Fitness by Coach Jen

NASM certified personal trainer and performance enhancement specialist

Join me on my mission to hel

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 12/24/2023

Merry Christmas Eve from my Jelly Bean❤️🤍

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 11/30/2023

Oh my🥹 how are you already 4 months?! You had your first Halloween and Thanksgiving, met your Aunt K and your cousins, starting to smack on any table, and I think we are starting teething 😅 I swear the only things growing on her is her height and her hair😂

Loves: getting her chin and cheeks tickled, booping her nose, her lovey, sleeping on her tummy
Hates: putting lotion on her cheeks, putting on her pjs when she’s ready to eat, being put in her car seat when we leave daycare

Wears 0-3 month clothes and some sleepers are 3-6 month just because of the feet
Wears size 2 diapers


Happy Halloween from the cutest Pumpkin Spice Latte☕️🤍


Three whole months of Emersyn Rae🥹🥰
Your smile already lights up a room baby girl and I pray everyday that this world never takes that from you 🤍 you may be small but you are already a force to be reckoned with. You already have strong head/neck control, rolling over, laughing and so incredibly curious about everything around you.
Loves: tickling her cheeks, singing our song every morning, warm baths, holding an adult finger or hand, daily cuddles with momma, teachers at daycare
Dislikes: being cold, being hungry, potentially starting to teeth, sneezing, cold rain
Wears size 0-3 months clothes (although we have one newborn onesie that still fits 👀)
In between size 1 and 2 diapers. So finishing out the rest of size 1 diapers cause she wouldn’t finish a new pack😅

We go back next week for another weight check!

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 10/06/2023

In this house, we are raised right❤️🤍☝🏼


Oh my smiley girl is officially two months🥹
We have already gone on so many adventures to grandparents house to Subiefest to malls and parks around Oklahoma. It’s almost time for you to start daycare and for me to go back to work🥺😭
Loves: to smile, touching her cheeks and nose, dance with momma, bright lights and spinning fans, being held while the big human is standing (she likes to be tall😂)
Dislikes: being hungry, getting swaddled, not getting attention

Wears size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes and a few newborn dresses!

Last weight by her dr was on 9/20 and she weighted 9 pounds 14 ounces! We go back for her 2 month checkup on Tuesday!


Happy one month baby girl🥹🥰

Likes: contact naps, riding in the car, listening to Clinton Kane, dancing with mom, cuddles with grandparents, bath time

Dislikes: hiccups, being gassy, having cold feet

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 08/01/2023

Emersyn Rae
You are my miracle baby girl 🥹🫶🏼
My miracle baby girl came July 29 at 8:16am. I got to the hospital just after 7am and had no time for an epidural.

Ms. Emersyn. You are 7 pounds and 11 ounces of straight perfection🥹

It’s you and me learning this new world together and I wouldn’t trade this for anything.

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 07/28/2023

Happy Due Date baby girl🥹
I can’t believe today marks 40 weeks of growing my Mini🫶🏼
Still no signs/symptoms that she’s any closer to being here. No rush baby girl. I already know that your timing will be perfect🤍soon, we will both be on the water and enjoying the little things with each other🤍

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 07/25/2023

💕rosé series💕
It’s been 39 weeks and 4 days of growing my mini🥹
Still no changes, only 1cm dilated, so we will have another check up next week. Still no contractions or any other labor signs either.
It’s almost time baby girl. The world is scary but I promise I’ll never leave your side🫶🏼

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 07/20/2023

🖤black series🖤
8 days away from your due date baby girl but continue to bake for as long as you need🫶🏼
Up next~ the rosé series💕


Baby girl is making it clear that she’s nice and cozy. No changes from last week. Still 60% effaced and 1cm dilated at 38 weeks and 3 days. HOWEVER, she is starting to drop and is engaged in my pelvis. So I guess that is a change😅 since she’s engaged in my pelvis, we have officially fully hit the penguin wobble and speed doesn’t exist 😂🫶🏼
I have one more checkup next week, but looking like we will schedule an induction by August 3 if she’s still being stubborn👀


It may have been laidback but thankful for all those who spoiled baby girl on Sunday 🤍🥹 Mini and i definitely feel the love and support from so many people. Now it’s time to go through and organize everything! There isn’t enough “thank yous” to truly show how much Mini and I appreciate you guys🥹🤍

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 05/15/2023

Mini’s Baby Shower
~Texas Edition~
Small, very informal baby shower with Texas friends, but mainly family🤍
Thankful for being able to shower baby girl with things that are really going to help us from her crib to her high chair to a future swim suit😂🤍

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 05/04/2023

Holy smokes.. I never thought it would come to a time where I make this post.
It is with a really heavy heart, that I’m hanging up the mic with 😭🥺
As most of you know, baby girl is making her debut at the end of July (hopefully). I was forced to make difficult decisions on how to be able to provide for her the best way I can.
My final day in the studio will be Saturday, May 13. It’s not all sad though. That Saturday, we will be celebrating my 1000 class coached just at OTF Moore alone🧡 so be sure to join in on the celebration! It’s going to be a party with my favorites🧡 swipe all the way to the end to see my final classes to make sure you burn with me one final time🔥
OTF Moore cant get rid of me that easily though! I’ll still be around to sub if needed AND I’ll be there to take classes once I get clearance from my ortho dr.
Front desk since 2019
Coach since 2020
Been with 10 studios across 3 states-
1 studio in TX
4 studios in CT
5 studios in OK
Well over 1200 classes coached across the nation🧡
Seriously thankful for the company. OTF helped me with more than just my physical health, but my mental health as well. Coaching has been an outlet for me where I’m allowed to be a little bit weird. I promise you guys have helped me way more than I have ever helped you.


First up is the 2000 meter benchmark row!
It’s a long one and I promise you, it’s DOABLE! I gathered a few tips/tricks to help get you through that finish line.
Make sure that strap is across the widest part of your foot (usually at the end of your shoelaces by your toes)
SIT UP TALL! Don’t let your hips get tucked under your core and your shoulders get rounded. Sitting up tall will allow less strain on your spine. Plus it allows you to use those strong legs a bit more💪🏼
BREAK IT DOWN! Separate it out into 500 meters at a time. Watch that 500 split time. Your first 500, should feel challenging yet doable and definitely not out of breath. Your second and third 500, check in with yourself. Remind yourself that it’s a mental mind game. If you got a bit more, can you drop that split time by 1-2 seconds and hold it? That final 500 meters, you can see the finish line! I know, I know, your legs and lungs are on fire but you are so close! That is not the time to give up and give in! Final 150 meters, you’re officially in all out territory! Finish what you started! Don’t stop rowing 5-10 meters before that finish line! Take it all the way through the end!
Can’t wait to see those crazy numbers you guys do! Let’s do this rockstars!


Don’t know where to even start for a 2000 meter row? Don’t stress out! Let’s make a game plan! Break it down by 500 meters at a time and focus just on that split time. I promise you, time will go by so much faster when you focus on that split time rather than the uncomfy your body is feeling. It’s game time rockstar🥳🤩


🚨2000 meter benchmark🚨
It’s a long one and it’s a good one! Let’s make sure we set ourselves up for success!
Tip 1-
Make sure those straps are set to the widest part of our foot. Usually around the ball of our feet, right under our shoelaces. Proper foot placement will allow us to maximize our power through that leg drive!
Tip 2-
Legs, swing that torso, baby pull with that upper body. Your legs have way more muscle fibers in an area compared to your upper body. Use that b***y and quads to be powerful! It’s not about going back and forth as fast as you can on the rower. Let the water do the extra work for you. Take that powerful drive back, watch that water move in the tank, then slowly recover back in.
Tip 3-
Watch that 500 split time. If you know a goal time, take that time and divide it by four. Example: if I want to do it in 8 minutes, then dividing my four, will put me at 2:00. Therefore, every 500 meters, I want to keep it at or slightly below 2:00.
Start conservative on that first 500 meters. Adrenaline is running high. Do not burn out early. If you have a goal split time, go about 1-2 seconds slower than your goal time. Every 500 meters, do an honest assessment. Can you hold on to this same split time or can we take it up by another 2-3 seconds? Focus on 500 meters at a time. I promise you, it makes it much easier. But that final 180 meters though? We going ALL OUT and holding nothing back into that finish line!!
Aight crew! You are READY FOR THIS!!! Have faith in yourself and get ready to put your best effort out on that rower. Everything else is just a bonus! Do you have a goal time for the 2000 meter row?! Let me know in the comments below!

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 12/11/2022

So about last night🤍

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 11/27/2022

Two years🤩🤯 it has been two years since I got on mic for my first solo class ever with Orangetheory and it has been incredible. Over the past two years, I have coached between Connecticut and Oklahoma, 9 different studios, over 920 classes, thousands of members, countless brag boards/memories, and a couple of priceless years🥹🥳🧡
Coaching has done so much for me. It helped me build confidence I never knew I had. It helped me find my people that will support me through thick and thin. It has been my happy place. Because of my members pushing me, I have recovered from surgery, ran a half marathon, attend grad school, and so much more. It’s been unforgettable and I’m still in shock that it’s already been two years.
Forever grateful for Anthony and KD for having faith in me to be a good coach and trained me to rock out with and 🧡 I wouldn’t have gotten started if you two didn’t have faith in me cause I sure as hell didn’t have it in myself😅
Thank you times a million to Aspen and Alyssia for helping me discover my coaching style and grow even more as a coach but a person as well. Thankful for every single member at for being you. It’s been a crazy 1.5 year with the most hype members I have ever come across🔥


We are going to be seeing these babies on Thursday, November 17th! Let’s talk about them.
With any deadlift, start your motion by pushing that b***y back behind you. Keeping that chest lifted and back flat during our whole range of motion will help strengthen our lower back while minimizing any injuries. Super glue those fingertips to the front size of our legs and keep that dumbbell as close as possible! Take as much strain off that lower back as you can. With it being a ✨single arm✨ deadlift, the arm holding the weight will want to pull into the floor. Focus on keeping those shoulders even and keeping your core tight. Don’t let gravity win!
Aight Moore! Let’s own these deadlifts! I’ll see you at 4:15/5:30/6:45/8pm🔥💪🏼🤟🏼


You’ve been asking for a signature workout on the weight floor and now YOU GOT IT!
partnered with .boston to create an incredible template focusing on agility drills and core exercises to help you train like the champion you are!
This template is also super special as this partnership was created to support gender equality in sports. Love being apart of a company that supports women’s sports at all levels🧡
You ready to train like a CHAMPION?! Book your class before it fills up! I promise you, this is one you don’t want to miss🔥🔥


🚨12 minute run for distance🚨
We show up and show out on the daily for ourselves. Let’s see how far we can push ourselves for just 12 minutes. Stay relaxed and have faith in yourself that you can do hard things!
First time? No worries! This is THE benchmark to set the bar for yourself. Fun fact: this was my second ever class at OTF back in 2019. I constantly refer back to it on my own progress. Aerobic capabilities are a training aspect that everyone can train and make progress no matter where we start. If you want more on metabolism and aerobic training, let me know!
Here’s to doing hard things! Super excited to see what you guys do!🔥🔥 get booked into class before spots run out🔥🤩


Catch me if you can! Let’s talk about it! It’s a template where it’s designed for you to get caught. How many checkpoints can YOU get before getting caught? If it’s still slightly scary, that’s okay! Power walkers have their own distances and it’s not easy but still a challenge. Here are some recommendations for you to try out tomorrow:
* start slightly above your push. You’re coming out of the gate strong so use that to your advantage! Hold it for as long as you can and only drop it by .1 or .2 when you absolutely need to! The more distance you can rack up at the beginning, the easier it will be to get to get that checkpoint.
* stay relaxed and in control of your breathing. Don’t start out too aggressive. Get uncomfy but it shouldn’t feel like an all out. The more relaxed you’re on the tread, the easier it will be for your body to do what it knows how to do!
* be sure to eat some good fats and carbs tonight or tomorrow if there’s plenty of time before you take class. The way our body metabolizes fat and carbs will help with our energy output. Fat metabolism produces a ton of energy with no by-products that cause fatigue (lactic acid and hydrogen). Carbs will metabolize quickly for some quick energy!
Are there any things that’s scares you about Catch me if you can?! Let me know down below!

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 10/11/2022

It’s almost time for my favorite week of the year🔥
Hell week 2022 starts in 12 days! You can bet your b***y I will be dressing up every day🤩 swipe left to see this years themes!➡️➡️
This year, you only need 4 out of 8 classes to get your exclusive tee! You’re going to be in class anyways! So sign up and let’s get to work!
You do not need to sign up for hell week to participate in the theme days! Make it fun and let’s see what ya got with those outfits!


Happy one year 🥳🥳
Can’t believe it’s already been one year to the day, that I started coaching at 🤩🧡
Thankful for my fellow coaches, front desk, Jay and above all, the MEMBERS🥰
It’s been a beautiful year and I have seen you guys accomplish so so much and I’m beyond blessed that you guys have welcomed me to be apart of your fitness journeys 🥰💪🏼
We aren’t done yet!
Here’s to many more memories, templates, new comfort zones, and more YEARS🥂🍾

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 05/06/2022

Just like that.. one academic year teaching at the University of Oklahoma is COMPLETE❤️🤍☝🏼
Time to finish out my graduate classes and it’s onto summer ☀️🌸

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 03/23/2022

I never thought I would ever do a transformation picture. The past 14 months really felt like they flew by. It helped that I had some pretty amazing people stand in my corner and help me work towards my goals. I have always struggled with body dysmorphia for years and in high school/college, I was weighing myself almost daily. I slowly ate less food and adapted more of a liquid diet. I used to get terrified if the number on the scale went up. Fast forward to now, I have actually learned that if I drop below 160 pounds, I am beginning to lose muscle mass and gain body fat. Crazy right? I talk to so many of you guys about your goals on losing fat and gaining muscle. Shoot baby boo, that’s mine too. The top row of pictures was from Jan 2021 and I had 21.1% body fat and 70.3 pounds of muscle and weighed 159 pounds. A month later, I went up to 23% body fat with 67.7 pounds of muscle and weighed in LESS at 157.1 pounds. Fast forward to now, I finally got my body fat percentage to 19.7%, with 75.2 pounds of muscle and I weighed in at my heaviest, 164.9 pounds.
The crazy thing is, I know so many people still go just by the scale and they see that number go up and we can get so hard on ourselves and tear us down. I was that person. Wanna know something even crazier? I began dropped more fat and gaining muscle when I began eating MORE. Crazy right? Your body needs nutrients to rebuild your muscles from all the hard work you are putting in. Do I count my calories? Nope. I can’t. Personally, I know I can fall back into my anorexic behavior of really limiting what I eat and hurting my body even more. It has not been an easy road to eat more. Each person is different too. I found that for me, I do best with more small meals than three big ones. I began eating more protein over the past six weeks and let me tell you... my performance levels has increased dramatically. I haven’t felt this strong, well ever😅 it provides me with the energy to be able to put in the hard work day in and day out with 🔥🧡 if you have similar goals, reach out to me and let me help you!


🌻Aspire to inspire🌻
Here’s to all the people I will meet in 2022. I hope I can inspire you guys to keep pushing forward, just as much as you guys inspire me to keep pushing forward💚

Photos from Fitness by Coach Jen's post 11/27/2021

One year of coaching under those orange lights 🧡🥳 I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I started coaching! I started my journey at on Black Friday 2020 and my life has changed in so many ways, it’s insane. As a coach, we hear how much we have helped you but you have no idea how much each of you guys have helped me. This job saved me. You guys saved me. I am so incredibly blessed and thankful for all the members I have coached! You guys are incredible! I could go deep into how you guys have helped me, but it’s a long story🥴 I have been blessed to be able to have coached at 8 studios in the past year ( ) but I have only been permanently on the schedule for Westport, Fairfield, Shelton and now Moore, where I was a sub at the other studios. I have met so many incredible members and heard their stories and I am in awe of each of you every day🧡 keep crushing it! YOU’RE DOING THE THING🔥🔥🔥

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Videos (show all)

🚨2000 meter benchmark🚨It’s a long one and it’s a good one! Let’s make sure we set ourselves up for success!*Tip 1-Make s...
🚨SINGLE ARM DEADLIFTS🚨We are going to be seeing these babies on Thursday, November 17th! Let’s talk about them.With any ...
🚨SHOT CLOCK🚨You’ve been asking for a signature workout on the weight floor and now YOU GOT IT! *@orangetheory partnered ...
🚨12 minute run for distance🚨We show up and show out on the daily for ourselves. Let’s see how far we can push ourselves ...
Catch me if you can! Let’s talk about it! It’s a template where it’s designed for you to get caught. How many checkpoint...
Did you know it’s possible to improve and strengthen your push-up, as well as the efficiency and effectiveness? Let me s...




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