The Caleb Cares Project, Clarksville, TN Videos

Videos by The Caleb Cares Project in Clarksville. A 501(c)(3) charitable organization that serves Clarksville, Montgomery County, TN. Our mission is to help under-resourced children, youth and families in our community by showing love and meeting needs.

“…are you ready for it?”

Other The Caleb Cares Project videos

“…are you ready for it?”

Guys, I am not comfortable in front of the camera, but I'm sharing this any way. Stefanie Miller from Main Street Clarksville interviewed me about the auction and was kind enough to put this video together for us. It's a 4 minute video all about the scholarship, the event and everything in between! For the 4 minutes I watched this, I was cringing the whole time naming flaw after flaw after flaw while thinking to myself, I cannot share this! We're our worst critic, aren't we?! After some self-reflection I realized this video is a beautiful shining light of a way I honor my son, Caleb. We're having a fundraising event for a scholarship in his name that will help a local student with their financial obligation to college. I'm just a mom trying to keep my son's memory alive, and that's incredibly beautiful 🧡 Dessert Auction Fundraiser For The Caleb Joseph Slate Scholarship

What kind of goodies can you expect to bid on at our scholarship fundraiser? Take a look and join us on March 17th!! #Auction #fundraiser #thecalebcaresproject

Today we delivered over 50 presents to the students at the Kenwood and Lincoln Homes’ Head Start classes. About a month ago the teachers asked each kiddo one thing they wanted for Christmas, and then we went out and bought it. We loved seeing their faces light up and be so excited when they saw their gift! From the shopping to delivering gifts, Caleb never left my mind. If he were here, he would absolutely love this project. Honoring my son by loving on others is healing for my heart. #griefintogood #thecalebcaresproject #youareabigdealaroundhere 🧡🎄🎁

Keeping it real! I’m a Rookie at making videos 🤦🏻‍♀️😂

Will you sponsor a foster child for Christmas? Each list is a commitment of about $150. You can partner with family members, friends or colleagues to ease the financial burden! Gifts are due to me by Dec 5th! Thank you for your support 🧡🎁❤️

Caleb’s little sister makes bracelets and donates a portion of her earnings to The Caleb Cares Project! Her bracelets are for sale @thesangopharmacy. Making bracelets makes her happy, and we’d love it if you supported our girl 💞

THANK YOU for supporting us and our efforts to continue our son’s legacy for years to come! The 2nd annual dessert auction fundraiser was a huge success… We raised over $3,100 for The Caleb Joseph Slate Scholarship Award!! Thank you to all of my amazing, talented and generous bakers/donors, you all went above and beyond!! If you came out to the event tonight, thank you for your support!! Lots of love 😘🧡🎓 #thecalebcaresproject #scholarahipauction

Thank you to all of our 2022 Holiday Heroes: Brittni, Cynthia, Cristy, Pansy, Pam, Danielle, Elizabeth, Alison, Bethany, Samantha, Natalie and Bri. I’m so very grateful you said “I will” and helped us buy these specifically asked for gifts for foster kids in Middle Tennessee. Want to get involved in what we’re doing? Follow along as we share love and hope to others.

“Thank you Caleb Cares!” When I received this video this morning, my heart melted!! Look at these sweeties!! When you give to Caleb Cares and/or support our events, you’re giving to kids just like this!! In this video they are saying thank you for the bag of food and snacks that they get to take home with them for the weekend. When it was really cold outside a few weeks ago, some of these babies were showing up to school in Summer clothes, shoes and without jackets. We made sure that they will have what they need for when it gets cold again 🧡 #youareabigdealaroundhere #thecalebcaresproject #clarksvilletn

Listen to the young lady and do what she says 😂🧡 #riverfest2022 #thecalebcaresproject #youareabigdealaroundhere Come see us @ Riverfest 2022 5-11 today and 11-11 tomorrow!