Stone Village Church

A community of faith, committed to celebrating and loving all people, and living out Christ's love in We invite and honor all people in our community of faith.

SVC Worship: Worship is how we connect with God and with each other as a community. It helps us to realize God's presence and call upon our lives, empowering us to change the world and live out Christ's love for all people. Sunday Worship @ 9 & 10:30 am - a service rich in liturgy, prayer, music, scripture, and communion.

Wholehearted Faith Book Study, February Gallery Hop, SVC Kids Volunteers & Life Groups 01/23/2024

This week's eNewsletter from Stone Village Church

Wholehearted Faith Book Study, February Gallery Hop, SVC Kids Volunteers & Life Groups Beginning on Monday, January 29 at 7 pm, Pastor John will lead a three-week book discussion of Rachel Held Evans’ final novel, Wholehearted Faith. Through theological reflection and personal recollection in essay format, this book wrestles with God’s grace and love, looks unsparingly at what the...


As this new day dawns,
know this,
the Holy One sees you.
Knows you.
Inner you.
Soul you.

Not the faults and failures,
nor your alibis,
not your accomplishments,
not what you or others
think of you,
but the soul inside the story,
the heart beneath the scars,
what God created
and has always loved,
the you-est of you.

Seen without judgment,
known without blame,
beloved, treasured always—
welcome it,
embrace it,
honor it.

You can stop pretending.
Let yourself become
the one God knows
and loves.

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Stone Village Worship at 10 am

Brown Bag, A Novel Idea, Wholehearted Faith Book Study, SVC Kids Volunteers & Life Groups 01/16/2024

This week's eNewsletter from Stone Village Church

Brown Bag, A Novel Idea, Wholehearted Faith Book Study, SVC Kids Volunteers & Life Groups On Wednesday, January 17 at 6:30 pm, Stone Village's community will pack lunches to feed those who hunger. This ministry is open to all ages, so please join us as your schedule permits.


In the beginning
when God created you
God said, “Let there be light.

Not your accomplishments,
not even your good works,
but your being
is light.

You are light.
You are enough.

It doesn’t matter
what others see in you.
It doesn’t matter
what others think of you.

What matters is what you see.
What matters is what you know.

You are light.
You are enough.

So, wherever you are today,
whatever the day brings you,
shine there and know you are enough.

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Stone Village Worship at 10 am

Wholehearted Faith Book Study, Pint Theology, SVC Kids Volunteers & Life Groups 01/09/2024

This week's eNewsletter from Stone Village Church

Wholehearted Faith Book Study, Pint Theology, SVC Kids Volunteers & Life Groups Beginning on Monday, January 29 at 7 pm, Pastor John will lead a three-week book discussion of Rachel Held Evans’ final novel, Wholehearted Faith. Through theological reflection and personal recollection in essay format, this book wrestles with God’s grace and love, looks unsparingly at what the...


The magi studied stars.
They knew things.
They observed the world.
They understood.
They sought.
They paid attention.
They found.

What they found was royalty,
hidden in a peasant child,
hidden always,
hidden in you.

You may not have gold,
frankincense or myrrh.
You also don't have nothing.
Even the shepherds had something to offer.
What do you have?
What will you offer?

You are gifted.
You are a treasure chest.
What God has given you this world needs.
So, this day, open your treasure chest.
Never forget, Beloved,
you are a gift.

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Stone Village Worship at 10 am

January Gallery Hop Opening Reception & January Item for the Homeless 01/04/2024

This week's eNewsletter from Stone Village Church

January Gallery Hop Opening Reception & January Item for the Homeless Stone Village Art Gallery is excited to announce the opening reception for Hannah Mayle's new exhibit, Ephemeral Explorations, on Saturday, January 6 from 5:30 – 7 pm. Refreshments will be on-hand for all guests. We hope you will join us in celebrating and supporting Hannah's opening and first sol...


A year ends,
a new begins.

Give thanks for this moment,
embrace it as gift,
you made it through
another year of wilderness living.

Whatever regrets you carry,
lay them all down.
Without judgment,
place them in the hands of God
and let it all simply become
part of your story.

Whatever hopes you have for the new year,
embrace it as another gift,
be prepared to welcome each day,
every moment of the day,
with wonder and love.

Whatever resolutions you make for the new year,
hold them gently,
be open to change,
lean into the unknown,
and know that what God is doing in you,
may look different than you expect,
so be gentle with yourself.

A year ends,
a new begins;
a new chapter in your story,
celebrate it,
embrace it,
love it,
let the possibility of it inspire you
to turn a corner,
to start over,
to let go,
to live.

And may your new chapter be
full of grace,
full of light,
full of love.

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Stone Village Worship at 10 am


This day,
may the birth of Christ child
deepen your wonder
and widen your gratitude.

May the helpless babe
bring forth your tenderness
and strengthen your love.

May the gentle mother
give you courage to embrace the holy
and find the divine in yourself.

May the child who shares our death
bring light into your darkness,
and hope to your weariness.

May the displaced holy family
open your heart to the poor,
the homeless, the refugee.

May the child sought by soldiers
embolden you to cry out,
and empower you to resist injustice.

May the angels who sing above you
awaken your heart
to beauty.

May the One Who Comes
remind you of your belovedness,
and fill you with kindness and mercy,
joy and love.

Merry Christmas to you and yours
from Stone Village Church🎄

Christmas Day Worship at 10 am ✨


What Mary wants now
God says soon

What Joseph needs now
God says not long

What the peacemakers seek now
God says hold your breath a little longer

What the hungry long for now
God says hush but a moment

What the poor yearn for now
God says wait a little more

What the lonely hunger for now
God says shortly

What the forgotten thirst for now
God says presently

What the world aches for now
God says soon and very soon

Time is moving towards incarnation
justice is slipping into skin
peace is laboring
love is taking human shape

Stone Village’s Christmas Eve Worship Schedule
10 am & 7 pm

Our services will include carols,
lessons of scripture, prayer,
a homily, and communion.

Please note, SVC KIDS will only be offered at the 10 am service.

Photos from Stone Village Church's post 12/23/2023

Christmas Eve Morning Service at 10 am:
Stone Village’s Christmas Eve morning service will include traditional Christmas carols, lessons of scripture, prayer, a homily, and Holy Communion. SVC Kids will be offered at the 10 am Christmas Eve morning service. No matter who you are or the path you walk, you are welcome to join us in celebrating the birth of the Christ child.

Christmas Eve Evening Service at 7 pm:
Stone Village’s Christmas Eve Candlelight service will include traditional Christmas carols, lessons of scripture, prayer, a homily, and Holy Communion. Please note, SVC KIDS will not be offered at the 7 pm Christmas Eve service, however, children are welcome to attend. No matter who you are or the path you walk, you are welcome to join us in celebrating the birth of the Christ child.

Christmas Day Service at 10 am:
Stone Village's Christmas Day service will include traditional Christmas carols, prayer, lessons of scripture, a Christmas Day reflection, and Holy Communion. Please note, SVC KIDS will not be offered at the Christmas Day service, however, children are welcome to attend. No matter who you are or the path you walk, you are welcome to join us in celebrating the birth of the Christ child.

Stone Village’s Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Services 12/22/2023

Stone Village's Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Worship Services

Stone Village’s Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Services Stone Village’s Christmas Eve morning service will include traditional Christmas carols, lessons of scripture, prayer, a homily, and Holy Communion. SVC Kids will be offered at the 10 am Christmas Eve morning service. No matter who you are or the path you walk, you are welcome to join us in celebr...

Blue Christmas Service & Christmas Eve & Day Services 12/19/2023

This week's eNewsletter from Stone Village Church

Blue Christmas Service & Christmas Eve & Day Services The Christmas season can be especially hard emotional and spiritually for those who are grieving the loss of a loved, the end of a personal relationship, separation from family, struggles with addiction and feelings of abandonment. So, this year, on the longest night of the year, Stone Village Churc...


The Christmas season can be especially hard emotionally and spiritually for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, the end of a personal relationship, separation from family, struggles with addiction and feelings of abandonment.

So, this year, on the longest night of the year, Stone Village Church will offer a Blue Christmas Service of Healing and Hope on Thursday, December 21 at 6:30 pm.

The service of song, prayer, and Holy Communion will be led by Pastor John and the worship team.


On this Third Sunday of Advent, we pray:

Holy One of new life and love,
come gently among us this day;
hear our prayers,
restore our souls.

Piece together our loose ends;
smooth over our rough edges;
restore our souls.

When lights and decorations
fail to delight,
and serve only
to deepen our pain and grief,
restore our souls.

When we clench our fists in anger,
open our hands to receive Your grace.

When we are worn out and beat down,
surround us with Your peace.

When our doubts outweigh our hopes,
increase our faith.

When we have no energy left to love,
love us all the more.

When we struggle
to make sense of it all,
doubting our strength,
help us to find the courage
of Mary to say, “Let it be,”
and remember
unconditional love is coming
in newborn grace.

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Stone Village Worship at 10 am

Brown Bag Lunch Ministry and Open Shelter Christmas Gift Wrapping 12/12/2023

This week's eNewsletter from Stone Village Church

Brown Bag Lunch Ministry and Open Shelter Christmas Gift Wrapping The Open Shelter recently sent an email asking if Stone Village’s community would consider donating items to support children this Holiday season, and Pastor John said, YES! The Open Shelter’s Holiday Wish List is enclosed. All purchased gifts must be delivered to Stone Village by Wednesday, Dec...


On this Second Sunday of Advent:
God of new life and love,
come gently among us this day;
hear our prayers,
restore our souls.

Piece together our loose ends;
smooth over our rough edges;
restore our souls.

When lights and decorations
fail to delight,
and serve only
to deepen our pain and grief,
restore our souls.

When we clench our fists in anger,
open our hands to receive Your grace.

When we are worn out and beat down,
surround us with Your peace.

When our doubts outweigh our hopes,
increase our faith.

When we have no energy left to love,
love us all the more.

When we struggle
to make sense of it all,
doubting our strength,
help us to find the courage
to say, “Let it be.”

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Stone Village Kid’s Christmas Concert at 10 am 🎄


On Sunday, December 10 at 10 am, Stone Village’s children will take center stage and tell the story of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus through word and song.

We welcome all to attend this special Christmas concert and support our children.

Following the performance, a reception of cookies and punch will be held for our little stars.

Please note, SVC Kids Christmas concert is the only in-person offering on Sunday, December 10.

SVC KIDS Christmas Concert, Exploring the Nativity Discussion Study, End of Year Giving & Open Shelter Holiday Wish List 12/05/2023

This week's eNewsletter from Stone Village Church

SVC KIDS Christmas Concert, Exploring the Nativity Discussion Study, End of Year Giving & Open Shelter Holiday Wish List On Sunday, December 10 at 10 am, Stone Village’s children will take center stage and tell the story of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus through word and song. We welcome all to attend this special Christmas concert and support our children. Following the performance, a reception of cookies and punch wi...


Through the Wilderness by Pastor John. First Sunday of Advent Reflection for December 3, 2023 ✨


On this first Sunday of Advent,
it’s important to remember
no one in this story
knows where they’re going,
only that they are.

Mary and Joseph journey to Bethlehem
without a place to arrive.
This was the easy part.
They will go on,
vagrant, to Egypt,
a dream for directions,
dragging the wind behind them,
erasing their footsteps.

Shepherds hear angels
and seek wonders,
looking for a baby
with nothing to go on
but an angelic song,
a map without lines.

Magi journey for years.
When did they decide not to turn back?
There is no destination,
there is no way,
only a star
among stars.

You, trudging on toward meaning,
wandering among shadows,
carrying your doubts and fears,
the path becoming a path
only behind you,
and yet
you hope,
you hope beyond hope,
the light will find you,
the light will embrace you,
the light will guide you home.

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Stone Village Worship at 10 am

Photos from Stone Village Church's post 12/01/2023

Stone Village is ready for baby Jesus 🎄

The Season of Advent at Stone Village & The Open Shelter Holiday Wish List 11/28/2023

This week's eNewsletter from SVC

The Season of Advent at Stone Village & The Open Shelter Holiday Wish List The Season of Advent at Stone Village Church will include First Sunday of Advent – December 3rd Sunday Worship at 10 am, Second Sunday of Advent – December 10th SVC Kids Christmas Concert at 10 am, Brown Bag Lunch Packing & Open Shelter Christmas Gift Wrapping Wednesday, December 13th at 6:30 pm...

Photos from Stone Village Church's post 11/26/2023

November at Stone Village Church


In moments of despair,
when your life feels small
and insignificant,
and your struggling
to make sense of it all,
remember you are
and worthy.


No matter your faults,
regardless of your
and those moments
when you have fallen apart,
remember you are
and worthy.


Your whole life,
is wonderful,
and worthy.

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Stone Village Worship at 10 am


Gentle reminder:

On Sunday, November 26, Stone Village returns to 10 am Sunday worship along with SVC KIDS, discontinuing the 9 and 10:30 am worship offerings.


Gratitude is not a feeling,
it’s an intention, a choice, a lens,
and it takes a little practice.

So, each day, select one thing to be grateful for:
a cup of water, a wisp of blue,
warm bread, a friend’s presence,
a dog’s bark, gravity, so you don’t float away….

Hold your gratitude like a stone in your hand,
each day squeeze it gently,
slowly, with intention and practice,
transition into a life of gratitude,
until you become grateful for everything,
for the frayed coat,
for the rust on the lock,
the sun on the broken glass,
the silence after the bird song,
for the grace hidden in ugliness,
for the presence waiting in emptiness,
for the blessing enfolded in heartache.

Become universally and equally grateful for everything,
because everything matters,
the good, the bad, the mundane,
it matters, so cling to it all,
be grateful for the journey of becoming,
the journey of life lived with God and God’s creation.

Happy Thanksgiving, Stoners!


On Wednesday, November 22 at 6:30 pm, Stone Village Church will offer its annual Thanksgiving Eve worship service. 🦃

The service of song, prayer, reflection, and communion will be led by Pastor John and members of SVC's worship team.

No matter who you are
or the path you walk,
you are welcome here.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship, A Novel Idea Book Club & 10 am Sunday Worship 11/21/2023

This week's eNewsletter from SVC.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship, A Novel Idea Book Club & 10 am Sunday Worship On Wednesday, November 22 at 6:30 pm, Stone Village will offer its annual Thanksgiving Eve worship service. The service of song, prayer and communion will be led by Pastor John and members of SVC's worship team.


Pastor John and Pastor Matt delivered 30 Turkeys to The Open Shelter in support of families in need this Thanksgiving 🦃

Stoners, your generosity is a gift ❤️

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Through the Wilderness by Pastor John. First Sunday of Advent Reflection for December 3, 2023 ✨
Living In the Tension by Pastor John. Sunday Reflection for November 5, 2023.
Persist by Pastor John. 10/29/23
..Believing in New Life by Pastor JohnSecond Sunday of EasterApril 24, 2022
..The Cross of Our Lives by Pastor JohnGood Friday Reflection



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