Holy Cross Lutheran Church LCMS

All the ultimate answers and hope for life comes from God! Contact us by email, phone or in person.

Photos from Holy Cross Lutheran Church LCMS's post 09/03/2024

Highlights of our Safety Fair & Bike Rodeo last month. Special thanks to all volunteers and attendees. 😇

In Praise of Work – The Lutheran Witness 09/02/2024

Christians have good reason to celebrate Labor Day, which, in light of vocation, can be an occasion to thank God for His gifts and His presence in the work that He gives us to do and in the work through which we are blessed by others.

Luther wrote centuries before the institution of Labor Day, but he sums up well the true meaning of the holiday:

If you are a manual laborer, you find that the Bible has been put into your workshop, into your hand, into your heart. It teaches and preaches how you should treat your neighbor. Just look at your tools—at your needle or thimble, your beer barrel, your goods, your scales or yardstick or measure—and you will read this statement inscribed on them. Everywhere you look, it stares at you. Nothing that you handle every day is so tiny that it does not continually tell you this, if you will only listen. . . . All this is continually crying out to you: “Friend, use me in your relations with your neighbor just as you would want your neighbor to use his property in his relations with you.” (The Sermon on the Mount and the Magnificat; Luther’s Works 21:237).

In Praise of Work – The Lutheran Witness What does Labor Day have to do with you anyway? Veith teaches a crash course on how you as a Lutheran live in the world, exercise your faith, and find meaning in what you do.


Absolutely a great afternoon spent with our sisters in Christ!

A beautiful gathering with Holy Cross and Grace ladies 

Mission Grants Current 08/31/2024

A reminder from Cherylene Brueckner & Joyce Liebe, WoHC Co-Presidents.

TOMORROW is 1st Sunday = Mite Box Sunday! Collect your change/bills, or a check made out to WoHC. Thank you to all who remain faithful in their Mite collecting & donations.

UPDATE: Grants #1 & #2 are funded ❤️! We are working on #3:
1. Maui Storms of Life Scholarship - LWML Zone 12, North Sacramento, CA - $9,300 FUNDED
2. Outreach to Chico State/Butte College Students - Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chico, CA - $4,850 FUNDED
3. Windows for God's Children - Zion Lutheran Church, Terra Bella, CA - $10,400

For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen. Romans 11:36

Click on link to see all of the 2024-2026 Mission Grants. 75% of our Mite donations for the next 2 years will go toward these.

Mission Grants Current Maui Storms of Life Scholarship - LWML Zone 12, North Sacramento, CA - $9,300 FUNDED Outreach to Chico State/Butte College Students - Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chico, CA -...


Sharing Britt Odemba's recent newsletter. As you may remember, Britt visited Holy Cross in May to give us an update on her missionary work in Kenya.



Praise God - another LWML (National) Mission Grant has been funded by our Mites! 🙏🏼

A reminder that 25% of the mites you give on 1st Sunday = Mite Sunday go to National LWML Mission Grants. 75% goes to LWML CNH (CA, NV, HI) District.

Mission Grant No. 29: Repairs for St. Paul's Lutheran Church Cullman in Alabama, will bring much-needed renovations to their cherished 135-year-old school building. St. Paul’s has been a beacon of faith and education for generations, one of only two Lutheran grade schools in northern Alabama. The $50,000 grant will replace drafty windows, update an aging HVAC system, and repair broken emergency doors, ensuring children learn in a safe and comfortable environment.

Donate to support great missions like this one at: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E359395&id=1

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost 08/25/2024

Watch today’s Worship Service here. Starts about 13 minutes in.

Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost


Here is the link to Mike Seidel's Memorial Service, held today, August 22, 2024. The service starts about 11 minutes in.


Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 08/19/2024

Watch today’s worship service here.

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost


Congratulations Pastor Klotz and Pastor Mundinger.

***UPDATE*** Actually, congratulations to ALL the pastors!


⭐️⭐️MEMORIES & another thing to be thankful for NOW! ⭐️⭐️

Thankful that we can worship inside our beautiful sanctuary ⛪️! No need to make last minute changes due to local restrictions, weather, or air quality. Also thankful that Pastor Mundinger & our leadership team are able to make adjustments when necessary. ♥️

…. not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:25

Due to the current heat wave, we have decided that for the safety of our members, we will refrain from having an outside service ‪this Sunday‬, 8/16. Instead we will have the service online by 9am.

Additionally, Pastor Mundinger will be at the church from 10am-1pm‪ ‬offering the Lord's Supper for whoever wants it. Stop by church after you watch the service and you will be able to have communion, indoors, if you so desire.

Photos from Holy Cross Lutheran Church LCMS's post 08/12/2024

Now that summer is coming to an end & teacher gifts have been delivered, let’s recap a special 1st time event this summer: Adult VBS. A 3 day gathering of Bible Studies, songs & music, games, outreach projects, fellowship, & more. Many fond memories were made. This may become a Holy Cross tradition! Below is a visual recap.

Thank you Pastor Mundinger for coordinating the event AND thank you to Pastor Belter, Pastor Klotz, & Vicar Sam for sharing your gifts & teaching us. Special thanks to Sandy & Kaytlyn for all the behind the scenes help.

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost 08/11/2024

Watch today’s Worship Service here.

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost


We Hope you will join us for this fun, FREE, family event!

Bring the kiddos & their bike and be prepared for a fun time.

Bike Rodeo with prizes
Fire Truck and Patrol Car demo
Water fun, and much more!

Mexican food will be available to purchase from Cardenas Catering

⭐️FAMILIES⭐️ ALL ARE INVITED - Share with family & friends!
Plan to join us and Ygnacio Valley Christian School for this FREE event. Bring the kids, their wheels, & safety gear.

Bike Rodeo activities 🚲
Bike & Helmet Safety ⛑️
Ride-Through Bike Wash 🚿

Water Balloons & Giant Bubbles 🫧
Slushie Station drink🥤

Special Guests:
Concord Police & Fire Departments 🚓 🚒
Canine Companions 🐕
On-Site Health & Safety 🏥

AND, get some delicious lunch before you leave!
🌮🌮 *** Mexican food will be available to purchase from Cardenas Catering*** 🌮 🌮


Heavenly Father, throughout the ages You have been a refuge and strength for Your people. Be my refuge and strength as well when I walk through today’s challenges. Grant me the grace to live my faith through all I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

✝️ Read today's devotion --> Living in Prayer: Walk me through my day, Lord!

In the Word
"But I cry to you for help, O Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you" (Psalm 88:13).

Of the Word
Where do you go to seek the face of God, to call on Him in times of need? Do you find Him in the beauty of a garden or the grandeur of the mountains? Is His presence more real to you in the serenity of a house of worship or the quietness of an evening walk? In the midst of daily challenges we can turn to God, who is our strength. The psalmist had experienced it personally when God directed him to write: "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging" (Psalm 46:1–3). God promises to be there and to be our strength to handle everything this world tries to throw at us. Alone, it’s overwhelming; but we are not alone! He is always there guiding, encouraging and sometimes even carrying us through our daily trials.

Walking with my Lord
Heavenly Father, throughout the ages You have been a refuge and strength for Your people. Be my refuge and strength as well when I walk through today’s challenges. Grant me the grace to live my faith through all I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations were taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide.

All hymns are public domain with the text reprinted from Lutheran Service Book, ©2006, Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO.


Our Virtual Blood Drive is ongoing and will continue through 8/15 - see flyer below.

Note: ANYONE, ANYWHERE can participate, so please feel free to share the QR code or online link with others!


****Note from Joyce Liebe: I signed up today - it was so easy & in my area, appointments are available all this week. I get a little nervous to give blood - however I know the importance of doing so & a little bit of apprehension can be overcome! I’m not sure my appointment “registered” for us, however that can be verified at my visit.

♥️ PLEASE JOIN ME in Giving Blood = Saving a Life ♥️

Donation 08/04/2024


Donation Recurring donations provide a steady stream of support. It is a great way to manage charitable giving without the worry of missing a payment– you set the frequency, select the payment method and your gift continues to give over time.

Photos from Holy Cross Lutheran Church LCMS's post 08/04/2024

On August 4, 2019, we held Pastor Mundinger's Ordination & Installation at Holy Cross. Today we celebrated his 5th Anniversary with us ⛪️. Wood is the traditional gift for a 5th anniversary... I think we nailed it 😉.

Pastor, we appreciate your spiritual leadership in our church, especially your teaching. Thank you for being faithful to the Word of the Lord!

…. And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, Ephesians 4:11-12

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost 08/04/2024

Today’s Worship Service.

Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost


Holy Cross Family and Friends,

It has pleased Almighty God to summon out of this vale of tears the soul of our dear brother in Christ Mike Seidel.

A Memorial Service & Celebration of Life will be held on Thursday, August 22. The Service is at 11am in our Sanctuary. It will be followed by a reception & Celebration of Life in the parish hall.

Holy Cross Lutheran Church
1092 Alberta Way
Concord, CA 94521

For those unable to attend in person, we plan to have the memorial service available via livestream on our Holy Cross YouTube channel.

The family has asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Holy Cross.

Link to Mike’s Memories page:

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost 07/28/2024

Watch this morning’s worship service here:

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost


Lord God, You are my loving Shepherd, and You provide for me each day. Forgive me when I grow weary, and help me to look for those “green pastures” where I can find rest in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

✝️ Read today's devotion --> Comfort from the Psalms: A Spot of Green.

In the Word
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures …" (Psalm 23:1–2a).

Of the Word
The radio was on as she drove to the hospital. She would spend another long day at her son’s bedside.

Suddenly her ear caught familiar words, "He makes me lie down in green pastures …" (Psalm 23:2a).

The speaker urged, “Look for a spot of green today. Let it remind you of your Shepherd’s loving care.”

As she sped down the road, she caught a glimpse of a small green field from her car window. She smiled and thanked God for His care and for the lush green reminder of it.

Do you need a tangible reminder of God’s care today? Look for a spot of green — a field, a park, a flower bed — and be assured that your Shepherd knows your need and is caring for you.

Walking with my Lord
Lord God, You are my loving Shepherd, and You provide for me each day. Forgive me when I grow weary, and help me to look for those “green pastures” where I can find rest in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Starting August 1st, we are moving all our Mustard Seed Daily Devotions to a new page. Please follow Mustard Seed Devotions on Facebook and Instagram to continue receiving our daily devotions.
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations were taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide.

All hymns are public domain with the text reprinted from Lutheran Service Book, ©2006, Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO.


⭐️FAMILIES⭐️ ALL ARE INVITED - Share with family & friends!
Plan to join us and Ygnacio Valley Christian School for this FREE event. Bring the kids, their wheels, & safety gear.

Bike Rodeo activities 🚲
Bike & Helmet Safety ⛑️
Ride-Through Bike Wash 🚿

Water Balloons & Giant Bubbles 🫧
Slushie Station drink🥤

Special Guests:
Concord Police & Fire Departments 🚓 🚒
Canine Companions 🐕
On-Site Health & Safety 🏥

AND, get some delicious lunch before you leave!
🌮🌮 *** Mexican food will be available to purchase from Cardenas Catering*** 🌮 🌮

Ninth Sunday After Pentecost 07/22/2024

Worship service, Sunday, 7/21.

Ninth Sunday After Pentecost


To continue on the theme of our 6/9/24 WoHC gathering “Christ, Coffee, and Change” 🙏🏼 ♥️ ⛪️

Here’s the link to resource referenced with more helpful info:

Eight Sunday After Pentecost 07/14/2024

Here is the link to today’s worship service. It starts about 6 minutes in.

Eight Sunday After Pentecost

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Join Us!

******update 7/5/2020: we have resumed in-person Worship Services***** NO coffee fellowship yet. Bible Studies are held via Zoom.
Join us for Sunday Worship Service at 9:30am. Coffee fellowship, Adult and Youth Bible Study, & Sunday School follows.

Videos (show all)

Our Cross, with black drape, before our Good Friday Tenebrae service.  Praise be to God!The Colors of the Liturgical Sea...
YVCS  staff + 1 HC member Christmas 2021 Handbell Performance.
This afternoon we switched from the black drape of Good Friday to a white drape for tomorrow, Easter.  Sharing a video t...
A glimpse of burying the alleluias.


1092 Alberta Way
Concord, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 1pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
Thursday 9am - 1pm
Friday 9am - 1pm

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Concord, 94521

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Concord, 94518

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Ministerio de Producciones HiYa Ministerio de Producciones HiYa
Concord, 94520

Un espacio para tu crecimiento espiritual

New Beginnings Church New Beginnings Church
5100 F35 Clayton Road
Concord, 94521

At New Beginnings we don't just come to church. We become the church.

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Concord, 94519

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Comunidad Cristiana de Concord Comunidad Cristiana de Concord
2250 Commerce Avenue #D
Concord, 94520


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4000 Clayton Road
Concord, 94521

Feeding bodies, minds, and souls.

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