GySgt Sundell Costa Mesa

GySgt Sundell Costa Mesa

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Assisting the people of our nation to reach theirs goals and dreams through service in the United States Marines.

Timeline photos 02/13/2020

Operation Moshtarak (Darifor Together or Joint), also known as the Battle of Marjah, aka International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) pacification offensive in the town of Marjah, Helmand Province, Afghanistan. It involved a combined total of 15,000 Afghan, American, British, Canadian, Danish, and Estonian troops; constituting the largest joint operation of the War in Afghanistan up to that point. The purpose of which, to remove the Taliban from Marja, eliminating the last Taliban stronghold in central Helmand Province. The main target of the offensive was the town of Marjah, which had been controlled for years by the Taliban as well as drug traffickers.

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

I would like to welcome the newest member to RSS Costa Mesa Brenden Martinez (). He decided last week he wanted to be a Marine, so we are making his dreams come true! Welcome to the Family Brenden!

Timeline photos 01/27/2020

Monday 6am what are you doing?

Here at RSS Costa Mesa we start putting in work. These future Marines know that it takes hard work and dedication to be successful in life. Success does not come easy, so they are putting in the work!!!

Timeline photos 01/23/2020

On January 22, 1969, Operation Dewey Canyon, arguably the most successful high-mobility regimental-size action of the Vietnam War, began in the A Shau/Da Krong Valleys when the 9th Marines, commanded by Colonel Robert H. Barrow, and supporting artillery were lifted from Quang Tri. By mid-March, the enemy's base area had been cleared out, and more than 500 tons of weapons and ammunition were recovered. Barrow later went on to become the 27th Commandant of the Marine Corps.
With the Marines, there is no bridge too far, no ocean too wide, and no mission that we can't accomplish! Remember the Marines are diffrent for a reason!

Timeline photos 01/23/2020

I am happy to welcome one of the newest members of team Costa Mesa. Hector GarciaDiaz ( .uwurr ). This young man graduated from Estancia High School last year, and just recently became a United States resident. He was born in El Salvador, and came to the United States only a few years ago. Yet, has answered the call to stand up for the nation that has welcomed him in, by becoming a United States Marine. He is a great young man who has ensured his success in life, by joining the long illustrious history of being a United States Marine!!!

Timeline photos 01/21/2020

Today in Marine Corps History
21 January 1918: The 1st Aeronautical Company arrived at Ponta Delgada, Azores, for anti-submarine duty. That unit was one of the first completely equipped American aviation units to serve overseas in World War I.
This is just one more example of how the Marine Corps leads the way. Marines are on the forefront of our Nation's defense today and has been since out inception back in 1775! Come find out why the Marines are diffrent, call, text or DM me today!!!

Timeline photos 01/16/2020

Today in Marine Corps History

16 January 1991: Operation Desert Shield became Operation Desert Storm as forces of the allied coalition launched an all-out air campaign against targets in Iraq and occupied Kuwait in an effort to liberate Kuwait and enforce the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. Overall, in the theater of operations, the coalition forces included more than 415,000 U.S. troops.

Marines stand up for those who can not stand up for themselves. Come by, call, or DM me to find out how you too can stand up to the bullies of the world.

Timeline photos 01/14/2020

This week in Marine Corps History!

January 1995: The Pentagon announced that 2,600 U.S. Marines would be deployed to Somalia for Operation United Shield to assist in the final withdrawal of UN peacekeeping troops from Somalia. The decision came in response to a UN request for American protection of its peacekeeping forces serving in the war-torn African nation.

Marines serve in a multitude of diffrent roles in the world. In anything from combat, to peace keeping, and humanitarian aid. Marines distinguish ourselves through our actions in every climb and place. Come find out what makes us diffrent. DM, call, or text for more information!

Timeline photos 01/09/2020

Putting in work, starting the day off right

Timeline photos 01/07/2020

Estancia High School!!!

We are bringing the pull up bar today. Come by and have a conversation with us. Let's talk about your plans for the future! If you still are thinking about what you want to do stop by! If you know what you want to do stop by! SENIORS YOU ONLY HAVE 6 MONTHS UNTIL HIGH SCHOOL IS OVER WHATS YOUR PLAN!

Timeline photos 12/24/2019

78 years ago on this date was the fall of Wake island. From December 8th - December 23rd 1941, the Marines of the 1st Defense Battalion and VFM-211 (Avaiation Marines) along with a small amount of Army and Navy personnel fought to hold the tiny Atoll of Wake located 2200 miles West of Hawaii. The attack began approximately 7 hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor began. The first 3 days consisted of bombing raids by the Japanese, damaging most of the planes located on Wake. On Dec 11 the first attempted landing by the Japanese was turned due to the coastal artillery peices and the remaining aircraft located on the island. This was the first and only time an amphibious assualt was repelled by coastal guns in all of WWII. It was a costly defeat to the Japanese that day, losing 2 Destroyers and over 400 sailors. From December 12-22 the Japanese increased their bombing runs on the tiny island chain. Finally on December 23 the Japanese successfully landed and both side engaged in a viscous but short duration combat before all US forces we ordered to surrender by Commander Cunningham the Commander of all US Forces on Wake. Although the Japanese took Wake on December 23rd it would provide to be an extremely costly endeavor for them. The Marines of Wake proved that the Japanese were not as invulnerable as it was believed.

Photos from GySgt Sundell Costa Mesa's post 12/21/2019

After a solid work out at the gym to develop the body! What better way to finish off the day than to develop the mind as well. Today we covered many topics that would be important for these young and soon to be Marines to know. We also focused on leadership development, and covered some Marine Corps History!!! People say the Marines are diffrent and they are right. We focus on developing the next generation of Marines early on, because we know one day these people will be business owners, members of the community, as well as leaders in public and private sectors. The Marines are more than just a way to pay for college or a steady paycheck. We develop our members to achieve greatness in what ever they put their mind to. Come in and see how the Marines differ from all the other branches today!
@ Huntington Beach, California

Photos from GySgt Sundell Costa Mesa's post 12/21/2019

I want to give a shout out to Coach Ty and the staff at for helping us put on an awesome pool function this month. The Marines and future Marines from RSS Costa mesa had a great time and one heck of a work out. Thanks again for you time and supporting The Marines from the community!

@ Costa Mesa, California

Timeline photos 12/20/2019

Lets welcome Zeke McCreight ( ) into the Costa Mesa Marines Family! He has worked hard the last couple months to get to where he is at! He will be heading to Recruit Training this summer after he graduates from High School. Over the next few months he will be ensuring his success by being part of the Costa Mesa Pool Program, it will ensure that he is ready for anything Recruit Training will throw at him. Zeke is already shown his grit, determination, and great physical capabilities up to this point. Yet I cant wait to see how he will grow in the future! Help us welcome Zeke!

Timeline photos 12/19/2019

19 December 1944
MAG-12 Corsairs blew up Japanese supply dumps at Palompon, Leyte. Marine Corps Aviation has been a huge aspect of the Marines since its inception during World War One. Currently Marine Corps Aviation is one of the largest fields for the Marines. We in the Marines run our own airports in every facet. If you want to know more about Marine Corps Aviation, the jobs associated, or why picking Marine Aviation over other branches can set you up for greater success call, text, or send me a message today!

Timeline photos 12/18/2019

Edison Seniors

I'll be set up tomorrow during Tutorial in the Morning. Come by and get some information about the Marines. If nothing else find out about all your future options. If you think well I already spoke to the Army or Navy so why talk to the Marines. The Marines are diffrent and I would like to talk to you about the diffrences in what we do and why we do it. If you dont have time to stop by you can call, text, or message me any questions you have. See you tomorrow Chargers!

Timeline photos 12/17/2019

Students of Estancia, I will have a table set up on campus tomorrow during Tutorial. If you aren't quite sure what you want to do in life, if you are trying to look at all of your options, or you have an interest in the Military in general stop by. There is no harm in having a conversation especially about all of your potential options. Come learn about the Marines and why we are diffrent.

Timeline photos 12/16/2019

Dec 16 1991
Nearly 300 members of the 8th Marines arrived at Guantanamo Bay to participate in Haitian humanitarian efforts for 6,000 refugees. This effort by the 8th Marines is only one of multiple examples of how Marines make a difference in this world. What are doing to make a difference in this world? If you want to find out how you can help your fellow man call, text, or send me a message.

Timeline photos 12/14/2019

I'm trying something new tell me what you think?

Today in Marine Corps History:

BGen James G. Harbord, the Commanding General of the 4th Marine Brigade, notified American Expeditionary Force Headquarters that Belleau Wood was “now U.S. Marine Corps entirely.” After 20 days of combat, the 4th Brigade of Marines had proven its fighting heart. The grateful Commander of the French Sixth Army would soon decree that in all official correspondence, Belleau Wood would henceforth bear the name, “Bois de la Brigade de Marine.” If you want to know more about Marine Corps history, or more about the Marine give me a call and Message.

Photos from GySgt Sundell Costa Mesa's post 12/13/2019

In the Marines we are in a constant stage of preparedness. As America's 911 force in readiness we must be prepared to answer our nations call for emergencies. Whether it is providing aid and disaster relief, training allied forces, or responding to global threats the Marines are prepared and ready to respond. With over 350 diffrent jobs in the Marines there multiple ways you can make an impact to the success of Corps and more importantly to our Nation. For more information call or send me a message. @ Huntington Beach, California

Timeline photos 12/13/2019


1. Ask your potential employer for a minimum of $1600.00 a month to start, plus a rent free apartment (house if married) with all utilities paid, free meals, frequent pay raises and quick promotions.

2. Insist on a minimum of 30 days paid vacation per year, plus weekends and all 11 federal holidays off.

3. Ask them to provide you with free working clothes with an additional allowance each year for upkeep and replacement.

4. Demand full medical and dental coverage at no cost to you with unlimited sick leave with pay.

5. Insist they hire you with with no prior experience and train you in your new job with full pay.

6. Tell them you will be going to college while you work for them, and you want them to pay for 100% of the tuition.

7. Insist on free membership to a state of the art fitness facility.

8. Demand free air travel to hundreds of worldwide locations.

9. Demand a low-cost life insurance package providing you with up to $400,000 of coverage.

10. Tell them you might be leaving in 4 or 5 years. When you do, you want an additional $180,000 from them for college, university or vocational training. While you're furthering your education, you also want them to pay for your bills, so you don't have to worry about getting a job and can concentrate on your schoolwork.

If you can't get all of these benefits from your potential employer, then maybe you should consider looking at the U.S. Marines.

Take charge of your future and find out how you can become a UNITED STATES MARINE.
Contact me now and see if you qualify.

These are just the TANGIBLE benefits. 👍👍

Timeline photos 12/10/2019

Starting the day off right. A good cup of coffee, on a chilly morning. A beautiful sun rise, and a day full of possibilities. What does the day have in store for you?

Timeline photos 12/09/2019

A long time ago in a land far away!

This was my first deployment as well as the initial invasion into Iraq in 2003. This picture was taken just outside the city of Baghdad. Since this picture so much has happened in my life, I am still a Marine, but I have also become a husband, a father to 4 kids, I have recieved my degree, and I have experienced so many diffrent things. If you want to know more about the Marines send me a DM or give me a call.

Timeline photos 12/07/2019

On this day 78 years ago. The attack on Pearl Harbor took place. This attack is what would propel the US into WWII. This attack would be the catalyst for our nation to fight on two separate fronts against multiple enemies. It will forever be a part of our history.

Timeline photos 12/03/2019

Just a little 10K to start the day.

The greatest thing about physical fitness, the way it makes you feel in mind, body and spirit. It has always given me the outlook that regardless of what else happens that day atleast I got my PT in so I have accomplished something.

Timeline photos 10/26/2019

Last night was a hard fought battle between the Edison Chargers and Fountain Valley Barrons. The Chargers came out on top for the game, whereas the Barrons ASB took the pull up competition. Both schools came out and represent their schools well. Both team showed tremendous athleticism and tenacity. Good job to both teams

Timeline photos 10/17/2019

Come over to the OCC fair grounds for the college and career night. Hit the pull up bar win some prizes and learn about the Marines!!!

Timeline photos 10/15/2019

Costa Mesa Seniors! Some of you called me out yesterday saying you never see the pull up bar. Well today here it is I brought it special just for you. So now all seniors, I am calling you out. Come do some pull ups win some prizes and learn about the Marines and what the phrase always earned never given truly means.

Timeline photos 10/09/2019

Estancia High School, I will be there during lunch today, so stop by and say hi! If you want some information about the Marines and how we can help will college, paid vocational training, or any other aspect about the Marines, I will be on site to answer those.

Timeline photos 10/03/2019

Edison High School the Marines are here. We are ready willing and able to talk to about the multitude of options that the Marines provides for our members. If you are looking to go to college, the Marines can cover that. If you want training in one of over 350 diffrent career path the Marines can guide the way. If you desire to refine and enhance your leadership skills there are multiple diffrent opportunities that the Marine can provide. The first step is having that conversation and a conversation never hurt anyone. So stop by our display and learn how the Marines can enhance your future!!!

Timeline photos 10/02/2019

When the news reports about the Marines it usually focuses on our combat actions. This is one facet of the Marine Corps, but it is not the only thing we do. I have been in Iraq and Afghanistan where we installed wells giving local villagers clean water within their town. I have assisted in the security of ungoverned spaces. We have built school for children who have never recieved an education. We have been in places like Haiti and Japan after natural disaster to keep the peace, give out humanitarian aid and reduce human suffering when it is needed the most.

Timeline photos 09/26/2019

Contact me for more information.

Timeline photos 09/26/2019

Contact me for more information.


The Marines are here come on over

Timeline photos 09/21/2019

Challenge, Discipline, and Pride. These are attributes that are synonymous with the United States Marines. DM for more information.

Timeline photos 09/20/2019

Opportunity and success come in many diffrent forms. Whether it's in the form of a college degree, highly skilled vocational education, or organizational leadership. The Marines can provide a pathway to ensure your success in your goals. For more information call or DM me.

Timeline photos 09/17/2019

This morning we said see you later to these young men. They are embarking on they journey to Recruit Training at MCRD San Diego. In 13 short weeks we will welcome them back as newly minted Marines. They will face adversity and challenges along their path, but they will come back with their heads held high and wearing the title United States Marine.

Timeline photos 09/16/2019

Estancia High School. The Marines will be there today during lunch. Stop by to gain some insight on who we are and what we do.

Timeline photos 09/14/2019

A pictures from pool PT from yesterday. These young men and women are taking those steps to ensure their success in the Marines and in life. Let's give em a shout out for the hard work!!!

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1525 Mesa Verde Drive East Suite 120
Costa Mesa, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 8pm
Tuesday 8am - 8pm
Wednesday 8am - 8pm
Thursday 8am - 8pm
Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday 8am - 8pm
Sunday 8am - 8pm

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