Upgraded Health - Dacula Chiropractic

We are a community focused Wellness Hub in Dacula. Remember the kindly doctor with the gentle touch and the warm sense of humor your mom used to take you to?

Our team of experienced health care practitioners offer innovative treatments, genuine support, empowering education, and access to your greatest health potential. He’s living in Dacula and providing some of the best chiropractic care and rehabilitation services available anywhere right here in our community. His name is Dr. David F. Uhry. But we call him Dr. Dave. You will, too!


Looking for a healthier alternative to fries? Try our curried carrot chips recipe!
Carrots are high in fibre, beta carotene, potassium, vitamin K1 and antioxidants! Olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties and is good for liver health!

The oils typically used in conventional fries and other fried food can contribute to inflammation and other negative health outcomes. Eating inflammatory foods can also make your pain worse and inhibit healing. So, if you're seeing us at the clinic to help you get out of pain or rehab an injury, ask us about how you can maximize your results with the right nutritional support too!


Let's keep the emphasis on gratitude going post Thanksgiving!

Giving thanks can make you happier: In Positive Psychology research, gratitude is consistently associated with greater levels of happiness! Why? Because actively practising gratitude encourages positive emotions, stronger relationships and less stress 👍 .

Did you know that these results are also associated with less pain and faster healing 💪 .

Do you have a gratitude practice in place? Stay tuned for some of effective and easy ways to integrate this more into your life for better health and happiness 😁 .


Today and always let us all live by the principles of being thankful and giving.

Here at Dacula Chiropractic, we are grateful for all of you who trust us to help you in your journey to better health and wellbeing 💪 .


Are you giving yourself the best chance to heal and experience health to its full potential? We love to help people get out of pain and stay out of pain by working on the root cause! Don't get into the dangerous pattern of wishing the pain or problem away. Give yourself the opportunity to achieve optimal healing and health, you’re worth it!


Toys for Tots is an amazing program that makes a difference in the lives of thousands of struggling kids and families. Help us collect educational toys, books and games for less fortunate kids by bringing a new toy to the clinic. You can also donate directly to the program via their website: https://www.toysfortots.org/ .


Anti-inflammatory medications and / or surgery are often prescribed for persistant spinal disc problems. There are other validated, conservative treatment options that can help a lot of people to avoid invasive surgeries or to remove reliance on medication (which can have side-effects) to manage their pain. Below are the key treatments that we have seen success with. As always, what will work for one individual won't necessarily work for another. We need to identify your individual triggers and find the right mix (in the right order) of treatments for YOU! Reach out if we can help in any way.


Do you have back pain? Have you been told you have a disc bulge? Does the pain affect your daily life?

Up to 80% of people will experience back pain at some stage in their lives. Some of these cases will come from disc issues.

Below is some information on the role of discs in your spinal health as well as some key signs and symptoms of disc dysfunction.

Tomorrow we'll talk about some of our favorite treatments for disc issues.


Give yourself the best chance to heal from frozen shoulder by following the tips below! Better yet, be proactive and have these factors assessed so you can reduce your risk of developing this distressing condition in the first place. We're always here to help so please reach out if you have specific questions.


Do you have shoulder pain when moving your arm? Maybe it's starting to feel stiff? Maybe you've been diagnosed with tendonitis or frozen shoulder?

There is a lot of misunderstanding about frozen shoulder. Most think of it as the shoulder being stuck or unable to move it. This is actually the end result not the start.

What we understand the process to be is that when we lose optimal control of movement of the shoulder blade (scapulohumeral rhythm), we start to get nerve irritation. This ultimately results in overuse of the long head of the bicep at the front of the shoulder. After too long, this inflammation travels up into the joint. The goal of inflammation is to heal so this inflammation causes scar tissue to build up in the joint. As this grows we lose motion in the shoulder.

The key is to get to this in the initial stage where we have loss of optimal scapular function and perhaps some shoulder pain. Time is of the essence. If corrected at this stage it can save 18-24 months of typical healing time for full blown frozen shoulder with extensive scar tissue formation.

Did you know that Type II Diabetes is the leading risk factor for frozen shoulder and that 50% get it in both shoulders? This makes sense as diabetes causes a cascade of inflammation and when we have inflammation generally in the body, this can accelerate the process of frozen shoulder.

Photos from Upgraded Health - Dacula Chiropractic's post 09/27/2022

Want to prevent tennis elbow? Take the tension off the back of your wrist! If you grip too tightly or for too long you will overwork the extensor tendons and it can result in tennis elbow.

As we mentioned previously, tennis elbow isn’t actually that common among tennis players these days as most players are properly fitted for a tennis racquet. Instead, we see it more commonly in construction workers as hammers and other tools often one size fits all.

We also see it commonly in computer workers with poor ergonomic set up. If your wrists are below the keyboard you will have to contract your wrist extensors constantly to keep them off the keyboard. That sets off the contraction leading to irritation of the tendon. So we're always looking for a repetitive level of contraction when we see tennis elbow. We need to take that pressure away!

Prevention is always easier than cure! If you have any specific questions about how you can avoid or treat tennis elbow, feel free to message us and we'll help you out in any way we can!


Tennis elbow is a very common type of elbow pain that isn't actually commonly associated with tennis!

The name can be traced back to 1883 when it was referenced as "lawn tennis elbow" in a research paper, due to prevalence in people playing tennis as the game grew more popular.

These days however, it is far more common in non athletes, especially people who's work involves repetitive movements such as computer workers, plumbers, painters, mechanics, carpenters, cooks and so on.

Here are a few facts about tennis elbow. Tomorrow we'll discuss some effective treatment options.


If you've ever had plantar fasciitis, perhaps you've been told to rest, use ice, do certain stretches or roll a ball on the sole of your foot. These are general tips that may help to ease symptoms, but they don't necessarily address the underlying cause of the problem.

Here are some other treatment options that we often incorporate or recommend, depending on the individual circumstances. As always, it is important to investigate the underlying causes in each individual as the same condition (i.e. plantar fasciitis) can have many different contributing factors in different people. Our motto is to always treat the individual not the condition! You will always get personalized advice and service from our team.


Has anyone experienced plantar fasciitis 🙋 ? Maybe you've had recurring heel or arch pain before and not known what it was. This common and stubborn condition can cause considerable pain and physical limitations. Left untreated it can take up to a year to resolve (often frustratingly seeming to clear up only to return, or even occur in the other foot). The pain can cause changes to the way you walk, contributing to other issues in your knees, hips or back.

Fortunately there are effective treatment options that can reduce your recovery time and help you to avoid complications down the track. Check in tomorrow to learn more about the exercises and therapies that we have found effective for plantar fasciitis. Reach out if you have any specific questions. We're always here to help!


If you child complains of heel pain, there is a good chance it may be Sever's disease. Often mistaken for plantar fasciitis, Sever's occurs in active children and adolescents and it is not uncommon for it to recur, especially if the underlying factors are not treated initially. While this condition can be very distressing for children, the good news is that there are effective treatment options! Once the growth plate in the heel has hardened into bone, Sever's is no longer a problem either, so if adults experience heel pain it is more likely to be plantar fasciitis, heel spurs or even a stress fracture.


Does your child experience knee pain? It's a very common presenting symptom that we see in the clinic in both adults and children. In children, Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD) is a common cause of ongoing knee pain. It is not actually a disease, but rather an over-use injury common in active children who may have muscle imbalances and insufficient recovery. It can cause severe pain and be very distressing. Knowing how to identify it and treat it is very important as left untreated, OSD can lead to complications for their growth and development.

Below are some basic facts about OSD. If you think your child may be affected by this, early assessment and treatment can get them back to their best on and off the sporting field.

Photos from Upgraded Health - Dacula Chiropractic's post 09/17/2022

Participation in sports has well documented physical and emotional benefits for kids! However, with this comes the risk of a variety of injuries. Did you know that over-use injuries account for over 50% of sports related injuries in children?

Overuse injuries often occur from repetitive use of the same muscle groups, leading to muscle imbalances and insufficient repair time.

Early specialization in a single sport or specific position is a key risk factor in over-use injuries as is playing multiple sports in the same season or training too many hours per week. Everyone has a different threshold, but the key is adequate recovery time for each individual. This is more difficult with multiple sports and increased training load at a young age.

The other often overlooked factor in over-use injuries is nutrition! Connective tissue health is reliant on the right nutrients as building blocks for cellular growth and repair. For example, a child with vitamin D deficiency is 4 times more likely to sustain a fracture. Don't forget adequate hydration too, which is a common issue we see with kids!

Swipe below for some information on sprains and strains. Stay tuned over the coming days to learn more about other common over-use injuries in children. And as always, should you or someone you know have any questions related to their health or sports injury, please see Dr. Dave who is a certified chiropractic sports physician who specializes in treating athletes.


As sports get back underway for many kids, let's spend a few days talking about some common childhood sporting injuries, causes and treatment options.

Many sporting injuries in children are avoidable with proactive steps. When injuries do happen, it is important to actively manage them as left untreated they can disrupt optimal growth. Today we're sharing a few facts about childhood sporting injuries. Stay tuned for more information and advice relating to common sporting injuries in children over the coming days.


It can be frustrating and difficult to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment for post concussion syndrome. Unfortunately, even many medical doctors don’t have the necessary resources or training to treat this effectively. Others may rely solely on pharmaceuticals to manage symptoms without treating the underlying cause. A multidisciplinary approach, which includes collaboration between different specialties will provide more comprehensive care and better outcomes.

Our goal is to help you achieve functional outcomes, naturally, that improve your quality of life and avoid further complications down the track. A personalized approach is always needed to tailor YOUR treatment to YOUR concussion injury. Below are some of the treatment tools we may include as part of an integrated management plan for post concussion syndrome.


Chances are you know someone who has experienced a concussion or perhaps you have experienced a concussion yourself. Maybe you have active kids who play sports of undertake recreational activities that put them at risk of concussion. As a mild type of traumatic brain injury (TBI), concussions should be taken seriously as they can have serious long term effects if not properly understood and addressed. We'll spend the next few days going through some facts about concussions, symptoms to look out for and effective treatment options.

Photos from Upgraded Health - Dacula Chiropractic's post 09/08/2022

Do you know what we see at the clinic on a Monday more than any other day??? Aches, pain and injuries after weekend gardening and yard work! No, gardening isn't bad for you, but this is an example of how novel activities with repetitive and sustained postures can lead to problems!

Commonly we see back injuries; strained muscles; shoulder and elbow tendonitis; carpel tunnel syndrome and thumb pain. Too often, once we have suffered an injury, we ignore it, believing it will go away on it's own. Sometimes, if you leave it long enough, it might appear to. However, what usually happens is your body finds a way to compensate so you no longer feel the pain. However, the underlying dysfunction can remain and contribute to other injuries down the road if you don't treat it!

If you feel a little worse for wear after gardening or any other sporadic, physical work, please reach out.

As always, our focus is to help you take a preventative approach. Click below for some ways to reduce injury risk with gardening.


Most people only breathe to about 30% of their lung capacity!!! Pressure on the lungs stemming from hunched shoulders and altered spinal curvatures means that we become accustomed to taking shallow breaths into our chest rather than using the diaphragm. Shallow breathing can increase anxiety, stress and fatigue. It can also contribute to muscle tension and pain! Take 5 minutes daily to do this instead:
1. Relax in a comfortable position on your back and place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen.
2. Breathe in smoothly to your lower hand (abdomen) through your nose. Imagine blowing up a balloon as you breathe into your belly.
Breathe out smoothly through your nose or mouth. Aim to breathe out longer than you breathe in e.g. in for a count of 4 and out for a count of 8. This can be challenging in the beginning, but you will improve with practice.
3. Repeat for 5 minutes. This is very calming for your nervous system, which can help to ease stress and muscle tension! Even better, put on some relaxing music while you complete this relaxing technique for better posture and health!

Photos from Upgraded Health - Dacula Chiropractic's post 09/04/2022

As we finish up a month on posture, here are some of our favorite products that can help you to optimize your posture and get out of pain! Please reach out if you'd like specific recommendation for best value brands or if you have questions about whether the product is right for you!

Photos from Upgraded Health - Dacula Chiropractic's post 09/02/2022

Anterior pelvic tilt is a common postural deviation where the front of the hips tilt down, increasing the lower back curve. It's normal to have a slight anterior tilt on standing, however it is a problem when you struggle to change that position (i.e. create a posterior pelvic tilt). Click through the images to learn more about this type of posture and some exercises that can help you to improve your mobility and say goodbye to lower back pain!

Photos from Upgraded Health - Dacula Chiropractic's post 09/01/2022

If you think that forward head posture or "tech neck" might be contributing to your neck pain, try some of these exercises below. Consistency is key!


Forward head posture is a common postural distortion where your head rests forward of your shoulders. Normally, your ears should line up with your shoulders when a vertical midline is drawn through your body side on. Forward head posture can contribute to neck pain, headaches, dizziness and balance issues. Common causes are extended computer / phone use, jaw issues, stress and poor pillow support.

Photos from Upgraded Health - Dacula Chiropractic's post 08/29/2022

The spine has three natural curves; a forward curve in the neck, a backward curve in the upper back and a forward curve in the lower back. These curves help to distribute weight appropriately and allow the body to move efficiently. Postural imbalances can cause changes in these curves - too much or too little curve - which can lead to pain and degeneration of the spinal joints and discs.

Other postural distortions such as twists and rotation in the spine can present with unlevel shoulders or hips. Balance is important in the body so these changes cause stress to joints and muscles.

You can do a basic self-assessment of your posture at home to see if your posture might be a factor in any pain or restricted mobility you’re dealing with.


We value the benefits of good posture so much at Dacula Chiropractic that we offer a free, objective postural assessment when you come in for your chiropractic or myofascial treatment!

We use the latest software to accurately and thoroughly assess your full-body posture. After taking a photograph the software displays any abnormal force, weight, and asymmetry. This objective assessment can help you to identify muscle imbalances, understand why it matters for your health and mobility goals, and what you can do to improve. A personalized report is always included with targeted exercises and lifestyle advice.

Ask us about this value added service the next time you're at the clinic. We also offer this service remotely if you'd like to experience the benefits of better posture!

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Welcome to gut health month at Dacula Chiropractic & Primary Care!




465 Dacula Road, Ste I
Dacula, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 1pm
3pm - 6:30pm
Tuesday 3pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 1pm
3pm - 6:30pm
Thursday 9am - 1pm
3pm - 6:30pm
Friday 9am - 1pm
3pm - 6:30pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm

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