Anthem Mechanical

Anthem Mechanical

Find us on Google! Anthem Air Conditioning is your destination for all heating and cooling needs, in Riverside CA.

We have 2 offices servicing the Coachella Valley and Inland Empire. Locally owned and operated, with over 30 years of combined experience in HVAC. We are experienced with commercial and residential construction. We offer the best value with reliable performance. Our technicians are experienced, friendly, show up clean and on time, have competitive pricing, and are fully licensed to provide any sys


Insurance companies are proposing new ways to set rates based on wildfire zoning instead of just zip codes. What does this mean for homeowners in areas like South Palm Desert and Bighorn Country Club?

Join us as we discuss these changes and how they might affect your premiums.


Want to understand how water damage insurance has changed over the years? From leaks to burst pipes, it’s essential to know how your property is covered.

Join us as we discuss how water damage is handled now versus a few years ago.


¿Pensando en mejorar tu sistema de aire acondicionado? 🤔 Descubre por qué un acondicionador de aire de velocidad variable podría ser tu mejor opción para un confort y eficiencia óptimos. 🌟 Habla con los expertos de Anthem Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing para encontrar la opción perfecta para tu hogar. 📞 (855) 268-4369


Thinking about upgrading your AC system? 🤔 Learn why a variable-speed air conditioner might be your best choice for ultimate comfort and efficiency. 🌟 Talk to the experts at Anthem Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing to find the perfect fit for your home. 📞 (855) 268-4369


Coachella Valley Homeowners...
Did you know that 40% of water damage caused by leaks happen when the homeowner is at home?
Maybe they were asleep, or in another part of the house when it happened.
So if this is the case, and California Insurance Carriers are tightening their belts, what options do we have?
Join us for a special Home Comfort Show with Christy Glenn of Palm Desert Insurance where we talk water and water claims...and what to do about them.
Join us at 10 am pst on Wednesday July 24th.


Did you know home warranties come with hidden costs? Many homeowners are shocked to discover that large replacements aren't covered for free. Here's the process and what to expect on these crucial insights!


¿Te cuesta mantener tu casa fresca en el Valle de Coachella? 🥵 Descubre las diferencias entre los acondicionadores de aire de una etapa, dos etapas y velocidad variable. ¡Elige el sistema adecuado para tu hogar y mejora el confort mientras ahorras en facturas de energía! 🌬️ ¡Contacta a Anthem Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing para una consulta gratuita hoy mismo! 📞 (855) 268-4369


Are you struggling to keep your home cool in the Coachella Valley? 🥵 Discover the differences between single-stage, two-stage, and variable-speed air conditioners. Choose the right system for your home to boost comfort and save on energy bills! 🌬️ Contact Anthem Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing for a free consultation today! 📞 (855) 268-4369


Thinking about repairing or replacing your air conditioner? With so many options available, it can be tough to decide. Should you go through your home warranty company or opt for a direct service like Anthem? At Anthem, we understand the pros and cons of both.

We've worked with almost every home warranty company, ensuring the most affordable repairs. If budget is your main concern, a home warranty is a great choice. Learn more about making the best decision for your AC needs.


There are several reasons why you might need a whole-house water filtration system. If your water supply has high levels of contaminants like chlorine, lead, or other chemicals, a whole-house system can effectively remove these. If you struggle with hard water, which can cause scale buildup and reduce the efficiency of appliances, adding a water softener to your system can help. Families with children, the elderly, or anyone with health concerns may benefit from the additional protection against bacteria and viruses provided by a UV filter.

Ensure the safety and quality of your home’s water with a professional whole-house water filtration system from Anthem. Our expert team can help you choose and install the perfect system tailored to your needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards cleaner, healthier water for your entire home.

Would you like to read more? Please visit our blog -
Or give us a call: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, or Coachella Valley - (760) 895-2621


There are several reasons why you might need a whole-house water filtration system. If your water supply has high levels of contaminants like chlorine, lead, or other chemicals, a whole-house system can effectively remove these. If you struggle with hard water, which can cause scale buildup and reduce the efficiency of appliances, adding a water softener to your system can help. Families with children, the elderly, or anyone with health concerns may benefit from the additional protection against bacteria and viruses provided by a UV filter.

Ensure the safety and quality of your home’s water with a professional whole-house water filtration system from Anthem. Our expert team can help you choose and install the perfect system tailored to your needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards cleaner, healthier water for your entire home.

Would you like to read more? Please visit our blog -
Or give us a call: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, or Coachella Valley - (760) 895-2621


Need your AC system fixed fast? Discover why waiting for a home warranty company might not be the best idea if speed and control are your priorities.

Learn about the pros and cons of home warranties vs. direct repairs, and make an informed decision based on your needs.


Un sistema de filtración de agua para toda la casa se instala en la línea principal de agua, tratando toda el agua que entra en tu hogar. Esto significa que el agua utilizada para beber, cocinar, bañarse e incluso lavar la ropa es filtrada, proporcionando numerosos beneficios para la salud y prácticos.

La primera etapa de filtración a menudo implica un prefiltro que elimina grandes sedimentos como arena, tierra y óxido. Esto previene obstrucciones y extiende la vida útil de los filtros posteriores. La unidad de filtración principal puede consistir en varios filtros. Los filtros de carbón activado son cruciales para eliminar cloro, pesticidas, herbicidas y otros químicos que pueden afectar el sabor y el olor del agua.

¿Te gustaría leer más? Por favor visita nuestro blog -
O llámanos: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, o Coachella Valley - (760) 895-2621


Struggling to decide how to repair or replace your air conditioner? With so many options available, it's tough to know what's best for your needs. Should you go through a home warranty company or directly with a trusted AC repair company like Anthem?

We’ve got the insights you need! Watch our latest video to learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of each option.


Replacing your HVAC, especially when it's triple digits can be a trying time.
But let's be straight up...we can't really live with it.
Often homeowners will have the option to replace their unit using their home warranty. Anthem is a company in the Coachella Valley and Riverside area that services many many homes using them.
Today I want to share a short 5 minute conversation on the topic, that if you are in this position, to home warranty or to not, you do not want to miss this show today.
Join me on Wednesday July 17th at 10 am.


A whole house water filtration system is installed at the main water line, treating all the water that enters your home. This means that the water used for drinking, cooking, bathing, and even laundry is filtered, providing numerous health and practical benefits.

The first stage of filtration often involves a pre-filter that removes large sediments like sand, dirt, and rust. This prevents clogging and extends the life of the subsequent filters. The main filtration unit can consist of various filters. Activated carbon filters are crucial for removing chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals that can affect water taste and odor.

Would you like to read more? Please visit our blog -
Or give us a call: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, or Coachella Valley - (760) 895-2621


Discover the ultimate in home comfort with our advanced systems! Now, you can enjoy personalized cooling in your master bedroom without wasting energy in unused areas. Our zoning technology allows you to control the airflow precisely where you need it, using just one air conditioning system.

Say goodbye to outdated, inefficient systems that create unnecessary back pressure. Our modern air conditioners with variable speed compressors and blowers adapt to your needs, delivering just the right amount of cool air. Perfect for zoned cooling and energy efficiency!

Upgrade your home today and experience the future of air conditioning!


Agua limpia y segura es esencial para cada hogar, y una de las mejores maneras de asegurar la calidad de tu agua es instalando un sistema de filtración de agua para toda la casa. Estos sistemas proporcionan soluciones integrales de tratamiento de agua, asegurando que cada grifo en tu hogar entregue agua filtrada. Este artículo explicará cómo funcionan los sistemas de filtración de agua para toda la casa, sus beneficios, y por qué podrías necesitar uno en tu hogar.

¿Te gustaría leer más? Por favor visita nuestro blog -
O llámanos: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, o Coachella Valley - (760) 895-2621


Yucca Valley Residents...
there are two things we don't love when it rains...
1. We discover the roof has a leak...and
2. Our yard floods and has no drainage, or the drainage it has is clogged up!
Both can cause serious damage to our homes.
Unfortunately we can't help with the roof, but we can fix the problem with the water not draining properly, backing up in your yard and coming inside your home.
If you're looking at the storm clouds and your not sure where the water's going to go with the next summer shower...but you want to make sure its not in your home, call Anthem right now and let our staff, who are experts at this, jump in and fix it before it happens.
Call Anthem at 870-895-2621 - ask for Nic.


Clean and safe water is essential for every household, and one of the best ways to ensure the quality of your water is by installing a whole-house water filtration system. These systems provide comprehensive water treatment solutions, ensuring that every tap in your home delivers filtered water. This article will explain how whole-house water filtration systems work, their benefits, and why you might need one in your home.

Would you like to read more? Please visit our blog -
Or give us a call: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, or Coachella Valley - (760) 895-2621

Answer from Anonymous | Emergency AC Call of the Week 911 07/13/2024

Coachella Valley Residents!
When it's hitting 120 in our valley, and someone calls Anthem with an air conditioning that has failed...we act fast and prioritize these calls.
Check out this call we had last week, and what made this one even more time sensitive.
Thanks to Team Anthem for Keeping Our Residents Comfortable!

Answer from Anonymous | Emergency AC Call of the Week 911 Powered by VideoAsk - Build instant trust, put a face on your brand, and have more personal interactions at scale.


Las bombas de calor requieren mantenimiento regular para mantener su eficiencia. Esto incluye limpiar los filtros, las bobinas y los ventiladores, y asegurar que los niveles de refrigerante sean correctos. Sin embargo, las necesidades de mantenimiento son comparables a las de los sistemas HVAC tradicionales. Con el cuidado adecuado, una bomba de calor puede durar 15 años o más, ofreciendo un rendimiento confiable a lo largo de su vida útil.

Aunque las bombas de calor son altamente eficientes, hay algunos inconvenientes potenciales a considerar:

Rendimiento en Climas Fríos: En climas muy fríos, las bombas de calor pueden perder eficiencia. Sin embargo, esto es menos preocupante en el Valle de Coachella, donde el frío extremo es raro.
Costo Inicial: El costo inicial puede ser más alto, aunque esto a menudo se compensa con los ahorros de energía a largo plazo y los incentivos disponibles.

¿Le gustaría leer más? Visite nuestro blog -
O llámenos: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, o Valle de Coachella - (760) 895-2621


Heat pumps require regular maintenance to maintain their efficiency. This includes cleaning filters, coils, and fans, and ensuring the refrigerant levels are correct. However, the maintenance needs are comparable to those of traditional HVAC systems. With proper care, a heat pump can last 15 years or more, offering reliable performance over its lifespan.

While heat pumps are highly efficient, there are a few potential downsides to consider:

1. Performance in Cold Weather: In very cold climates, heat pumps can lose efficiency. However, this is less of a concern in Coachella Valley, where extreme cold is rare.
2. Initial Cost: The upfront cost can be higher, though this is often mitigated by long-term energy savings and available incentives.

Would you like to read more? Please visit our blog -
Or give us a call: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, or Coachella Valley - (760) 895-2621


Transform your home comfort with zoning on the AC system! Learn how to use dampers to control air flow and create multiple zones with just one air conditioner.

Perfect for managing temperatures in different rooms like your master bedroom and living room. Discover how newer variable speed systems enhance efficiency and comfort.


Coachella Valley homeowners, do you ever notice one room is especially cooler than others? O maybe you'd desire to have your living room be a little cooler, but not sure how to make this happen without the whole house getting colder?
Today on Home Comfort Show with Michael Solomon of Anthem, he will share with you a process called zoning.
This allows you to have your home comfortable in every room, and potentially save money on your energy bill.
Join Mike at 10 am Wednesday July 10 am pst for a special presentation


Los sistemas HVAC tradicionales generalmente consisten en un acondicionador de aire y una caldera separados. Los acondicionadores de aire tienen calificaciones SEER similares a la eficiencia energética de las bombas de calor, pero la eficiencia de las calderas se mide por la Eficiencia de Utilización Anual de Combustible (AFUE). Las calderas de alta eficiencia tienen calificaciones AFUE del 90% o más, lo que significa que convierten el 90% del combustible en calor. Sin embargo, incluso con altas calificaciones AFUE, el uso total de energía puede ser mayor porque las calderas queman combustible para generar calor.

Las bombas de calor ofrecen una solución todo en uno tanto para calefacción como para refrigeración, lo cual es particularmente beneficioso en el clima del Valle de Coachella. Proporcionan eficiencia constante durante todo el año, mientras que los sistemas tradicionales pueden tener niveles de eficiencia variables dependiendo de la temporada y los precios del combustible. Al transferir calor en lugar de generarlo, las bombas de calor pueden reducir significativamente el consumo de energía.

¿Le gustaría leer más? Visite nuestro blog -
O llámenos: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, o Valle de Coachella - (760) 895-2621


Traditional HVAC systems usually consist of a separate air conditioner and furnace. Air conditioners have SEER ratings similar to heat pump energy efficiency, but furnaces’ efficiency is measured by the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). High-efficiency furnaces have AFUE ratings of 90% or higher, meaning they convert 90% of the fuel into heat. However, even with high AFUE ratings, the overall energy use can be higher because furnaces burn fuel to create heat.

Heat pumps offer an all-in-one solution for both heating and cooling, which is particularly beneficial in Coachella Valley’s climate. They provide consistent efficiency throughout the year, whereas traditional systems may have varying efficiency levels depending on the season and fuel prices. By transferring heat rather than generating it, heat pumps can significantly reduce energy consumption.

Would you like to read more? Please visit our blog -
Or give us a call: Inland Empire - (951) 389-5151, or Coachella Valley - (760) 895-2621


Thinking of switching to a heat pump to save on energy costs? While government and utility rebates can bring down the price significantly, there are some downsides to consider.

One is reduced efficiency in very cold climates. Another is the potential need for auxiliary heat, which requires a special electrical outlet. Want to know if a heat pump is right for you? Give us a call!


Upgrade your home heating with a heat pump system! Unlike traditional systems, heat pumps adjust the air temperature by about 20 degrees, providing a more comfortable and consistent warmth without blasting hot air. This helps protect your furniture and hardwoods from drying out.

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Videos (show all)

Did you know that 99% of the time, you need to purchase separate policies to cover specific perils like earthquakes, flo...
Insurance companies are proposing new ways to set rates based on wildfire zoning instead of just zip codes. What does th...
Home insurance premiums are now being influenced by wildfire zoning, affecting rates for high-end areas like Big Bear an...
Want to understand how water damage insurance has changed over the years? From leaks to burst pipes, it’s essential to k...
Did you know that home warranty replacements often come with non-covered costs? Many customers are surprised to find out...
How To Prevent Water Damage To Your Home in the Coachella Valley
Did you know home warranties come with hidden costs? Many homeowners are shocked to discover that large replacements are...
Thinking about repairing or replacing your air conditioner? With so many options available, it can be tough to decide. S...
Deciding between home warranty and direct air conditioning repair? Learn how home warranty companies prioritize cost eff...
Discover the most affordable way to repair your air conditioner with a home warranty company! Learn how home warranty co...
When it comes to repairing or replacing your air conditioner, the options can be overwhelming. Should you choose a home ...
Need your AC system fixed fast? Discover why waiting for a home warranty company might not be the best idea if speed and...



53800 Polk Street
Coachella, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm

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