Christian Triumph Company

A missionary institution for the promotion of worldwide evangelism through local missions and the dis

Home 09/22/2021

Home An engaging children's book whose aim is opening a dialogue about systemic racism, inspired by Emmanuel Acho’s viral video series "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man."


You shouldn't doubt in the dark what God taught you in the light, but you also shouldn't doubt in the light what God taught you in the dark. paraphrasing Steve Brown, Key Life Ministries

Get a Free Thanksgiving Dinner for Your Family - Ibotta 11/19/2020

Get a Free Thanksgiving Dinner for Your Family - Ibotta Save money this Thanksgiving with Walmart and Ibotta. You’ll get 100% cash back on everything you need to enjoy a free Thanksgiving dinner on us.


Guess How I Voted…
Before I tell you, I want to come clean politically. I am neither a Democrat nor Republican. I’ve voted all sorts of ways, which is as my conscience would have it. So please don’t mistake this as an endorsement. If you haven’t already voted, I’m asking you to vote your God-given conscience, despite what that might mean for the stock market, your taxes or the number of people on the Supreme Court.

Whatever your political affiliation, I think we can agree that America is at a dangerous crossroads in a number of ways, but most importantly, we’re at a crossroad of civility. A recent poll said 34% of Americans think another Civil War by 2025.

We need to turn this ship around. The best way of doing that is if the 65% of Americans who identify themselves as Christians will put Christ first, relationships second and politics a distant third. God, family, country.

I know that’s not the way we often hear it, but let me show you why God, country, family is not biblical. Jesus said the top two commandments are to love God with all you being and love your neighbor as yourself. Of the government, he only said, “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s.”

There aren’t many more instructions about politics in the New Testament, mainly to submit to the authorities and pray for them. If all Christ followers would obey the scriptures on this matter, America can remain strong. But in the final analysis, we need to recognize Country doesn’t trump Kingdom.

Christ followers, because we are a big majority in this country, we are in the strong position to make a difference if we will just put following Christ, seeking the Kingdom of God first. It’s not the end of the world if your candidate of choice doesn’t win. The end of the world is when the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend. And on that day, our politics will seem like very petty business. And yet at present, it has such a strong hold on us.

I just learned today (fortunately after a nice, big breakfast) that my dear friends in Corpus Christi are fasting today and tomorrow, seeking God in this election season. I’m going to join them now through tomorrow evening in fasting.

I’ve already voted, but, is it just me… I feel so powerless right now.

“What can I do?” is the question that led me to write today. And just before I set down to write, I got word of my friends' fast. That’s something else I can do, surely more effective than this missive. Fast and pray. I know that if the whole American church were taking that approach, our nation would heal quickly after this election, because God works in us and on us when we fast and pray. But the whole American church will not be doing that, so it comes down to me and you.

How are we going to get through this? Are we going to come out the other side accepting whatever the outcome legitimately is? Are we going to have an attitude problem for the next four years? Are we going to live in fear? Are we going to be angry at each other, blame people of color or swing states or the Supreme Court?

I have lived outside the US (Spain, Brazil and Ecuador) for four years and traveled to more than 30 countries and there is no place like the United States. I hope you’ll understand from this message that I’m deeply patriotic. I don’t go around wearing flag colored clothing and, in fact, I’m often critical of our country (and the Church…) but it’s because I care and love it enough to speak truth about it.

America is strong because of its diversity and commitment to the ideals of freedom. However difficult it is to live in a diverse society, and however poorly we at times put those ideals of freedom into practice, we are something special on the face of this earth. We can fight to remain a special place in the world, or we can pull ourselves apart.

I pray that this election will remind us how much we love our country. Only something we dearly love could stir our passions so. In fact, as a preacher I heard today said, people are defending their parties more than they have ever defended their faith. He said, we have “lost our righteous mind” over these elections.
So how did I vote?

“With a trembling hand.” Our choices are less than God’s ideal for us, “so there should be humility in our vote.” (Pastor Albert, Good News Today)

Let’s keep in mind that love of country belongs well situated underneath love of God and of each other. If your politics are interfering with loving each other, check the order of your priorities.

On Wednesday…
About 40% of America is going to be hurting, anxious, maybe even desperate, while the other 40% rejoices. Whichever your lot, your country needs you right now to “come back to your righteous mind,” and assume your position in the ministry of reconciliation that you’ve been given as a child of God. 2 Cor. 5:18

What is done tomorrow, will be done. Let’s get our eyes back on “the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.”

See you on the other side, my friends.
Donna Schillinger

Parents Of 545 Children Separated At U.S.-Mexico Border Still Can't Be Found 10/22/2020

could help these children find their parents. Just like the display of missing children in the front of stores, they could do a large (would have to be large) display of these 545 children who lost their parents while crossing the border. Display should be in English and Spanish and put in stores in US and Mexico. Then Walmart should challenge Kroger, Publix, Fiesta, Hy-Vee, Harps, HEB, Food Lion and Aldi to do the same. They didn't cause the problem by any means, but they can be the hero to these families and all of us who are deeply concerned about these children. This isn't a political issues, it's a humanitarian issue. What do you way, Walmart? We need a hero! Share if you agree and tag Walmart and any WM employees or shareholders you know.

Parents Of 545 Children Separated At U.S.-Mexico Border Still Can't Be Found A court filing says many of the parents are presumed to no longer be in the United States. Efforts to locate them have been hampered by the coronavirus pandemic, according to the filing.


Streaming now on Netflix, Spanish subtitles available. Think we are the Land of the Free? One of 4 of the world's prisoner's live in this country.

Whatever your position on these current events, you need to watch this film. All Americans need to watch this film.

Stream it for free on Netflix.


Whatever boat you're in, make Jesus Christ your captain and you'll weather the storm in perfect peace.


I heard that we are all in the same boat, but it's not like that. We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat. Your ship could be shipwrecked and mine might not be. Or vice versa.

For some, quarantine is optimal. A moment of reflection, of re-connection, easy in flip flops, with a cocktail or coffee. For others, this is a desperate financial & family crisis.

For some that live alone they're facing endless loneliness. While for others it is peace, rest & time with their mother, father, sons & daughters.

With the $600 weekly increase in unemployment some are bringing in more money to their households than they were working. Others are working more hours for less money due to pay cuts or loss in sales.

Some families of 4 just received $3400 from the stimulus while other families of 4 saw $0.

Some were concerned about getting a certain candy for Easter while others were concerned if there would be enough bread, milk and eggs for the weekend.

Some want to go back to work because they don't qualify for unemployment and are running out of money. Others want to kill those who break the quarantine.

Some are home spending 2-3 hours/day helping their child with online schooling while others are spending 2-3 hours/day to educate their children on top of a 10-12 hour workday.

Some have experienced the near death of the virus, some have already lost someone from it and some are not sure if their loved ones are going to make it. Others don't believe this is a big deal.

Some have faith in God and expect miracles during this 2020. Others say the worst is yet to come.

So, friends, we are not in the same boat. We are going through a time when our perceptions and needs are completely different.

Each of us will emerge, in our own way, from this storm. It is very important to see beyond what is seen at first glance. Not just looking, actually seeing.

We are all on different ships during this storm experiencing a very different journey.



Community Meeting with 22 City Departments that will be there to answer any concerns or issues you may have in your area. Departments include: Code Enforcement
Storm Water
Parks & Rec
Crime Prevention
Auto Theft
Community Dev
Development Services
Animal Control
Gang Unit
Criminal Investigation
Parking Control
CCISD Police
Family Violence
City Hall Call Center
Hurricane Education

Get involved, Corpus Christi, and plan to attend!

Jacob Soboroff Talks About the Trump Administration's Family Separation Crisis 07/25/2018

Some 850 kids may never be reunited with their families.

Jacob Soboroff Talks About the Trump Administration's Family Separation Crisis Jacob Soboroff updates Seth on the Trump administration's self-made crisis of reuniting immigrant families separated at the border and talks about getting mi...


Amen and Amen.

Mensajero de Esperanza, julio, agosto, sept. 2018 06/21/2018

The summer Mensajero de Esperanza is online!

Mensajero de Esperanza, julio, agosto, sept. 2018 La publicacion trimestral del Triunfo Cristiano.

Jeff Sessions Cites The Bible In Separating Children From Parents 06/19/2018

Pardon this video clip if it has any foul language, please, but the Christian community needs to mobilize around this issue. Please make your voice known immediately to your U.S. congressmen and women, demanding an end to this inhumane practice that the Trump administration has the power to end today if they want. How terribly insulting to our God and Christianity in general that the Holy Bible is being cited to support this practice that violates human rights!

Jeff Sessions Cites The Bible In Separating Children From Parents The United States is using cruelty as a deterrent on our southern border. But don't worry, Jeff Sessions found an applicable bible verse. Subscribe To "The L...

4.1 Miles 06/09/2018

These are the refugees we're refusing to let in our country. God will judge us.

4.1 Miles A coast guard captain on a small Greek island is suddenly charged with saving thousands of refugees from drowning at sea.

Genesis and Evolution 03/03/2018

New on our online reader and website! A really old article which is amazingly still relevant: "Genesis and Evolution" by William L. Anderson. Check it out and please share!

Genesis and Evolution There are thousands of proofs of the impossibility of evolution at the broad base of the upside down pyramid, but the whole thing starts with a false premise, and builds from there as imagination runs wild. Fact is, life is much too interconnected and complicated to have just have fallen together by...

18 - Dave Eubank on War Zone Ministry 01/22/2018

Incredible faith on display here. You'll be amazed at this interview.

18 - Dave Eubank on War Zone Ministry David Eubank (MDiv ’95), director and founder of Free Burma Rangers, shares stories from his years of ministry in war zones in Burma and Mosul, reflects on being “an ambassador for Jesus” while fighting ISIS soldiers, discusses the ways violent contexts have shaped the way he prays, and more. ...

Mensajero de Esperanza - abril, mayo, junio 2017 10/24/2017

Les invitamos leer la penultima edicion del Mensajero de Esperanza: La publicacion trimestral de la Compania Triunfo Cristiano: Que sea de bendicion a los seguidores de Cristo Jesus.

Mensajero de Esperanza - abril, mayo, junio 2017 La publicacion trimestral de la Compania Triunfo Cristiano: Que sea de bendicion a los seguidores de Cristo Jesus.


Words to the wise.

Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari 07/08/2017

Hug an addict today.

Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari What really causes addiction — to everything from co***ne to smart-phones? And how can we overcome it? Johann Hari has seen our current methods fail firsthan...


Hermanos, muy importante. Tenemos mucha dificultad con la oficina de correos. Es muy importante que cuando pide literatura (folletos, Mensajero de Esperanza, curso de correspondencia) que no provea una direccion completa con estos datos: Nombre y Apellido; Calle y numero de casa; Cuidado, Provencia/Estado, Codigo postal, Pais. Cada uno de estos datos son esenciales! No se olviden! Gracias y Dios le Bendiga.

Answering Hard Questions Your Kids Ask About Current Events 10/31/2016

Answering Hard Questions Your Kids Ask About Current Events Is it just me or has public discourse gone from PG to PG-13 in the last year? Same-sex marriage. Transgender bathroom choice. Police killing African-Americans. Americans killing police. Scary cl…

Unlocking the Mystery of Life DNA - intelligent design 08/17/2016

Un video interesante sobre los origines de la vida.

Unlocking the Mystery of Life DNA - intelligent design Unlocking the Mystery of Life (DNA Design) Discovering Intelligent Design. Unlocking the Mystery of Life(UMOL) a science program exploring what DNA reveals a...

Unlocking the Mystery of Life DNA - intelligent design 08/17/2016

Interesting overview of origin of life on earth:

Unlocking the Mystery of Life DNA - intelligent design Unlocking the Mystery of Life (DNA Design) Discovering Intelligent Design. Unlocking the Mystery of Life(UMOL) a science program exploring what DNA reveals a...


We invite everyone to attend our church anniversary on July 2nd, 2017 at 4pm. We'll have a special service and a meal. Come celebrate with us and then stay the weekend in Corpus for Fireworks on the beach!


Celebren con nosotros! Nuestro primer aniversario en la nueva iglesia en la esquina de Ruth y 25 en Corpus Christi, Texas. Culto especial con una merienda a las 4pm de 2 de julio. Quedan invitados!

Mensajero de Esperanza Vol 93, No. 2 05/09/2016

Mensajero de Esperanza: Lealo Ahora!

Mensajero de Esperanza Vol 93, No. 2 Publicacion trimestral de la Compañia Triunfo Cristiano.


Faithful contributor to the Faith Messenger, Byrum Lee, passed away. So glad that he bound his poems (available on He was a fine man, servant of God, and a friend to four generations of Christian Triumph workers!

Photos from Christian Triumph Company's post 02/05/2016

5th IBCC Graduation! Congrats to all the graduates. May you be highly useful in the Father's Kingdom! Felicitaciones a los graduados de la 5a clase del Instituto Biblico de Corpus Christi. Que sean muy utiles en el Reino de Dios.

Mobile uploads 12/14/2015

Quedan invitados todos a la graduacion de los seis estudiantes que han cumplido con los requisitos para su diploma del Instituto Biblico de Corpus Christi. Este domingo 6 de diciembre a las 6 de la tarde. 905 Bluntzer St., Corpus Christi, Texas. Esperamos su participacion en esta gran celebracion!

Caution Needed Before Claiming Christian Persecution in U.S. 10/09/2015

Caution Needed Before Claiming Christian Persecution in U.S. By: Robert Parham - The persecution of Christians is undeniable in some parts of the world. However, we water down these real hardships when we overstate what we…


A little late, but here's a great sentiment for the 4th of July, penned by frequent contributor to our Faith Messenger, Byrum Lee, a retired pastor, now in his 90s, from the most conservative state in our union: Oklahoma.

We are all equal, according to the law of our land;
But, that, for some people, is hard to understand.
If someone is different, too often, we discriminate,
And we need, all such discrimination, to eliminate.
One may be a victim of discrimination for any reason.
It may be based on one’s gender, the color of his skin,
His physical characteristics, or, even, on his religion.
If everyone is equal, there should be no discrimination.
Our Declaration of Independence, so often recited,
Must be accepted for our nation to be truly united.
Each individual and every state must cooperate,
To make these United States of America truly great.
Byrum C. Lee: 07/04/2015
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
--July 4, 1776

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905 S Bluntzer Street
Corpus Christi, TX

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"Come As You Are" Service time: 10:30 am

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Church Unlimited - Westside Missions Church Unlimited - Westside Missions
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This page is designed to spread the good news of the gospel. To help you embrace the love of God.

Botanica De Odudua Botanica De Odudua
Corpus Christi, 78415

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