
I feel called by God to offer prayer to those in need. This page is not a forum for ads or discussions.

Please send prayer requests via private messenger or text 559.765.1557 and I will pray for you.


2Corinthians 10:3-5 NIV
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

We tear down these stronghold in people through spiritual warfare, so that they humble themselves and bow their knees to Christ. Look at this entire verse (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) again in The Living Bible:
“We are human, we don’t wage war with human plans and methods. We use God’s mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil’s strongholds. With these weapons we break down every proud argument that keeps people from knowing God. With these weapons we conquer their rebellious ideas, and we teach them to obey Christ.”

Pray the Word:
• That God would lift the veil off our, our families, and our nation minds, bringing revelation and enlightenment
• For Holy Spirit to hover over us and protect us.
• For godly people to be placed in our pathway each day
• That anything exalting itself against the knowledge of God, specifically pride and rebellion, would be destroyed
• That all ungodly thought patterns would be destroyed.
• That satan is bound from taking us, our families, our nation captive through wicked thoughts and lies and deceptions.
• That the armor of God would be placed on all of us.
In the name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit amen.


Father God glory be to Your Holy Name. Thank you for the freedom that You have given me in Your Son Jesus. Father how many times have I not committed to Your will when it conflicts with my plans? How often do I forget about You in my plans until things go off the rail? And then I ask why did You let it happen. Forgive me for all the times that I have put You anywhere but #1, above all in my life. Father open my eyes and ears so that I will see who or what I am putting first in my life. Search my heart Father God and reveal to me any unrighteousness in me. Help me to overcome only being committed to You when it is convenient or when I want too or want something. I pray that I become known to You as one who seeks Your Heart. In the name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit I pray, Amen.


Father God I praise You for who You are. The One that formed us. The One that gave us Your breath of life. The One that sent Your Son for our sins. So that we can be one with You again. The One who sent Your Spirit to help us each day. So that we can remember the teaching of Jesus. So that we will know the truth and be set free. Help me to slow down and talk to You and to listen to Your words. Help me not just to come into Your presence but seek Your heart. Being in Your presence will give me the strength for the day. But Your heart will show me how You see things, also where and how You have directed my path. I want to be known by You as one who seeks after Your heart. Thank You for spending time with me, through Your Spirit and in the name of Jesus.


Heavenly Father praise and glory to Your Holy Presence that is in heaven and on earth. Today is a day that we as a nation have set aside to honor the ones that gave the ultimate sacrifice for what we call freedoms in this nation. Let us not forget the One who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our true freedom. John 8:31-32; “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know “,(find the answer to, be sure, understand),” the truth and the truth will set you free.” The freedom to choose to be free from sin and have a relationship with You through Jesus. It is a simple message but not easy to live. We fail everyday. Because of Your love, grace, and mercy we can come to You with this Truth and You will forgive us. Help us each day to come into Your presence with the freedom You gave us. We pray this through Your Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus. Amen.


I lift my hands and surrender to You my God and Father. Supply all our needs for today. Protect us from all sickness and harm. You have put something on my heart that makes it heavy and sad. What do I, do we worship instead of You? What is our major topic of conversation with others? What thoughts take over our minds when we are alone? What do we choose to do instead of what You want or we know we should do? What or who do we know more about than You? Do we even want to know You more? What is it we do that we think will make us happy and clear the garbage of the day out of our minds? You know that we have obligations in this life, but they should not be our main focus and act like it is solely up to us. As I see and hear what is going on around this nation and world, I see how the attitudes of people are getting worse. So many are trying to get nowhere fast and by any means and it doesn’t matter if it is right or wrong. Holy Spirit show us where our mind-set is, anything that is not of God. I am guilty of this. I am sorry and help me to turn away from this. That I turn to You before, during, and after all things. In the name of Jesus and for the glory of our Father. Amen


Father God glory be to Your Holy Name. I thank You for this day. I pray that I bring glory to You in everything I do, say, and think. Forgive us for every time that we turn to anything except You. The requirements and cares of this world can get overwhelming that we forget to slow down and focus on You. Help us daily to turn off all distractions and enter into Your presence. That we do not just come to You with our “wish list “, but just talk to You, get to know You, and most importantly listen to what You have to say. Help us to wake up Spiritually and that we hear You and obey Your Words. In the name of Jesus amen.


Father continue to open my eyes, ears, and heart to Your teachings and Your ways. You have been showing me so much of the Spiritual application to Your parables. Right now everything I write has been way to long to put in text or post form. I pray that we men unite together in and with Your plan. That we seek Your face as individuals but also as a team. I am concerned that if we don’t You will pass us by when Your Spirit is poured out onto this nation in a way that has not been seen before. Help us not to be obsessed with everyday life, including doing ministry that we forget to spend time with You just listening.


Father God You are the one and only true God. I praise You, the great I Am. You do not need me to tell You how great and powerful You are. You are God, but You are my, our Father. You want to sit with us, to hold us, to have a conversation with us. You know what we need, even more that we do. Open my eyes so that I can see You. Open my ears so that I hear You. Soften my heart so that I receive You. No matter what happens or does not happen in this world, all that matters is our relationship with You. I hear of people denouncing Christ over politics. It breaks my heart as I know it does Yours. Open their eyes so that they can see past the darkness of politics in this world. So many are looking at an earthly man for their hope, or as the cause of all the problems. There is only one God, one Salvation, and one Spirit. This is our one and only Hope. Bring Your people back into Your presence. Father forgive us for looking to all the wrong areas for our hope for tomorrow and our deliverance from evil. One day everything that is in and on this earth will be gone and You will establish a new heaven and earth. For Your chosen, the ones that made a choice to have a relationship with You over everything and everyone else. I pray that this is what I am looking forward too. Help me not to be or become like the ones that You said that You had something against in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. I want my eyes fixed on You. My ears tuned to Your voice. That my heart beats for You. In the name of Jesus amen.


Father God I praise Your Holy name. I pray that You continue to open my eyes to the Spiritual. In Ephesians 6:10-18 Paul names 6 pieces of the armor of God using the armor of Roman soldiers, he had an intimate knowledge of this armor. There is a 7th piece that he does not name but tells how to use it. It is called a lance. There were many types. Each soldier would carry two. They were used while advancing to a face to face battle with their sword. One type was able to stick to the enemies shield, it couldn’t be easily removed. It also bent so it couldn’t be reused against them and it made the shield useless. It weakened then and took away their main defense. The Holy Spirit had Paul write in vs 18 “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” The Romans were well trained with the lance and had pin-point accuracy. Father just as there were many types of lances designed for different targets, we have many kinds of prayers. We all know someone who is facing or going to face darkness head on with the sword of the Spirit. It is up to everyone of us to agree with them with pin-point prayers, thus throwing our lance of prayer into the enemies camp. Taking away some if not all of their defenses, so weakening them and causing a fear in them. Father I pray that we unite because we cannot do this alone. We will fail if we try to fight our battles alone. Father with Your power and wisdom, in the name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit, we can use our sword of the Spirit in our battle and at the same time use our lance of prayer to help others win theirs. Amen

I wish that I could say that I came up with the lance. The idea came from a book called “The Armor of Light” by Michael Christian. However I did do my own research on it.


Heavenly Father glory be to Your Holy Name. I pray for Your kingdom to fall on me. I pray that I will feel and understand Your presence. I ask for Your forgiveness for all the times that I have failed to follow the teachings of Your Son Jesus. I pray for a Spiritual revelation on what and how to put on and how to use the armor of God. That I see it with spiritual eyes and not the symbol of what physical armor will do. The first piece is the belt of Truth. This is I believe to be the most important piece. Without it the rest will be ineffective. Help me to get a fresh and new revelation of Your Truth each day. That I will only believe Your Truth and not mix it with what the world calls truth. That I ware Your Truth for all to see. That others see, feel, and accept Your Truth because You have clothed me in Your presence. In the name of Jesus I choose Your Truth. Amen


Father God I praise Your Holy name. I thank You for Your great love. I pray for Your kingdom to come here to this earth. I pray for Your will to be done here and in me as it is in heaven. I pray for heavenly weapons and protection. Not just so that we can get through the day but to advance against the evil darkness. We have been praying for revival, a recovery to life. Are we ready for what this will bring? Do we have a game plan when any of our prayers are answered? Something that I learned, let’s take abortion, if God stops abortion are we ready to take care of all the unwanted babies? Also we need to find and pray against the root causes of what we are praying against. I believe that the root cause of abortion is that s*x outside of marriage is now become normal, even within the church, causing unwanted pregnancies and the abortion movement. Father we need a Holy Spirit led revival. So that we want to live a Holy Biblical life. Father unleash the Holy Rain and Fire. I pray this for me, my family, my city, my state, and our nation. Bring us back to the dedicated covenant that was prayed over this land around 170 years before we even became a nation. In the name of Jesus amen.


As you know we say that this United States was founded on the belief that there is one God, one Son, and one Spirit. During my study on Sunday, I found this post from GH15 “Give Him Fifteen” date 4/25/2021. This is something that we should take to heart. We may have forgotten but God has not. We need to get back on board. Pray this dedication each day over yourself, your family, your city, and our nation. Do with belief and conviction.

“Most scholars agree this was the first Protestant prayer – and the first time an intentional corporate prayer of COVENANT – was offered to God on the soil of America.”

“‘We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelists to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit, join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.’ (Robert Hunt, Cape Henry, 1607)”


Glory to God, the Father and creator of all. Praise Your Holy Name. The Name above all names. The King above all kings. Praise Your Holy Son Jesus. Because in the beginning was God and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was there when the foundation was laid for the earth. He was there when everything was made and nothing was made without Him. Because of Your love for us and it is Your heart that we would be one with You. You sent the Word to us as one of us. Knowing the extent of what was going to happen to Him. He is still being mistreated and rejected today. Even by some who clam to know Him. It is Your heart that no one would perish. We were made in God’s image, and was given the breath of life by the Father and He became our Father. We were family and we betray that everyday. I might say that my sin is not as bad as others, but sin is sin. It breaks the bond and trust with You. I believe that there are not levels of that broken fellowship with You. Open my eyes so that I can see me the way You see me. The love that You have for me and how I am breaking that bond of family with You. Forgive me and recover me to life with You. Just as I was not able to bring me to life in this world I can’t recover my Spiritual life with You on my own. All You want is that I love you with all my heart, soul, and mind. To try, to seek, and to accept Your gift each day. Help me to love You and that You breathe Your breath of life in me again this day. In the name of Jesus amen.


Father God I pray that I praise and give You glory with all my heart, mind, and soul. That I don’t just praise You with my lips. I pray that I give You first priority in everything. That praying, reading and studying Your word, that gathering together to worship, learn, to uplift and encourage and to pray for each other is a priority no matter what my day to day life throws at me. That I do not get comfortable with being able to stay in my little world and watch on TV. I want a true Holy relationship with You. I am starting to understand that to have that kind of relationship I need to have a relationship with other members of the body of Christ. I can only be and do things to a point on my own. Your recorded word tells of many times that when believers were together mighty things happened. The Spirit fell; Acts 2:1-4; 4:23-31, Peter was set free; Acts 12:1-18. A hand cannot do anything if it is not attached to the body. If it gets a wound it can’t even bandage itself. Yes I know that You answer my individual prayers, but to see a major move of You the church must be united and in one mind. One of the biggest lessons that I have learned from the Wednesday night study of Acts, is that I get strengthened and encouraged by God, but it comes through other believers. I choose to make it a priority and whenever possible gather together with other believers to uplift and encourage and to be uplifted and encouraged and to pray for each other. So that I will be effective in and through my God in my day to day life. Amen


Father God I praise You because You have given us the choice to be one with You because of Your Son Jesus and through Your Holy Spirit. Your kingdom is coming and is here on this earth. I pray that I do Your will today no matter what it makes me look like in the eyes of this world. We have been praying for revival, a Holy Spirit move. Father last night I started feeling deep within me that the time is now, that it is zero hour. That a major outpouring of Your Truth has come. I pray that I am ready. That I want this outpouring in me and through me. That I don’t just want it as long as it does not interfere with my day to day life in this world. That when I have to make a choice between Your ways and something or someone else in this world; I choose You. That I am set apart totally for You. I pray that You open my eyes and ears so that I see and hear the Spiritual in what is happening all around me. That I have Holy boldness and courage along with Your wisdom to stand my ground in the Spirit against the evil that I see and hear in this physical realm. Flood this servant of Yours with Your Holy power. I ask and pray in the mighty name of of Your Son Jesus and through Your Holy Spirit, amen


Father God, our creator and the author of our salvation and faith, praise be to You, Your Son, and Your Spirit. I pray that Your kingdom come to this earth, a Holy and Pure Kingdom. That I do Your will here this day. I pray that I am a true covering of faith, love, and hope for my family. I pray for a true Holy Spirit led revival in me, spreading to my family to my church and all the way to my nation. Open my eyes and ears so that I can see Your plans for me in this movement. That I am focused on the unseen, that my faith increases. That I do not fear the evil darkness that I see all around us. But have faith in the unseen, the Spiritual realm. Help me to remember that the Spiritual realm is all that matters. You said that this earth will pass away, but Your Word will live forever. Jesus paid the price to get back the authority over this earth that we gave to the evil one. Help me not to give away any authority to the darkness. That I live in the Light of Christ. I pray that the fruits and gifts of the Spirit are alive and working in and through me. That the Light of Christ shines so bright through me that it opens blind eyes and drives out the darkness in others. In the name of Jesus amen.


Father God I give You my words and heart and I lift up Your Holy name. Send Your kingdom in me. May I do Your will this day. I ask for Your protection and the needs for today. I pray for a mighty movement of recovery to life. That this movement of You in me gives me Spiritual boldness and courage. And that I give to others what You have given me. It was given to me without a price. Your Son Jesus paid the price for me and everyone. Help me not to judge the worthiness of others to receive Your gift. I am no more worthy, even today, than the people in government who are mocking You and saying that God doesn’t have a place in the chambers of government. I pray that Your presence falls and fills every chamber of our government. From the offices of each member and staff to the floor of the House and Senate. From the Executive branch to the Supreme Court. That You soften their hearts and they repent and turn to You. Help me to truly trust You with everything. From the teachings on Sunday, I had to ask myself, do I truly trust You? I trust You with my salvation, but do I trust Your love and authority? Each day I ask for Your armor, do I truly trust the armor of God to do Your purpose as written? Help me to trust Your love and authority that makes the armor affective. I pray that I live in Your love and authority that releases Your power through me. Amen


Glory to You Father God forever and ever. Your rule never ends. Your love never ends. Thank You for the restoration of my soul. Your kingdom come to this earth. Your will be done and all evil darkness, spiritual or man made be removed from the earth. I pray for a revival that has never been seen before. That there is a recovery to life in the millions. We can see the darkness moving across this land. How much more is being done in secret. I pray that You give us boldness and courage to stand together united with the One God, One Savior, One Spirit, and the army of God. That we move forward in the Light of Truth. Taking back what the darkness has deceived and stolen. Open and that I focus my eyes and ears on the Spiritual and not this world. Your Son has already paid the price. Help me to live up to the calling that He paid for. Forgive me for every time that I have rebelled against or fallen short of that calling. Father send Your Son back soon. Removing all evil from this earth and set up Your perfect kingdom. In the name of Jesus amen.


Father God I lift up my praise to You. Your kingdom come and Your will be done in me, my family, and our church. I ask that you protect us from all sickness and harm. I pray that I put on and use the armor of God. Holy Spirit fill me full of God’s presence. I pray that my prayer life becomes a passion. Father I pray for Your wisdom. That I see and understand Your Living Word with spiritual eyes and wisdom. I pray for boldness and courage to walk out the salvation You have given me. I pray that everything I do, that I think, and what I say brings glory to Your Holy Name. May the light of Christ shine through me in this dark and evil time. That when You have me speak, You give me the words to say. That Holy seeds are planted and that the fields are watered. So that they grow and produce a harvest for You. Holy Spirit shine the light of Christ, the love of our Father, in every dark area in me. That I truly love God with all my heart, mind, body, soul, and strength. That I love Your creation just as You love them. That because of the presence of God overflowing through me, it will bring people to the choice of accepting Your love and forgiveness through Your Son Jesus. With the authority and power that Jesus has given me, I bind here on earth the evil darkness that the government is spreading. May the Light of Jesus Christ shine for all to see. Amen


Father God glory be to Your Holy Name and the name of Your Son. I pray for revival, a recovery to life. I pray that as things seam to be going back to a normal, that I do not fall into a place of being comfortable. Believing that everything is okay. I have to be about the business of Your kingdom. Help me to look at Your written word with spiritual eyes and wisdom. In Proverbs 24:33-34 it says, “a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and property will come on you like a thief and scarcity like a armed man.” I have come to believe that the church as a whole, including me, have been spiritually doing this. We had what we needed and more in this life. We use Your words for justification for what we do in this life in this world. Every man made law has a dark side to it. Like our written law “freedom of worship”. We use it saying that we have the right to worship Jesus like we want. However with this law we also say that it is okay to worship the evil one, even fornication, and homos*xuality. You did not send Jesus to this world to make peace, but sent Him with a sword. The sword of Your Living Word, to separate the light from the darkness. The religious community of the Israelites taught them that the Messiah was coming to free them from Rome. Most of them could not see Your Word past their human eyes and what it would get them in this world. Even when Jesus was walking around with them they rejected Him because it was not the way they wanted it to be. I believe that You are telling us to wake up before it is to late. Even though it looks like peace, darkness is moving across this land and spiritually killing many. Open my eyes and ears so that I spiritually see this world as You see it and Spiritually understand Your living Word. In the mighty name of Jesus amen.


Father God I thank You for Your patience with us. You do not want anyone to perish but come to the saving grace of Jesus and repent. In Your words in 2 Chronicles 7:14 You say “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.” Father I choose to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind-strength. I know that the healing of our nation will happen as our personal lands are healed. That first in each of us, our families, and our circle of influence. I pray that my personal land is recovered to life. That it starts with me. Recover me to full life in You. This is the meaning of revival. As the walls of Jerusalem were being rebuilt in the book of Nehemiah, they worked on the walls in front of their own houses first. Help me to do my part. To be humble, to seek You, to pray, and to turn. Help me not to put my hope in the next election or if a law is passed or not passed. That my hope alone is in You my creator and author of my faith. The only way that our nation as a whole will be healed is if the body of Christ goes about the business of the kingdom as written in Your Living Word. In the name of Jesus amen.


Father God I thank You that there is only one God, only one Lord, only one body and one Spirit, one faith, one baptism, and only one Father of all. You are over all, You are in all, and living through all. Help us to live as one with each other and one in You. You created us to be as one body with each other and that body to be one with You. You gave us Your Son so that we could have the choice to accept Your grace and mercy. You sent Your Holy Spirit to us so that we could have the authority and power to live as one and to be Spiritually bold in our lives. I pray that You fill me to overflowing with Your Spirit. Let Your light shine in every area of my heart and soul. Including the dark areas that I try to hide or hold on too. That Your love and forgiveness touches everyone and everything around me. I do not know what the plans You have for our government. The only thing that I know that is truth are Your words and ways. I pray that every part of me is recovered to life, Your life. That the revival in me spreads to others. That the seeds of righteousness grow and produce a harvest for You. Forgive me, I fall short everyday. Help me to fail less today. I can only do this through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a struggle. As Paul wrote, what I want to do I don’t, and what I don’t or shouldn’t do I do. This is a war within me. I pray that everything that I think, say, and do brings honor to You and Your kingdom. Open my eyes, ears, and heart so that all I see, hear, and feel is You. Even when my thoughts and actions are about what I have to do today in this life, that Your Holy Spirit is guiding me. I pray that I live according to Your words in the name of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit amen.


Father God glory and praise to You and Your Son Jesus. I pray for Your protection from all sickness and harm. For the full armor so I can walk in Your truth. I pray for revival. I pray that I become 100% alive in You. I give You my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus told us to ask, seek, knock, press in, and chase after Your righteousness. We are also to be continuously filled with the Holy Spirit. Help me as I go about my day doing what needs to be done in this life. That I do everything as if I was doing it for You. That Your love, grace, mercy, and power flow from me affecting everyone and everything around me. This dying nation needs You and You want us to spread Your healing power to all. Here I am Lord, send me to work the fields so that You can give the increase. I pray for Your wisdom and knowledge. I pray for boldness and courage to do the right thing. That I do not conform to ways of the world but consecrate myself to You. Jesus did not come to make peace but to expose the darkness. Help me to walk in the way of Jesus amen.

Goodbye P**n 04/06/2021

Goodbye P**n Have you been feeling po*******hy has overstayed its welcome? Is it causing conflict in your relationships? Do you crave freedom from its ever-present pull in your life? There is one who can help you get free. Are you ready to say goodbye to p**n? [TAGS • Lust, Gospel, Grace, Addiction]


Glory to the One who created the heavens and earth. I thank You for the restoration of my soul. I pray for Your full armor, so that I can stand today in this day of evil. Protect me from all sickness and harm, so that I am able to share the truth of Your salvation. Fill me full to overflowing with Your presence. That Your glory and power touches others. Use me today to plant the seeds of change in lives for Your name sake. This is not our home, each of us have an eternal destination. It is our choice where that it will be. I pray that I plant seeds of Truth no matter what type of soil I think they are landing on. I pray that I do not judge who would receive it with joy or reject it. You are the one who softens hearts and gives the increase. I pray for Your wisdom and knowledge. I pray for boldness and courage to share the Truth with words and by my actions. I pray that I don’t conform to the words of the world but that I am consecrated to You. That with Your armor and wisdom through the Holy Spirit lives are changed today even if I don’t see it. I give You all glory and thanks in the name of Jesus amen.


Father even though You had me put this on paper yesterday for today it is now the 2nd day and Jesus had been placed in a tomb. I started thinking about what might be going through the minds of His disciples. The level of shame and guilt they were feeling for running away in fear and not even standing by His side. The fear of “what now”. All they can see is that the one they believed was going to free Israel was dead. Their hope was gone. Did they even go to church (Synagogue)? What was the atmosphere of the town as they thought about the day before? The sun went dark, an earthquake that split stones, tombs opening and dead were walking around, and the curtain was torn from top to bottom. They didn’t have the Holy Spirit yet as I do today. Yet am I walking around in shame and guilt? Do I act like my hope is dead when I am around non-believers because of what I see happening around me? Do I run in fear instead of sharing the Hope of Jesus? Do I stay away from church and other believers when I have done or said something wrong or when things are not going my way? I believe Father that these are questions that I need to ask myself everyday. Forgive me for every time I have done this. The times that I spit on Your love that You gave me through the suffering and death and resurrection of Your Son Jesus. I pray that You release a Holy Spirit revival. A movement of recovering us to life. I pray that it starts today and with me. I pray that I am mentally, physically, and spirituality ready with courage and boldness with Your knowledge and wisdom. In the name of Your Son Jesus amen.

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