The Churchill Law Firm

Please visit my newly revised website. The law office of William P. Churchill, III P.C. Attorney At Law, today at (678) 954-5728.

When you are in need of legal services, one of the most important things to consider is the competence and experience of the attorney you are considering retaining. Attorney At Law, has been practicing law for over 25 years and we are extremely knowledgeable in most facets of the law; making us one of the best firms to hire in the area. If you choose to retain our services, you can have direct acc

Timeline photos 03/03/2020

A father's right to visitation simply means that the child's biological father has as much right to spend time with their child as the mother does. In the past, Georgia laws were stacked against fathers, and mothers were often granted full custody rights whether or not they were best suited for the role. To learn about your visitation rights as a father contact our law firm today at 678-954-5728 or visit

Timeline photos 03/02/2020

Every family is different and you know your family best when it comes to deciding how to resolve any family problems. It is recommended to first try to work out visits with the child’s parents. Talk to the parents and tell them you miss your grandchild. You may also try to have a neutral person, such as a mediator, help you with this. As a Georgia mediator, certified in Georgia since March 1997, William P. Churchill, III P.C., has years of experience in assisting clients to craft a solution that fits their needs and concerns. Call 678-954-5728 and visit our website at

Timeline photos 02/25/2020

The adoption process can be confusing and complex. Whether you are seeking to adopt, or needing assistance with an unplanned pregnancy, our law firm can help. With are experienced in assisting both adoptive parents and birth mothers. In Georgia there are several options for adoption. Several key decisions need to be made including the type of adoption (infant or older child), and the country of origin (domestic or international adoptions). These decisions determine where the process begins. If you have questions about adoption call 678-954-5728 for a free consultation.

Timeline photos 02/24/2020

As a father, how can you increase your chances of getting child custody in Georgia? You must be a good father and spend time with your children by involving yourself in their daily lives. You need to be responsible and reliable to the needs of your kids. Know and participate in all aspects of their lives. This includes school activities, doctor’s appointments, extracurricular events and getting to know and bonding with their friends.

Timeline photos 02/21/2020

Have you been cut out of your child's life by a vengeful former spouse? Are you seeking to have parental rights established through the paternity legal process? Has your ex-wife or mother of your child attempted a parental relocation without court permission, taking the child away from you against his or her will, and denying you the parenting time granted in your divorce judgment? Contact The Churchill Law Firm today! We advocate for the rights of men and fathers, married or not, in family law issues related to child custody and parenting, child support and paternity. Fathers have the same right to co-parent under the law as mothers. Contact us today at (678) 954-5728 and visit for more information. William P. Churchill, III has 20-plus years of family law experience, proven skills and knowledge of strategies that can benefit you.

Timeline photos 02/13/2020

In Georgia, Grandparents have the right to ask for visitation or custody. Enough research has been gathered over the years to prove that children NEED their Grandparents and have problems as they grow up if this Grandparent-Grandchild relationship is interfered with. Judges have learned to take seriously the "best interests of the child" concept which has opened the door for Grandparents to help their Grandchildren.

Timeline photos 01/24/2020

A good mediation will result in a solution that works best for both parties involved. This requires a creative thought process in a neutral environment. For more information or to schedule a consultation with our attorney contact us today at 678-954-5728.

Timeline photos 01/22/2020

If you’re like most grandparents, you want to spend time with your grandchildren. If you’re restricted from doing so, you may be saddened, frustrated, and interested in learning more about grandparents rights in Georgia. Our law firm specializes in helping grandparents with exercising their legal rights. For a free consultation call 678-954-5728 or visit our website at

Timeline photos 01/10/2020

Just like a sunny day with a rainbow comes out after a fierce thunderstorm signifying peace...divorce mediation can achieve a calm and peaceful resolution to a divorce. The difference is that with mediation you can achieve the sunny day without having to go through the thunderstorm. Contact our law office today at 678-954-5728 or visit our website at

Timeline photos 01/05/2020

Divorce is painful enough, and court only adds to your anxiety and misery. It’s time-consuming, draining, and expensive. The good news is that there's another way! With divorce mediation, you can resolve all matters privately and quickly. For more information about our services please check out our website at

Timeline photos 12/29/2019

A truck accident, at any speed, can seriously hurt. If you have been in a truck accident, contact us at 678-954-5728 or visit us online at

Timeline photos 12/27/2019

We understand and empathize with our clients involved in family matters. We strive to work out an arrangement using mediation that is satisfying to both parties. For more information visit us online at

Timeline photos 12/24/2019

Our attorney William P. Churchill, III knows making decisions following a divorce can be emotionally exhausting. His primary goal is to ease your mind and comfort you as you are fully informed of your legal options. For more information about our services please check out our website at

Timeline photos 12/22/2019

Have a custody agreement or an order already in effect? Does something need to be changed? You may be able to modify your custody agreement or order! For a free consultation call (678) 954-5728 or visit us online at

Timeline photos 12/21/2019

A legally separated couple can get divorced by asking the court to convert the separation into a decree of dissolution.

Timeline photos 12/19/2019

Car accidents happen in the blink of an eye. The physical and emotional effects can last a lifetime. While some people walk away with little to no bruises, others are severely injured. If you have been injured call us at 678-954-5728 or visit us online at

Timeline photos 12/18/2019

Mediation Advantage: Help both parties to resolve and work out conflicts before it arise.

Timeline photos 12/12/2019

A mediator is an impartial third party, they are neutral. Their job is to assist you in making decisions by providing necessary information about the legal process, clarifying issues, directing you to explore alternative solutions, and ultimately find solutions, which sometimes means compromising to make things work for the best. For more information about our services please check out our website at

Timeline photos 12/09/2019

For many couples, the thought of going to court to settle their case can be distressing. If you want you and your spouse to work together to reach an agreement that works for you both, mediation could be the right option for you. Let us help you lessen your load and give you a piece of mind. Give our mediator a call today at (678) 954-5728 or visit our website at

Timeline photos 12/05/2019

If an accident happens, do you know what to do after? Documenting important details after an accident can be essential in your case. For more information about our services please call us at 678-954-5728 or check out our website at

Timeline photos 12/04/2019

"I've been served legal papers...what should I do?"

Once you have been served, you only have a limited time to answer. If you have been served with legal papers, we recommend that you contact an attorney to ensure you answer correctly and talk about a strategy.

For more information about our services please check out our website at

Timeline photos 12/03/2019

Do you know what the secret to a successful and happy divorce is? It’s mediation. We can help you come to an agreement that is acceptable to both parties. For a free consultation call 678-954-5728 or visit us online at

Timeline photos 11/26/2019

“A child's shoulders were not built to bear the weight of their parent's choices.”

Timeline photos 11/25/2019

Many times as parents, we get upset when the other parent disappoint our children. Many times, we forget the empathy part and act irrationally. Even though it may be properly fit, it's not helpful to anyone. Questions about mediation? Call 678-954-5728 to set up a consultation with us today.

Timeline photos 11/18/2019

As a family law attorney I handle many child support cases and one of the questions I often get is "Can my child support payment amount be modified?" In the state of Georgia, a parent may request an increase or decrease in child support if there is a significant change in circumstances such as: if either parent becomes unemployed for an extended period, the needs of the child increases, if you have an illness or become disabled to the point where it impacts your income or if you receive a significant wage increase just to name a few. Whether you seek a child support modification or you want to defend against a petition for modification, it is important to consult with a knowledgeable lawyer as soon as possible. If you need help or have any questions call (678) 954-5728 or visit our website at to schedule a consultation.

Timeline photos 11/13/2019

The process of going through a divorce is tough. When children are involved, your divorce case becomes even more complex and more emotional. It is important to partner with a divorce and child custody lawyer that is experienced and compassionate, to help you get the results that are in you and your children’s best interest. The Law Office of William P. Churchill, III P.C. has over 25 years experience in family law. Contact our law firm to discuss your options.

Timeline photos 11/12/2019

When it come to legal separation, legally speaking, there is no legal separation in the state of Georgia. However, there is something called separate maintenance. Separate maintenance is the separation of spouses without the marriage being legally terminated. Even though you may be living separately, there are still decisions to be made about child support, custody and alimony just like a divorce. If you are going through a separation be sure to seek legal counsel. For a free consultation contact us at (678) 954-5728 or visit for more information.

Timeline photos 11/08/2019

When you have children, custody and visitation plays an important role in your divorce. You must devise a parenting plan that protects your rights and the best interests of your child. At The law office of William P. Churchill, III P.C., we fight hard to protect the interests of parents and children going through a divorce.

Timeline photos 10/24/2019

In family law, no issue is more emotional than when it comes to child custody. Quite often, we get calls from parents expressing the fear of “losing” their child or children, because they do not fully understand how child custody works in Georgia. Truth of the matter is that very few people “lose” access to their kids in a divorce or child custody proceeding. However, it is true that children will need to divide their time between two households when their parents are no longer together and in some cases supervised visitation may be appropriate between a child and a parent. If you find yourself in the middle of a custody battle, whether it be in a divorce, modification, or original suit regarding your child, you need to meet with a Georgia child custody lawyer as soon as possible. Contact us at (678) 954-5728 for a free consultation to discuss your custody rights.

Timeline photos 10/22/2019

Unlike most lawsuits which occur between strangers, divorces or custody battles involve intimate partners who were once in love and living together. Because Georgia courts have the authority to modify orders involving children, many cases can remain open for years. After the legal proceedings are finally over, the parties will have to maintain some kind of relationship to raise their children. If you are considering a divorce or are dealing with any other family law matter, it's helpful to know that there are other options besides going to court including Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). In ADR, the parties meet with a professional, neutral third party who helps you resolve your dispute in a way that is less formal and usually more consensual than is done in the courts. For those couples who want to avoid a long and costly trial, mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) are often the best choices. If you have questions about Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and other options call our law firm today at 678-954-5728 or visit

Timeline photos 10/16/2019

As a grandparent, it is within your rights under Georgia law to ask the courts for visitation rights to see your grandchildren. To begin the petition process, contact a family law attorney and explain your situation. If possible, it is often best for grandparents to resolve visitation issues with parents outside of court. Mediation is an alternative to going to court that allows you to safely and openly discuss your needs and concerns regarding your grandchildren.

Timeline photos 10/11/2019

Dads make a big difference! Fight for your rights as a father to be involved in your child's life.

Timeline photos 10/08/2019

Without question, the greatest benefit of divorce mediation is that it gives you and your spouse a chance to resolve your divorce and property division issues by yourselves, without submitting your case to a third party judge whom you barely know. A collaborative divorce is the preferred way to go if you want to get a divorce without the court dictating the outcome. Most of the time, going to trial is an exercise of loss of control with a judge making decisions for your family’s future. Also, settlements reached in mediation tend to have a higher compliance rate, and ultimately have a higher perceived fairness by all parties involved as compared to a trial. If you are thinking about divorce mediation, contact our law office today for a free consultation. Call (678) 954-5728 or visit us online at

Timeline photos 09/30/2019

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Avvo Client Review: "Magnificent Work!! This attorney was thorough, professional and on time with my case. He was empathic to the needs of my PI case and is still working on it, since now we have to go to court as a law suit. He is meticulous and accurate with how things are done and the outcome that may happen. I rate this attorney with the highest ratings and he deserves it." -Helen

Timeline photos 09/25/2019

Have you been denied the pleasure of seeing your grandchildren due to a divorce or the loss of one of their parents? As a grandparent you have rights, and the state of Georgia will allow you to seek visitation through the courts. To take legal action, you will have to first file a petition for visitation rights. Then you and the parents of your grandchildren may be sent to mediation. If you can’t agree on visitations, or if there isn’t a mediation held, then the court will hold a hearing to decide if the request will be granted and under what terms. Legal actions and court proceedings can be complicated. Having an experienced and reputable grandparent rights lawyer by your side can help you better understand your rights and the process. If you want to seek visitation of your grandchildren then call William P. Churchill, III P.C. Attorney At Law, today at (678) 954-5728.

Timeline photos 09/24/2019

Child custody and visitation rights for fathers in Georgia have evolved over the past few years. Georgia courts tend to assume that it is in your child’s best interest to have equal access to both parents. This means that more and more, fathers’ rights are getting recognition both in and out of the courtroom. If you are a father who is going through a divorce or you are trying to gain access to your child, we would love to talk to you about your case. Call 678-954-5728 to schedule an initial free consultation and learn more about your rights.

Timeline photos 09/23/2019

Adoption in Georgia is for the most part, controlled by Georgia state law. Before pursuing an adoption, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with Georgia’s policies regarding advertising for birth parents, birth mother expenses, consents to adoption, adoption subsidies, and more. When you’re ready to begin the adoption process, be sure to consult and hire an adoption attorney who is very knowledgeable about Georgia’s adoption laws. Our law firm has years of experience bringing joy to families throughout Georgia engaged in the adoption process. To schedule your free adoption law consultation, call us today at 678-954-5728.

Timeline photos 09/20/2019

When couples divorce, the changes may be most upsetting for your children. The longer such matters are drawn out, the more challenging it will be for you and your family to deal with the changes and move on with your lives. Therefore, if you are considering a divorce you may find it of benefit to work with an attorney who specializes in divorce mediation. As a Georgia mediator, certified in Georgia since March 1997, our law firm has the following goals for every mediation we undertake: to save money, save time, promote dialogue and to find a solution. For additional information about our ability to assist you with mediation, please contact the office of William P. Churchill, III P.C. at 678-954-5728 or visit our website at

Timeline photos 09/19/2019

A father has the same rights as the mother does to his child. According to national statistics, more than 24 million children in the United States don’t reside with their biological father. Studies show, however, that when non-custodial fathers are regularly involved in their children’s lives, children do better in school, participate more in extra-curricular activities, and have a greater sense of self-esteem. To enforce your rights as a father, you must be proactive and hire a lawyer who will fight for your rights. During the divorce process, you need to ask for custody, if that’s what you want. To speak with an experienced fathers rights attorney call 678-954-5728 for your free consultation.

Timeline photos 09/18/2019

Protect your kids and your future. Mediation is the best way to get divorced while reducing conflict and creating your own family solutions. For a free consultation call 678-954-5728 or visit us online at

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160 Clairemont Avenue , Ste 200
Decatur, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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