My Mother Land

Providing Zimbabwean children access to an education that fosters curiosity,leadership and creativity

Bikeathon Cincinnati to Columbus 08/19/2024

Bikeathon Training Update

Training for the bikeathon has been a steady build-up, and I’m thrilled to share that I recently completed my longest ride yet—50 miles! It was a challenging ride, but I’m proud of the progress I’ve made. Afterward, I definitely needed a good nap to recover!

I know everyone is training hard to be mentally and physically ready for the big day on November 2nd. I’m so excited and can’t wait to see you all there as we ride for a great cause.

If you’re interested in donating, please use the link below. And if you’d like to help in other ways, there will be opportunities for that too.

Thank you for your support!

Bikeathon Cincinnati to Columbus By My Mother Land

Bikeathon Cincinnati to Columbus 07/25/2024

Training Update for the Bikeathon from Cincinnati to Columbus!

Today, our goal is to ride 25-30 miles as we prepare for the big day on November 2nd. Our mission remains the same: to send more kids to school. Every dollar counts, and even $5 gets us closer to our goal.

This cause is incredibly personal and close to my heart. If you are a friend or family member, please consider supporting us. I’m calling on all my friends to help me and my team make this a reality.

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s ride for education and a brighter future for these kids. Every mile we ride and every donation we receive will count.

Thank you for your support!

Bikeathon Cincinnati to Columbus By My Mother Land

Photos from My Mother Land's post 07/24/2024

Hi everyone,

I wanted to share an update on our bikeathon training. All is going well, and today our group of four managed to ride 20 miles. Everyone felt great!

We are reaching out to ask for your support. Any donation, even $5, makes a difference. Think of it as $5 less for an expensive meal, but a step towards helping send a child to school. If you know anyone who might be interested in donating, please share this message with them. If they need more information, they can reach out to me directly.

We are close to our goal of $5,000, and we need your help to get there.

Thank you for your support!

Bikeathon Cincinnati to Columbus 07/11/2024

Hey friends,

On November 2nd, we’ll be riding our bikes from Cincinnati to Columbus—a 126-mile journey—to raise funds to send more kids to school in rural Zimbabwe. Our mission is to bridge the education gap, and we need your help to make it happen.

Even a small donation of $5 can make a big difference! Every mile counts, and your support will help us reach our goal. If you’re interested in riding with us, please let us know.

Donate and help us empower the next generation!

Thank you!

Bikeathon Cincinnati to Columbus By My Mother Land


Hey everyone,

Our website is currently undergoing some maintenance and should be back up and running later this week. We appreciate your patience during this time. Rest assured, our work continues and we’re excited to share more with you soon!

Stay tuned for updates!


Dear Zimbabwe Olympic Committee, Zimbabwe Coaches, Officials and Athletes,

I hope this message finds you well. I am excited to announce the organization of a special track meet aimed at bringing awareness to our incredible female athletes. This event, “Track Girl Magic,” will be the first of many and will feature an all-girls meet with an electronic timing system.

We are looking for volunteers to help officiate this amazing event. If you are an official and would like to contribute to this cause, please reach out to me.

Additionally, I am trying to get in contact with NAAZ or ZOC for support. If anyone has contact information or can assist in connecting with them, please let me know.

Please mark your calendars for July 5th, 2025. Let’s come together to make this event a success and celebrate our talented female athletes.

Thank you for your support!

Best regards,

My Mother Land


Dear Friends,

Are you looking for a unique and impactful summer experience in 2025? We are excited to announce that we are opening up 14-16 spots for an incredible journey to Zimbabwe with My Mother Land. Whether you’re an old friend or a new one, we invite you to join us on this adventure!

Here’s what you can look forward to:
Community Engagement: Visit different schools and communities, engage in service projects like drilling boreholes, building a classroom and participate in fun activities such as playing soccer.
Cultural Immersion: Dive deep into Zimbabwean culture, meet locals, and enjoy a variety of cultural activities.
Giving Back: Distribute clothes and other essentials to those in need, making a real difference in people’s lives.
Track Girl Magic: Host the first all-girls track and field meet in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, while also offering educational scholarships.
We are welcoming families, high schoolers, college students, and anyone eager to learn about different cultures while serving communities. If this is your first time, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with experienced travelers who can share their stories and insights about Zimbabwe.

If you’re interested, please fill out our interest form HERE. We will schedule an information session to provide you with trip details and the opportunity to ask questions. This is an adventure you won’t want to miss!

Looking forward to embarking on this journey together.

Warm regards,

My Mother Land Team


Congratulations, Lilly!

We couldn’t help but be captivated by the incredible artwork you created during our trip to Zimbabwe! Your talent truly shines through every stroke and detail. It was such a delight to witness your creativity in action. Keep inspiring us with your beautiful art!

Zimbabwe Trip by Shivum Kalyanam – MyMotherLand 04/26/2024

New post up:

Zimbabwe Trip by Shivum Kalyanam – MyMotherLand My trip to Zimbabwe was an experience like no other. After an almost 48-hour travel experience, landing in the Bulwayo airport was refreshing. The clouds and the weather were beautiful. As soon as we walked out of the airport, we were greeted by a multitude of people, all of whom I would later get t...

Photos from My Mother Land's post 04/23/2024

What am I? Who am I?As a Zimbabwean man, I proudly embrace my roots while also considering myself a global citizen. The African proverb “Ubuntu Umuntu, Ngumuntu Ngabantu” resonates deeply with me, encapsulating my belief that “I am a person through other people.” This profound saying speaks to the interconnectedness of humanity, highlighting that our identities and humanity are not solitary constructs but are intricately woven through our relationships with others. I find strength and purpose in this belief, as it reminds me of the importance of community, empathy, and understanding in shaping who I am. Through this lens, I navigate the world with a sense of unity, recognizing that our shared experiences and connections with others ultimately define our existence.

MyMotherLand – Providing Zimbabwean children in rural areas access to an education 04/19/2024

Dear My Mother Land Supporters

As we commemorate 44 years of Zimbabwean independence, we extend an invitation to join us in a cause that epitomizes the values of freedom and empowerment: ensuring access to education for every child in rural Zimbabwean areas.

At MyMotherLand, our mission is clear and profound – to guarantee that every Zimbabwean child has the opportunity to shape their own future through education. We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of progress and a catalyst for creating a brighter future for all.

Mission: Our mission is to provide Zimbabwean children in rural areas access to an education that fosters curiosity, leadership, and creativity. We are committed to empowering every child to become a leader of tomorrow.

Vision: Our vision is to create a Zimbabwe where every child has access to an education that equips them with essential 21st-century skills and provides the necessary support to thrive in a global economy. We aspire to foster a fair and equal society where every child has the opportunity to succeed.

How You Can Help:As part of our celebration today, we invite you to consider sponsoring a barrel of books to one of our partnering schools in Zimbabwe.

Schools include:

St Lucy Primary School

Charingeno Primary School

Your support will facilitate a space where children can learn, explore, and grow. Thus, significantly impacting the lives of Zimbabwean children in rural areas.

Join Us Today: Let’s unite to honor our past and shape a better future for our children. Your donation, irrespective of its size, will make a tangible impact on the lives of those who need it most.

Donate Now:

Together, let’s build a future where every Zimbabwean child has the opportunity to thrive. We sincerely appreciate your generosity and support.

Warm Regards,

My Mother Land Team

MyMotherLand – Providing Zimbabwean children in rural areas access to an education Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Join Us in Celebrating 44 Years of Zimbabwean Independence!

As we commemorate this historic milestone, we invite you to join us in a cause that embodies the values of freedom and empowerment: ensuring access to education for every child in rural Zimbabwean areas.

At MyMotherLand, our mission is crystal clear – to ensure that every Zimbabwean child has the opportunity to shape their own future through education. We firmly believe that education is the cornerstone of progress and a catalyst for creating a brighter future for all.

How You Can Help: As part of our celebration today, we invite you to consider sponsoring a barrel of books to one of our partnering schools in Zimbabwe. Schools include St Lucy Primary School and Charingeno Primary School. Your support will facilitate a space where children can learn, explore, and grow, significantly impacting the lives of Zimbabwean children in rural areas.

Join Us Today: Let’s unite to honor our past and shape a better future for our children. Your donation, irrespective of its size, will make a tangible impact on the lives of those who need it most.

Donate Now:

Together, let’s build a future where every Zimbabwean child has the opportunity to thrive. We sincerely appreciate your generosity and support.

Warm Regards,
My Mother Land Team

Photos from My Mother Land's post 04/03/2024

As another birthday passes, I find myself reflecting on the passage of time and the changes it brings. With each year, I grow older, yet my perspective on celebrating my birthday shifts. While many may see birthdays as a time for personal celebration and indulgence, I can't help but feel a greater calling.

As I journey through life, I've come to realize that my purpose extends beyond my own desires and aspirations. Instead, my heart is set on a mission to make a meaningful impact in communities that need it most. This year, my focus lies not on the festivities of my birthday, but on channeling that time and energy towards a cause that is bigger than myself.

My dream is to help build a self-sustainable school in Zimbabwe—a vision that ignites a fire within me. This dream, this mission, is not just a passing thought; it's a commitment engraved in my soul. I am determined to see it through, to contribute to a brighter future for those who deserve it.

While the journey ahead may seem daunting at times, my resolve remains unwavering. I know that this dream is within reach, but I also understand that I can't do it alone. That's why I'm reaching out to my community, to anyone who shares my passion for making a difference.

If you know of anyone who can lend their support—whether through resources, expertise, or connections—please don't hesitate to reach out to me privately. Together, let's turn this dream into a reality, one brick at a time.

Thank you for believing in me and for standing alongside me on this journey. Your support means more than words can express.

With gratitude,

Coach T


Dear Friends,

Our recent journey to Zimbabwe was nothing short of extraordinary. Departing on March 11th, we embarked on an adventure with 17 enthusiastic students from the Wellington School, accompanied by three dedicated chaperones: Joya, Shelley, and Pete. As we bid farewell to Zimbabwe just two days ago, I am filled with a sense of fulfillment and gratitude for the experiences we shared.

Our expedition began with high hopes and a sense of anticipation as we touched down in Zimbabwe. After settling into our lodge accommodations, we wasted no time immersing ourselves in the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes that awaited us.

The second day brought a wave of excitement as we embarked on our itinerary, which was brimming with unforgettable experiences. From exploring Petra College to encountering the magnificent white rhinos of Matobo National Park, every moment was filled with awe and wonder. The ancient ruins of Great Zimbabwe and the majestic Victoria Falls left an indelible mark on our hearts.

Yet, it was the moments beyond our planned itinerary that truly enriched our journey. Visiting St. Lucy Primary School and donating much-needed supplies brought tears of joy and gratitude to our eyes. Additionally, our impromptu visit to Ngodzi Mine, a squatter camp, allowed us to make a meaningful impact by providing assistance to those in need.

One of the most poignant memories was our spontaneous soccer matches with local children in the streets. The joy and appreciation sparked by our donation of soccer balls reminded us of the profound impact small gestures can have on others. Witnessing the radiant smiles on the faces of those children will forever be etched in our memories.

Throughout our travels, our students demonstrated remarkable adaptability and curiosity, eagerly absorbing the richness of Zimbabwean culture and traditions.

As we bid farewell to Zimbabwe, I invite you to join us in supporting this beautiful country and its communities. If you feel compelled to contribute, please consider visiting to learn more about how you can make a difference.

Thank you to everyone who joined us on this transformative journey. Until we meet again, may the spirit of Zimbabwe continue to inspire us all.

Warm regards,

Tonderai Tomu


Our journey to Zimbabwe with 17 amazing students from the Wellington School was an incredible success! From meeting inspiring students to giving back to the community, every moment was unforgettable. We were blessed to donate soccer uniforms, balls, shin guards, cleats, stationery, laptops, and clothes to those in need. The warm welcome we received, especially from St. Lucy, holds a special place in our hearts. We’re committed to continuing our support and working on new ways to uplift and empower this community. Together, we can make a difference!


Thank you ou for stopping by Mukomana WekuSheedzera

MyMotherLand – Providing Zimbabwean children in rural areas access to an education 03/07/2024

Exciting Updates from My Mother Land - Join Us in Making a Difference!

Dear Facebook Friends,

I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out to share some exciting news about My Mother Land and an upcoming journey that holds a special place in my heart.

My Mother Land: Making a Difference
For those who may not be familiar, My Mother Land is a charitable initiative aimed at providing educational resources and support to communities in need. Our mission is simple but impactful – ensuring that every child has access to quality education.

Upcoming Trip to Zimbabwe
I'm thrilled to share that I'll be traveling to Zimbabwe in the coming weeks to continue our efforts in making a positive impact. During this trip, we plan to visit communities and schools, spreading joy and delivering much-needed supplies.

Support Our Cause
If you're interested in supporting our cause, I invite you to visit our website and consider making a donation. Your generosity helps us make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

Stay Updated with Our Newsletter
As I embark on this journey, I'll be sharing updates and stories through our newsletter. Please sign up on our website to stay connected and receive firsthand accounts of the impact we're making.

Exciting News: Barrels in Zimbabwe
I'm thrilled to share the wonderful news that our shipment, including valuable supplies for the children, has successfully arrived in Zimbabwe. I received confirmation from Cargolink International, and deliveries are set to begin soon.

Your support has been invaluable, and I'm grateful for all of you. Together, we are making a real difference in the lives of these children, one donation at a time.

Thank you for being part of this incredible journey with My Mother Land. Your support means the world to us, and I can't wait to share more updates from Zimbabwe soon.

Best regards,
Tonderai Tomu

MyMotherLand – Providing Zimbabwean children in rural areas access to an education Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Embarking on a Journey of Giving: The Zimbabwe Wise Trip with Wellington

Excitement is buzzing at Wellington School as we gear up for our upcoming Zimbabwe Wise Trip! 🌍✈️ This journey is not just about exploration but also about making a positive impact in the lives of others.

One aspect that has our team thrilled is the array of donations we're bringing along. If you have any spare luggage lying around, we would be immensely grateful for your contribution. Your extra luggage will help us transport and pack the abundance of supplies, including school essentials, clothes, and sports equipment that we aim to share with the communities in Zimbabwe.

For those who prefer a different avenue to support our mission, we're accepting donations through our website. Every contribution goes a long way in helping us fulfill our commitment to providing quality education and support to those in need. It's heartwarming to witness the collective effort to make a positive difference.

We extend our deepest gratitude for your continuous support. Just a reminder: a donation of $50 can send a child to school for an entire trimester. Your generosity helps us bring education within reach and empowers young minds.

As we anticipate the adventures that await us in Zimbabwe, let's also look forward to the profound impact we can make together. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey!

Warm regards,

The My Mother Land Team 🌟


Hey everyone,

Hope this message finds you well! 🌟 I'm reaching out because I'm on a mission to support a school in need in Zimbabwe. They're in search of new or used soccer jerseys for their team, and I'll be heading there on March 11th.

If you know of anyone willing to donate jerseys, regardless of color, please reach out to me. Your help can make a significant difference for these passionate young players. Let's come together and spread the love of the game!

Feel free to drop me a message if you have any leads or suggestions. Thanks a bunch for your support! ⚽🙏



Thrilled to share that our barrels have arrived in South Africa a week ago! 🌍 Excitement is building as we gear up to donate these to children and schools in need. Together, we’re making a positive impact! 🤝


Check our store to help support our mission. More items will be added soon.


Check out the article that was recently written about our organization and mission! Link below 👇 🇿🇼



St. Lucy holds a special place in my heart 💙. The vision the headmaster has for these incredible kids left me amazed and blown away. 🌟 Let’s come together and work wonders at Lucy! 🤝

Photos from My Mother Land's post 01/01/2024

Happy New Year to you and the entire My Mother Land team! Wishing you all a year filled with joy, success, and prosperity.


🔔 Let’s make a difference together! 🌟 This school deserves a proper bell, not just a piece of metal. 🏫 My motherland is stepping up to sponsor 10 bright minds – 5 incredible girls and 5 promising boys. 📚 Join us in creating positive change! 💙


Dream big


Presentation in Zimbabwe!

Home | MyMotherLand 11/19/2023

Heartfelt Gratitude: A Thank You to Supporters of the Soft Launch

Dear Esteemed Supporters,

We extend our sincerest thanks to each and every one of you who graced the soft launch of My Mother Land with your presence. Your overwhelming support has left an indelible mark on our hearts, and we are thrilled to share that the event was a resounding success.

To those who generously donated, your contributions speak volumes and will undoubtedly make a significant impact on the children and schools in rural Zimbabwe Your belief in our mission is the cornerstone of our progress, and we are truly grateful for your commitment.

For those who, unfortunately, couldn't join us, we missed you, and we hope to welcome you with open arms at our first annual gala next year. Your spirit was felt even in your absence, and we look forward to celebrating together in the future.

A special acknowledgment goes to our dedicated board members and everyone involved in making the soft launch a triumph. Your tireless efforts and unwavering commitment have laid a strong foundation for the path ahead.

Our founder, Tonderai Tomu, felt the outpouring of love and enthusiasm from each of you. Your support has fueled his excitement as we collectively embark on this transformative journey towards a sustainable education for rural Zimbabwean children. Your presence has given us the strength to reach new heights, and we can't wait to see what the future holds.

If you haven't already, we invite you to sign up for our newsletter on our website here[ ]. By doing so, you will be the first to receive updates on our endeavors and learn about the various ways you can actively participate in our cause. Your involvement is crucial, and we cherish the opportunity to have you with us every step of the way.

Once again, thank you for making the soft launch an unforgettable experience. We look forward to a future filled with shared successes, growth, and, most importantly, positive impact.

With heartfelt gratitude,

My Mother Land

Home | MyMotherLand Give Education to Children in Poverty WHY EDUCATION? Dedicated to change. Mymotherland’s mission is to provide educational resources to underprivileged children in Zimbabwe Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo....


Counting down the days! If you're keen to join, shoot me a DM. And don't forget to peek into your junk email—chances are the invite is waiting for you! 📩✨



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Videos (show all)

Zimbabwe is a beautiful country, and it has great people. Please visit our website and help us send more kids to school.
Exciting news! 🎶 Catch @wellybluenotes live at the My Motherland soft launch this Saturday! 🚀 If you're interested in jo...
Good morning, this past December we managed to feed 20 families and send 5 kids to school.



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