Orisa Lifestyle Academy

The Orisa Lifestyle Academy is the world leader in education and training.

The Orisa Lifestyle Academy was founded by Obafemi Origunwa, MA, who is a world renowned author, public speaker and teacher. Through this experience he has learned strategies & techniques that generate extraordinary results for people from a broad range of backgrounds & philosophies. To date, he has helped over 50 thousand people develop personal rituals that energize their highest aspirations and inspire others to do the same.


What is being done is known only by the doer… sometimes! It takes a considerable amount of focus and patience to really get clear about what you’re doing.

Many times, our activities are merely reactions. And so, we jump from one stimulus to the next and call it fate.

Eventually, however, we learn to look within. We start to see ourselves as we choose one thing over another. And if we are willing, we stop reacting and we start choosing our responses. Then, we become doers!

I give thanks to Sango for lifting me high above it all. I give thanks that I am able to choose what to do based upon what my ori chose for me in the prenatal state.

Obafemi Origunwa, MA | OrisaLifestyle.com


support high quality education for the orisa community. Join us: OrisaLifestyle.com/abeokuta

Divination and Discernment 09/02/2024

do you know the difference between divination and planning?

Divination and Discernment Obafemio.com


Pain is an excellent teacher. The problem is, most people end up identifying with their pain.

Remember, you are not your emotions. You are not your thoughts. You are not your actions. You are not your past.

You are the one who chooses all of these things. You are the one who assigns meaning to each of them.

When you fail to make the distinction between your experiences and your decisions, two things happen:

Firstly, you remain an eternal victim who is bullied by your own emotions.

Secondly, you are locked in to destructive, reactionary habits, the consequence of which is an inability to make decisions without negative, external motivations.

Break the cycle of suffering. Claim your internal power by learning to make decisions that reinforce your destiny.

I am looking for leaders who are ready to improve the world through positive influence. If that is you, find out how Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can help you take your practice and your life to the next level.

Obafemi Origunwa, MA | ObafemiO.com

Student Testimonial: Benefits of SOS 09/01/2024

Student Testimonial: Benefits of the School of Orisa Studies

Student Testimonial: Benefits of SOS


Ogbe come and initiate them
So they may feel relieved
I accepted
I initiated them into Ifa
It was when I accepted
That my father initiated me
Someone without sense
Someone without self-reflection and good character
This is what leads to multiple initiations for a single person
The problem of Esu still remains even if Ifa is spread out
If Odu is covered and we put Elegbara as the third divinity
A person still has pleading to do with evil
- Holy Odu OgbeAte

To be initiated is to be introduced to the mysteries that inform life. It enables you to choose a more deliberate relationship with the unseen realm.

As you delve deeper into the things you cannot detect with the five senses, you learn to transcend the contradictions between how you act, how you feel, and how you think.

That is, because the greatest sacrifice is the personal sacrifice, your spiritual discipline begins and ends with self purification.

To overcome internal evil is the byproduct of self mastery.

The idea, however, that you must undergo an endless series of initiations without ever subjecting yourself to rigorous self evaluation is an absurd and futile approach to spiritual development.

It suggests that you expect the deities and the ancestors to do FOR you those things that only you can do for yourself.

If you want to be a truly good person, you must practice being good in every circumstance. Initiation will not change that.

If you want to experience genuine happiness, you have to let go of anger and resentment. No amount of medicines or charms will change that.

And so, your ability to overcome evil begins with your commitment to being authentically benevolent. Only then will your initiations, rituals and charms manifest blessings in your life.

Live the medicine.

Obafemi Origunwa, MA | www.ObafemiO.com


Apetebi is the primary priestess in an Ifa temple. Consequently, she regularly performs morning and evening devotion, whereby she prays for the family at the Ifa shrine.

Principle among her spiritual duties is to assist her husband in the worship and appeasement of his Ifa during the Ose Ifa ritual every four days. This includes all the necessary planning, organization and preparation for the ritual.

During Ose Ifa, apetebii makes prayer, offers kola nuts to lfa, and if anything is requested by Ifa, an apetebi can also make those offerings to Ifa.

Wise practitioners will know and understand that Ose If is the cornerstone of the family’s spiritual growth and protection. More precisely, Ose Ifa provides ongoing experiences that reinforce the family’s spiritual values and reminds each member of his or her commitment to the Ancestral Promise.

By the same token, apetebii helps to teach children the fundamentals of Ifa worship and orisa lifestyle. As such, she is the curator of the family’s most precious assets. This is what it means to live the medicine.*

I am looking for leaders who are ready to improve the world through positive influence. If that is you, find out how Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can help you take your practice and your life to the next level.

Join us today: ObafemiO.com

* Origunwa, Obafemi. Fundamentals of Orisa Lifestyle pg 57-58


Strength without wisdom is the greatest weakness of all.


"Ilé ọba tó jó ẹwà ló bù si " A palace that got burnt will soon reflect more beauty.

A disappointment is quite often a blessing in disguise.

The challenge is to look beyond the debris. What ELSE is happening at the same time that you're not getting what you want?

Remember, divinity is a choice.

Obafemi Origunwa, MA | ObafemiO.com


Remain cool under pressure…


Every great teacher knows that the real learning happens between students. As a result, any great educational system incorporates peer to peer learning as a standard. The School of Orisa Studies is structured for maximum learning experiences. Our students teach and learn from one another. This is alignment with the Odu that governs our community:

When we awaken in the morning
Let us teach one another wisdom
And not lay the foundation for madness
When we have a problem
Let us confer with one another
Then, after long deliberation,
If we cannot come to a solution,
Let us consult Ifá…

I am looking for leaders who are ready to improve the world through positive influence. If that is you, find out how Oloye Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can help you take your practice and your life to the next level.

Join us today: OrisaLifestyle.com


Eku Ojo Jakuta!

Today we venerate one of our traditions preeminent power couples— Sango and Oya!

Together they demonstrate that matrimony is one of the most important rites of passage we can ever experience.

While many people attach great importance to orisa initiation, marriage is, arguably, more important to our spiritual development.

In fact, marriage is best thought of as a form of initiation.

True initiation is not about power and prestige. It's about realizing your destiny. And because identity is destiny, initiation is meant to grant you deeper access to your true identity.

Initiation and devotion are meant to challenge your ego to the point that your soul governs your intellect. And so it is with marriage. In order for it to flourish, you have to transcend your IDEAS about yourself and get intune with the ESSENCE of yourself.

In this way, orisa lifestyle encourages you to do things in the right way, as opposed to just doing the right thing.

Live the medicine.

Obafemi Origunwa, MA | www.ObafemiO.com

Dominant Masculine Archetypes 08/29/2024

Let's explore the wonders of dominant masculine archetypes.

Dominant Masculine Archetypes


The best way to fail is to try and please everyone. People will see your success and they will want to be part of it. But they don’t know - nor do they respect - what you must do in order to succeed. Consequently, people will demand that you do things that would compromise your formula for excellence just to please them.

Otura has performed wonders
But the slanderers are not satisfied
We have done all things
But gossipers are not contented
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When he was going to become the husband of Otoro
The daughter of Olokun
He was to become the husband of Otara
The daughter of Awujale
And he was going to become the husband of Torofini
The daughter of Alapaniyawe
He who wakes up early in the morning
And offers bones as ebo
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of joy
Come and perceive all ire of life
- Holy Odu OturaObara

The slanderous adversaries would have you believe that their opinions are as valuable as your mastery. They would do anything to convince the world that their gossip is as impactful as your contribution. They are delusional! Let the slandering gossipers continue to curse while you continue to distinguish yourself through accomplishment, elevation and achievement. Àse!

I am looking for leaders who are ready to improve the world through positive influence. If that is you, find out how Oloye Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can help you take your practice and your life to the next level.

Join us today: ObafemiO.com


Structured for Success means consistently doing things in a deliberate and organized fashion.

In the School of Orisa Studies, we create a secure learning environment, where you get trained in the fundamentals of Orisa devotion.

Our students learn the sacred text of Ifa, to chant in Yoruba, to practice dream incubation and to practice weekly orisa devotion.

We gather online and in person at regular intervals to perform ceremonies. The School of Orisa Studies offers ancient wisdom in a modern format.

Join us today:



Elà tú u, Elà dì í
A dífá fún Orunmila,
Wón ní àwọn enití ó bá wò, Gbogbo wọn ni yó sàn.

Ela looses it,
Elà binds it
Cast Ifá for Orunmila,
Saying that the patients he treats Will all receive complete cure
- OwonrinIwori

Orunmila is a well-rounded divinity who plays many roles. He is a king, a priest, a teacher and a healer. In all these capacities, Orunmila’s primary purpose is to restore the world.

And so it is, that we are compelled to follow Orunmila’s example. Let us devote our lives to helping to bring about the Good Condition. Àse!

Obafemi Orígúnwà, MA | OrisaLifestyle.com

The Art of Self Rejection 08/28/2024

What aspects of yourself are you ready to reject in order to be truly great?

The Art of Self Rejection Obafemio.com

Betray the Tradition of Speculation 08/27/2024

not everything is subjective. sometimes, you just need to know the rules. when you know better, you can do better.

Betray the Tradition of Speculation


Wiley and the Hairy Man is one of my favorite folk tales. It’s about a country boy whose mother is a conjure woman.

The Hairy Man is a forest creature who is steeped in conjure and, for some reason, is determined to capture Wiley, just as he did Wiley’s father.

In classic folklore fashion, young Wiley uses cunning and guile to outsmart the Hairy Man twice. When his mother discovers what’s been happening, she makes use of a ruse to trick the Hairy Man a third and final time.

The story derives from the sacred text of Ifa, specifically OdiOsa. I like it, in part, because the story demonstrates how critical thinking is superior to magical powers.

Wiley defeats the Hairy Man by convincing him to use magic to his own detriment.

This is why Ifa says, ‘While magic is only for special days, sacrifice is for every day.’

Obafemi Origunwa, MA | ObafemiO.com


For our linguists and language experts, according o the rules of Yoruba language, is òrisà derived from the word Orí? Please make it plain for the world, once and for all.


Let us do all things with joy
Those who wish to go, let them go
Those who wish to stay, let them stay
- Holy Odu IrosunIwori

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. You can provide people solutions to their problems but you cannot force them to relinquish the habits that make them sick. Likewise, you cannot build an empire with people who still crave attention from the village.

I am looking for leaders who are ready to improve the world through positive influence. If that is you, find out how Oloye Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can help you take your practice and your life to the next level.

Join us today: OrisaLifestyle.com

Orisa Personality Types 08/26/2024

Orisa is NOT personality…

Orisa Personality Types "I'm a child of Osun... I'm a child of Obatala" are commonly heard statements nowadays. But are they accurate? Orisa are not personality types. They are prin...


"Bi ojú ò bá fo, ese kil sina." If the eyes do not go blind, feet will not lose the way. In other words, as long as you continue to seek, you will find your way. You may be lost from time to time. But it won't last forever. Just keep looking for the way.

I am looking for leaders who are ready to improve the world through positive influence. If that is you, find out how Oloye Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can help you take your practice and your life to the next level.

Join us today: ObafemiO.com


To be well-seated is to be established and secure. It reflects a level of certainty that defies insult and distraction.

Do you ever meditate upon the image of yourself, seated upon a throne of personal authority?

What is it like when you're grounded, confident and self assured?

In which areas of your life do you enjoy the greatest sense of stability?

What kinds of activities and which kinds of people help you feel empowered?

What are you doing to guarantee yourself that luxury?

What are you doing to support other people in the quest for inward authority?

Living the medicine means gathering personal power and localizing it in a particular place, where you are familiar with the quality and character of everything present and you're recognized as the undisputed authority.

How else can you empower others, if you flee from power yourself?

I am looking for leaders who are ready to improve the world through positive influence. If that is you, find out how Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can help you take your practice and your life to the next level.

Join us today: ObafemiO.com


Precision, Practicality and Spiritual Maturity 08/25/2024

as you master your craft, precision becomes more practical.

Precision, Practicality and Spiritual Maturity OrisaLifestyle.com


Usually, when people pray, we ask for blessings. We beg for emotional, financial or physical relief. We seek answers to difficult questions. We ask for what we want. There is, however, another aspect of prayer that does not revolve around what you want. Instead, this form of prayer focuses on what you already have! It is called gratitude.

Show gratitude for you to receive another blessing
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When going to thank Olodumare for the benefits that he received yesterday
So as to be able to receive more benefits today
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
I am grateful and I receive benefits
I showed gratitude for the benefits received yesterday
And I received more benefits today
Owonrin rete, Ifa I am grateful
- Holy Odu OwonrinIrete

Count your blessings, no matter how small. Give sincere thanks for the life you've lived, the love you've shared, the lessons you've learned... These will become the foundation for the legacy that you will leave.

Live the medicine.

Obafemi Origunwa, MA | ObafemiO.com


Isese l’agba, the tradition is senior. As such, practitioners are expected to demonstrate maturity under all conditions. As the Yoruba say, when the child behaves as a child, the adult behaves as an adult. Elders provide wisdom, resources and solutions. So, if you consider yourself an isese practitioner, what problem are you solving?

I am looking for leaders who are ready to improve the world through positive influence. If that is you, find out how Oloye Obafemi Origunwa and the Orisa Lifestyle Academy can help you take your practice and your life to the next level.

Join us today: ObafemiO.com


You cannot bring a Pomba Gira statue to Nigeria and pass it off as Esu. Likewise, you cannot take yangi to Haiti and have them venerate it as Legba. You cannot undergo initiatory rites for Elegua in Cuba, then ask an Exu priest in Brazil if it was done correctly. They all share the same source. They play the same role in their respective pantheons but they are NOT identical.


Earth is a marketplace; heaven is our home. But the market is not a bad place to hang out! There is so much to see and do.

The market is saturated with feminine energy. Traditionally, the queen rules the market in Yoruba land. She is supported by a retinue of female chiefs who help her govern everything, from pricing to disputes. These chiefs include the Iyaloja, the Iyalaje and the Iyalode.

Even the orisa most associated with the market is female; her name is Aje Saluga. She is the daughter of Olokun. Orisa Aje is the deity of wealth. Her day is Monday.

Ifa describes Aje as a very elusive deity, who is sought out everywhere but is very selective about where she chooses to dwell. If your environment is cluttered, chaotic and riddled with conflict, Orisa Aje will not stay long, if she enters at all.

Of all the different types of akose there are, those for money are among the most popular. Here is a sample prayer for good fortune that would accompany an akose:

Day breaks with good tidings
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
Child if the healthy ones of Ile Ife
Who chant, ‘stepping into the water
Never stops water from flowing
Do not let anything stop todays blessings
From flowing to me

As day becomes afternoon
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
Child of the healthy ones of ile ife
Who chant, ‘stepping into the water
Never stops water from flowing
Do not allow anything to stop today’s blessings
From flowing to me

As afternoon becomes evening,
With all its blessings
Cast Ifa for Orunmila
Child of the healthy ones of Ile Ife
Who chant, ‘stepping into the water
Never stops the water from flowing’
Let nothing stop blessings of wealth, spouse, home, children and progress from flowing to me
Let all these blessings meet me today
- Holy Odu OturaMeji

May this be a day of fortune for you. Àse! Let nothing separate you from the way of progress today. Àse. May Orisa Aje meet you in the marketplace and accompany you home today. Àse!

Obafemi Origunwa, MA | ObafemiO.com

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Ancient Teachings, Modern Format

The Orisa Lifestyle Academy offers a range of experiences to deliver the framework and philosophy of Village Culture in service to individuals, organizations and communities interested in participating 16 generations of social, economic, environmental and cultural wellness. ​ Village Culture is a transformative ‘health and healing’ philosophy. It recognizes that the indigenous knowledge systems of Africa offer viable pathways to healthy development, restoration, and lifelong well-being. ​ ​The Orisa Lifestyle Academy is a community of believers, devotees and priests who are willing to practice Village Culture in order to perform small acts that are good for people, profits and the planet. Learn more: https://www.orisalifestyle.com/

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support high quality education for the orisa community. Join us: OrisaLifestyle.com/abeokuta#alatunse#OrisaLifestyle
Isese l’agba, the tradition is senior. As such, practitioners are expected to demonstrate maturity under all conditions....
Isese l’agba
Ejika Blessings
Araba Okemuyiwa
Abeokuta Campus
Orisa Devotion
Odunfa IrosunOse


Decatur, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 6am - 4pm
Tuesday 6am - 4pm
Wednesday 6am - 4pm
Thursday 6am - 4pm
Friday 6am - 4pm
Saturday 6am - 4pm

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