Emerald Skincare & Spa

Bienvend@s!! El spa de Emerald SkinCare es un Spa donde el enfoque es el cuidado de piel al natural


Updates from your duo Licensed chick!

Excited to announce that I will soon be certified to offer a Thai Massages 🫣 and after Sunday I will also be certified to offer Hydrotherapy (ice cold plunges 🥶) who wants to experience those ? 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋

Being a Medical/ Clinical Massage with a twist of Bodywork Therapist been a challenge to be honest!

Is no joke going to school and learning medical $ #!¥ just being real here. It has been the hardest but most rewarding field I have ever touched and felt the change with my heart and hands.

Is not only the relaxation part, but helping people walk, get mobility, get motion on their bodies is amazing!!!

My hands are my tools and therefore I always ground them in my garden to connect back to earth and remind myself that it all starts within yourself!

Can’t wait to share all my knowledge with ya’ll!!!

Photos from Emerald Skincare & Spa's post 06/25/2024

Hola a Tod@s!
Thought I shared a little get to know me, since I have new followers.
*Always been a traveler baby since I was baby and I can remember, traveling is in my DNA.
*Born in Mexico and proudly love my Mexican roots.
* I always wanted to be a flight attendant 🫣
* My Skincare Specialist Journey began in my house like 15 years ago, waxing myself sisters and friends eye brows off 😁
* I was going thru a rough patch in life when I was in Esthetics and Massage School and I was about to quit!🫣
* I’m a go getter and I just risked my all in going solo after graduating and I have been so blessed.😇
* I love the outdoors, animals, flowers and all God’s Creations.
* Have a little introvert and extrovert in me. 🙃
* My hands get dirty at work but also at home, I am a plant lover and love my garden and plants. 🪴
* I love sweets with lemon/lime 🍋 and I cannot quit.🤫
Because when life throws lemons at you, you better make agua de limon 🫶🏼😘


Disfruta, relájate y enriquece tu salud con un masaje.
Agenda hoy, quedan muy pocos espacios …

NCLMBT #20989


Estoy muy agradecida con tod@s mis clientes.
Asi que por lo tanto, estaré sorteando un par de regalitos para esta época del año.
Voi a regalar al primer 🥇 ganador un masaje por 60 minutos valorado en $100, segundo ganador 🏅sera el kit sueros del cuidado de piel tamaño de viaje de Tuel Skincare que incluye; vitamina c, ácido hialuronico, un exfoliante y un protector solar.
El tercer ganador 🏅 se llevará un vaso con mi logotipo engravado por la compañía Carolina Custom MW.
Las reglas son las siguientes;
Debe ser local para participar.
1. Seguir mi página en IG/FB
2.Darle me gusta a esta publicación
3. Etiquetar mínimo 3 amigos en los comentarios.
4.Republicar la publicación en tus historias para un entre más.

La rifa termina el 12/31/23 ala media noche, se anunciará el ganador el 3 de Enero la hora de publicará el dia anterior para que estén atentos.
Felices Fiestas y muchas suerte 🍀


I just love the before and after pictures , it is recommended to get a professional cleaning every 4-6 weeks with a knowledgeable Licensed Esthetician.
Your skin gets better absorption and retention of products, even tone, eliminates blackheads, and the most important it relaxes your face muscles.

Don’t leave your monthly facials to the side, make 2024 your skincare year and come see me!


Me encantan las fotos de antes y después, se recomienda hacer una limpieza profesional cada 4-6 semanas con un esteticista experta y con licencia.

Tu piel obtiene una mejor absorción y retención de los productos, tonifica el tono de tu piel y elimina los puntos negros y lo más importante es que relaja los músculos de la cara, y eso nos hace ver más jóvenes!

¡No dejes tus tratamientos faciales mensuales a un lado, haz del 2024 tu año de cuidado de la piel y ven a verme!!


I love before and afters 🫶
I wanted to talk about the importance of profesional facials.
Did you know the life cycle of your skin is close to a month?
Facials are recommended every 4-6 weeks.
Professional facials will give you a deeper cleanse that will remove bacteria, toxins, and dead skin cells.
Professional deep exfoliation will give you a boost to product absorption, slows aging process, increases circulation, promotes skin health and relaxation.
So don’t hesitate on getting your facial routine started, remember your skin health comes from within.


Amo los antes y después…

Hoy quiero hablar en referente a los tratamientos profesionales.

¿Sabías que el ciclo de vida de tu piel es de cerca de un mes?

Se recomiendan tratamientos faciales cada 4-6 semanas.

Los tratamientos faciales profesionales le darán una limpieza más profunda a tu piel que eliminará las bacterias, las toxinas y las células mu**tas de la piel.

La exfoliación profunda profesional le dará un impulso a la absorción de los productos, retrasa el proceso de envejecimiento, aumenta la circulación, promueve la salud de la piel y por supuesto te da relajación.

Así que no dudes en comenzar tu rutina facial, recuerda que la salud de tu piel viene de adentro hacia afuera.


Why put Sunscreen daily?

Sunscreen not only moisturizes and hydrates your skin but protects from day to day sun damage.
This amazing sunscreen protects against UVA and UVB rays, with anti-aging antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as green tea, chamomile and vitamin E, along with hyaluronic acid.

The best part is vegan and natural!

Get yours now at the studio.

Porque usar bloqueador solar todos los días?

El bloqueador solar no solo protege del daño solar pero también humecta e hidrata la piel.
Este bloqueador protege no solo de los rayos UVs pero tambien tiene una fórmula de antioxidantes para la edad. Incluye vitaminas y minerales como té verde, acido hiauloronico, manzanilla y vitamina E.
Lo mejor es que es vegano y natural.
Adquiere el tuyo hoy en el studio.


La frescura de una piel exfoliada e impecable es la mejor sensación.😌


Can’t believe is almost Thanksgiving!!
I open my first studio around this time and it was very scary, I had just quit my corporate job and was in a new journey with Skincare.
I wanted to introduce myself because there is new followers and because I’m always behind scenes.
My name is Esmeralda Aguilera and I the face behind Emerald Skincare Spa.
I have always loved waxing and had a tickle for it and I feel in love with my now career when I started to treat my one face with Rosacea issues. A little about me.
•I am # 2 of 6 siblings. 👯‍♀️
•I love plants 🌱
•My roots and my heart are Mexican
•I am a mom of 3 kids, 21,18 & 12.
•I am a mom of 5 🐶🫣
•I love hiking and nature
•I love pastries and desserts
•I am a very emotional human
•I love to clean
• I love vegan food
•I love all natural and holistic products
And I love to beautify faces and bodies.

Thank you for all your support and kindness.



Saturday Tip


Hump Day Tip.
Hydration is key for glowing and healthy skin.
Make sure you infuse your water for better hydration. 2 liters =64 oz daily is recommended so get started!!!
Tip de la semana.
La hidratación es la clave para una piel saludable y radiante.
Asegúrate de enfundar tu agua con alguna fruta, vegetal o hierba para mejor hidratación y retención.
La cantidad recomendada son 2 litros=64oz diariamente,
Así que comienza hoy!!

Photos from Emerald Skincare & Spa's post 08/19/2023

Hello Amores-
Is been a long time since I have not posted and today a client taught me something that I had to share.
My client asked me: What do you eat to keep your skin looking good? What do you do?
To be very honest I am very minimal when it comes to food,
I believe in eating organic, straight from the garden as much as possible. I could eat the same thing daily and will not get bored.
I love chicken, vegetables, fruits, kombucha and nuts. My weakness is pastries and bread 🫣(lemon flavor is my fav) I dislike chocolate and milk and rarely drink soda. I do believe in supplements like magnesium, turmeric and vitamins. I have a garden and is my hobby 🫣( wish I spend more time on it) I told her I eat junk food but I’m small portions and is rare, I try to drink lots of water and I walk daily. I don’t smoke and I don’t really drink alcohol and if I do is occasionally.
I do believe you have take care of your gut in order for your skin to glow. Having good products and having someone to guide you how to do the process is the best result and it will show. I am here for you and don’t hesitate to contact me and I will do my best to help!



Wednesday Product Tip-
always try to recommend the best products. I only use Tuel’s sunscreen and Elta MD. The only 2 I will always recognize as great sunscreens due to their incredible ingredients.

Siempre trato de recomendar los mejores productos, por ende lo protectores solares que recomiendo para el rostro son el de la marca Tuel y Elta MD, son excelentes por sus ingredientes.


Photos from Emerald Skincare & Spa's post 04/28/2023

No filters just pure natural vegan organic skincare🌿
My beautiful client has rough skin due to avoiding exfoliation.
It is so important to exfoliate your skin 1-3x’s a week, depending in your skincare.
Look at the amazing results in just 1 sesión, can you imagine what your face can look like if you do correct regimen daily?
Come see me so I can help you take care of your skin with

No se necesita filtros solo productos naturales,organicos y veganos 🌱
Mi hermosa clienta sufría de piel áspera y con espinillas por falta de exfoliación.
Es neta importante exfoliarse el rostro de 1-3 veces ala semana dependiendo el tipo de piel que tenga. Esto tratamiento fue en una sesión, de imagina si tiene un régimen de cuidado de piel correcto para su cutis como lo tendría?
Ven y visítame y te enseño como cuidar tu cutis con los mejores productos


Excited news are hereeeee…….
I will be moving to a new studio location next month.
More details to come stay tuned💚

Me estaré mudando de estudio el proximo mes, los detalles pronto los publicaré.💚


No filter needed to see the results of vegan and natural products used in this hydration facial.

No se nesesita ningún filtro para ver los resultados increíbles de usar una línea vegana y natural como , se ven los resultados inmediatos de hidratación con este facial.



New month, New Experience
I have excited news coming soon..

Meanwhile get ready for a giveaway,
Details coming very soon…

Nuevo mes, Nuevas Experiencias
Pronto compartiré unas noticias con ustedes.

Mientras tanto estaré rifando unos productos, los detalles vienen pronto.



Tip of the week-

Have Acne? Magnesium and Zinc are incredible healing and immune system support supplements.
Is important to take them at night for a great absorption ☺️
Tip de la semana -

Tienes Acné?
Sabias que el Magnesio y el Zinc son suplementos sanadores y soportan el sistema inmune.
Es importante tomarlos por la noche para una mejor absorbencia.

tuelskincare 💚

Photos from Fat Cat Design's post 02/11/2023

New website.
Check it out 🥰


Hello February 💕❤️💕
This month is perfect to begin caring for yourself and for your self love.
Invest on a healthy skin and the results will follow, I promise 😊
Take advantage of the deals this month and don’t forget to book now!

Bienvenido Febrero❤️💕❤️
Este mes es Perfecto para empezar a cuidarte pero es especial a cuidar tu piel. Invierte en ella hoy y verás resultados futuros, te lo prometo.
Aprovecha las ofertas de este mes y no olvides agendar 😊

Photos from Emerald Skincare & Spa's post 12/30/2022

Oh Holly Lifting Skin!
This facial effect facial is design
Stimulate cell production, hydrate, and firm mature skin. With natural vegan products from and the key ingredients such as Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin A, rosewood, carrot seed and Siberian ginseng to stimulate collagen production and skin cell regeneration. Vitamin C protects from free radicals and activates healthy circulation.
Did a baby peel, used radio frequency, LED therapy and Oxygen therapy!
The results are speechless!!

Los resultados de este facial están sin palabras!!
Este facial está diseñado para cualquier piel madura, dandole un efecto de levantamiento al instante, piel firme y pa estimulación de colágeno.
Usando los productos veganos y naturales de con ingredientes claves como Vitamina A, semilla de zanahoria, palo de rosas y mucho más.
Use frecuencia radial para reafirmar la piel, terapia de Luz para las arrugas y líneas de expression y finalize con terapia de Oxygenacion.

Book now…
Haz tu cita ya…


Tip of the week-
Invest in your skin.
Start with a good skincare regimen that consist in good quality products.
line is vegan, natural, and chemical, dyes, and fragrance free.
At the long run what you will pay a Doctor to fix the problem you can avoid by starting to invest in good products.

tuelskincare 💚


New month New beginning.
Come get a facial and get a free lip wax All thru the month of November!


Monday tip for a healthy skin.


Hump day Tip.
Want healthy skincare?
Follow this rules and I promise your skin will be amazingly glowing, healthy and young!
Quieres piel sana?
Sigue estas indicaciones y te prometo que tendrás una piel más iluminada, saludable y joven.


What is it? Is deep treatment that uses minimal abrasive gentle instrument that removes up to 6 un-even skin layers of dead skin.
It improves the skin appearance by reducing fine lines, acne marks, hyperpigmentation and early sun damage.
Here is a filter 3 cleanses, and a mild physical peel exfoliation.
Que es la microdermabrasion?
Es un Tratamiento que utiliza un instrumento abrasivo suave que remueve 6 capas de piel mu**ta .
Ayuda con la apariencia de las arrugas, marcas de acné,
Pigmentación y muestras de daño solar.
Así se ve el filtro después de haber limpiado el rostro 3 veces y haberlo exfoliado con un peel físico.


Collagen Serum Induction-
The results are amazing,
In this facial we performed, double cleansing, deluxe eye treatment, deep exfoliation and we induced collagen to finalize it!

Inducción de Colágeno-
Los resultados son increíbles.
En este facial hicimos doble limpieza,
Tratamiento de ojos, exfoliación profunda y finalizamos con i fusión de colágeno!


Always innovating and educating myself to educate you! Tuel Skincare]
Siempre Inovando y educándome para educarte a ti. Tuel Skincare]


Tip de la semana para una piel radiante!

Primero conocimiento, salud y después belleza 🤗


Happy Hump Day!
A little sneak peak of some extractions that I did for a detox facial…. Enjoy 😉

Feliz Ombligo de Semana
Les dejo un video de las extracciones que hize en un facial para desentoxificar el rostro con acné.

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Videos (show all)

Disfruta, relájate y enriquece tu salud con un masaje.Agenda hoy, quedan muy pocos espacios …7049843349NCLMBT#20989
Estoy muy agradecida con tod@s mis clientes.Asi que por lo tanto, estaré sorteando un par de regalitos para esta época d...
Happy Hump Day!A little sneak peak of some extractions that I did for a detox facial…. Enjoy 😉 •••Feliz Ombligo de Seman...
Happy Hump Day.Feliz Ombligo de Semana#esmetheesti#cltesthetician#emeraldskincarespa#facialextractions💗💗
Happy Hump Day!!A little behind the scenes of a men’s face wax. ☺️ Enjoy______________________________ Feliz ombligo de ...
Cleaning Time @berodinwax_ #waxpotcleaning #esmetheesti#cltesthetician#estheticianlifestyle💆🏻‍♀️
This is done after each treatment and the laundry is no fun, but is part of the job!____________________________Se ase e...
Profesional Extractions#porequeen#poreextraction#blackheadsremoval#whiteheadsremoval#desincrustation#acnetreatment #clea...
Exfoliations-There is 2 types of exfoliations, chemical and mechanical.I am doing a mechanical which is a Manual exfolia...
Aqui te explico 😉
Aqui te muestro. Consigue los tuyos en mi Spa.



8410 Pit Stop Court Northwest
Concord, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 6pm
Tuesday 11am - 6pm
Wednesday 11am - 6pm
Thursday 11am - 6pm
Friday 11am - 6pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm

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