The Breakin Bread Cafe

The Breakin Bread Cafe

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Located next to Trojan Superette across from Piggly Wiggly in New Hope. Come by and see us!


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families this holiday season! We miss you all and think of you often. Be BLESSED!!!
Much love to each of you today! 🦃 🍁 🫶🏼
-Shanen, “Mama” & Katie

Photos from The Breakin Bread Cafe's post 06/23/2023

That’s a wrap, NH! 🖤💛
This has been one of the absolute hardest things I have ever had to do in all my life. When I say it’s been an HONOR to serve this community, I mean that with every fiber of my being. God has been so SO good to us all these years and I will be forever grateful to Him for allowing all of our paths to have crossed. I will never be able to put into words how my heart is feeling or what each of you mean to me and my family. You are our family forever. Please believe me. Thank you for each hug, each call up here today just to tell us bye and you loved us, each text message, to Taylor Made Cake for the goodies for us to enjoy, and mostly for simply just your love and your prayers. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know Who does. We will simply trust in Him with every step we take. We love you, NEW HOPE! FOREVER!!!!! -Shanen

P.S. If I know where to find you- we will be seeing you soon. If it’s at Piggly Wiggly, Little Porky’s, Dollar General or at your house or shop- we are COMING OVER so be expecting a visit SOON!!!🩷


He gives us EVERYTHING we are gonna need!!!

Come break the bread with us today, friends!
Menu only! Stop by and see us! We look forward to seeing you before we leave next Friday! ❤️



Today we have:
TACO SALAD W/ Tea or Water

Lemon Pie $1.99+tax

This will be our last day to have a special/plate lunch! Next week we will have menu only! Stop by and see us 🥰

You, O God, are both tender and kind, not easily angered, immense in love, and you NEVER, NEVER QUIT! Psalm 86:15


It’s gonna be a GREAT DAY!!!!

Today we have:
BBQ Sandwich w/ Cole Slaw
Baked Beans
Potato Salad
Tea or Water

Chocolate or Lemon Pie

It is impossible to hate someone you continually pray for. Trust God who is completely righteous, for He promises, “ I will contend with those who contend with you.”
Isaiah 49:25


I knew this day would eventually come, and with a heavy heart I have to let you all know that the day is near.

9.2 years ago, me and my mother had a wild hair to open our cafe in New Hope, not knowing a single soul out here- other than each other! Looking back on that day, I was scared to death and had no earthy idea what to expect. Meeting each of you has been such a blessing to me, and I don’t say that casually. I TRULY mean that. Y’all have stood by our sides through it ALL and I will always be forever grateful for your support- but mostly your love and friendship that I’ve treasured all these years. Some of you, we have known since day 1, while others we might have just met last week, or today even, but I consider you all my very dear friends!

Covid really did a number on us, I won’t lie. I never have lied to any of you about anything. The cost of food increased, employees decreased, dining room closed from lack of help, and still in the same boat today. We are tired. Many of you know that my step dad is going through his second cancer journey and my mama owes it to him to be by his side 100%. My daughter, Raylee has literally grown up in that cafe and right now, I just want to be her mama. She made the NH softball team, and Lord willing- I will be there to truly support her 100%. I feel like she’s got the short end of the stick in my career with me going to bed early, or not being home with her. So, I owe her my time right now. I’m saying all of this so you can maybe understand why we would do what we have chosen to do. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I trust in Jesus Christ to lead my path through it all. The brick and mortar of Breakin Bread may be coming to an end- but if it’s the Lord’s will- we aren’t finished!!!

Just give us a little time to rest and get our thoughts together! This isn’t the last of us. That’s all I can say at the moment. But know that during this time, we will miss each one of you SO MUCH that it is already killing our hearts. I do know that it’s for the best and I do know the Lord closes doors that no man can open and He opens doors no man can shut! I truly trust Him with everything!!! Don’t delete this page! I will still get on here from time to time and give you all updates about our future! God is good even when we look out and all we see is complete darkness. We have faith and we know He never makes mistakes!!! 🫶🏼💕

Stop by and see us. Our last day for business will be Friday, June 23. I know it’s summer and everyone has plans or out of town. We will still be there through the whole month of July if you just want to stop by and see us! We would love it! Always remember that we are always here for you. You might not be able to walk up to that window, but you know how to send a message to this page or call/text me personally! THIS ISNT GOODBYE, my friends. Until then- may God shine in each of your hearts, give you everything you’re gonna need in whatever season you’re in, and know that He will NEVER let you down!❤️ -Shanen


Good Day!!!

Today we have:
Country Fried Steak w/ Gravy
Green Beans
Garlic Potatoes
Tea or Water

Chocolate Pie

Do not love the world nor the things in the world.
1 John 2:15


Baked Beans
Potato Salad or French Fries
Tea or Water

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Our water is on so we got our full menu.


It’s a wonderful day to have a WONDERFUL DAY!

Today we have:
Chicken Spaghetti
English Peas
Corn Nuggets
Tea or Water

Chocolate Mousse Cake

Why is everyone hungry for more?…I have God’s more-than-enough, more joy in one ordinary day…At day’s end I’m ready for sound sleep, for you, God, have put my life back together!!! 🙌🏼
Psalm 4-6:8


Good Mornin’ NEW HOPE!!! 🖤💛

Today we have:
Country Fried Steak w/ Gravy
Green Beans
Garlic Potatoes
Tea or Water

Triple Chocolate Brownie

And our God is the LION
The Lion of Judah
Our God is the LAMB
The lamb that was slain
For the sins of the world

Have a great day in Jesus today, my friends.
He’s fighting our battles. He goes BEFORE US and His ways are PERFECT! We love you and He loves you FOREVER!!!! 💕🙌🏼💕


If you’re in NEW HOPE TODAY, come see us! ❤️

Today we have:

Lemon Ice Box Pie

Most fish swim against the current. Not only does this make it easier for fish to control their direction, it also takes less effort for them to snap up insects and worms. Unlike fish though, people without conviction or belief run the course of lazy thinking, going with the flow instead of confronting what is wrong and defending what is right.



It’s a brand new day to GET UP and start over!

Today we have:
Country Fried Steak Sandwich

Baked Beans
Potato Salad
Side Salad
Tea or Water

Triple Chocolate Cake
Strawberry Cake

And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Matthew 4:19


Let it be known, friends!!!!


Who wants to come work with us when school starts back? 😊

Before I even go any further- we run a tight ship.

I’ll just be honest with you. We believe in old school work ethic- PERIOD. If your phone is glued to your hand, don’t even bother. Yes, it’s hot. It’s hard and I don’t have time to baby-sit you. I’m just being as honest as I know how! Like I said- we run a tight ship and I have no tolerance for drama WHATSOEVER! You MUST be friendly to my customers & know how to move quickly as it’s a very hands-on, fast paced environment.

I’m aware this ain’t your normal “Help Wanted” post. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve made the mistake for a many of a year trying to sugar coat what we expect and it’s backfired in my face everytime! So, here we are with the raw truth. I’ve always been taught that I’m to ALWAYS out-work my boss and if you can’t match my steps, don’t bother asking me any further questions about this job!

If you’re interested, come by BB and ask for Shanen starting next week Tuesday, 6/6 between 9-10AM!

P.S. we aren’t monsters! 😆


Thank You, Lord!

Today we have:
BBQ Sandwich w/ Cole Slaw
Potato Salad
Baked Beans
Tea or Water

Strawberry Cake $1.99+tax

If we discover a desire within us that nothing in this world can satisfy, also we should begin to wonder if perhaps we were created for another world.
C.S. Lewis


It’s Tuesday!

Today we have:
Hamburger Steak w/ Gravy & Onions
Green Beans
Cream Potatoes w/ Gravy
Tea or Water

Strawberry Cake

For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Mark 8:36


Today we remember and we honor those who gave ALL! We pray for the families who’ve lost loved ones fighting for our freedom. 🇺🇸

Thank you to all past, present & future soldiers!



Today we have:
Small Taco Salad w/ Tea or Water

Country Fried Steak Sandwich
Tea or Water

Lemon Ice Box Pie

There is a Fountain filled with blood Drawn from Immanuel’s veins; And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains.



Today we have:
TACO SALAD W/ Tea or Water

Lemon Ice Box Pie 🍋

How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!
Psalm 119:103

Have the BEST DAY TODAY!!!! 🥳🫶🏼


And know that the Lord goes BEFORE YOU!!!

Today we have:
BBQ Sandwich w/ Cole Slaw
French Fries
Potato Salad
Tea or Water

Strawberry Cobbler

Don’t allow ANYONE to steal your peace or joy. Cease from arguing. I steak, take all your frustrations to the Lord in prayer and praise.
🙌🏼💕 Have a great day!


Let’s get going!

Today we have:
Chicken Strips (2)

Green Beans
Fried Okra
Cream Potatoes w/ Gravy
Mac & Cheese
Cole Slaw/ Side Salad
Tea or Water

Strawberry Cobbler 🍓

You, O God, are both tender and kind, not easily angered, immense in love, and you never, never quit. Psalm 86:15


It’s Friday, guys & gals! 🫶🏼💕

Today we have:
TACO SALAD W/ Tea or Water

Homemade Peach Cobbler

There is far more to your inner life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the ravens 🐦‍⬛ free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, carefree in the care of God. And you count far more!!!
Luke 12:23-24


Country Fried Steak Sandwich

French Fries
Potato Salad
Tea or Water

Chocolate Brownie

Please be gracious to us today. I know there’s a lot going on with awards day and such. My mom isn’t here today, and we are short handed. Please be patient with us. I guarantee we are trying 100% and will do our very best to get everything out in a timely manner! Have a great day!


From this day forward:

Our phones will be cut off at 1PM from now on. I cannot even begin to count the orders in two weeks time that are to be picked up at 1:30, and no one ever show up to get it. So with that being said, no more call in orders after 1PM! If you want to place an order, come to our window and do so. This is the only way I know how to eliminate not only food waste-but folks behavior.

I ain’t trying to be mean or rude, but I’m at my wits end with it. And it’s multiple folks. Not just one. I understand things happen, stuff comes up, but have the common curiosity to call and explain. 9.9999 times out of 10, I’m understandable. I consider myself to be a gracious human being. I won’t be mad. It’s THAT simple! 🫶🏼


Good Day, FRIENDS!!! 🌸💕🫶🏼

Today we have:
Hamburger Steak w/ Gravy & Onions
Chicken Strips (2)

Green Beans
Cream Potatoes w/ Gravy
Mac & Cheese
Fried Okra
Cole Slaw/ Side Salad
Tea or Water

Chocolate Brownie $1.99+tax

Obedience is the fruit of faith.
-Christina Rossetti


We made it! 🌸💕🌸

‼️‼️One of our fryers is STILL DOWN! I think some of y’all got confused that we only were serving chicken strips and fries ONLY. We still have our regular menu- but if it’s fried, we are limited. No corn nuggets, no okra, no onion rings, no spicy fries, no tater tots. We will only have regular fries and chicken strips until the thermostat is fixed in our other fryer. There’s just so much we can fry up in a single fryer. 🤦🏽‍♀️ So sorry for the inconvenience, it’s put a lot of pressure on us over here for sure! ‼️‼️

Anyway, today we have:
Potato Salad
Tea or Water

French Vanilla Cake
Honey Bun Cake

The Lord is STILL GOOD!!! No matter what’s going on around you- He is still good and He is STILL SEATED ON THE THRONE! Y’all have a good weekend!


WE HAVE A FRYER DOWN! Our person can’t be here until after we close so we have one working fryer today. Chicken and regular fries is it. Nothing extra and I am sorry. My mom ain’t here, so….that’s how our day is going. Please be patient. Call ahead and be prepared to wait a little longer than usual!!! So sorry!!!!


It’s gonna be a real good day!

Today we have:
Chicken Spaghetti
English Peas
Corn Nuggets
Cream Potatoes w/ Gravy
Broccoli Salad
Tea or Water

Triple Chocolate Cake
Honey Bun Cake
French Vanilla Cake

The secret of bearing fruit to God is abiding in Him, obeying Him, loving Him, and sharing that love with others.

Have a good day! 🌸💕🫶🏼


Happy Wednesday!

Today we have:
Jalapeño Popper Chicken Casserole
Country Fried Steak w/ Gravy

Green Beans
Garlic Potatoes
Fried Okra
Cole Slaw/ Broccoli Salad
Tea or Water

Triple Chocolate Cake
French Vanilla Cake
Honey Bun Cake

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23

Please be in prayer for a special family (Whitten)that is so very dear to our hearts. We learned this morning she went home with the Lord. Pray please for strength and comfort for her loved ones in the days ahead. ❤️

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