Videos by CODONICS in Cleveland. Codonics is a global business providing healthcare with some of the most advanced and award-winning p
Today Codonics celebrates 40 years of success! We are so appreciative and honored to have Middleburg Heights Mayor Matthew Castelli deliver the proclamation and Director of Economic Development Charles Bichara join in the festivities. We are thankful for the fantastic employees who enter our doors each day, dedicated to our success and to improving healthcare. But what we are most grateful for as we look back on these 40 years is our CEO & Owner Peter O. Botten who has remained fearless while building a talented team around the world. Codonics products can be found in over 110 countries with more than 60,000 product installations in the world's leading hospitals. HAPPY 40TH ANNIVERISARY, CODONICS! #StandardofCare #safelabelsystem #patientsafety #middleburgheights
Today Codonics celebrates 40 years of success! We are so appreciative and honored to have Middleburg Heights Mayor Matthew Castelli deliver the proclamation and Director of Economic Development Chuck Bichara join in the festivities. We are thankful for the fantastic employees who enter our doors each day, dedicated to our success and to improving healthcare. But what we are most grateful for as we look back on these 40 years is our CEO and Owner, Pete Botten, who has built a talented team around the world. Today Codonics can be found in over 110 countries with over 60,000 product installations in the world's leading hospitals. HAPPY 40TH ANNIVERSARY, CODONICS! #StandardofCare #safelabelsystem #patientsafety #middleburgheights