The Eudaimonia Center

The Eudaimonia Center

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Creative Growth and Healing
Creative Growth and Healing
Howard County

An integrative reproductive medicine and women's health practice that provides people with the optio



😌 I subscribe to the "let-no-moss-grow-under-my-feet" approach to life and for YEARS, I was doing it all wrong.

😌 While in line PURPOSE-wise, I was hellah out of alignment PRIORITIES-wise.

😌 Over the course of opening and growing our firm, I found myself putting out an extreme effort to make progress. I was trying so hard to make my dreams happen. However, this was EXHAUSTING... literally.

😌 A wise woman implements (with ease)…REST. Rest is defined as peace, ease, and refreshment, and it’s a mandate (not a throwaway suggestion).

😌 Is it time for you to stop striving and start resting? If so, tell yourself out loud—“go lie down.”

😌 It’s time to "go lie down" if you've been:

❌️ Working so hard you can’t remember the last time you got a full night of rest AND woke up feeling WELL-RESTED.

❌️ Trying to make things happen and feel like you’re pushing against an immovable wall.

❌️ Worrying so much that you wake up with worry as the first thing on your mind.

😌 Rest your body, mind, and soul.



⚙️ How do you know if you are ready for the SHIFT?

▶️ You’re ready if you’ve ever had a moment when you looked around and didn’t care for the view.

⚙️ You’re ready if you invested a lot of time and energy in something and the result was not what you expected.

▶️ You’re ready if you know there’s more to your current view than you’ve seen.

⚙️ Instead of settling for what was, consider a different THOUGHT about it.

▶️ A different vision for yourself. Grieved and not deterred. Don't give up. Even if you think about giving up and even if you’ve felt it’s over... Remember there's another aspect to your viewpoint.

⚙️ Better. There’s new life. New places and spaces. Success.

▶️ Your view is expanding. Your heart is opening to a higher vibration. Your thoughts are being filled with hope, belief, and discovery. You see positive opportunities through this shift you didn’t see before. You are secure.

⚙️ What “view” are you going to surrender today?



🦅 Mountaintops. Skyscr**ers. Airplanes. They offer some of the best views. They infuse one's spirit with a feeling of freedom.

🦅 Eagles represent that same sense of freedom.

🦅 They fly high above the earth 🌎 and do not fear a storm.

🦅 When they face turbulent winds, they do not seek shelter like other birds. They use the force of the updrafts to RISE... higher and higher. They lock their wings and glide effortlessly above the storms and turbulent winds without using their own energy.

🦅 RENEW your strength.

🦅 SOAR on wings like eagles.

🦅 RUN and grow not weary.

🦅 WALK and faint not.




🗣 Does what you say BUILD UP or TEAR DOWN?

🌱 Sometimes the changes we experience can tempt us to speak words that don’t create life.

🗣 You’ve cultivated your soil. God has planted the seed. The seed may not be fully developed yet, but the words you speak WILL encourage growth.

🌱 What we say can preserve life or destroy it.

🗣 Speaking life is both a spiritual and practical muscle we need to develop daily. Season your words with wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

🌱 Practice speaking life:

❌️ Instead of: I’m not sure what’s going to happen.
✅️ Try: It’s all going to work together for my good.

❌️ Instead of: I’ll never get over what they did to me.
✅️ Try: God forgave me, so I’m relying on Him to help me forgive them.

❌️ Instead of: This is never going to change.
✅️ Try: I’m doing my best. God will do the rest. He’s adding his super to my natural.

🌱 Create growth and safeguard life!

🗣 Who or what can you speak life over today?


TESTIMONIAL TUESDAY: Revolutionary Care ✊🏽

🔴 You don't have to wait until an issue has gotten too big to manage before you seek help.

⚫️ The best time to get help is before YOU actually think you need it.

🟢 Gynecology care is about more than your period (pain, irregularities, bleeding, etc.). It's about WOMB WELLNESS.

🔴 Your womb is more than a space where a baby can grow for 42 weeks. This space can, will, and does hold your unresolved, unexpressed, and unaddressed emotions, too.

⚫️ Unlike a baby who will only reside here for about 9-10 months, toxic emotions can and will grow in this space over a lifetime... over GENERATIONS.

🟢 DAUGHTERS carry their GRANDMAS' trauma and pain in their womb spaces. This isn't hyperbole. When your grandmother was pregnant with your mom, the eggs that would one day become you, were in her (your mother's) ovaries. Whatever your grandmother experienced, you also have in YOU.

🔴 It's never too early to begin the healing process.



❤️ Thankfulness is the cornerstone of a joy-filled heart, and cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” is a habit that will positively impact your actions, words, and relationships.

❤️ Think about it—do you like to spend time with people who are always complaining? Or would you rather be with someone who can see both the bad and the good and who chooses to focus on the good?

❤️ Gratitude is not about denying reality, but rather about shifting your perspective from the immediate problem or pain toward the long-term benefits of what you are experiencing.

❤️ Gratitude is a choice. It’s a conscious decision that you can make at any moment. Because you can shift your perspective in this way, you don’t have to be controlled by difficult circumstances.

❤️ Thankfulness helps you defeat two insidious foes: comparison and complaining.

❤️ Thank You for this situation. Thank You for accompanying me on this journey. Thank You that I’m not alone. Thank You that I will grow through this. Thank You that your Grace is enough for me.

❤️ Gratitude is a catalyst for joy not just on a spiritual level but on a physical one. When you express thankfulness, your brain releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin that enhance your mood and create feelings of joy and contentment. These chemicals play a vital role in your emotional wellbeing.

❤️ As you pray this morning, remember the power of this simple prayer: “Thank You, Jesus.” Let your gratitude transcend circumstances, break the chains of comparison and complaining, and lead you into God’s Will.

Photos from The Eudaimonia Center's post 07/12/2024

Do you remember YOUR first period.

❤️ That moment for us can range from complete and utter humiliation on one end of the spectrum to a moment in time kin to a butterfly emerging from her cocoon.

🩸Tonight, our conversations were about much more than our periods.

❤️ We laughed. We cried. We hurt. We communicated. We thought (together). We opened up our minds, our hearts, and our spirits.

🩸We realized that while our respective journeys were quite different, we met at the crossroads of... our first period.

❤️ Unfortunately, saying "period", "menstrual", "va**nal bleeding", "discharge", "r**e", and "s*x" and still words we have a tendency to whisper.

🩸Those days are over. Your va**na is just as much a body part as your ears, eyes, nose, and patella. Your uterus is more than just a 9-month home for a growing fetus. It is a wombspace that requires love, attention, and intimate care... by you and all those who seek to know you intimately (including clinical providers and s*xual partners.

❤️ Do you remember YOUR first period?

Photos from The Eudaimonia Center's post 07/11/2024

When the calm after the storm is sealed with double rainbows 🌈



🍉 Y'all, it's HOT out there and whether you're in the shade or inside, you're losing fluids.

💧 Staying hydrated is important – every organ, cell and tissue in your body depends on water for optimal function. Proper hydration also addresses a bevy of health concerns, from dry mouth and bad breath to gallstones and bowel irregularity. Each day you lose water by simply going to the bathroom, sweating, and breathing. Replacing these lost fluids is vital to preventing dehydration.

🍉 Some common symptoms of dehydration include: infrequent urination, urine that is darker in color than usual, extreme thirst, dry mouth, sleepiness or fatigue, headache, feeling dizzy or light-headed, confusion, or leg cramps.

💧 Prevent dehydration by following these 5 simple steps:

1️⃣ Keep a bottle of water on hand.

2️⃣ Make it a point to drink a glass of water upon waking and sometime before bed.

3️⃣ Eat fruits and vegetables. 🍉

4️⃣ Drink water before you exercise, as well as during and after.

5️⃣ When drinking alcohol, always pair each serving with a glass of water to offset its dehydrating effects.

🍉 Also: If you regularly consume caffeine or take a diuretic blood pressure medication, be sure to aim for a bit of extra water to cover the extra loss.

💧 Drink up!

How much WATER are you drinking these days? 🍉



🕊 True Peace is unmistakable. It stands guard over your heart and mind, offering security in the midst of life’s challenges.

🕊 All of us know what a lack of peace feels like, and it’s not a pleasant feeling. It leaves you in turmoil, with worry, fear, and anxiety plaguing your thoughts.

🕊 The Greek word translated “rule” means to be the arbitrator or deciding factor.

🕊 Imagine a referee or an umpire calling a sports game. That is what Peace is: the referee who decides what should enter your heart and what should be kept out.

🕊 Let PEACE rule in your heart.

Photos from The Eudaimonia Center's post 06/16/2024

HAPPY DAD'S DAY! - Laurence White, Sr.

🧍🏾‍♂️The idea of fatherhood is both personal and universal. We all have ideal concepts surrounding fatherhood, and we also have our real fathers. Fathers who were there or not there for us, fathers who provided financial support for our families or failed to do so, fathers who loved or neglected us, fathers who were our role models or gave us someone to rebel against. Our father may have been there for us sometimes and not there for us at other times. The process of reconciling the "ideal" father that resides in our minds with the father that we actually have is a fertile one that can teach us a great deal about ourselves.

🧍🏾‍♂️My relationship with my dad has influenced my relationships with the other men who have come into my life. I have learned to behave and think in certain ways because those were the ways that my dad acted and thought. Certain talents that I possess have been passed down to me by Laurence E. White, Sr. There are also some personal issues that I inherited by virtue of who my dad is. Understanding how my relationship with my dad has influenced me helps me better understand me and the life that I have created.

🧍🏾‍♂️In a time when mothers, the sacred feminine, and female energy are being honored, it is SUPREMELY important to remember the importance of dads.

🧍🏾‍♂️I have benefited from being a "daddy's girl". He has influenced who I've become and the ways that I walk through this world. Thank you, Dad, for always reminding me that I am FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE. Thank you for your active PRESENCE in my life!

🧍🏾‍♂️With honor and respect, I love you, Daddy!


It's... ROSÉ DAY!

🌸 Why rosé?

🍷 Rosé wine has some health benefits: improves your skin (elasticity), helps the heart, low in calories, reduces cancer risk (protection against free radicals), and is loaded with vitamins and minerals (especially vitamins A, B, and C).

🌸 More beneficial to your health than white wine

🍷 Contains more antioxidants than either red (double) or white wine. It also contains more resveratrol (anti-inflammatory) than white wine.

🌸 It is clear that rosé wine is a very healthy and beneficial wine to drink. Yet, like with anything, you should only drink it in moderation. Drinking too much will make you feel bloated and gassy.

🍷 Non-alcoholic rosé offers all the benefits and flavor of rosé wine without the alcohol. That buzz you’ll get will be from that antioxidant boost, instead, and the knowledge that you’ll be waking up the next morning hangover-free.

🌸 If you're feeling festive and seeking a sparkling wine, try a sparkling rosé as you THINK PINK.

* Note: Rosé wine is NOT the same as blush wine.

DC nonprofit helps Black women navigate financial hurdles for medical treatment - WTOP News 06/04/2024

Under-insured? Uninsured? Unemployed?

Even with insurance, oftentimes the out-of-pocket costs associated with surgical interventions are still exorbitant for some. Many of these surgical interventions are unnecessary in the first place as there are non-surgical, non-pharmacological options that are readily available, less expensive, and less consequential in the long run in terms of fertility preservation and other detrimental sequelae like adhesions.

However, these options aren't usually discussed for Black women living with fibroids, endometriosis, or other complex reproductive system challenges.

DC nonprofit helps Black women navigate financial hurdles for medical treatment - WTOP News D.C.-based nonprofit The Beauty of Our Wellness is working to help Black women navigate the financial challenges associated with uterine fibroids.


SPIRIT-FILLED SUNDAY: Be still and know...

🕊 "Don't just stand there — do something!" is a common motto for many of us when we need to find solutions to problems... and find them quickly. When a difficult circumstance comes our way and we've exhausted all our efforts trying to fix it, we can easily panic at the realization that WE HAVE NO CONTROL.

🕊 This week, when you reach the end of yourself, "Don't just do something — STAND THERE!" or in other words, "Be still".


🕊 RELAX in HEALING. Be STILL during the transformation of your heart and mind. LET GO of cares and worries. RECEIVE peace. Cease striving and KNOW.

🕊 Shift your focus from PERFORMANCE to PRESENCE.




🌸 A stunningly beautiful universe for us to inhabit. Abundant resources to delight and to sustain us. Every atom and every cell spoke into existence. Every star, every flower, every bird, every person... uniquely formed.

🌼 The incredible gift of creativity... UNLIMITED.

☀️ Filled. Infused with imagination. Released from my limiting thoughts. Boldly walking into endless possibilities!

🌸 Created to be creative.

🌼 I can and I will respond to every challenge with God-breathed solutions from Heaven.



🗣‭‭ We have just one question.


🗣 Reflect on this past week or even just about yesterday. Think about the topics of your conversations with friends, family, your spouse, your kids.

🗣 Is there anything you’ve said that’s done the opposite of "building up".

🗣 Today, let’s ASSESS so we can ADJUST... Let’s go!

🗣 Does what you say BUILD UP or TEAR DOWN?


MONDAY MORNING MOTIVATION: Dealing with Distractions

3️⃣ We live in a world where distraction has become the order of the day due to a myriad of prevalent challenges.

👁 These challenges are capable of causing a lack of productivity, inspiration, and motivation, as well as more debilitating effects. There are other activities we engage in that serve as a distractions to us. Such activities are not worth our time. They cause unproductivity.

3️⃣ The understanding of the concept of the third eye is essential to your understanding of general knowledge. The third eye can be seen as a spiritual eye, one that discerns the activities of the spirit realm. In this context, we are speaking about the tendency to get lost in the thoughts, stimuli, and activities of people around you.

👁 The spirit of intentionality must be turbocharged. Intentionality helps you to define your goals and purpose. It also gives you a mental picture and maps that direct and keep you focused. Your intentions must be clear to keep distractions at bay. You must be intentional about yourself, your goals, and others.

3️⃣ The cultivation and practice of mindfulness is an effective tool in dealing with distraction.

👁 What are you closing your 3rd 👁 to today?


Sign #1 that YOU need a change: COMPARISON

🪞 The structures and systems in which we lead often heighten the tendency toward unhealthy comparison. We are quite satisfied with our work role until we hear about a friend or colleague’s promotion and wonder why we didn’t get our own promotion. Then we set out to get one, too.

🪞 Unhealthy comparison breeds unhealthy competition.

🪞 People who prompt us toward such comparison aren’t really interested in us, our callings, or our purposes. They want to know about the size of our staff, the size of our ministries, how much revenue we bring in, or the size of the budgets for which we are responsible. They are trying to quantify our worth in terms of how much more we have than others. But no amount of money or other metrics can appraise our souls!

🪞 Sis, don’t miss this. YOU DO NOT NEED TO COMPARE YOURSELF TO ANYONE ELSE... EVER. And you need not fall into comparison traps other people set to lift you up—or tear you down.

🪞 If we are not careful, we will buy into patriarchal, hierarchal models detrimental to ourselves, the people we serve, and the communities we are trying to build and sustain. That competitive spirit starts with comparison, and it manifests in jealousy toward others... especially other women. We are not in competition with anyone else in terms of our roles, leadership, dress size, hairstyle, bank account, house, apartment, or car. We are not even in competition with ourselves. To establish a healthy foundation for growth, we need to be able to celebrate both our successes and the successes of those around us so we can be the best version of ourselves each day.

🪞 How and where can you reimagine leading from your best self and not in competition with others?



☀️ Some of you have taken a number, run errands, ate lunch, picked up the kids, have come back, and are STILL waiting in line.

☀️ Others of you have toyed with the idea of popping over to the "other" line. But what if you lose your place in "this" line?

☀️ The "faithful few" have finally made it to the front of the line after years of waiting in line only to realize that they're "all out". All out of options for you... all out of referrals... all out of quick fixes... all out of "get healed quick" rhetoric... all out of snake oil treatments.... and all out of lip service, too... Now you're realizing how much time you've wasted, how much money you've spent, how much energy you've squandered, and for what? You're literally dealing with the same *ish you were dealing with when you originally got in line.

☀️ Do you know why there's no one in the other line? Most of you will probably think it's because the "product" is inferior. However, it's just the opposite. There's no one in the "other" line because the people in this line are no longer CHRONIC, REPEAT, HABITUAL wait-in-liners.

☀️ They've grown tired of waiting in line and have only one prescription: . They OUTSIDE living their lives.


*And, yes, we're ALWAYS taking new clients... ALWAYS.* 😉


MONDAY MORNING MOTIVATION: Seize (the opportunity that IS) the day!


☀️ Surround yourself with people who complement you, not duplicate you! If you’re led by people whose insight is no deeper than your own, how far will you get? When a blind man leads a blind man, they both end up in the ditch.

☀️ Limiting yourself to those who laugh only at the same jokes, who vote only for the same party and share only the same ideas, robs you of personal growth and leaves you living in a secure and shrivelled world.

☀️ If you’re going to progress to the next level, hang around those who are already there or at least know how to get there. Your development, and in some cases your HEALING, can take place only when you cross paths with people who challenge and stretch you.

☀️ ‘But what if they make fun of me?’ you ask. Only the arrogant do that! The wise respond to seekers for they themselves are seekers. Risk asking. Refuse to allow anybody to keep you stuck in a world of ignorance. ‘But what if I don’t measure up?’ you ask. If you don’t stand near a measure, you won’t know how much you need to grow or how much you’ve already grown.

☀️ Having less information doesn’t make you a lesser person. Life’s a school and every new acquaintance is a teacher. Whatever others know, they haven’t always known. The greatest indictment against not knowing is not learning. So today, seize every opportunity to learn!

☀️ You are uniquely and wonderfully made. Sometimes you feel more comfortable when you're with people who are like you. Be thankful for the diversity of culture, background, personality, and talents that the people around you have. Enjoy that diversity instead of feeling threatened by it. Even when people sometimes challenge your perceptions and ways of doing things, learn from them, and allow them to learn from you.


TESTIMONIAL TUESDAY: Blocking Your Blessing

😬 When she came to The Eudaimonia Center, fibromyalgia had been drastically affecting her activities of daily living. Her pain? 9/10.

😊 Within 2 weeks, we had adequately addressed her pain and for the first time in over a year, she was pain-free...

😬 ... However, fibromyalgia pain had been masking chronic lower back pain. With reiki and acupuncture, there was mild improvement; however, the pain remained at a 4-5/10 on most days.

😊 Suggestion? Ankle weights.

😬 For about 6 weeks, she resisted using the ankle weights. However, when Dr. White PLEADED with her to use the weights, she finally acquiesced, purchased the weights and within HOURS... pressure released.

😊 Some of our clients believe that the only way to get better is with painkillers and surgical interventions. Others believe that healing comes immediately when using a holistic approach to care.

😬 The reality? HEALING REQUIRES CONSISTENCY, ACTIVE PARTICIPATION, AND... TIME. And sometimes major changes come from relatively small, non-invasive interventions.




☀️ Remind yourself to turn towards the light today... INTENTIONALLY.

☀️ These days it can be challenging because there are so many opportunities to be pulled into dark, low-frequency, thinking/actions.

☀️ Dark "slipstreams" include and are not limited to:

☀️ Reading the comments on a thread (sometimes both positive AND negative ones)

☀️ Willfully reading (or watching) news that is enraging while simultaneously leaving you even less informed

☀️ Reacting instead of giving yourself time to respond from a space of clear intention/articulation

☀️ Doomscrolling

☀️ Ego

☀️ Ignoring your body's needs

☀️ Grieving

☀️ Being a work in progress is... a BLESSING 🙌🏽



☯️ You asked and we answered... TINSLEY MAKES HOUSE CALLS!

☯️ Tinsley first discovered acupuncture in her late teens thanks to her younger sister, Addi. Due to a major needle phobia at the time, she remembers hesitantly attending her appointment as “moral support”. However, once she was in the treatment room with her and her practitioner, she was captivated by how gentle and calm both the atmosphere and acupuncture treatments were. Something about observing her sister’s treatments began to awaken something in her, and she began to feel this pull to study acupuncture so that she could learn how to facilitate the same healing and pain-alleviation for others that she witnessed acupuncture bring about for her sister.  

☯️ In 2019, after graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Kinesiology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, she moved to Columbia, MD to pursue a Doctorate in Acupuncture at Maryland University of Integrative Health. In 2023, she graduated from MUIH with a Master's degree in Acupuncture and became a licensed acupuncturist.  

☯️ Guided by the wisdom of East Asian Medicine, she loves to partner with her clients to create individualized and holistic protocols. Whether it’s anxiety, insomnia, stress-alleviation, or a life transition, her mission is to foster healing, optimize health, and enhance overall well-being through patient-practitioner collaboration and implementation of acupuncture and lifestyle coaching.

☯️ She is available at The Eudaimonia Center and...

☯️ ... she offers IN-HOME VISITS for the convenience of interested clients.

☯️ Join us in welcoming Tinsley to our team!

Photos from The Eudaimonia Center's post 04/08/2024




Congratulations to for an amazing run and an exciting win that capped a wonderfully perfect season yesterday! Teamwork was on full display last night! Y'all did that thing up right!

, you are a CLASS ACT through and through!

"But let patience have her perfect work that you may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." (James 1:2)



🤲🏽 RECEPTIVITY... opening up your innermost being to being filled and the willingness to receive a message.

👁👁 ATTENTIVENESS... an active behavior of noticing and intentionally directing your mind/body/spirit to what you notice.

🤲🏽 RECEPTIVITY and ATTENTIVENESS are prerequisites to developing an intimate relationship with... YOU, your mind, your body, and your spirit.

👁👁 Our bodies in their totality are continuously sending subtle (and not-so-subtle) messages our way, yet we aren't paying attention. There is no RECEPTIVITY or ATTENTIVENESS on our parts. We are ALL guilty of overlooking ourselves by focusing on trivial items or tasks at some point.

🤲🏽 Why do you think we rationalize it and keep doing it? What is the long-term damage of low RECEPTIVITY and/or ATTENTIVENESS?

👁👁 Today, take time to reflect on an area of your life in which you haven’t been receptive. Why is that? Usually it’s because you are holding onto something too tightly, thinking it will meet your needs and (erroneously) believing something else is more important. Are you willing to give up the thing(s) that are making you sick in order to experience change? How would your life be different if you were attentive to that particular area of your life?

🤲🏽 How open are you to receive help and how much attention are you giving to the messages your mind/body/spirit are sending you? To what degree?

👁👁 Choose to focus on two attributes—RECEPTIVITY and ATTENTIVENESS —in all your relationships, especially the relationship with YOU.



👋🏾Hey, Friends! I've never done a formal introduction and here we go...

👩🏾‍⚕️My name is Laurena White, the face of The Eudaimonia (pronounced EV-the-MOAN-ee-uh) Center. Eudaimonia means "human flourishing" in Greek and it is our firm's core aim with every interaction with you... in-person, virtual, and/or on social media. We want you to BE better than you were when you initially crossed our "threshold".

👋🏾What started as my practicing conventional medicine solely as a doctor gradually (then not so gradually) grew into ambivalence and eventually disenfranchisement regarding the healthcare system in the US.

👩🏾‍⚕️Living in 🇨🇺 for 6 years and 🇭🇹 for 2 years, I began to see what an integrative approach to healthcare could be... and ultimately what kind of provider I desired to be. Our firm facilitates the health, wellness, and healing of complex
women's health challenges without the use of unnecessary pharmaceutical drugs (including synthetic hormones and pain killers) and fruitlessly invasive surgical interventions.

👋🏾Our team is compromised of some of the dopest practitioners you'll ever have and we're individually, collectively, and collaboratively serious about our work.

👩🏾‍⚕️A few random fun facts about me:

👋🏾I wanted to be a doctor (pediatrician) since I was 4 years old and while I loved the kids, I didn't like their parents. However, my OB/GYN rotation changed everything. I left a government job working for the surgeon general and opened The Eudaimonia Center in 2018.

👩🏾‍⚕I am an extroverted introvert. I love people... MY people. Being around a whole bunch of people, faking smiles, and having superficial conversations drains me. That's why I'm so good in a healing space where bonafide connections govern the work.

👋🏾I am a podcast host (Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE!) and author of "Natural Pregnancy Guide" (publisher's idea NOT mine). Book #2 comes out this fall.

👩🏾A sure fire way to get me to do something? Tell me I can't. I always feel like I can do something and if I don’t know how to do it now, I’m sure I can (and WILL) learn. It's both a blessing and a curse. -llw♀️



👩🏽 This is a more than a tagline for us. It's our firm's culture... rooted in the womanist ethic of care.

👩🏾 Black women, in particular, are disproportionately affected by most maladies. Misdiagnosis rates are 20-30% higher for women and racial/ethnic minorities than for white men. We are continually confronting issues of invisibility on so many sociocultural levels.


👩🏿 In Jessica's case, she was misdiagnosed with FIBROIDS — "common growths of the UTERUS" — instead of... CERVICAL CANCER.

👩🏽 Ms. Pettway receivied MULTIPLE incorrect medical diagnoses before succumbing to cervical cancer... a little more than a year from misdiagnosis.

🏥 Sadly (and too commonly), Jessica wasn't...

👩🏾... SEEN. Her initial complaint of intense va**nal bleeding was received as merely a common complaint that "alot of Black women" experience... Except she wasn't alot of Black women. She was ONE woman, JESSICA PETTWAY.

👩🏿... HEARD. For six months of multiple hospital stays no one HEARD her voice crying out for help.

🏥... VALUED. Even once she saw the oncologist and had the biopsy, his casual response? 'Yep, you have stage 3 cervical cancer.’ This level of dismissal lacks in bedside manner and cultural humility. It's unwarranted and emotionally bankrupt.

👩🏽Implicit bias and racism are baked into the culture of conventional (modern) medicine and it's important for ALL of us to start acknowledging that.

👩🏾WOMANIST ETHIC OF CARE? That's like feminism, right? NO... Actually, it's FUNDAMENTALLY distinct. It's the narrative construction of Black women's health employing an ethos of care and concern for Black women as CREDIBLE KNOWERS of their lived experiences and of their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

🏥 A womanist ethic of care brings an added dimension to client-centered, evidence-based care by drawing on inclusion to focus on the lived experiences of Black women. As a team, we let our clients' words and experiences be the FIRST thing we assess in remediating their suffering.

👩🏿 When she describes her symptoms, WE BELIEVE HER.

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Empowered Women, Empower Women

The Eudaimonia Center offers superior on-site women’s health products and services along with comprehensive online educational materials for women and their partners. By providing a fusion of integrative treatment options, our practice caters to a woman’s need, want, and desire for a more traditional approach to care.

Our adaptability within a continuously changing healthcare landscape ensures that our patients can rest assured knowing that they are being tended to and empowered by experienced, integrative healthcare professionals.

Videos (show all)

July is Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (also known as BIPOC Mental Health Month). F...
Are you finding yourself in the pits of despair? •😔 It’s a dark place that we've become all too familiar with in the pas...
Every March, we join together to reflect on the centuries of sacrifice and courage that have fueled progress for women. ...
JANUARY is CERVICAL CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.•🍳Do you remember the "This Is Your Brain on Drugs" anti-narcotics campaign c...
It's "actually" SNOWING! ❄️•☃️ Facts about ME this Monday:•1️⃣ I am from Pennsylvania. When it snows in PA, unless it's ...
The Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients & heal...
The Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients & heal...
The Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients & heal...
The Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients & heal...
The Women's Health, Wisdom, and... WINE! podcast is a weekly conversation with practitioners, providers, patients & heal...




5457 Twin Knolls Road, Suite #300
Columbia, MD

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 6pm
Tuesday 7am - 6pm
Wednesday 7am - 6pm
Thursday 7am - 6pm
Friday 7am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm

Other Medical Services in Columbia (show all)
Dr. Sarah Mess Dr. Sarah Mess
9821 Broken Land Pwky, Suite 102
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Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Saini Orthodontics Saini Orthodontics
10776 Hickory Ridge Road
Columbia, 21044

The first orthodontic practice in Columbia, MD. 50+ years improving smiles for patients of all ages!

9520 Berger Road Suite 212
Columbia, 21046

USA DME is a national leader in providing supplies and equipment for sleep apnea treatment and home medical equipment .

Aesthetic Family Dentistry of Columbia Aesthetic Family Dentistry of Columbia
10025 Governor Warfield Pkwy, Ste 217
Columbia, 21044

Aesthetic Family Dentistry of Columbia is devoted to providing the best family and cosmetic dental care possible.