Fusion MD

Fusion MD is a unique physician's office fusing both natural remedies and western medicine to not only heal the body but to build a healthy body.


We will be CLOSED Thursday, July 4th, and Friday, July 5th. Wishing all of you a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Send a message to learn more


It's that time of year again! When it comes to DEET free tick and mosquito repellants, not all essential oils are created equal! The key ingredient that you're looking for in your natural repellant is "oil of lemon eucalyptus", so keep browsing past that plain lemon oil, citronella oil, or eucalyptus oil blend until you find the true "oil of lemon eucalyptus" product! Oil of lemon eucalyptus is EPA rated to repel mosquitos for up to 6 hours, and ticks for 4 hours. As with any oil, patch test first, and use caution with children (avoid hand application to reduce risk of eye contamination). Oil of lemon eucalyptus is not recommended for children younger than 6 months.

We are seeing a lot of tickborne illnesses in clinic, so feel free to call the office with any questions or concerns about prevention and post-bite treatment options!


🌸 Spring Wellness Sale: May 14-15 🌸
Get ready to boost your well-being! FusionMD is excited to announce our Spring Wellness Sale. For two days only—on May 14th and 15th—all supplements are 20% off! 🎉
Whether you’re looking to enhance your immune system, support your energy levels, or improve overall health, we’ve got you covered. Our high-quality supplements are carefully curated to meet your wellness needs.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to invest in your health. Mark your calendar for May 14th and 15th, and stock up on the supplements you love! 🌿
Remember, good health starts from within. Take advantage of our Spring Wellness Sale and nourish your body with the best.


Fullscript - FusionMD's online dispensary


***Monday, January 22nd ***

Out of concern for our staff and patients, we will be CLOSED today.

Our staff is still answering the phones from home to assist with rescheduling appointments and other patient needs. Stay safe out there!


Happy Thanksgiving from our FusionFamily to yours! We are so thankful for all of you, and to be able to walk alongside you in your health and wellness (and sometimes sickness) journeys. We feel privileged that you continue to choose us to provide care to you and your families!

Also, remember check out the Fullscript Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales for anything you need to restock in your supplement cabinets for winter!



We have some new faces and new additions that we are so excited to share with you!

Becky Ellis, APRN, FNP-C is our newest FusionFamily provider and we can't wait for you to meet her! She's been working with Dr. Fox and Kristen for a year during her clinical work, and is now up and running and ready to help you tackle your health and wellness! Becky comes to us from the OU Children's NICU as a nurse for 6 years, and finished her Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree with OU Health Science this past spring. Becky has so much priceless experience with babies and children both personally and professionally, and your kiddos will love seeing her smiling face around the clinic! When she's not in clinic, she enjoys homeschooling her four kids, and hanging out with her big family of five sisters!

As we continue to expand and offer new integrative services such as IV therapy, peptide therapy, integrative cancer screenings, and try to find balance between our insurance and integrative practice, provider availability continues to be tough. We know this can be frustrating for patients (it's frustrating for us too!), but we are doing our best to provide the very best integrative care, and still maintain balance and wellness for our providers and staff. For those patients looking for a more in-depth approach with Dr. Fox specifically, we do have a consult option called FusionAccess that might be a good fit for you and your family. Find more info at Fusionaccess.org.

Thank you all for continuing to support our mission and being apart of our FusionFamily!


🌟Independence Day Holiday Hours🌟
Monday - regular hours 7:30am-4:30pm, IV's available
Tuesday - CLOSED ❤️🤍💙
Wednesday - Late Start - 10:00am - 4:30pm (to decrease 🦊 grumpiness)

"There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself in acts of bravery and heroism." Alexander Hamilton

Wishing all of our FusionFamily a safe and happy 4th of July!


We will be CLOSED on Monday, June 19th, in recognition of Juneteenth!

"The historical legacy of Juneteenth shows the value of never giving up hope in uncertain times." National Museum of African American History and Culture.

While the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on January 1, 1863, it could not immediately be enforced in all of the Confederate controlled states. It wasn't until June 19, 1865, that Union soldiers marched into Galveston Bay and announced that the 250,000 remaining enslaved black people were free by executive decree after 200+ years of slavery in America.



Edited to add: For fillable pdf Opt-out forms, email [email protected]

Have you heard about OKSHINE or HIE - Oklahoma State Health Information Exchange?

HIE is a state mandated program that will go into effect on July 1, 2023.

OKSHINE dictates that ALL licensed medical providers in the state of Oklahoma, doctors, mid-level providers, physical/occupational therapists, chiropractors, mental health providers (therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists), pharmacists, dentists, etc., will be REQUIRED to give the state access to their electronic medical records. The state will then pull patient information into the state-run OKSHINE system. (This applies to ALL licensed providers whether or not they accept insurance or are cash pay entities.)

Per the OKSHINE website, the state’s system will pull the following information from individual providers:

Names of the doctors/health professionals who provide your care
Current medications prescribed to you
Lab and x-ray results
Past procedures
Known allergies
Immunization records
Hospital discharge records
Basic personal information (your name, address, family phone contacts, etc.)

As of now, patients have the ability to “opt out” for “sensitive” medical information, but our understanding is that all patient information will still be submitted to the state, but those with opt out forms will have more protection from others accessing it once in the state system.

OKSHINE says it will have measures in place to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing patient information, but we do not know what those safeguards will be. We also don’t know how available those records will be to other corporate entities - life insurance companies, long term care companies, potential employers, other providers/staff, etc - especially in the future.

Because of the nature of our practice, our patient population, the amount of specialized testing (immunization titers, epigenetic testing, mental health notes/diagnoses, hormone testing, past medical procedures, and on and on) in our electronic medical records, and the financial cost to the clinic (we have to pay an initiation fee >$10,000, as well as monthly fees to support the process), we are OPPOSED to the state having access to our electronic medical records and being able to download sensitive patient information. We are doing all that we can to protect our patients and our practice, but our options are very limited at this time.

We have filed for an exemption, but our understanding is that we likely do not meet the requirements outlined. We are asking patients to be informed regarding HIE regulations, contact your representatives for more information and request a hold be placed on this legislation. In the meantime, we have an OPT OUT FORM that needs to be signed and submitted back to us ASAP. Our hope is that if a majority of our patients OPT OUT, then we will have a better chance of exemption as a whole.

For pdf fillable opt-out forms, email [email protected] or we have hard copies at the clinic.


Lupus is an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks healthy tissues. In systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the most common form of lupus, the immune system attacks tissues such as the joints, skin, kidneys, and heart. Cutaneous lupus is a form of lupus that only attacks the skin. While most lupus patients are women, contributing to 90% of patients with this disease, men are also at risk for developing this disease.

People with SLE often present with pain, extreme fatigue, hair loss, cognitive issues, cardiovascular disease, strokes, rashes, and other physical impairments. SLE-affected individuals are dissuaded from using supplements that may stimulate the immune system, including echinacea, elderberry, and even zinc. However, they are able to continue supplements like vitamin D, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids.

For patients experiencing joint pain as a main or contributing symptom of SLE, supplementing with a product such as Joint Comfort by Omne Diem may provide relief. It is formulated with 3 main ingredients: turmeric, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Turmeric helps to target inflammation in the body and is available by itself in a product we carry in-office called Turiva. Collagen and hyaluronic acid work together to support connective tissue elasticity, strength, and repair. Connective tissues include joints, tendons, ligaments and fascia. Hyaluronic acid is able to draw water into these connective tissues to better hydrate them and maintain decompression, or a healthy “bounce,” while collagen is the primary constituent for connective tissues. Collagen may also provide support for healthy, smooth, firm, and youthful skin. Other supporting factors not contained in this formula include Vitamin C and magnesium, which are both safe to take in lupus patients.

Another product that may help patients with lupus is low-dose naltrexone, also known as LDN. LDN is a prescription medication that has many uses among a wide range of diseases, including many inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. This is because of its ability to block toll-like receptors (TLRs) to reduce production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and suppress the cascade of bodily inflammation. It is also able to bind to op**te receptors in the body for analgesic, or pain-relieving, effects. It should be noted that LDN is NOT a narcotic, and in high doses, may be used to treat addiction. However, its effects in the body at low doses promotes endogenous op**te production, such as that of endorphins, and increases the amount of op**te receptors on cells. You can learn more about LDN’s mechanism of action and many uses in the link below.



Save the date for SPELLERS, a new documentary film inspired by the book "Underestimated" about non-verbal ASD patients and a revolutionary communication system.



April is Autism Awareness month!

To our children who learn differently, communicate differently, and don't fit into society's mold, we SEE you, we VALUE your gifts and talents, and to the families that work tirelessly to advocate for your children, we've got your back!


Current statistics show about 1 in 36 children have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Dr. Fox and the FusionMD providers are constantly working to provide integrative, compassionate and forward thinking care to our ASD community.

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.


Celebrating BWS Awareness Day with our FusionMD family.


We will be CLOSED on Friday, April 7th, for Good Friday. Have a great weekend, everyone!


Hope to see y'all there! Head over to https://heehawforhealth.com/ for tickets!

So. Excited. Go to www.Heehawforhealth.com for tickets (or to signup to volunteer and get in free!!! 😉)


March 26: Diabetes Alert Day

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and happens when the body is unable to process and regulate blood sugar over time. Prediabetes and diabetes can increase risk of other disease processes like heart disease, kidney disease and vision changes. Diabetes is diagnosed when a patient's average blood sugar % is over 6.5 in a 3 month span. "Prediabetes" is an A1c of 5.7%-6.4%.

Both diabetic patients and prediabetic patients can manage their condition through lifestyle changes, plus natural and traditional medicine. Weight loss can improve insulin resistance which allows the body to process sugars better, and some supplements are thought to aid in sugar regulation. Oral and injectible presciption medications, are also applicable to diabetic and prediabetic patients.

Diaxinol is a supplement created to support glucose control, especially in those struggling with diabetes. It contains a handful of ingredients to do this. Biotin, which is shown to activate glucokinase involved in glucose utilization, has seen success in enhancing insulin sensitivity by stimulating glucose-induced insulin secretion. It may also accelerate the metabolism of glucose in the liver and pancreas. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), which is required for the breakdown of carbohydrates and fatty acids, has been shown to activate AMPK for healthy blood sugar support, down-regulate genes involved in fat storage, and activate genes involved with burning fat. ALA is also an antioxidant that is able to clear out damaging free radicals. Oftentimes, ALA is also taken alone for the above benefits. Chromium is another ingredient that may be taken alone for its effects. One of these effects include helping to maintain healthy blood sugar balance. As a critical piece in the molecule glucose tolerance factor (GTF), chromium helps in the uptake of glucose into the cells. Additionally, taking chromium and biotin together has been shown to support healthy triglyceride (TG) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL or “good” cholesterol) levels. Cinnamon, which is rich in several nutrients, is able to inhibit several enzymes involved in insulin resistance. Vanadyl Sulfate (VS), the inorganic form of the element vanadium, mimics the action of insulin and stimulates Akt. This in turn activates GLUT4 for insulin-regulated glucose transport into the cells to help improve insulin sensitivity. It may also decrease glucose production. Though Diaxinol is a great supplement for supporting healthy blood sugar levels, it's not the only one. Remember berberine from last month’s monthly awareness topic? Check out its effectiveness for regulating blood sugar levels as well!



🦓 Medical providers are often taught that when you “hear hooves”, you just look for a horse, but sometimes you get a zebra 🦓 (or even an okapi!)

Our Fusion providers take pride in digging deeper for root causes, and being on the lookout for 🦓 with our patients!


February: American Heart Month
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the US, causing 1 in 3 deaths annually. One of the largest risk factors to developing heart disease is hypertension, or high blood pressure. Of the American adults that have hypertension, only 1 in 4 have it under control. Many things may affect blood pressure, such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and smoking. High cholesterol may also contribute to high blood pressure and heart disease because too much cholesterol can cause plaque buildup and hardening of the arteries, termed “atherosclerosis”. This may, in turn, cause a decrease of blood flow and oxygen to major organs, including the kidneys, eyes, brain, and heart. This is especially concerning if the plaque ruptures and travels to major arteries, like the carotid artery that supplies blood to the brain or the coronary artery that supplies blood to the heart. When blood flow to the heart is blocked, it causes heart muscle to irreversibly die, which is termed “heart attack.” Likewise, lack of blood flow to the brain causes a stroke wherein brain cells die, which may cause serious disabilities in speech and movement. Both of these cardiovascular events can be fatal.

To maintain a healthy blood pressure, it is recommended that patients eat a healthy, low-sodium diet, engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week, get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, and seek opportunities to manage stress. A healthy blood pressure is described as


Thank you all for your support and interaction with our holiday advent calendar posts!

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. Cervical cancer is most often caused by a long-standing, untreated infection with HPV (human papilloma virus). HPV testing is a component of routine PAP smears, and one reason that staying up-to-date with wellness exams is so important.

While every patient and case is different, there are some viable herbal options for HPV. Astragalus is one option that integrative providers may recommend for viral infections such as HPV. Astragalus is an antiviral adaptogen also known for its ability to aid in cancer prevention. It is directly linked to elimination of HPV due to its ability to activate interleukin-2 (IL-2), which in turn activates the growth and activity of T cells and B cells that are responsible for recognizing and killing pathogens. Furthermore, astragalus may inhibit growth HPV-infected cells by inducing autophagy, or viral self destruction.


We are having trouble with our phone service provider this morning and we apologize for the inconvenience! We are working with customer service to try and get back up and running as soon as possible. Thank you for your continued patience as we navigate frustrating complications!


Our office with be closed on Monday, January 16th, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will reopen at 7:30 am on Tuesday, January 17th.


We will be CLOSED Monday, January 2nd, and will reopen at 7:30 am on Tuesday, January 3rd, ready to tackle your 2023 health and wellness goals! Happy New Year to all of our Fusion Fam!


🎼On the 18th day of Christmas, Santa Fox gave to me:

IntraMax, IntraMin, IntraKid – Drucker Labs

Getting adequate nutrients nowadays is difficult. Even if you are making health-wise decisions at the grocery store, many foods may be depleted of nutrients due to processing and refining of foods, nutrient-scarce soil, and other challenges. Using a broad-spectrum supplement such as IntraMax/Min/Kid may provide many health benefits. IntraMax was proven to improve cellular pH which allows for better nutrient and enzyme activation and assimilation, improve cellular ORP which reduces free radical damage and reduces aging, assist in detoxification to decrease cellular toxicity, improve the specific gravity of urine (a measure of hydration), improve cellular carbohydrate digestion to improve cellular functions, and improve cellular respiration to increase energy levels of the individual. IntraMax, IntraMin, and IntraKid is suggested to be taken 30 minutes before or after a meal, and apart from any other pharmaceuticals or nutraceuticals by 2 hours. For children ages 4-12, take ½ an ounce per day 6 days a week. For adults and children 12 and older, take 1 ounce per day 6 days a week. Follow dosage with plenty of clean water. Other recommendations can be found on the Drucker Labs website under Protocols, or may be given by a healthcare provider. These products are some of our favorites to provide a broad spectrum of highly absorbable vitamins, minerals, and herbs.



🎼On the 17th day of Christmas, Santa Fox gave to me:

Magnesium Motion- Enzymedica

Magnesium is a macromineral, meaning it is stored in large quantities in the body, and nearly every organ requires it for various processes. It is also one of the top three largest mineral deficiencies in the world (along with calcium and iron), having dropped a whopping 80% in the last century. For this reason, magnesium can be a beneficial supplement, and maybe even a necessary supplement, for nearly everyone. However, not all magnesium supplements are created equal. Versions such as magnesium oxide are very poorly absorbed and will not aid in deficiency, but are beneficial in adding bulk to the stool to relieve constipation. We chose Magnesium Motion because it has 3 highly bioavailable forms of magnesium and is highly absorbed within the body to support mineral deficiencies. It also provides additional benefits due to the substances they are chelated (attached) to. For example, ATA (acetyl taurinate) magnesium, has been proven to cross the blood brain barrier, also known as the BBB, to support resistance to physical and emotional stress. Magnesium malate soothes muscle aches and promotes healthy muscle function and recovery. Magnesium glycinate splits into magnesium, which supports healthy bones, healthy heart rhythm, and cardiovascular function, and glycine, which is a neurotransmitter (NT) that acts within the brain to promote relaxation and improve sleep.



🎼On the 16th day of Christmas, Santa Fox gave to me:

Sinatrol – Ortho Molecular Products

In normal sinuses, cells release mucus to collect microbes and allergens. Hair-like projections called cilia then sweep this mucus from the sinuses to the nasal passages to be expelled by the body. In conditions of upper respiratory challenges, this process is impaired and can cause inflammation, pain, and mucus buildup in the sinuses. Products like Sinatrol help to relieve this with a combination of components. N-Acetyl-L Cysteine (NAC) acts as a mucolytic to break up mucus, bromelain increases the effect of NAC and soothes sinus tissues, and turmeric works to reduce inflammation. Eleuthero, thyme extract, andrographis, licorice root, and berberine all have immunomodulatory effects and work on different parts of the body, including the sinuses, throat, and respiratory tract. This helps to prevent and fight infection that could result from lack of sinus drainage. Berberine, thyme extract, and andrographis can also modulate inflammation to reduce pain in the sinuses.



🎼On the 15th day of Christmas, Santa Fox gave to me:

Ready! Set! Go! – Springboard

Constipation is a common condition for adults and kids alike, but where adults can make dietary and supplement changes, sometimes addressing constipation with children can be a little more challenging. Lack of fiber, which is obtained nearly exclusively from plant foods, may contribute to this condition. Though there is no specific recommendations for fiber intake for children, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that children receive between 19 and 31g of fiber a day depending on age. There are two types of fiber, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, and plant foods contain both in varying amounts. Soluble fiber dissolves in bowel fluids and creates a gel that softens the stool. This not only feeds healthy gut bacteria as it passes through the bowels, but makes it easier for the stool to pass through. In contrast, insoluble fiber cannot dissolve in water and instead absorbs fluids to pull the f***l matter together on its way through the colon to be excreted. Both types of fiber are necessary for bowel health and regularity. This supplement for constipation employs 7 different plant foods to provide fiber for the digestive system and promote healthy bowel movements in a kid-friendly tasty syrup. Say hello to fiber and goodbye to constipation!



🎼On the 14th day of Christmas, Santa Fox gave to me:


Gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, is a neurotransmitter that inhibits the sympathetic nervous system, also known as the “fight or flight” system, to enhance the parasympathetic nervous system, or the “rest and digest” system. Studies show a link between reduced GABA and mental health illnesses such as anxiety, depression, postpartum depression, bipolar depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma exposure, schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorders, chronic stress, and poor sleep. Neurocalm is a formula that uses GABA along with L-Theanine, chamomile, 5-HTP, and other vitamins and minerals to support individuals with stress- or anxiety-induced illness. Other components of NeuroCalm such as L-Theanine promote positive mood, relaxation, and decreased stress and have additive effects with GABA to decrease stress and sleep latency. Chamomile modulates noradrenaline/norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), and serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission, as well as HPA axis activity to impart an anxiolytic and hypnotic effect. This supports relaxation and calmness, which can be helpful to many patients, including those with moderate-to-severe anxiety, depression, and lack of sleep. 5-HTP is made from tryptophan (like the kind in turkey) and is an important precursor to serotonin and melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in mood modulation, cognition, learning, memory, reward, and sleep. Melatonin is the key hormone regulating the sleep-wake cycle. 5-HTP supplementation supports depression, bipolar depression, and depression from Parkinson’s disease. Therefore, this supplement employs many tactics to tackle stress, anxiety, depression, and lack of sleep.



On the 13th day of Christmas, Santa Fox gave to me:

MitoCore – Ortho Molecular Products

This is a great MTHFR safe "multivitamin" product designed to boost cellular energy production by implementing a unique combination of alpha lipoic acid (ALA), N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), and acetyl L-carnitine (ALC), while having the correct form of methylated B vitamins for patients that don't synthesize B's well. ALC is shown to increase the flow of free fatty acids, providing fuel for the mitochondria, or “the powerhouse of the cell.” This allows ALC to recharge cellular energy production. Studies show that the combination of ALC and ALA can lower oxidative stress, protecting DNA, RNA, proteins, mitochondrial membranes and lipids, and cellular function from damage.
ALA is an antioxidant and recharges other antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, CoQ10 and glutathione, some of which are also in this formulation. NAC is also an antioxidant that scavenges free radicals. Lipoic acid and NAC both play a key role in supporting detoxification capacity. This product also contains vitamins and minerals for additional support. Not only do we carry 2 different sizes of the mitocore capsules, 60 capsules and 120 capsules, but the powder is also available upon request.



🎼On the 12th day of Christmas, Santa Fox gave to me:

Equazen Pro – SFI

When looking at the ingredients of this supplement, you will notice that it is mainly fish oils, or omega fatty acids. However, this isn’t your normal fish oil supplement. This blend is specifically formulated for children and adults with ADHD. Studies show that around 11% of children in the US have ADHD, and evidence shows that not only do ADHD individuals have lower amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, they have a higher omega-6 to omega-3 ratios when higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids are preferred in the brain. Equazen supplies a unique ratio of 9:3:1 of EPA:DHA:GLA to optimize fatty acid metabolism and promote healthy inflammatory modulation. This allows this product to also support children’s attention control, vocabulary, immediate memory recall, and balanced mood, as well as improve inattentive behavior and academic performance. This is clinically tested to take up to 12 weeks to see effect, but improvement may be seen in as little as 5 weeks. We didn’t initially intend to carry this product, but after many good reports of improvement from our patients, we now carry the jelly chews and the soft gel capsules.


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With the increase in COVID19 cases, and school around the corner, our daily call volume has drastically increased. We ar...


5472 Main Street , Suite 101
Del City, OK

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 4:30pm
Thursday 7:30am - 4:30pm
Friday 7:30am - 12pm

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3909 SE 29th Street
Del City, 73129

QHHT Level 2 and BQH practitioner, past life regression hypnotherapist in the Oklahoma City area.