Immanuel Anglican Church, Decatur, GA Videos

Videos by Immanuel Anglican Church in Decatur. Immanuel is a vibrant Anglican church worshipping in Decatur, Georgia. Our aim is to be people who i

On January 6th, the church celebrates the feast of Epiphany recognizing the revelation of Jesus Christ to the world as Savior of both Israel and the Gentiles. During the season of Epiphany that follows, we celebrate that Christ is made known to us, revealed to us, and made manifest in and around us. We desire to see him as he is–starting with the revelation to the Magi, through his baptism, and into his life of ministry. Jesus is being made known to us and to the world. As we move through this season after Epiphany, there are two things we would like to offer to help you better engage...

First, we have a house blessing available on our website for you to download and use with friends, family, or neighbors! House blessings services are traditionally held during Epiphany, and we hope you all will be able to participate in your own time and place using this resource.

Second, beginning on January 23rd, we will be hosting a class on the Gospel of Mark, where we will be taking a deeper look at our gospel for the year, what it has to say about Jesus and the kingdom of God, and how it can impact our lives and stories today.

You can find these resources and sign up for the class at (link in bio).

Other Immanuel Anglican Church videos

On January 6th, the church celebrates the feast of Epiphany recognizing the revelation of Jesus Christ to the world as Savior of both Israel and the Gentiles. During the season of Epiphany that follows, we celebrate that Christ is made known to us, revealed to us, and made manifest in and around us. We desire to see him as he is–starting with the revelation to the Magi, through his baptism, and into his life of ministry. Jesus is being made known to us and to the world. As we move through this season after Epiphany, there are two things we would like to offer to help you better engage... First, we have a house blessing available on our website for you to download and use with friends, family, or neighbors! House blessings services are traditionally held during Epiphany, and we hope you all will be able to participate in your own time and place using this resource. Second, beginning on January 23rd, we will be hosting a class on the Gospel of Mark, where we will be taking a deeper look at our gospel for the year, what it has to say about Jesus and the kingdom of God, and how it can impact our lives and stories today. You can find these resources and sign up for the class at (link in bio).

Join Immanuel's Connect Team!
Do you like meeting new people and making new connections? If yes, we are looking for people to join Immanuel's Connect Team and would love for you to consider being a part of it! What Is the Connect Team? The Connect Team is a lay-led initiative that seeks to bring people together beyond our Sunday services. Connect Team members currently engage in our community in the following ways: What Does the Connect Team Do? -Plan and host events (Women’s Wine & Cheese Night, board game night, the Men’s Golf Scramble). -Help with Coffee + Connect, the Welcome Desk, and meeting with newcomers. -Connect more intentionally with others during Immanuel gatherings big and small. It's okay to only be interested in one of these things! If this is something your are interested in joining, you can reach out to Allison Keene ([email protected]) to find out more or sign up at

2023 Season of Advent
The season of Advent and a new church calendar begins this year on December 3rd. As we intentionally work to create space to meditate on Jesus' coming into our lives–as a baby in a manger, in our day-to-day activities, and His future coming–we have collected some resources and created a prayer guide (which you can use during our Advent morning prayer services or at home on your own) to help you engage in this season in a deeper way. You can find these, as well as opportunities to serve in our local community, on our website at

Fall Worship & Prayer | October 24th at 7:30pm
Our fall Worship & Prayer will be on Tuesday, October 24 at 7:30pm. If you haven't ever been to a Worhip & Prayer service–all are welcome! These are nights of prayer, musical worship, and guided silence, designed to create space to experience Jesus and receive from the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We hope you will come as you are, to slow down as we approach the end of Ordinary Time, and to hear from God and receive prayer.

Starting next week, we will be spending a month unpacking Paul's letter to the Philippians. Philippians is a book filled with themes of life in Christian community, which we are excited to learn together what it can teach us about God and what it holds for our life as believers today. Alongside Sunday mornings, we will be hosting two evenings of contemplative prayer on October 3rd and 10th, as we invite God to show us how Paul’s letter to the Philippians is also an invitation for us to live humbly, graciously, and joyfully in a community of faith. You can find out more info and register at (link in bio).

We hope you will join us Wednesday, March 29th from 7:30 to 9pm for a night of prayer, musical worship, and guided silence to mark the Lenten season together. If you have never attended a Worship & Prayer service at Immanuel before, they are designed to help create space to reflect on the season, receive prayer, and be ministered to by the Holy Spirit. In this season of preparation, we hope that it offers you the opportunity to reflect and repent as we journey through the wilderness together.

Want to keep up with everything that's happening in the life of our church? The easiest way is to sign up for The Weekly–a once a week email that includes important info in the life of our church, upcoming events, announcements and celebrations, as well as the Daily Office readings for the week. If you are not signed up, you can do so at (Pro tip: make sure to move The Weekly from your promotions folder into your inbox if you're a Gmail user, so you don't miss out on anything new!)

“I Love Your Presence”
@kaylajohnsonmusic sings “I Love Your Presence,” written by Darren and Jessie Clarke, during Immanuel’s Fall 2021 Worship & Prayer service. Our next Worship & Prayer service will be on Wednesday, March 23rd at 7:30 pm. The evening will be a justice-oriented night of prayer, musical worship, and guided silence–designed to create space to receive from the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Prompts, texts, and songs will be used to emphasize engaging justice as a means of heart transformation. We hope you can join us!

Tomorrow is the traditional Church feast day of Shrove Tuesday! In honor of this final feast day before Lent, we want to share these tips for the perfect pancake from Immanuel's very own Jon Holbrook, who has overseen our annual Shrove Tuesday feast for years. We filmed this last year so that folks could celebrate Shrove Tuesday with their families during COVID at home, and we hope everyone will continue the tradition with either friends or family this year! You can find the recipe using the link in our bio. Happy feasting, friends!

With Christmas Eve this Friday, it has been surprisingly encouraging to reminisce on this time last year–where our church gathered in the cold of the parking lot, to sing of our Savior's birth and light candles alongside eachother. We hope you are able to join us this Friday for one of our services to celebrate our coming King. And whether you are here at Immanuel, visiting friends and family, or at home, we pray that you are greeted by joy, light, and warmth as we enter the Christmas season together. Christmas Eve Services: Family-Friendly Service at 4pm and 5:30pm Traditional Service and Livestream at 7:30pm Registration at

"Creator of the Stars of Night" Immanuel's worship pastor @micahdalton sings "Creator of the Stars of Night," by High Street Hymns. The chorus of this hymn echoes the cry of our hearts during the season of Advent: "Come oh come to us."

This Advent season, we are focusing on what it looks like to live as a people "In Exile." This past Sunday our Formation Pastor, Ginny Seibel, began this journey in Luke's gospel, by reminding us of the bigger story we are all situated in, and what hope this has to offer Christians in seasons of longing, waiting, and distress. If you have not had the opportunity to listen yet, you can find the full sermon on our podcast and YouTube channel.

"Agnus Dei"
"Agnus Dei" Immanuel's worship team sings "Angus Dei," written by Michael W. Smith, during the first Worship & Prayer service. Last month, we hosted our very first Worship & Prayer service at Immanuel. Our hope was to create a space, both spiritual and physical, where we could all slow down, invite the Holy Spirit to be present with us, and collectively resist a hurried way of life. The service is now available online, and we hope that you will, through this digital experience, take the opportunity to create a similar intentional space over the coming weeks with your own home, where you can experience God's presence and nearness. You can watch now at (link in bio).

One of our values at Immanuel is to be a faithful presence to the community in which we have been planted. One way we do this is through investing in, participating with, and celebrating our local partners. These are indigenous non-profits and organizations that are living among and fighting for their neighbors. On November 15th at 7:30pm, we are hosting neighborhood meetups around the city. Our hope with these meetups is to create a space within your local area where you can connect with our local partners that serve there, hear about the great work they are doing, and find out ways you can come alongside them. This is also a great space to connect with your neighborhood group or meet others that live near you in the Immanuel community. If there isn't a meetup in your specific neighborhood, feel free to join in on the one closest to you. You can register at (link in bio). We hope to see you there!

Church Update: Fall 2021
We have a lot to celebrate and many things we would love for you to be a part of this fall in the life of Immamuel Anglican Church. -Livestream services at 9am will continue through the end of the year -Worship & Prayer service on October 13th from 8 to 9pm -Immanuel Kids classes now open for kids from birth to fifth grade -Share your celebrations at -Fall Festival on October 24th from 4 to 7pm Watch the video for more details and you can find links and registration to all of these things at (links in bio).

Church Update: New Service Changes Beginning July 4th!
Beginning on Sunday, July 4th, we will be making some adjustments to our Sunday morning service times! Indoor Services at 9 and 11am, masks required. Immanuel Kids (0-4 yrs) at 9 and 11am. Livestream available at 11am. Parking Lot Communion from 10 to 10:30am. Registration for kids and those attending indoor services can be found on the website. Our hope is to begin adding more kids classes starting in August, but in order to do that we need your help! If you call Immanuel home, you can volunteer to join one of our kids teams by visiting (link in bio).

Trinity Eastside Easter Sunday Video
@matthewpbrowne shares why the bodily resurrection of Jesus calls us to good work in our world. Check out the full service on our webpage.