
ARGENTINE Handbag and accessories designer. Stablished in 1984 in California . Brings a unique collec Orange County California. We can custom make any ideas.

Sergios Collection, owner Sergio Leandro García designer leather craftsman since 1985. To know more about Sergios please follow our social media FB, Instagram. Refurbish, repair any Leather garment
We specialize in revamping and transforming vintage bags into something unique and beautiful.
Retail/Wholesale. Fine Lesthergoods.Made in the USA


Blessing from NY


New York


With age also comes wisdom,
“Do you know what happens when the years go by?

The older you get the more you realize how precious life is.
You have no desire for drama, conflict or stress.
You just want good friends, a cozy home, food on the table and people who make you happy and value you for who you are
You see love in a different way, you fall in love with people's souls; "You just want love and tranquility, you appreciate life more because it matures in you and you notice that consciousness tells you that nothing lasts forever and the most important thing: that every minute is a miracle for being alive."

Con la edad también viene la sabiduría,
"¿Sabes qué sucede cuando los años pasan?

Cuanto más envejeces, más te das cuenta de lo preciosa que es la vida.
No tienes ningún deseo de drama, conflicto o estrés.
Sólo quieres buenos amigos, un hogar acogedor, comida en la mesa y personas que te hagan feliz y te valoren por lo que eres.
Ves el amor de una forma diferente, te enamoras del alma de las personas; solo quieres amor y tranquilidad, aprecias más la vida porque madura en ti y notas que la consciencia te dice que nada es para siempre y lo más importante: que cada minuto es un milagro por estar vivo".

Photos from Sergios's post 06/16/2024

Hay pocos días en el año que son tan especiales como este.. "El Día Del Padre" del viejo .. del jefe
Cualquiera puede ser papa pero para ser un gran padre hay que querer serlo y lo más importante es ESTAR , una madre te da la vida y un padre te enseña a vivirla ..día a día con el ejemplo .. inculcándole los buenos valores..compartiendo tu crecimiento y tu educación .. un buen padre te pone límites y es tu libro de concejos sabios .
El padre te da las herramientas para vivir la vida .
Porque no es lo mismo ser un padre bueno que ser un buen padre..
Una madre te enseña el amor por la familia, el padre la unifica !
Si tuviste un padre así hoy regálale un abrazo y un té quiero o quizás a un abuelo, Tio o padrastro que te dio amor sincero y estuvo a tu lado en tu niñez.
Y aquellos que no tuvieron a ese papa ideal a su lado,es hora de perdonar , superarlo y aceptar el reto de ser un buen ejemplo de padre.
Yo no tuve padre en mi niñez, pero si la suerte de tener un gran abuelo (José)y dos tíos (Silvio & Ramon) . Ya de casi 14 años, la vida me dio una segunda oportunidad de conocer y de reconciliarme con mi padre.
El perdón fue necesario para forjar una bonita amistad y con el correr de los años le tome cariño y admiración..
El ser padre para el hombre es el logro más importante de su vida y el que requiere más sacrificio y paciencia!
Pero tiene el mejor premio: lo nietos .

Sergio Leandro García
Es un honor ser padre de 6 !

Felicidades a todos mis amigos “ Padres ejemplares”


Another gorgeous day … I’m so blessed !


"WHEN I REALLY LOVED MYSELF" By: Charles Chaplin (1889 - 1977) When I truly loved myself, I understood that in any circumstance, I was in the right place and at the right time. And then I can relax. Today I know that has a name... Self-worth. When I truly loved myself, I could sense that my anguish and my emotional suffering, are only signs that I am going against my own truths. Today I know that's... Authenticity. When I truly loved myself, I stopped wishing my life were different, and started to see that everything that happens contributes to my growth. Today I know that's called... Grow up. When I truly loved myself, I began to understand why it's offensive to try to force a situation or a person just to achieve what I desire, even knowing that it's not the time or that the person (maybe myself) isn't ready. Today I know what the name of that is... Respect. When I truly loved myself, I started letting go of everything that wasn’t healthy: people and situations, everything and anything that was pushing me down. At first, my reason called that attitude selfishness. Today I know it's called... Love towards oneself. When I truly loved myself, I stopped worrying about not having free time and gave up making big plans, I abandoned the mega-projects of the future. Today I do what I think is right, what I like, when I want and at my own pace. Today I know, that's... Simplicity. When I truly loved myself, I gave up wanting to always be right and, with that, I was wrong a lot fewer times. So I found out... the Humility. When I truly loved myself, I gave up reliving the past and worrying about the future. Now, I stay in the present, which is where life happens. Taking it one day at a time today. And that's called... Plenitude. When I truly loved myself, I realized that my mind can torment and disappoint me. But when I place her at the service of my heart, she is a valuable ally. And this is... Know how to live!!!


Vivimos tiempos adonde idolatramos gente que no se merece o que simplemente son seres humanos que se destacan en un rubro o en un arte .. decimos es un grande un groso! Ya sea en la música, la prédica, la fabricación de algo, el deporte y estos son actores, deportistas,músicos, billonarios y hasta candidatos presidenciales.. hay “grandes “ de todos pero muchos de ellos en lo personal dejan mucho que desear y son malos ejemplos de grandeza a seguir .
Pero igual les damos estrellas en el piso, premios nobles,y los hacemos eternamente héroes.
La vida nos enseña que virtudes de grandeza son simples y al mismo tiempo difíciles de seguir .

Acá menciono algunas acciones, virtudes que se me vienen a la mente pero por favor compartan las que ustedes creen que son dignas de llamarse “verdadera Grandeza”
Si leemos esta lista a diario creo que sería una forma de encarar el día y evolucionar como seres humanos .
Un abrazo y gracias por tu tiempo.

"La verdadera grandeza se encuentra en la capacidad de perdonar y dejar ir el pasado

"La verdadera grandeza radica capacidad de vivir una vida de propósito y significado."

"La verdadera grandeza de un hombre se revela en los momentos de adversidad."

"La verdadera grandeza radica en la humildad y la compasión."

"La verdadera grandeza no esta en nunca caer, sino en levantarse cada vez que caemos."
"La verdadera grandeza radica en la capacidad de amar sin condiciones."

"La verdadera grandeza se mide por la generosidad y la compasión hacia los demás."

"La verdadera grandeza se encuentra en la capacidad de aprender de los errores y seguir adelante."

"La verdadera grandeza radica en la capacidad de amar

"La verdadera grandeza está en pedir perdón aunque el orgullo nos presione a ignorar la culpa


Hoy mirando atrás en mi pasado recordé lo mucho que tuve que pasar, cuando me tocaba tomar dos colectivos saliendo a las 7 am para llegar a mi escuela .. a las 8:15 de la mañana con tan solo 13 años o manejar bicicleta por calles y caminos por horas para poder llegar a una práctica de fútbol .
Ver a mi madre llorar en silencio porque no sabía cómo seguir alimentándonos ..
Yo estaba contento con un plato de fideos con poco de aceite .. y un pan viejo .
Pero no cambiaría nada de mi pasado porque me hizo fuerte .
Me doy cuenta que an mis hijos nunca tendrán esas experiencias y quizás sea mi error evitarles el esfuerzo y sufrimientos.
De algo estoy seguro Todas mis experiencias de chico me hicieron más fuerte .

"El destino nos pone a prueba para mostrarnos de qué estamos hechos."

"El pasado es un maestro del cual aprender, no un lugar donde vivir."

"La felicidad no consiste en la posesión de dinero; consiste en disfrutar lo que se tiene y en ser capaz de perder el miedo a perderlo."


Asumir la vejes es algo difícil de aceptar :
Pero es infalible y hay que hacerlo con dignidad y con agradecimiento.

He envejecido pero mi corazón sigue siendo joven, siempre tenemos los mismos años en nuestra alma.
Se que es la edad perfecta,cada año es especial y precioso.
No te arrepientas de envejecer es un privilegio que no todos tienen.



If you are near (top or bottom) 60s, take about 10 minutes and read it, it is totally true!!!.
1. It's time to use the money you've been saving for your entire life. Use it for you, not to save it to enjoy those who do not know the sacrifice of having achieved it, generally people who are not even family: Sons-in-law and daughters-in-law !! Remember there is nothing more dangerous than a son-in-law with ideas. Beware: This is not a time for investments, however wonderful they may seem, these will only bring you sorrows and this is a time for much peace and tranquility.

2. Stop worrying about the financial situation of your children and grandchildren; don't feel guilty about spending your money on yourself. Probably, you already offered them what was possible in childhood and youth as a good education. So now they are responsible.

3. It's no longer time to support anyone from your family; be a little selfish, but not ushering. Have a healthy life, without great physical efforts. Do moderate gymnastics and eat well.

4. Always buy the best and finest, after all it's for you. Remember that in this day and age, a key objective is to spend money on yourself, on your tastes and whims. After death money only generates hatred and grudges.

5. No need to worry about a little thing. In life everything happens, be it the good times that should be remembered, be it the bad ones that should be quickly forgotten.

6. Regardless of the age, keep the love alive always.

7. Be clean at all times, take a daily bath; be vain, frequent the hairdresser, fix your nails, go to the dermatologist, the dentist, and use perfumes and creams in moderation. Since you're not handsome now, at least take good care.

8. Don't be too modern, try to be classic. It's sad to see older people with hairstyles and outfits made for young men.

9. Read books and newspapers, listen to the radio, watch good TV programs, go to the Internet, send and answer emails, call friends. Stay updated at all times.

10. Respect the opinion of young people even though they can be wrong at times.

11. Never use the expression "in my time", because your time is today.

12. Do not fall into the temptation to live with children or grandchildren even if you go for a few days as a guest from time to time. Rather get a housekeeper to accompany you and cooperate with your household chores and only make this decision when not too much or the end is very near. It can be very fun to hang out with people of your generation and most importantly, it won't give anyone a job.

14. Cultivate a "hobby" such as traveling, walking, cooking, reading, dancing, raising a cat, a puppy, taking care of plants, playing cards, golf, internet accessing, painting, volunteering or collecting something. Do what you love and what your resources allow you to do.

15. Accept all invitations for baptism, grad, birthday, wedding, conferences. Visit museums, go to the countryside.... the important thing is to get out of the house for a while. But don't get offended if you're not invited because sometimes you can't. Surely when you were young you also didn't invite your parents to EVERYTHING.

16. Speak little and hear more because your life and your past are only interested in yourself. If someone asks you about such matters, be brief and seek to talk about good and pleasant things. She never regrets anything. Speak low and politely. Don't criticize anything, accept situations as they are. Everything is temporary. Remember that he will soon be back home and his routine.

17. Pains and disturbances will always be present, don't make them more problematic than they are talking about. Try to minimize them. In the end, they only affect you and that's their and their doctors problems.

18. Don't stay so attached to religion now that you are old, praying and begging all the time like a fanatic. The good thing is that soon you will be able to place your orders personally.

19. Laugh, laugh a lot, laugh at everything, you are lucky, you have had a life, a long life, and death will be only a new uncertain stage, as it was uncertain all your life.

20. If someone tells you that now you don't do anything important, don't worry. The most important thing has already been done: you and your story, good or bad, has already happened!

Remember what Mario Benedetti says:

"Don't give up, please don't give in even if the cold burns, even if the fear bites, even if the sun sets and the wind stops." There is still fire in your soul, there is still life in your dreams, because every day is a new beginning, because this is the hour and the best time.”


Queridos amigos
Charles Chaplin murio a los 88 anos, dejo 4 declaraciones ;
1- Nada es eterno en este mundo, ni siquiera nuestros problemas.
2- Me gusta caminar bajo la lluvia para que nadie pueda ver mis lagrimas.
3-El dia mas desperdiciado de la vida es el día que no reimos .

Los 6 mejores medicos del mundo.

6- Verdaderos amigos

La vida es tan solo un viaje, vive el presente!

Dear friends
Charles Chaplin died at the age of 88, he left 4 statements;
1- Nothing is eternal in this world, not even our problems.
2- I like to walk in the rain so that no one can see my tears.
3-The most wasted day in life is the one when we don't laugh.

The 6 best doctors in the world.

6- True friends

Life is just a journey, live in the present!


You might need another tote bag after all…


Kathy Sigle art plus Sergio’s design = One of a kind , Timeless handbags


This one is for you !


How do you like our latest design?? Do you want to see it in more colors?
SergiosCollection RODEOHOUSTON
Booth D9088


What do you think 🤔 of our latest styles


She found her dream LV with Sergios Collection RODEOHOUSTON Come visit us at booth D9088 👜


Sergios Collection SergiosRODEOHOUSTON Houston Rodeo Vendors 2020


Kathy Sigle is an amazing artist . I felt in love with her art inspired in ranching and western.. I suggested to make small water proof canvas for me to create some unique bags .. two years later we can keep up with demand . I’m blessed to know this lady .


“Sergios Collection, where craftsmanships meets creativity since 1985. Owned by Sergio Leandro García, we’re your go-to bestpoke leather crafts in Orange County, California .
Follow us on Facebook,instagram,and TikTok for a glimpse into our world .
Custom creations,refurbishing,and transforming vintage bags into unique pieces.-we bring your ideas to life.


Suggestions for a better 2024

1. Incorporate more whole foods, like fruits and vegetables, into your meals.
2. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
3. Prioritize regular exercise to boost both physical and mental well-being.
4. Get sufficient sleep to support overall health and energy levels.
5. Reduce stress through mindfulness practices like meditation or deep breathing.
6. Set realistic goals to promote a balanced and sustainable lifestyle.
7. Limit processed foods and opt for nutritious snacks.
8. Foster social connections for emotional well-being.
9. Schedule regular health check-ups and screenings.
10. Practice moderation in all aspects of life, including diet and exercise.

1. Incorpora más alimentos integrales, como frutas y verduras, a tus comidas.
2. Manténgase hidratado bebiendo mucha agua durante todo el día.
3. Priorizar el ejercicio regular para potenciar el bienestar físico y mental.
4. Duerma lo suficiente para mantener la salud general y los niveles de energía.
5. Reducir el estrés mediante prácticas de atención plena como la meditación o la respiración profunda.
6. Establecer objetivos realistas para promover un estilo de vida equilibrado y sostenible.
7. Limite los alimentos procesados ​​y opte por snacks nutritivos.
8. Fomentar las conexiones sociales para el bienestar emocional.
9. Programe controles y exámenes de salud periódicos.
10. Practique la moderación en todos los aspectos de la vida, incluida la dieta y el ejercicio.


Sergios now showing at Cowboy Christmas! Celebrating 38 years of making fine leather accessories for the NFR enthusiasts and the rest of the world


To know more about Sergios please follow Sergios social media : FB, Instagram.TikTok
We can custom make any ideas.
Refurbish, repair any Leather garment
We specialize in revamping and transforming vintage bags into something unique and beautiful.


Transforming bags since 1985

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Videos (show all)

Handmade one of a kind ! making unique & timeless accessories since 1985.
Another custom beauty! By Sergios   $300 for a limited time ! Order yours  or for that special someone in your life !  w...
Another gorgeous day … I’m so blessed !
www.sergioscollection Unique and beautiful “crazy horse leather “ backpack
1999 Vintage Louis Needed a transformation. #Sergios#sergioscollection #louisvuitton #revamp #habdbags #cowgirls
Louis Vuitton with severe water damage sent to us for a total restoration
We can custom make any ideas. Refurbish, repair any Leather garment We specialize in revamping and transforming vintage ...
Sergios Collection, owner Sergio Leandro García designer leather craftsman since 1985. Orange County California.To know ...
Sergios Collection WY Backpack ready to be taken
You might need another tote bag after all…
Sergios will transform any bag into something unique and beautiful
Sergios will transform any bag into something unique and beautiful.


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Costa Mesa, CA

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