Phillips Memorial Baptist Church

A Welcoming and Affirming Community of Faith Join us for worship every Sunday at 10 am!

Reflective of God’s love, and responsive to our evolving community’s diverse needs, Phillips Memorial Baptist Church strives to be an inclusive, nurturing, and Christ-centered church family. We have a traditional and blended worship, with communion the first Sunday of every month. Please visit our website for more information about activities, volunteer opportunities, upcoming events and more.


As we celebrate Labor Day today, let's also reflect on the message from Pastor Amy’s sermon yesterday: The Hard Labor of Christian Unity. Just as we honor the hard work that builds our communities, we must also recognize the ongoing work of loving one another, even when it’s difficult.

Pastor Amy reminded us that, like Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman, we’re called to break down barriers and extend grace to everyone—even those we might see as different or distant. This is the labor of unity, a task that requires patience, love, and humility.

On this day dedicated to celebrating labor, let's commit ourselves to the ongoing work of building bridges, nurturing understanding, and being peacemakers in our communities.

Photos from Phillips Memorial Baptist Church's post 09/01/2024

Today, Pastor Amy shared a powerful sermon entitled "The Hard Labor of Unity." She began with a personal story about her family, where she and her sister hoped their mom would go into labor on Labor Day, just before the birth of their fifth sibling. From this lighthearted story, Pastor Amy transitioned to the origins of Labor Day, a day set aside to celebrate the hard work of individuals across the nation. But she also challenged us to reflect on the hard work of Christians in loving one another, our neighbors, and even our enemies.

In this election year, when tensions and divisions seem to be at their peak, Pastor Amy urged us to remember the story from John 4:7-26, where Jesus interacted with a Samaritan woman at the well. This encounter broke down societal barriers, showing grace and acceptance to someone who was marginalized. She reminded us that, like Jesus, we are called to extend kindness and respect, even to those with whom we disagree.

Pastor Amy also pointed out the recent debates within our own community regarding the sale of Canonicus, where differing opinions have led to division. She emphasized that unity doesn’t mean we must always agree, but we must strive to treat each other with dignity and respect, reflecting the love and grace of Christ.

As we move forward, let’s commit to the hard labor of unity, letting our words be sweet like the honeycomb (Proverbs 16:24), and remembering that our call as Christians is to live in love and unity, no matter the challenges we face.


On this final day of Be Kind to Humankind Week, let’s focus on the power of our words. Let us use our words to build up, not tear down. Whether it’s a compliment, a word of encouragement, or simply being mindful of our tone, let’s use our voices to spread kindness and healing.

Let’s continue to carry the spirit of Be Kind to Humankind Week throughout the year, showing love, compassion, and kindness in all that we do! 🕊️


📣 Important Congregational Meeting 📣

This Sunday, 09/01/24, right after worship, we will hold an open meeting to discuss the upcoming sale of Canonicus. This is a crucial time for us as a congregation to come together, share our thoughts, and form feedback that we will submit to ABCORI in letter form.

If you have any information or perspectives you'd like to include in our letter, please make sure to attend. Your voice is important!

Let’s unite in faith and purpose as we navigate this important decision together. 🙏


On this Friday of Be Kind to Humankind Week, let us challenge ourselves to let go of grudges and extend forgiveness to those who have wronged us. Forgiveness is a powerful act of kindness that not only frees the one who forgives but also opens the door to healing and reconciliation. Let’s take this step today, trusting in God’s grace to help us forgive as we have been forgiven.


🍂 Join Us for Launch Sunday! 🍂

Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 8th—our Launch Sunday is almost here! This is the day we kick off our fall season and we want to fill the pews with familiar faces and new friends alike.

After worship, stay for a Luncheon and Pie Social where we’ll share food, fellowship, and a whole lot of love. Whether you’re returning after a summer away or joining us for the first time, you’re warmly invited to be part of our church family.

Let’s come together, reconnect, and celebrate the start of an exciting new season at Phillips! We can’t wait to see you there! 🥧❤️


This Thursday of Be Kind to Humankind Week invites us to be mindful of the needs and feelings of others. Take a moment to consider how your words and actions can positively affect someone’s day. Let’s strive to be thoughtful in our interactions, offering words of encouragement and showing appreciation to those around us.


Today’s readings remind us of the foundation we build our lives upon and the strength we draw from faith:

📖 Psalm 11 speaks of the Lord as our refuge, a strong foundation when the world around us feels shaken. It’s a call to trust in God's righteous judgment, even when we face challenges.

📖 1 Kings 6:15-38 describes the intricate and reverent construction of Solomon’s Temple, a sacred space built with care and devotion. It reminds us that our lives, too, are temples—built on the solid foundation of God’s love.

📖 In John 15:16-25, Jesus reminds us that God chose us and appointed us to bear fruit that will last. Jesus also encourages us to love one another, even when the world may not understand or accept us.

As we reflect on these passages, let’s remember that we are chosen, loved, and called to be builders of faith—both in our lives and in our community. Let’s stand firm in our faith, knowing that God is our refuge and strength. 🙏🏽💒

May we go forth today, confident in God’s love and the purpose God has for us. 🕊️


On this Wednesday of Be Kind to Humankind Week, let’s reach out to those who might need our help. Whether it’s a neighbor, friend, or stranger, let’s be willing to lend a hand and lighten their load. Kindness is contagious—let’s start an epidemic of it today!


🎶 Calling All Musicians! 🎶

Exciting news—our musical groups are starting back up on Thursday nights! Whether you’re a seasoned musician or just looking to dip your toes in, we have a place for you:

Chancel Singers
Sanctuary Ringers
Joy Praise Team

We’re always on the lookout for new voices and instrumentalists to join our musical family! 🎤🎻 And if you’re not ready to commit to a full season, consider becoming a Seasonal Singer—you’ll only need to perform at our Christmas Concert in early December.

Come share your gifts and help us make a joyful noise! 🎼


On this Tuesday of Be Kind to Humankind Week, let’s make a conscious effort to touch the hearts of those around us with acts of kindness. Whether it’s through a thoughtful note, a phone call, or a small act of generosity, let’s spread warmth and compassion to everyone we encounter. Remember, a small gesture can have a big impact.


🐾 Hi, friends! Pawster Daisy here, wagging my tail with excitement because today is National Dog Day! 🎉🐶 Whether you’re a four-legged furball like me or a two-legged human, today’s all about celebrating the love, loyalty, and joy that dogs bring to our lives. Remember, every wag, bark, and cuddle is a reminder of God’s unconditional love for us. 🐕❤️

So, give your furry friends an extra treat, a belly rub, or a long walk today! And if you see me around Phillips, don’t forget to say hi—I’m always up for a good scratch behind the ears! 🐾

Happy National Dog Day to all my fellow pups and their wonderful humans! 🐾🥳


On this second day of Be Kind to Humankind Week, we encourage everyone to practice kindness on the road. Whether you're driving, biking, or walking, remember that we all share the same space. Let’s show patience, courtesy, and respect to our fellow travelers. A simple wave, allowing someone to merge, or yielding the right of way can brighten someone’s day and make our roads a little friendlier.

Photos from Phillips Memorial Baptist Church's post 08/25/2024

🌟 A heartfelt thank you to Rev. Dr. Courtny Davis Olds for sharing her powerful message with us today! We are blessed to have such inspiring leaders within our church family.

As we reflect on today’s sermon, let’s also look forward to welcoming Pastor Amy back next week. We can’t wait to gather together again under her guidance. See you all next Sunday! 🌿


Today marks the beginning of Be Kind to Humankind Week! Let us reflect on the ultimate sacrifice of love and kindness that Jesus made for us. How can we show love and sacrifice for others today? Whether it’s offering a helping hand, sharing a kind word, or simply being present for someone in need, let's make love the foundation of our actions.


🌟 Special Guest This Sunday! 🌟

Join us this Sunday, August 25th, as we welcome our Guest Proclaimer, Rev. Dr. Courtny Davis Olds!

While Pastor Amy is still on vacation, Rev. Dr. Courtny will be sharing an inspiring message with us, and we’re thrilled to have her lead our worship service.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a dynamic leader and cherished member of our community. We look forward to worshipping with you!


🌅 Daily Lectionary Reflections: August 22, 2024

Today’s readings invite us to find strength, hope, and peace in God’s presence.

Psalm 84 beautifully reminds us of the joy and blessing in dwelling with the Lord: “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.” It calls us to seek refuge and strength in God’s presence, where we are truly at home.

1 Kings 4:20-28 reflects on a time of peace and prosperity under King Solomon’s reign. This passage illustrates how God's wisdom and provision can bring stability and abundance to God’s people.

Finally, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 urges us to remain vigilant and hopeful, living as children of the light. We are reminded that “The day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night,” but we do not live in darkness. Let us encourage one another, build each other up, and continue to walk in faith and love.

As we reflect on these passages today, let us find comfort in God's protection, stay alert in our faith, and be a source of encouragement to one another. 🙏✨


Reminder: Today is the deadline to register for the two sharing sessions regarding the sale of Canonicus. Details for the August 24th and 27th sessions are in last week’s Weekly Family News email. You can find the registration link there as well. We will then gather on Sunday, September 1st to discuss this as a congregation.

We hope to see you at one of these meetings!


Today, we celebrate the wisdom and contributions of our older members who have been the backbone of our church community. We especially want to recognize Anne Crocker, our cherished former church historian. Anne’s dedication and deep understanding of our church’s history have left an enduring legacy. Though she no longer attends regularly due to moving away, Anne is always in our hearts and prayers.

If you have a loved one in an assisted living or nursing home, today is the perfect day to pay them a visit or give them a call. Let’s honor our seniors by sharing our time, love, and appreciation. 💛


🍂 Save the Date: Launch Sunday is Almost Here! 🍂

Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 8th—our Launch Sunday celebration! We’re excited to transition from our summer schedule into a vibrant fall full of Sunday school, Bible study, music groups, and more.

Here's what you can look forward to:

Worship Service: Let's fill the sanctuary with love, faith, and community!

Luncheon & Pie Social: Stay after worship to enjoy a delicious meal and some sweet treats together.

New Member Class: Interested in becoming a member or learning more about baptism? Join us on Sunday, September 15th following worship.

We can’t wait to kick off the season with you—let’s make this Launch Sunday one to remember! 🎉

Photos from Phillips Memorial Baptist Church's post 08/18/2024

🙏 Today's Worship Service: A Message of "Victory!" 🙏

This morning, we were blessed to have our own David Barber as the Guest Proclaimer, sharing a powerful sermon entitled "Victory!" as we concluded our Revelation series. With passages from Revelation 21:1-7 and Revelation 22:16-17, David brought us full circle to the culmination of God's promises.

David opened with heartfelt thanks to Pastor Amy, who has guided us through the complexities of the book of Revelation over the past several weeks. He invited us to ponder deep questions about the afterlife, heaven, and the indescribable nature of God's kingdom.

In his message, David took us back to the beginning—Genesis—reminding us of God's creation and the inherent goodness within it. He then transitioned to John's vision of a perfect city, symbolized by a cube, representing a new heaven and earth beyond our current understanding.

David emphasized that in this new creation, God's light will eliminate all darkness, and we will be enveloped in God’s eternal love and truth. Drawing inspiration from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, David reminded us that all people are created equal and that God's light will shine upon everyone.

The sermon closed with a powerful reminder that all of humanity's victories pale in comparison to the ultimate victory of God. In Revelation, God offers us the eternal water of life to quench our souls and invites us to join in His eternal kingdom.

David concluded with the final word of the Bible, "Amen," leaving us with a sense of hope and anticipation for the glorious future that awaits us in God's eternal light.


🌟 Exciting Things Ahead at Phillips Memorial! 🌟

As we wrap up another wonderful week, here's a quick reminder of what's coming up at Phillips Memorial Baptist Church:

🔹 Sunday, 08/18/24: Member David Barber will be sharing the message with us. Join us for a meaningful time of worship and fellowship as we continue to grow in faith together.

🔹 Sunday, 08/25/24: We're honored to have Rev. Dr. Courtny Davis Olds preaching while Pastor Amy is on vacation. Don't miss this opportunity to hear a powerful message!

🔹 Launch Sunday – 09/08/24: Save the date! Our annual Launch Sunday is coming up. This is the perfect time to jump back into all the exciting activities like Sunday School, Bible Study, music groups, and more. Let’s fill the sanctuary with love and fellowship!

🔹 New Member Class: Starting on 09/15/24 after worship, we’re hosting a New Member Class for anyone interested in joining our church family or getting baptized. We’d love to welcome you!

There’s always something happening at Phillips! Stay connected, stay involved, and let’s continue to grow together in Christ’s love. 🙏❤️


🌿 Happy National Relaxation Day! 🌿

Today is all about taking a moment to pause, breathe, and enjoy the peace that God offers us. Whether it's spending time in nature, reading a good book, or simply sitting in quiet reflection, let’s remember the importance of rest and renewal.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." – Matthew 11:28 🕊️

Take some time today to rest in His presence and recharge your spirit. You deserve it!

How are you planning to relax today? Share your favorite relaxation activity in the comments! 🌸✨


📖 Daily Lectionary Readings – August 14, 2024 📖

Today's scriptures invite us to reflect on God's steadfast love and faithfulness, even in times of distress and uncertainty.

Psalm 57 reminds us to take refuge in God, who is our shelter in the storm. The psalmist declares, "My heart is steadfast, O God; my heart is steadfast." Let's remember to sing praises even in challenging times, trusting in His unwavering love.

In 2 Samuel 19:1-18, we see King David's return to Jerusalem after a period of conflict and exile. It’s a powerful reminder of reconciliation, restoration, and the importance of grace in leadership and community.

John 6:35-40 brings us the words of Jesus, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty." This passage encourages us to trust in Jesus as the sustenance for our souls, promising that all who seek Him will be raised up on the last day.

Let these readings inspire you to lean on God’s enduring love and to find hope in God's promises today. 💛🙏


🌞 Pastor Amy is on Vacation! 🌞

From August 13th through August 25th, Pastor Amy will be taking a well-deserved break. We wish her a restful and refreshing vacation! 🏖️

In her absence, we are excited to have David Barber sharing the message with us on Sunday, August 18th. Join us for worship at 10:00 AM as David brings a thoughtful and inspiring word to our congregation.

Let's come together and support one another during this time. See you Sunday! 💒✨

Photos from Phillips Memorial Baptist Church's post 08/12/2024

🌱 Yesterday's Garden Tour at CCAP 🌱

After our worship service yesterday, we had the joy of touring the CCAP gardens, beautifully managed by our very own Pastor Alan. It was an inspiring experience to see how our community can come together to cultivate fresh vegetables and fruits for the local food pantries.

These gardens are a testament to what we can achieve when we work together in faith and love. Seeing the vibrant produce growing and knowing it will nourish those in need filled us with gratitude and hope.

CCAP can use volunteers in the garden as well as helping in the (air conditioned) food bank stocking the shelves.

Thank you to everyone involved in this incredible effort. Your dedication is making a real difference in our community! 🌿💚

Photos from Phillips Memorial Baptist Church's post 08/11/2024

🙏 Today's Worship Reflection 🙏

This morning, Pastor Amy delivered a powerful sermon titled "When Jesus Rode in Glory" based on Revelation 19:11-16. She opened with the striking imagery of the robot horse at the Olympics opening ceremony, then drew a parallel to Gandalf's heroic ride in The Lord of the Rings—a scene of hope arriving at the most desperate moment.

Pastor Amy guided us to picture Jesus as the rider on the white horse, a symbol of ultimate power and love. She reminded us of the journey we've taken through Revelation—of the bloody Lamb, the scrolls, the battles, and the saints' cries for divine intervention. As we envision Jesus riding in with flaming eyes, many crowns, and a robe dipped in blood, Pastor Amy asked us to reflect on what this symbolism truly means.

Key Points from Pastor Amy's Sermon:
👑The white horse and the imagery used are meant to resonate with the people of Rome, portraying Jesus' power over systemic corruption—not through violence, but through His sacrifice and love.
👑The robe dipped in blood is a reminder of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, while the iron rod symbolizes His shepherd’s crook, guiding us with love.
👑Jesus is named as Faithful and True, the Word of God, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. His name being Unknown signifies that no one holds power over Him.

We are reminded that it is not our place to judge who is locked away with the beast. Instead, we must trust in God's mercy and love, knowing that God's judgment is just and true.

As we close this service, let's remember that it is the Word of God—the sword from Jesus’ mouth—that will save the world. God is light. God is love. Let us sing God’s truth and join in the power of the Lamb who was slain.


🌟 Local Church Seeking People Looking to Grow in Christ's Word Together 🌟

Are you ready for a meaningful connection? 🥰

About Us: We are Phillips Memorial Baptist Church, a loving and inclusive community nestled in Cranston, RI. We've been around since 1900, fostering faith, love, and fellowship. We're a blend of tradition and modernity, with a mission to reflect God's love and respond to our community's diverse needs.

Our Ideal Match:
• Someone who seeks spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of Christ's teachings 🙏
• A kind-hearted individual who enjoys fellowship and supporting others ❤️
• Open-minded and welcoming to people from all walks of life 🌎
• Eager to participate in community events, from worship services to fun outings 🎉

What We Offer:
• Uplifting worship services every Sunday at 10:00am ⛪
• A variety of groups and activities, including our Musical Groups, Children and Teen Programs, Knitters Group, Friendchips outings, and Bible studies 🧶🎵📖
• Opportunities to serve and make a difference, like our monthly food pantry collections and volunteer programs 🥫
• A supportive community that values love, justice, and peace 🤝

Upcoming Date Ideas:
• Join us for our Launch Sunday Celebration on September 8th, 2024 🎉
• Attend our New Member Class on September 15th, 2024, and discover how you can become part of our family 🙌
• Dive into our summer sermon series "It's the End of the World as We Know It," exploring the New Testament book of Revelation 📜

Let's Grow Together: Ready to embark on a spiritual journey filled with love, growth, and community? Swipe right on faith and join us at Phillips Memorial Baptist Church. We can't wait to meet you!

Contact Us:
📞 Call us at (401) 467-3300
📧 Email us at [email protected]
🌐 Visit our website at

Swipe right on faith and make a meaningful connection with us! 🌟

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565 Pontiac Avenue
Cranston, RI

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 3pm
Tuesday 9am - 1pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
Thursday 9am - 1pm
Friday 9am - 1pm

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