High Flyer Love, Dallas, TX Videos

Videos by High Flyer Love in Dallas. Empowering High Achieving Women To Soar In Their Personal Relationships 💟 So They Can Win In All Areas Of Life! 🚀

💯If you do nothing, nothing will improve! I will go so far to say, if you do nothing, things will get WORSE!

👉🏽Too many people are unfoforunately DOING NOTHING! 😕

🙌🏽You are what you think about and what you consistently do!

💥Take inventory today of your thoughts and actions or lack of and know you are in more control of your life than you may think! ✅

#dosomething #act #move #thought #leadership #success #inventory High Flyer Love

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💯If you do nothing, nothing will improve! I will go so far to say, if you do nothing, things will get WORSE! 👉🏽Too many people are unfoforunately DOING NOTHING! 😕 🙌🏽You are what you think about and what you consistently do! 💥Take inventory today of your thoughts and actions or lack of and know you are in more control of your life than you may think! ✅ #dosomething #act #move #thought #leadership #success #inventory High Flyer Love

🙌🏽Change your aperture to LONG TERM THINKING. Successful people aren’t reactive and near sided. Let’s be real, times are hard for many currently. 💯 When times are hard, we make decisions based on emotion. 😤 These emotions are never long term and just a blimp of our existence. The problem with this is that our emotions drove us to act/react for the short term. Short term thinkers are good at doing things for tomorrow or next week or even next month. 👉🏽The problem with this thinking is that short term thoughts don’t lead to long term successes. You need to envision your next 6 months, year, 3-5, 10 years. WHY? If you are thinking about your life long term, you can properly orient your actions and thoughts accordingly today so they can eventually align and allow the life you want to come to fruition. 💥Easy, short term decision often lead to difficult, long term consequences. I challenge everyone to get initimate with your desires for your future. Literally grab a piece of paper and and pen/pencil and construct the life you would be enthralled to have. This excercise will make it much harder to act and think primarily in the short term! GO BIG and THINK BIG! ✅ #longterm #vision #plan #leader #bestlife #manifest #thinkdifferently High Flyer Love

🙌🏽Treat people with EXCELLENT HOSPITALITY & make people FEEL better than before they saw you! 🤗 Who has ever walked into a business or worked with a business and felt like it a was a TRANSACTION! Disgusting 🤮 👉🏽It’s infuriating to feel not special, seen, or heard when you are supporting someone else and spending your time and money! It should be your duty🎖to put customers FIRST and make them feel like a guest in your house! In today’s economic climate, businesses that operate to the status quo and do the bare minimal WILL BE EXPOSED 🔍. If you are a business owner or employee, try connecting today with even one of your customers. Listen to them. Make them feel they are the most important. Create an experience they will remember. If none of this jives with you, WHY THE HECK ARE YOU IN BUSINESS? Self-centeredness can only take you so far. Assess how you treat the people who are essentially supporting your paycheck. What little act can you do to improve the relationship you have with them? #service #hospitality #experience #listen #goodbusiness #leadership #connection #heart High Flyer Love

❓What do YOU DO with your time you GAINED BACK? ⏰ We all have heard TIME is our most precious commodity. Well say we do protect our time well and we start eliminating the things we don’t need to do in our life and streamline our schedule. Say we even start delegating and outsourcing tasks that we do not need to be doing as our time is better spent elsewhere…. 👉🏽Then WHAT THE HECK do we do with all this time we gained back? ✅You really need to have a plan in place with what you are going to do with your gained time in order to: 💠Spend more time with the people you love 💠Spend more time doing the things that enrich/fulfill you 💠Spend more time creating and living your best life 💠Spend more time being of service to others ❌Don’t just rattling off “time is the most important commodity…” 🙌🏽Starting thinking, “how do I want to spend the minutes, hours, and days of my life?” Your actions follow your beliefs and thoughts. Be intentional. 💯 #intention #efficiency #plan #timemanagement #service #fulfillment #bestlife High Flyer Love

✅You DON’T get in life what you want; you get what you NEED! 💯 Things will remain in your life until your LEARN the lesson from it. 👉🏽A law of the universe to please be aware of and live by 🙏🏽 #universe #learn #lessons #life #struggle #growth #personaldevelopment #leadership High Flyer Love

You Standards & Habits Matter!
🙌 Your STANDARDS & HABITS dictate your life! SO will your EXCUSES...if you let them! 💯 💥Create foundational, NON-NEGOTIABLE habits in your life to ensure you are ALWAYS headed in your desired direction of growth. The results you get in life are indicative of the daily disciplines you partake in; there is no faking success...not for long. Hold yourself to a HIGHER👆 standard and live out your potential and motivate others to get better. #standards #dailyhabits #leadership #youmatter #discipline #success #growth

Try This With Your Significant Other!
💕Relationship Tip💰 Hope this helps. SHARE YOUR thoughts on this! 🙏🏽 #relationshipgoals #understanding #listen #empathy #nojudgement #bettertogether #youmatter

Implement This ONE Hack! Life Altering!
✅Production Tip! Hope you find VALUE in this. 🙏🏽💯 Be intentional on how you construct your day and when and how you work on things. Do the right things at the right time MAKE A DIFFERENCE! #productivity #intentional #growth #creative #logical High Flyer Love

Do You Have Issues with Employees?
👉🏽If you are having issues with employees…you may want to hear this one! ✅ Too many business owners focus on the WRONG THINGS and easily oversee the root to many issues. #businessowner #bettertogether #performance #safespace #youmatter #issues #empathy High Flyer Love

This Could Be Why You Are Failing!
Do you find yourself or know someone who IS ALWAYS ONTO THE NEXT BEST THING!? This is a common issues today with social media, marketing and technology overload. I 100% was the person ALWAYS onto the next best thing. This could be the reason why you aren’t getting the results you desire in your life. #bereal #focus #clarity #personaldevelopment #relationshipgoals #success High Flyer Love

👉🏽You have a DUTY and OBLIGATION to show up as your best self ALWAYS! 💯 There are many things outside of our control. But you have the choice on how you show up at any given moment! Why give power to excuses? Orient your mind and actions to direct towards your higher and greater self. How you act and think dictates the results you receive. Set the example. Be the leader. We need you! #leadership #beanexample #bestself #noexcuses #workethic #service #relationshipgoals #youmatter High Flyer Love

Expression Cures Depression
We need to EXPRESS OURSELVES! In a society filled with technology, many of us LACK CONNECTION! Humanity and life itself depends on authentic connections! Expression CURES depression! #expressyourself #depression #connection #relationshipgoals #meaningfullife High Flyer Love

This Can TRANSFORM Your Life!
👉🏽Our THOUGHT TO ACTION GAP is a huge contributor to our failure or success! 💯 #takeaction #startdoing #selfworth #learning #leadership #relationshipgoals High Flyer Love

Different People Help You Grow!
Have a TEAM OF RIVALS around you. Different people help you grow! #perspective #differencemaker #leadership #truth #relationshipgoals

👉🏽Take investory of THE WHAT & THE WHO in your life! ✅💯 #inventory #intentional #relationshipgoals #purpose #happiness High Flyer Love

Kick Status Quo TO THE CURB!
The status quo always seems to be in style. The trend of living life similar to others and of predictability sounds safe and has always been popular. One of the DEEPEST REGRETS many of us have before passing is not living out our potential and becoming what we dreamed to be. Why is this? Fear? Lack of self-worth? Lack of knowledge and confidence? Maybe one of them...or even all of them. Since the beginning of humanity, man has depended on others and having communal support has been vital. Sticking out in a crowd or going against what others deemed as "normal" was risky and could even GET YOU KILLED back in the day. Today, the repercussions of sticking out could be massive backlash and a BLOW TO THE EGO. Or it can be viewed as a devotion and alignment of your values, beliefs, and goals. Living up to your potential as we are all infinite beings capable of miraculous things. Following the status quo is you SUPRESSING YOUR POTENTIAL. It is living to threshold that others around you have remained at. Humans are not meant to remain at idle: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We are all crafted and capable of growth, evolution, and struggle. A world filled with unique, blossoming humans helps create a beautiful world. Stop CONFORMING to what others are doing. Live your life AUTHENTICALLY and UNAPOLOGETICALLY! You will achieve MORE and impact MORE! Let's kick Status Quo TO THE CURB! #beyourself #unique #authenticity #leadership #differencemakers #dailyhabits #dream #happy High Flyer Love

You Have a Responsibility
You have a responsibility if you have an audience. We have all have influence as we are all leaders. You may be the ONLY PERSON someone comes across that sparks a belief that THEY TOO can experience MASSIVE SUCCESS in their life! Don't take the responsibility lightly. We are all heat to serve. What's your calling? #personalresponsibility #leadership #intentional #inspirational #youmatter #youbelong

You Are The Creator of Your Life!!!
👉🏽You are THE CREATOR of YOUR LIFE! 💯🙌🏽✅ 😃The good news is we can do almost anything we want, just not everything. 😏The bad news is many of us have a tainted programming that leaves us thinking we are not in control and we are the victim. In regard to relationships, our programming plays a vital role in the integrity and health we have with others. Without an unequivocal doubt, our upbringing and childhood shaped many of our values, beliefs and thought patterns. Since humans are imperfect, we are subject to experience, act, and hold onto unhealthy ways of being. This is OK! We have the ability at any point and time to rewrite and wire our story and thought patterns. The more frequent and faster we are able to be in our concious mind, the more effectively we are able to bring awareness to the things we are doing that are dividing our relationships and bringing us further away from our desires and goals in life. The quality of our relationships dictate the quality of our life! Bringing awareness to the fact we have the power to live beautiful, fulfilled lives with strong, healthy relationships is empowering and liberating. Harness your agency! If you don’t dictate your own thoughts and beliefs, someone else will! What are you going to work on today to improve the quality of your life? What habit or thought will you drop today that is no longer serving you? What one relationship can you work on this week that would improve the quality of your life? #creator #quantum #psychology #belief #thoughts #power #fulfillment #relationshipgoals

Stop Trying To Be Right!
Stop focusing on trying to BE RIGHT and start focusing on trying TO UNDERSTAND! Drop a 💯 in the comments if you agree this would solve much of the division, anguish, and anger we see today in our world! Being right please the ego. Understanding helps create a way to stronger, meaningful relationships! Through strong, meaningful relationships one can feel fulfilled and have a sense of belonging. In the end, we all want to feel this way. #understanding #listen #relationshipgoals #ego #dailyhabits #fulfillment #belonging High Flyer Love

Children notice the GOOD THINGS in life, NOT THE BAD as adults tend to do. Have you ever thought to yourself...I wish was a child again...so happy & FREE? We most certainly have. No expectations. No drama. No envy. No rage. No inability to move forward. Children are God's most perfect form of human life. Purity at its finest. Children can be happy and find the good in any situation. They don't judge and freaking smile ALL THE TIME! As adults we move away from the child we once were. Why? Society. We need to grow up, be mature, take on responsibility, work hard, grind it out, be serious and focused. While life is about some of those things, where did the ability of seeing good in everyday life disappear to? Why go through life miserable, resentful, angry, jealous, overly stressed, and jaded? Life is full of color, full of opportunity, full of fabulous people, and there is a promise of a better tomorrow...if you believe so. Seeing life through your younger self or inner child's point of view is so powerful and something you can access FOR FREE, ANYTIME! Ways to do so: Write down a list of the things you used to love as a child and actually pick up some of the activities! Get outside and into nature. Think of creative activities and events to attend with friends/family that require nothing but fun, an open mind and heart. Write down a list of things your adult self does that your inner child would NOT support or do! Actively schedule time weekly to intentionally channel your inner child. You are not too busy, important, or old to do this practice. Think about the weight lifted off your back when you start to live life this way... What is your inner child like? #fun #enjoylife #reflection #journaling #fulfillment #success #happy #lifeistooshort #dailyhabits #youmatter #youareenough High Flyer Love