be open and willing to work for it!

Have a wonderful, wonderful Wednesday!
Much love,lisa🙏😘


“Stop the debate. Just Breathe. Everything is the way it supposed to be. Accept what is, Let Go of what was, and Have Faith in what will be.”

Good morning!

Everything is the way it is supposed to be, and life is filled with experiences, all relative and unique to each of us.

Your perspective is not identical to mine, nor mine yours. Let’s grow.

Stop the debate.
United we stand. Divided we fall.

Just breathe.
Seek to understand,
than to be understood.

Listen again.
United we stand. Divided we fall.

Accept what is.
Let Go of what was.
Have Faith in what will be.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

Have a fabulous, fabulous Friday!
Much love,lisa


“One of the most comforting aspects of God’s character is He is always present and always available.”

Good morning!

Having a comforting character is certainly desirable, attainable, and doable.

A character that is comforting, kind, consistent, endearing, and the like are amazing; however, being genuine and authentic surpass them all.

Strive to be better and do better.
Be authentic, always.

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Much love,lis@


“Nothing changes your life like the commitments you choose to make.”

Good morning!

A commitment is an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.

There it is:
“restricts freedom of action”.

Like it or not, we are judged more harshly upon following through with a commitment rather than the actual commitment itself - notice I said “judged more harshly”.

Judged if you do, judged if you don’t.

Being a people pleaser, I have a tendency to over commit and under perform. That is the exact opposite of my intention. *Insert proverb*
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”🧐

Anywho, a commitment is your word, your honor, and greatly influences your character, integrity and reliability.

I often look a fool for simply not exercising my boundary right of just saying “No”. No explanation needed

I’m learning about boundaries.
Unfortunately, I’m a slow learn.
Undoing what I’ve done for years, takes practice, practice, practice.

Personal grace and consistency. Progress rather than perfection.

Life happens. So does death.
Remember: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Have a fabulous,fabulous Friday!
Much love,lisa


“Humility is nothing but the disappearance of self and the understanding that God is all.”

Good morning!

I struggle with humility.

Most of my life I have been trying to do things myself, so my pride and ego run amok. Never wanting to be indebted to someone, anyone for anything, I had “pride” in myself by doing things for and by my self.

Though I have always been thrilled and joyful to give and help others, receiving help was shameful, humiliating, a sign of weakness and failure. I finally realized denying another’s help was stealing their joy -
the joy I receive when I help.

Protecting my ego was paramount, and I selfishly thought it made me more respected and “stronger” in others’ eyes if I didn’t need or ask for help.

Life has taught me otherwise.
No, The Creator has shown me otherwise.
I now know life isn’t just live and let live.
Life is love and let love.

I’m a slow learner, and my brain leaks.
I have the privilege of often reminders.
I no longer to selfishly deny help, and have been known to ask for help a few times.

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Much love,lisa


Hope you can attend!

HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY to one of our newest Oklahoma Hall of Fame Inductees, Bryan White!

Join us as we celebrate him and other’s tonight at Oklahoma Music Hall of Fame 26th Annual Induction Ceremony & Concert! It’s going to be a great night of surprises and special guests.

Tickets are still available.

📅 SHOW DATE: Saturday Feb. 17
📍LOCATION: Muskogee Civic Center

🎟️ Muskogee Civic Center Box Office will be open from 2pm until showtime or you can purchase tickets online at:



Be “colorblind”. Be open. Listen. Be willing. Be kind. Simply love one another.

A few days ago, as planned, I went to vote before going to work. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find my ID. Frustrated, more disappointed, I left and went to work withhout voting. I did find my ID, and just before the polls closed, went back to my precinct.

Upon arrival, there was an elderly lady in line ahead of me. She stated to the volunteers she was fortunate to have made it before the polls closed, because she had been at home in her pajamas - mark of a dedicated citizen that values the voice of her vote!

Well, one of the volunteers who obviously knew her, questioned her a few times about personal business. After a few probing questions, distraught, she loudly stated, “can’t a woman who just lost her husband be left alone!”

My heart ached for her. I just wanted to comfort her, so I did all I knew to do. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked:
“may I hug you?”

I know the entire scenario was none of my business. I also had no clue what her response would be. All I knew was she was hurting and I was compelled to be kind.

She turned, our eyes locked, and she fell into my arms. She began sobbing. I simply told her to “let it out”, “cry as much as you need”, “I am here”, “I love you”.

Yes, we held up there line. Eventually, the next in line went around us. It was timeless.

I was grateful I had to return to the precinct.
I was grateful I was colorblind.
I was grateful I was open.
I was grateful I was listening.
I was grateful I was willing.
I was grateful I was vulnerable to be kind.

I am grateful The Light, God, gives us opportunities of awareness, openness and willingness to help others feel a sense of peace, hope, joy, love, light and kindness - if only for a moment.

Let’s all commit to a spirit of kindness.
Let’s all seek to understand one another, grow together in a spirit of community.
Let’s love one another.

Have a fabulous, fabulous Friday!
Much love,lisa

Photos from Unique Healing Massage and Gifts's post 02/14/2024

These little guys are lost!
640 Earthside Dr
Claremore OK


“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love yourself.”

Good morning!

Happy Happy Valentine’s Day!

Setting boundaries has ALWAYS been ONE of my strongest weaknesses. Oxymoron?🧐
Or just plain moron?🤷🏻‍♀️You decide.

I am a people pleaser, so loving myself is an afterthought at best. Meeting everyone else’s needs, wants, expectations, opinions always trumped mine.

I completely lost my purpose, my opinion, my voice, and my identity became whatever I needed to be to serve “people” instead of The Creator.

It was exhausting to say the very least.

Then I discovered the word “no”. Turns out, “no” has been in my vocabulary since the age of two-ish. Punishment or approval molded the use of MY ‘voice’ or lack thereof.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
No is a complete sentence.
No explanation required.
Practice as needed.

Have a wonderful, wonderful Wednesday!
Much love,lisa🙏😘❤️


Interesting read:.

13 suggestions for taming our ego

Every time I’ve suffered in life, my ego has been at the source. Not knowing your ass from third base breeds numerous problems, but perhaps the most dangerous is the inability to see beyond your own point of view.

Living via your ego is essentially operating as if everything revolves around you — the world as you see it is the way it is. While a smattering of truth is present, much of life is open to interpretation. Getting outside of our own opinion as often as possible can spare us much of the heartache.

Easier said than done, there are several strategies to stepping outside of the ego and living a harmonious life. Here are thirteen ways to remain grounded in your understanding of the events life chooses to unfold.

*1. Kill the addiction to approval*
Much like the Hedonic Treadmill, approval is like any other desire in life. We strive to gain it, relish in it momentarily once attained, and set out for more thereafter. It’s as gratifying as winning the lottery and having to return the money the next day. The recognition is not the issue — the fact that we don’t feel good enough without it is.

*2. Seek out praise for others*
The subconscious mind doesn’t operate based on what you think is true. It functions based on what it hears. Deliberately identifying opportunities to praise others will gradually shift your inner being from quietly self-serving to proudly secure.

*3. Write down or declare your purpose each day*
Despite the astounding capabilities of the brain, it’s default is reaction mode. If you don’t chart a course for it, the ship only steers when absolutely necessary. Writing down your intent for the day allows you to override the survival mechanism and stay consistent with who you really are.

*4. Let go of the false power of anger*
You’re not fooling anyone by raising your voice. Anger, although combative on the surface, is a derived from fear. We have no need to relish in rage when we are secure within ourselves. It’s when we feel threatened and afraid that we look throw the kitchen sink.
Leaning into anger is the fastest route to losing any grip whatsoever on the situation. You give up your ability to cause a different outcome. Instead of lashing out, care for the child inside of you who’s clearly hurt from the situation and come up with a more balanced plan of attack.

*5. Spend time alone in nature*
Man-made structure can always have holes poked in them. There’s always an opportunity to say what could be better. Nature on other hand, is much harder to argue with. It comes from the earth, the unknown, which we do not understand. That which we do not understand, we proceed with caution. There’s absolutely zero ego in the eye of a hurricane.

*6. Leverage the Law of Attraction*
Increasing in popularity over the past several years, the Law of Attraction states that what you put out to the universe, you receive in return. So when most of your questions to are centered around what you can get out of life, life typically meets you with a similar demanding nature.
Conversely, looking for ways in which you can serve often opens up the doors for others to do the same for you. You must give what you wish to receive.

*7. Be still*
There was an event that took places in your life between the ages of 4–6 that resulted in a permanent conversation in your head. This internal noise, which we leverage for much of our wisdom, is not our intuition. It’s simply our survival dialogue giving up a blown-out-of-proportion commentary about what’s happening in our lives. The ego is pulling the strings.
Next time you feel triggered, don’t act or respond right away. Acknowledge your first response and ask yourself, “What else could this mean?”

*8. Use irritation from others as a mirror for yourself*
How you react to others says more about you and the state you’re in than it does about them. People are who they are — some very secure, some not. An inkling of frustration is meant to be water, not gasoline. Assume everyone you interact with is perfect the way they are except you. Hold back the onset of berating other people and flip the lens to see which part of your psyche the situation could be exposing — and could use more of your love.

*9. Focus on inner currency*
While you may have tangible money in a tangible bank, the same can be said for what’s inside your heart and mind. It won’t matter how much money you have in savings if there’s mostly garbage in your head. The love and compassion you show yourself and others is the quickest way to making huge deposits in your spiritual bank account — the one that will grant you a far more fulfilling life than simply dollars and cents.

*10. Give in to vulnerability*
Being open and honest about what’s really going on is a true measure of strength. The fear of looking bad drives people to internalize much of what they deal with on a daily basis. Feelings are reduced in power when we verbalize them and see them for what they are. Keeping them locked away in a tight crevice leaves the authentic self preoccupied, creating space for the ego to step in and navigate self-expression.

*11. Suppress the need to add your opinion to everything*
There’s something to be said about the person secure enough within themselves to remain quiet and reserved while another party shares. We’re very connected as human beings. Odds are, we could add our opinion to just about any conversation. Most of the time however, it’s not who we really are that’s looking to add the opinion — it’s the ego.
The ego has an overwhelmingly need for significance. Therefore, it cannot help but blurt a point-of-view every waking chance it gets. Realize this is not serving any particular need outside of self-worth. If you’re not offering something of legitimate value to the person you’re speaking with, calm the storm and wait for a question to be posed.

*12. Question why you do what you do*
In neuro-linguistic programming, there’s what’s called a core value elicitation. With this method, the values that drive people are derived from what they’re looking for in life, down to the deepest level.
For example, a person’s chosen career path could serve the values of contribution and growth or it could serve the values of security and self-worth. Same trajectory, very different forces manning the control booth.

It’s when we’re unclear on which of these values we’re serving that we’re often left unfulfilled. We arrive at a checkpoint we looked forward to celebrating and a cascade of emptiness wipes out whatever glimmer of excitement we had been harboring. The ego is self-consumed. If what you’re doing doesn’t light you up, it probably isn’t addressing a value that’s important enough to you — or you’re not making a deliberate correlation to it.

*13. Locate yourself in others as often as possible*
The context in which we screw up in life can differ, but we all do it. It seems like only yesterday we experienced our most spectacular drop of the ball, as we pleaded to our higher power for people to show mercy.

Much of life is trivial. It’s not grandiose or horrific, it’s simply there. Being, breathing, alone, and perplexed. It’s hard enough as it is for many of us. Because of the way the human brain is wired, things will get worse if we don’t consciously make them better.

Given this understanding, we either make things better for others or we allow them to get worse — there’s no neutrality.

Viewing ourselves as distinct from everyone else is the quickest way to set the ego loose to spread its turmoil. We’re not that different. We all have the same needs. Certain people may created layer upon layer of protection agencies but inside, there’s still a scared kid.

The sooner we identify a time when we experienced a similar struggle to what another person if dealing with, the sooner we trade our admonishment for love and care — the ultimate victory for the authentic self over the ego.

Photos from Unique Healing Massage and Gifts's post 02/12/2024

Lola and I went on a walk.
*Around the Will Rogers Park.
*Then viewed the pond with geese and fountain in front of RSU.
*Then met the new owner of the amazing house that I absolutely ❤️LOVE ❤️
*Just met the owner.

From 32 and Snow to 52 and sunshine!
Quite a swing to “spring”-ish day!


“The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.”

Good morning!

This quote speaks volumes to me today.

“Healthy” ego🧐?

Is there anything less than:
*being one step ahead or anove
*ALWAYS achieving what “I” decide
*Offering (usually insisting) my unsolicited opinion I was more than happy give
*insist upon said offered opinion that everyone NEEDed to do it the “right” way (which of course what/how I told them to do it), then get ANGRY when they don’t listen


I’ve had A LOT of letting go, aka that “weak-minded” verb “surrendering”.

Turns out, surrending has been the most rewarding, freeing, oxymoronic dichotomy known to me and my ego.

Give it a try!
Your wellness, your friends, your family and complete strangers need you to try.
Give it a whirl

I DARE you…
No! I DOUBLE-DOG dare you and your ego!😂Works every time!😂

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Go OKC Thunder!🏀
Much love,lisa


Depression sucks.
Just breathe.

Find reprieve and solace in that The Creator trusted YOU with this journey.

Just breathe.

Life is a pendulum. It symbolizes the constant swing between choices and the need to find balance in life.

Feelings are fleeting.
When we are in physical, mental and spiritual balance, we are on the fluid path of wellness.
In this state of wellness, we are more likely to make clearer, more balanced choices.

When we have “blocks” in any part of our energy balance(s) and our wellness is “off, our pendulum is not fluid and not balanced.

No one’s pendulum is the same, and we all certainly need balance adjustments.

Mine starts arcing down to the farthest point and JUST when I think I’m coming unhinged, energy and momentum that that I can not see, pulls me toward the top “out of the ashes” again.

Forces are constantly working on me, as they are all of us.


Believe The Creator trusted us with our unique paths, and we are given the resources we need to successfully complete our daily journeys.

We don’t stay on the path alone, we work together. We’re never alone. Never. Never.

Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Much love friends,lisa


6 months of massages for champ
3 months of massages for runner-up
1 year massages for a raffle
$25 per ticket

Further details at Champion Fitness & Tanning front desk!
2250 East Shawnee Rd
Muskogee OK 74403

Good luck to all!
I look forward to helping you to pain free living and wellness!
Much love,lisa

Huge thank you to all of our 2024 weight loss sponsors it definitely would not be possible without their support. All these companies below are very professional and great at what they do so if you’re in need of any of their services definitely start with them!! James Hodge Ford James Hodge Toyota James Hodge Hyundai Chava's Mexican Restaurant 3 Rivers Auto Collision Unique Healing Massage and Gifts O'Reilly Chiropractic BKB Mechanical Heating & Air, LLC. .Grass King Lawn Care Muskogee Family Dentistry - Eric Massad DDSDon David - State Farm AgentO-ICaughern Insurance Agency Love Bottling Company &air@constructionking HypeOutdoorsokPanda's Drywall And RemodelingKylee's Cookie KitchenOkie Country 101.7@b&relectricChampion TanningIvory & BrondeCuztom Graphics

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104 S Missouri Ste 207
Claremore, OK

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I'm Amanda Diann Preston. I have been helping people reach their health goals for 17 years.

Massage by Sarah Massage by Sarah
1218 N. Florence Avenue, Suite A
Claremore, 74017

Massage by Sarah ran by Sarah Sinor, a Licensed Massage Therapist known for the detail in my work.

Massage by Natalie Massage by Natalie
1220 N Florence Avenue, Suite C
Claremore, 74017

I specialize in relaxation, lymphatic and therapeutic massage therapy.

Gift of Health Massage Gift of Health Massage
202 W. Blue Starr Drive
Claremore, 74017

Jaime McNeill, LMT offers traditional therapeutic massage, advanced Bodywork, and gentle restorative

Massage & Bodywork by Savanna Massage & Bodywork by Savanna
402 N Lynn Riggs Boulevard
Claremore, 74019

🌿Licensed Massage Therapist 📍Fabulash, Claremore OK

Rhapsody Boutique & Spa Rhapsody Boutique & Spa
318 W Will Rogers Boulevard
Claremore, 74017

Rhapsody is a salon & spa offering the best massages, hair & nails, facials and body waxing.

Amber Boswell, LMT Amber Boswell, LMT
312 West Will Rogers Boulevard
Claremore, 74017

I've been practicing massage since 2007. I specialize in therapeutic and relaxing techniques.