10TV Commit To Be Fit, Columbus, OH Videos

Videos by 10TV Commit To Be Fit in Columbus. From WBNS-10TV... Wellness, fitness & all things that help us Thrive Together!

Local boy turns arthritis journey into cause to help others

Jamie Bright is just that; a bright 13-year-old. But he's much more.
Jamie is using his platform as a 2020 Walk to Cure Arthritis Youth Athlete Honoree to educate others on arthritis in children.
I had the pleasure of sharing his story:

Other 10TV Commit To Be Fit videos

Local boy turns arthritis journey into cause to help others
Jamie Bright is just that; a bright 13-year-old. But he's much more. Jamie is using his platform as a 2020 Walk to Cure Arthritis Youth Athlete Honoree to educate others on arthritis in children. I had the pleasure of sharing his story: https://www.10tv.com/article/local-boy-turns-arthritis-journey-cause-help-others-2020-may

Overdose deaths on the rise in Franklin County, local yoga program aims to help
Franklin County has seen a rise in overdose deaths over the last few weeks. This is a tough time for many people but but social distancing poses unique struggles for those recovering from addiction. A local yoga foundation wants to help: https://www.10tv.com/article/overdose-deaths-rise-franklin-county-local-yoga-program-aims-help-2020-apr

Race directors share updates on upcoming Columbus events in Virtual Sports Report
A lot of us are bummed that the The Capital City Half Marathon isn't happening this weekend but we were pretty encouraged by what race director, David Babner and Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus 1/2 & Full Marathon race director, Darris Blackford had to say about the events. Check it out: https://www.10tv.com/article/race-directors-share-updates-upcoming-columbus-events-virtual-sports-report-2020-apr

Virtual races gain popularity during stay-at-home order
Group runs may be cancelled but some people are finding safe ways to abide by the stay-at-home orders by running in virtual races. STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/virtual-races-gain-popularity-during-stay-home-order-2020-apr Are there any virtual races you're participating in that we haven't included in the story? Let us know in the comments!

Local trainer offers workouts for any environment
Struggling to find a workout that works for you during this time? 11athletics owner and trainer, Todd Johnson, shared some simple exercises that can be done anywhere. FULL STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/local-trainer-offers-workouts-any-environment-2020-apr

Virtual line dancing classes keep central Ohioans moving
“Before the current crisis, we danced at real places with real people, shaking hands and hugging. And now we do it from phones and tablets and laptops and such.” It's a tough time but Gladys Dillemuth inspired me! Give her story a watch and click here to learn more about Dance 4 Life: https://www.10tv.com/article/virtual-line-dancing-classes-keep-central-ohioans-moving-2020-apr

Central Ohio neighborhood bikes to find hope during pandemic
How are you staying fit and staying motivated? We could all learn from this community: https://www.10tv.com/article/central-ohio-neighborhood-bikes-find-hope-during-pandemic-2020-mar

Breaking away from the desk: Employees find new ways to stay fit at work
How healthy would you rate your workplace?! If you're feeling the aches and pains of your desk job, you'll want to check this out: https://www.10tv.com/article/breaking-away-desk-employees-find-new-ways-stay-fit-work-2020-feb

Families encouraged to get up, move through new challenge
Can you relate?! “We’re just cooped up, especially in February. The Christmas toys have lost their luster, everybody is just starting to get more bored but yet, we’re anxious to get moving because we feel spring is coming.” FULL STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/families-encouraged-get-move-through-new-challenge-2020-feb

Running for more: Local educator headed to Olympic Trials
How cool is it that a South-Western City Schools educator is heading to the Olympic Marathon Trials next Sunday? Check out Laura Kaulen's story & send her some love as she prepares for this major race. STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/running-more-local-educator-headed-olympic-trials-2020-feb

Local doctors offer advice on keeping an aging brain healthy
Research shows that how you stay physically fit, impacts the health of your aging brain. Molly Brewer TV learned some of the ways you should start caring for yourself now, if you haven't already. FULL STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/local-doctors-offer-advice-keeping-aging-brain-healthy-2020-feb

Commit to be Fit challenge: Eat the Rainbow
Think about what you eat in a day. How colorful are the foods you're consuming? Turns out, there may be more to a colorful meal than just how pretty it is alone. 🌈 STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/commit-be-fit-challenge-eat-rainbow-2020-feb Thank you, City of Dublin, Ohio - Government for this inspiring idea! ☘️

Metro Parks trails prove healing for local man with heart condition
Chad Engler has heart! Find out how he was able to boost his energy and ditch his medications through exercise (& doc's permission, of course). STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/metro-parks-trails-prove-healing-local-man-heart-condition-2020-feb

From the screen to the classroom, students are finding new ways to stay fit
Staying fit looks different for everyone but today, kids have access to new tools that bring physical and mental fitness right into the classroom. LEARN MORE: https://www.10tv.com/article/screen-classroom-students-are-finding-new-ways-stay-fit-2020-jan

Do your kids use GoNoodle at school? Molly Brewer TV stopped by Columbus School for Girls to find out how technology is used to keep students mentally AND physically active in the classroom. 📚🤓 Tune in to 10TV - WBNS for the story tomorrow!

Columbus dancers 'breakin'' goals, prepping for international competition
I challenge you to watch these kids dance and NOT smile. 😁 Check out how this local studio, Flavor'd Flow Studio, is serving up more than moves: https://www.10tv.com/article/columbus-dancers-breakin-goals-prepping-international-competition-2020-jan

These kids can DANCE. What a fun shoot yesterday at Flavor'd Flow Studio. They’re working towards something big - I’ll share later this week on 10TV - WBNS! - Molly Brewer TV

Can you take the heat? Knowing benefits, challenges to heated workouts
#ICYMI: A lot of people are turning to heated workouts so, Molly Brewer TV explored why and the steps to stay safe when participating. FULL STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/can-you-take-heat-knowing-benefits-challenges-heated-workouts-2020-jan

Ohio Stadium's 'Buckeye Bill' uses new Whitehall YMCA to stay at top of his game
The brand new Whitehall Community Park YMCA is motivating Buckeye Bill to be fit - it's also the first of its kind in central Ohio. STORY: https://www.10tv.com/article/ohio-stadiums-buckeye-bill-uses-new-whitehall-ymca-stay-top-his-game-2019-dec

YMCA's LIVESTRONG program supports cancer survivors rebuilding strength
Hey all - Molly Brewer TV here! It was an absolute privilege to share Tina's story last night. If you know a cancer fighter or survivor, please let them know about this incredible resource right here in central Ohio. DETAILS: https://www.10tv.com/article/ymcas-livestrong-program-supports-cancer-survivors-rebuilding-strength-2019-oct