Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee

Let us help you sleep better.

Founded in 1994, Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee treats more than 90 sleep disorders, including sleep apnea and insomnia, with locations in Murfreesboro, Franklin / Cool Springs, and Clarksville.

Sleep Too Hot Or Too Cold? Understanding Thermoregulation and Sleep 09/10/2021

Do you sleep too hot? Temperatures are starting to cool outside, but external temperatures aren't the only reason you may be sleeping too hot. Whether you’re sweating in the summer heat or trying to keep warm in the dead of winter, your body’s thermoregulation process works to keep your body at its ideal temperature, and it's key to getting good sleep at night. We're sharing the ideal
temperatures for sleep and tips to sleep at your ideal body temperature.

Sleep Too Hot Or Too Cold? Understanding Thermoregulation and Sleep Do you sleep hot or cold? Thermoregulation is important, especially for sleep. Discover how to regulate your body temperature at night for better sleep

5 Important Signs You Need a Sleep Test | Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee 07/08/2021

Many of us avoid going to the doctor until a health crisis gives us no other choice. Lack of quality sleep may not seem like a health crisis. However, the CDC has declared a lack of quality sleep an epidemic. If you are not getting the quality sleep you need, you are facing a health crisis. If you have additional health issues, such as high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes, your health is at an even greater risk. How do you know if it's time to call your doctor about a sleep test? Here's an article with five solid reasons.

and can also help you on the journey to your best sleep. Drop us an email - [email protected] - or give us a call: (615) 427-4228

5 Important Signs You Need a Sleep Test | Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee Consistent fatigue and an inability to focus are two key signs you need a sleep test; continue reading to find out more indicators you should schedule a sleep test


Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee (OSAinHome) has a medically-reviewed Sleep Quiz that can help you in making the decision to be tested for sleep disorders. Once you have finished, you will receive the results, along with information to help guide you on the journey to better sleep quality and overall quality of life. Take the Quiz:

If you know you are having issues getting quality sleep, we encourage you to schedule a free, 10-Minute Sleep Study Evaluation Call by visiting:

You're also welcome to call us at (615) 427-4228 or email us at [email protected]


We've all had a few of those nights - tossing, turning, flipping the pillow, looking at the ceiling, frustration building. You know that you are going to have a rough day when your alarm goes off because you haven't slept. If you are thinking to yourself, "That happens to me every night!", consider this. It only takes a few nights of lost sleep to lead you down the path to increased body weight, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Your body needs . Read more about the shocking effects of sleep deprivation:

If you struggle with sleep, we can . and can help you find the right diagnosis and treatment, putting you on the path to your best night's rest. You can call us at (615) 427-4228, email us at [email protected] or set up a free 10-minute Sleep Study Evaluation Call by visiting:


A quick reminder: Our offices will be closed on Monday, July 5, 2021, for the observance of Independence Day. We will resume normal business hours at all locations on Tuesday, July 6, 2021.


July is here, and Independence Day is just around the corner. With mask mandates and gathering restrictions lifted in most states, many of us will gather to enjoy our traditions involving food, fireworks, family, and friends. If you have trouble sleeping, keep in mind that the foods you eat and the beverages you drink can cause an increase in insomnia issues. There are some things to keep in mind that may help:
If you struggle with sleep, we can . and can help you find the right diagnosis and treatment, putting you on the path to your best night's rest. You can call us at (615) 427-4228, email us at [email protected] or set up a free 10-minute Sleep Study Evaluation Call by visiting:


- It is a common that only the obese have sleep apnea. This is simply not true! A bodybuilder with hardly any body fat can develop sleep apnea. A neck circumference of more than 17 inches for men and 16 inches for women is a risk factor. The thicker your neck is, the heavier it probably is, which can obstruct your airway when lying down. Bodybuilders' necks are especially heavy because they're highly muscular. Are you a little overweight (or a lot, but no judgment here!) Do you snore? Do you have a large neck? If you answer "yes" to one or more of these questions, you need a clinical evaluation for . Thanks to the technological advances in-home sleep testing, we can often test you from the comfort of your own home using the by Itamar Medical.

Don't make assumptions about your health. Give and a call at (615) 427-4228 for a Free, 10-minute Sleep Test Evaluation or you can also schedule a time that's most convenient for you by visiting: or email us: [email protected] - If you want more personalized information, take our sleep quiz:

06/09/2021 Our Medical Director, Dr. William Noah is live with one of our local practitioners.


is intended to build awareness for a variety of conditions that affect men across the globe. Sleep disorders often receive little attention, as lack of sleep becomes more common. However, and challenges you to STOP for a moment and answer our questions. If you answered "Yes" to either one, you need to be tested for possible sleep disorders. If you answered "Yes" to both, your life could be in danger. For chronic disease sufferers, getting less than six hours of sleep a night could almost double the risk of early death. A study conducted by the Pennsylvania State College of Medicine, sleep-tested 16,000 adults between the ages of 20 and 74, tracking their health for two decades. Individuals with existing conditions such a or were twice as likely to suffer a fatal or if they weren't getting enough sleep each night-at least 6 hours. Lack of was also linked to stress, low mood, and risk of obesity. Don't spend another night without proper sleep. Give us a call at (615) 427-4228, drop us an email at [email protected], or schedule a Free, 10- minute sleep test evaluation -

Snoring Quiz: Test Your Knowledge 06/08/2021

- How much do you know about snoring? Take our quiz and find out.

Snoring Quiz: Test Your Knowledge Test your knowledge about snoring by taking this short True or False Quiz.

10 Causes of Excessive Sleep| Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee 06/07/2021

Is it possible to sleep TOO much? Absolutely! While you may have to read that statement twice to let it really sink in, it is very possible that you are sleeping too much. Oversleeping can be as bad for your health as not getting enough sleep. Typically, there are causes for oversleeping - Read More:
If you are struggling with sleep, we can help. Our team of Sleep Medicine Specialists can help test, diagnose, and treat common sleep disorders, and even the not-so-common ones, too. Give us a call at (615) 427-4228, drop us an email at [email protected], or schedule a Free, 10- minute sleep test evaluation -

10 Causes of Excessive Sleep| Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee If you’re experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness, discover reasons you might be sleeping so much and the health risks. Sleep Centers can help uncover the cause.


Our patients who have made the decision to find answers and seek help for their poor quality of sleep demonstrate bravery and tenacity. None of us want to be told we have a medical condition. However, the dangers of not addressing the problem far outweigh the anxiety and stress that come from ignoring it. It doesn't matter what the decision is that you are facing in life - make the decision to act and have the tenacity to follow through. You will be so proud of yourself in the long run.


Did you know that you have the ability to ? It's true! If you know and how to use an , then you have the ability to save a person in a desperate fight against the clock in preventing organ damage and even death. More than 350,000 people suffer from cardiac arrest each year, but less than 10% live. The American Red Cross stresses that in cardiac arrest and people can save lives by knowing how to perform CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED). To learn more, visit:

Test Your Tennessee Healthcare Knowledge! 06/01/2021

How much do you know about the state of and in ? Take this short quiz to learn more.

Test Your Tennessee Healthcare Knowledge! How much do you know about the "state" of Tennessee's health and healthcare? Find out now!


Tennessee celebrates 225 years of statehood today! was the 16 state to join the Union on June 1, 1796. It's hard to imagine, but George Washington was the President at the time of statehood. Not unlike other states, we've had our struggles and achievements. But through it all, we have survived and thrived. There's still much work to be done. Later today, we will post a short quiz asking you how much you know about the "state" of health and healthcare in Tennessee. Take the quiz and share your results!


would like to take a moment on to remember all those who have given their lives for our liberty and country and recognize those that are still fighting to protect us. We are so grateful.


Announcing New Business Hours for our Cool Springs location - 7:30am to 4:30pm Monday-Friday. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]


A quick reminder - all of our clinics and locations will be closed on Monday in honor of Memorial Day. We will resume normal operating hours on Tuesday, June 1, 2021. In honor of all those who gave their lives that our nation might live, we hope you have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend.


We've almost reached the halfway point of 2021, and what a year it has been! Here's a question to consider: How well are you doing with your New Year's Resolutions? If you said to yourself, "Uh oh," or "I had forgotten about those back in January," why not take a moment today and reflect during . It's still not too late to make good on those promises, especially if want to get a good night's sleep. You can start tonight! Here's a quick read on five lifestyle changes you can make to improve your sleep

If you have tried everything possible, and still can't get a good night's sleep, why not let the professionals at and help? We can help you determine if you have a , as well as provide research-based, proven treatments. Talk to your P*P or family doctor today about getting a sleep study, or you can schedule a free, 10-minute sleep study evaluation by visiting:

You can also request an appointment: or give us a call at (615) 427-4228.


If you want a productive workplace, with a team of people who feel great, come to work ready to get it done, encouraging exercise and healthy eating is not enough. Employers, take note: sleep-deprived employees need to be given consideration as well. Sleep deprivation can make it harder to complete any work-related task, and it has a massive economic impact. It’s estimated that reductions in productivity, motivation, and health care costs related to sleep deprivation cost individual employers around $1,967 annually per employee. When these losses in productivity are added up, sleep deprivation at work costs U.S. companies around $136.4 billion dollars a year. Beyond the economic impact, a sleep-deprived workforce can be less empathetic to your customers, demonstrate hostility towards their coworkers, and cause dangerous and deadly situations in certain roles, like driving a truck or operating heavy machinery. Read more about sleep loss and anger:
HR Professional and Workplace Leadership: Consider sleep as an essential element in your workplace health and fitness measures! Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee and OSAinHome can help! Drop us an email at [email protected] or give us a call at (615) 427-4228.

The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and High Blood Pressure | Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee 05/24/2021

Do you have High Blood Pressure? HBP, also known as Hypertension, can lead to heart disease, stroke, or even death if left untreated. If you don't know that you have a and , or if you are not treating your sleep disorder effectively, your life could be in even more danger. Research indicates up to 50% of people suffering from hypertension also have which is why anyone struggling with high blood pressure can benefit from a . Read more:
can help you determine if you have a , as well as provide research-based, proven treatments. Talk to your P*P or family doctor today about getting a sleep study, or you can schedule a free, 10-minute sleep study evaluation by visiting:
You can also request an appointment: or give us a call at (615) 427-4228.

The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and High Blood Pressure | Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee Here’s why you should take a sleep test for sleep apnea if you have high blood pressure, especially if you struggle to keep BP under control with treatment.


During , we would like to thank our military for the enormous sacrifices they make to serve, protect, and defend our nation. Thank you!


Embracing your as an adult can seem like an impossible task. Let's face it - you cannot help but develop a little in your everyday walk along the journey of your life. As an adult, you are constantly hammered with how difficult life can be. However, hard won't always produce the best answers to the issues that arise in your life. Take a moment this week and incorporate simple, imaginative activities into your everyday life. Cook a meal. Doodle. Sing a made-up song. Even observing art at a museum or reading a novel can spark your imagination and improve your life. Let your imagination take an !


We all have a story to tell. From our family history to family vacations, somewhere along the way, you will share your experiences with a friend, a colleague, or even a total stranger. Sleep Centers would love to hear . is so important to your overall and . By sharing your story with us, we can help others who can share your successes and triumphs. Scan the QR with your smartphone, or visit and be a for better sleep! You can make a huge difference in the lives of patients just like you!


Outcomes. We can't state it simply enough - patients who are prescribed CPAP therapy only benefit from it if they are using it consistently. Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee, and our rapid results and treatment program, OSAinHome, have proven outcomes with our patients - more than double the national average. Itamar Medical, one of our partners in rapid results and in-home sleep studies, highlights our outcomes in this article:

If you are a healthcare professional frustrated with the process of diagnosing, treating, and training patients who need CPAP therapy, we can help. and give your patients the best sleep care possible. Visit for more info about our data and outcomes, or give us a call at (615) 427-4228.


If you suffer from depression, and you feel like the poor quality of your sleep could be increasing your symptoms, you're probably right and you're not alone. 90% of individuals who have depression also state that they have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. Read more:

Did you know that anyone can improve their overall by determining the root cause of their sleep issues? In fact, you will find that a better quality of sleep will help you battle , , and . Your first step is a simple, rapid result, at-home sleep study that will help a board-certified sleep specialist in determining if you have a sleep disorder.

May is , and we want to be a part of your care team. Talk to your P*P or family doctor today about getting a sleep study, or you can schedule a free, 10-minute sleep test evaluation by visiting:
You can also request an appointment: or give us a call at (615) 427-4228.


Heart Disease kills one person in the United States every 40 seconds. However, if you are living with an untreated sleep disorder, your chances of having a cardiac event increase significantly. Read More:

Take a moment today and count the number of people that you "see" or come into contact with (either virtually or literally) in 40 seconds. At least one or two will be someone you hold dear to your heart. If you snore, have trouble sleeping, or wake up as tired as when you went to bed, let us help you get a better night's rest.

During , we cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting a sleep test if you have any heart-related condition or a family history of heart conditions. Set up a free 10-minute Sleep Test Evaluation today:

You can also request an appointment: or give us a call at (615) 427-4228.


Sleep apnea and high blood pressure are potentially dangerous conditions on their own, but they can be a real nightmare together. High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is one of the most common health problems in the United States, with nearly 1 out of 2 American adults— or more than 100 million people— suffering from it. Read More about Sleep and High Blood Pressure:

During , we cannot emphasize enough the importance of getting a sleep test if you have any heart-related condition or a family history of heart conditions.

Set up a free 10-minute Sleep Test Evaluation today:
You can also request an appointment: or give us a call at (615) 427-4228.


Strength to overcome and achieve your best takes hard work and dedication. Have faith in your own abilities and tackle something new today - something you never thought you could do. You will be surprised at what you can accomplish, and how good you will feel when you do!

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1750 Memorial Drive
Clarksville, TN

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 5pm
Thursday 7:30am - 5pm
Friday 7am - 1pm

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