Minamoto Combat Science

Minamoto Combat Science

The name is not final

What I do and teach

Self Defense and Combat techniques based on unparalleled understanding of Anatomy and Biomechanics and teaching from some of the best Martial Arts instructors


The world has lost another True Okinawa Karate Master. Iha Sensei was a wonderful man and my heart goes out to his family and students


This first week of July is a mix of emotions.

July 5 - Birthday of my late teacher, Taba Kensei, Hanshi

July 6 - Birthday of my son

July 7 - Passing of Taba Sensei

I am blessed to have both in my life


I am working an a martial arts "project" related to some training philosophy/principles. It is going to be a rather small endeavor at the present time and only open to my former students. If any of you are interested in hearing more, email/text/call/message me.


There is no shortage of fraudulent masters willing to "recognize" other frauds to help validate themselves.

People wishing to learn martial arts should do some research. Just because a person claims a rank and/or lineage or writes a book, does not mean the person is what they claim.

Does the person have documents signed by the appropriate person to support their claim of rank? Not 100% foolproof. I know of a guy who is very active on Facebook talking about his knowledge and expertise who bought his 7th Dan on ebay

Does the person's rank come from someone outside of the style he/she was promoted in or from a modern sokeship council or multi-style organization? How can someone be promoted by someone who doesn't study the same style?

Does the person's rank come from his/her own organization/association or his/her students? Of course the students will want their teacher to be higher rank, that leaves room for their advancement.

Does the individual claim to be a student of a master when, in fact, they were a student of a student of the master? You can't just omit a link in your lineage. There are those that know.

Pictures with masters does not mean the person is a student of the master. I have pictures with Dan Innosanto, Takayoshi Nagamine, and othe masters but I was never their student. I trained with them and was a student of a student of them. Pictures across a lifetime are better (why no recent pictures? Hmm), but documents are the key. In Okinawa Karate, a Shibu License is one key indicator of a direct student. Fukushibu and Junshibu means the person was NOT a direct student.

I can list dozens of people claiming 9th and 10th Dans in the USA but only a few that I consider legitimate. So, buyer beware


I learned of the passing of Devorah Yoshiko Dometrich, Sensei today. She was the President of Ryukyu Kobudo Hozon Shinko Kai Beikoku So Honbu (American General Headquarters) and a student of the late Akamine Eisuke, Sensei.

I did not know her well, but had had the opportunity to meet her and train on several occasions. She was a nice person and good martial artist who will be missed.


Rethink your bunkai/applications.

If your application does not involve an accurate anatomical/biomechanical response to your technique by your opponent, it won't work in real situations.

If your application involves you performing more than 1 technique before your opponent responds, it won't work in real situations.

If your application involves your opponent chambering the non-striking hand, it won't work in real situations.


Wishing our Okinawa friends and family safety during the current tsunami warning


It never ceases to amaze me how many direct student a master is revealed to have AFTER he/she passes. It always seems to be a secret when the master is alive. Must be some Ninja stuff of which I am unaware


I've been having some issues with this page. I am not able to 'share' posts to it and can't figure out the problem.

So, as we move into the new year, and as I start making major changes to what I am doing, I may just create a new page. I'll post further info if I do.

With that, s we wrap up 2023, I'll leave you with this. This is my opinion, but certainly an educated one.

Traditional martial arts are wonderful, but they are dying. Not because they are ineffective, but because the multitude of self promoted charletans and their egos. Most of the "Masters" and "Experts" on Facebook are full of crap and more interested in their ranks, titles, and flashy colors. They will accept rank from anyone, even those outside of their style/system/organization, and from those who are known to have been self-promoted. Sadly, many were/are skilled.

- You can't get rank in your style from outside your style

- We all know who has purchased certificates online or made their own frauds

- You can post all the pictures you want of you and "your teacher" from back in the day, but where are the recent pictures? There are those of us that know who your real teacher was and what the late Master you claim really thought about you

- I could tell some stories, including those about some 'Kyoshi' and heads of their own organizations that came to me to meet Taba Sensei and join Shogen-Ryu only to leave and suddenly gain rank from mysterious sources when they were told they would not immediately be promoted by Sensei

Til next we speak. Have a great New Year!


Wishing a Very Happy Birthday to Jerry Pilon!!!


How often do you see fake rank certificates on your FB feed?

Some are pretty good, but some are sad


Be diligent when seeking knowledge from others. Many people, especially in the Okinawa Martial Arts community, make false claims of rank, lineage, and experience. Do your research and don't hesitate to ask questions.

Anyone claiming to have been taught by Maeda Kiyomasa Sensei in the last 5-6 years is lying.

That being said, there are many people who falsely claim rank and lineage that are actually skilled in Martial Arts. You can still benefit from their teaching if you can get past the issue of honor.


Congratulations to Reece on his recent grading!


Congratulations to Kancho Reece, who was awarded his Shidoin-level instructor certification in Oshiro-ha Yamaneryu Kobudo by Hanshi Patrick McCarthy at the 2023 IRKRS/KU World Gasshuku in Okinawa.

The IRKRS Instructor Training Program (ITP) provides a great pathway to learn more into the pedagogical aspects of the martial arts, along with the history of kobudo and its pioneers, and an important opportunity to reflect on what it means to be an instructor. Of course, there is much still to learn!

This achievement is earned with thanks to the guidance from Hanshi McCarthy, Shihan Bill Johansen, and a group of supportive seniors, mentors, family, and students.

This award is important as it continues to work to our dojo's commitment of offering Quality Instruction, and ensuring our instructors are always learning and growing too.


So, you train in martial arts for self protection and safety? What fi****ms do you practice?


Taba Sensei only ever told me to NOT listen to one man's corrections.

"You are Shogen-Ryu, he is not Shogen-Ryu"

It angers me every time I hear that man use the name Shogen-Ryu


Wishing a Happy Birthday to the Okinawa Shogen-Ryu Karatedo Association President, Maeda Kiyomasa, Hanshi!!!



Wishing a very Happy Birthday to Shimabukuro Zenpo, Hanshi!!!

A kind and humble man that embodies the true spirit of martial arts and humankind.



Changes coming soon


Wishing our friends and family in Okinawa safety during the current typhoon


11 years ago, the world lost a treasure. We lost a teacher, friend, parent, spouse, and truly wonderful man. RIP Sensei

Photos from Minamoto Combat Science's post 05/07/2023

Today we honor and celebrate the birth of my teacher, and creator of Shogen-Ryu Karatedo, Taba Kensei, Hanshi. He was one of the greatest martial artists I have ever met and a wonderful person


With the approaching Typhoon, we are wishing all of our friends and family in Okinawa safety


Happy Birthday to Okinawa Shogen-Ryu Karatedo Association Shibucho, Phil Butler, of Australia!!!

Mastin Dojo | THE NAGAMINE WAY 20/05/2023

I studied Matsubayashi-Ryu for 17 years before being introduced to Taba Sensei and Shogen-Ryu. I think Matsubayashi-Ryu is one of the best Okinawa Karatedo systems there is, but Shogen-Ryu and Taba Sensei appealed to me more.

If you are looking for an Okinawa Karatedo dojo at which to train in the Cincinnat, Ohio area, I highly recommend the dojo of my Friend, Scott Mastin. He is a direct student of the late Nagamine Takayoshi, and current member of the official World Matsubayashi-Ryu Karatedo Association. He trained under Nagamine Takayoshi up until the time of his passing.

Mastin Dojo | THE NAGAMINE WAY Home Our school teaches traditional Okinawan Matusbayashi Shorin Ryu Karate and supports the Nagamine Family Karate style and association that Soke Takayoshi Nagamine was developing and expanding until the time of his passing. The school is dedicated to preserving and passing on the Legacy and lesso...


Happy Birthday to Michael Quinn, European Shibucho for the Okinawa Shogen-Ryu Karatedo Association


I spent some quiet time this afternoon reading through past posts on this page.

If you have any interest in the history of Shogen-Ryu, or haven't heard some of the stories of my time with Taba Sensei, scroll through.


Skill should account for a lot when judging a martial artist. However, integrity should account for more.

A person that inflates his or her rank, title, or lineage shows a lack of honor and integrity despite possibly being highly skilled.

There are many people that I know are very skilled that claim rank they don't truly have or claim to be direct students of a master when they were simply members of an organization and occasionally trained directly with the master.

If you want to know if a person has legitimate rank, title, or lineage, the easiest way in modern times is to contact the official organization. You can also ask the individual to see their official rank certificate and / or dojo license. Official rank certificates are pretty easy to identify (although I know a couple of 8th Dans with fraudulent certificates that look official) and 'direct' students have Shibudojo licenses, not Fukushibu or Junshibu, and wouldn't likely have any signatures on rank certificates other than the Master. For example, I am the only Shibudojo license holder for Shogen-Ryu in the USA.

Also, watch out for people with rank in a style granted by people NOT in that style.


Wishing the Happiest of Birthdays to Taba Sumiko, the wife of our late Master, Taba Kensei!!!



I want to wish a wonderful Happy Birthday to my brother in martial arts, Jerry Pilon!


18403 Lodgepole Pine Street
Cypress, TX