Hallow Moon Flow Arts

We are a passionate group of flow artists, brought together by fate under the Halloween Hunter's Blu


I hope the New Year is treating you all well! All the individuals of Hallow Moon have been pretty busy but hope to come together soon to create new content ๐Ÿ’œ
We apologize for the lack of posts on our socials.

Iโ€™ve linked our Instagram for anyone who doesnโ€™t follow us there!
Expect more posts and updates from us ๐Ÿ˜Š
If you or anyone you know is looking for a group of flow and fire performers for your small event or party please contact us!๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ”ฅ



Hallow Moon First Performance 08/07/2021

Hello, everyone! Been a busy few weeks for us here at Hallow Moon, so suffice it to say that time for uploading new content has been rather short. With that being said the editing has been completed on our first performance!!! We did lose the tail end of the performance as the camera died, but what we do have is still an hours worth so we had to make a YouTube channel!๐Ÿ˜ Be sure to Subscribe when you check out the video as we will be uploading most of our video content on there from here out!๐Ÿ˜œ

We hope you enjoy this video and love it as much as we loved performing for it! Keep it PLUR!๐Ÿ’œ

Hallow Moon First Performance Hallow Moons first performance! This video was taken outside of Twinkle Twinkle Little Store in Cheyenne, Wyoming.


The second part features Tre with his spinning continued from the first and Luna, Witch of the Dancing Flame, spinning her fire staff!

Part 2


The first livestreamed video is actually going to be shared in two parts as they were both taken of a firey dance to a Psytrance song!

This first one features Darrah with her buugeng and newcomer Tre with his poi!

Part 1


Hello everyone! We here at Hallow Moon are thrilled with how our event outside of Twinkle Twinkle Little Store went! We felt an outpouring of love and support from everyone in attendance and cannot be more thankful.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป We will be gathering and reviewing the footage captured of us so we will be posting things hopefully throughout the week! Arcadia the herbalist supply store also located inside of Twinkle Twinkle Little Store did some live streaming of us so we thought it may be fun to start with that! But first we have a couple things to cover.

It is with great pleasure that we announce two new members of the Hallow Moon crew! The first is our newest artist, Tre! He is one of the best poi spinners we've ever seen, especially with how comfortable he is doing insane tricks while spinning fire poi! He is also one of the absolute nicest and most generous people we have ever met. The next is our fire safety, Lucas! Anytime someone took even a slight hit with fire he was ready to jump in. Good thing too because with Tre doing some of the insanity he does, Lucas had his work cut out for him in terms of watching. He is also a beginner poi spinner, so watch for more content in the future of this rising star!

So keep looking for videos coming in the future, the live stream footage taken will be shared tonight though so please check it out and see some of the beautiful things you missed!๐Ÿ˜


Curious about some of the things we are working on for our performance in Cheyenne? Well here is a little sneak peak of our practice this past weekend! The first video is of our members Brie and Darrah "slipping into the future" with a little partner flow featuring Buugeng and Silk Fans. Second video is of Witch of the Dancing Flame getting firey to some funky beats!

We hope you all enjoy this short preview and remember to come join us at Twinkle Twinkle Little Store in Cheyenne, on July 17th at 8PM! You will get to see fun things like this and much more!๐Ÿ˜ Link here > Hallow Moon Flow Arts

As always keep it PLUR!๐Ÿ’œ


Element of Fire 2021 was definitely an experience for the Hallow Moon crew! Members Darrah, Brie and Luna a.k.a. Witch of the Dancing Flame were in attendance and arrived shortly after dark and quickly got our campsite put together even with lack of lighting.

We started out by the main stage and began flowing the night away! Great music was playing at all hours of the night so there was always something to dance to. After lighting up the main area with our props for a few hours we headed back to camp to relax. Eventually Darrah joined us with her new friend Nicholas who was a great addition to our festival camp! After a bit it was time to get a bit more comfortable as the temperatures grew frigid real fast. We were about to curl up when Brie and Luna heard this hard bumping from a ren stage and had to check it out! There we got down hard for a while!! Such a perfect change of pace and definitely more Brie's style. Killed it for a bit there before taking a short walk around and back to camp. 1.5 hours of sleep was had that night.

Morning of day two started out great with a little coffee and some group bonding! Had a lazy morning but we eventually got ready for the night of flow and dancing to come. Heard there was going to be a flow crew there and once we saw them on we definitely had to check it out! They were all soooo amazing! It was awe inspiring since that was exactly what I have been wanting to build with Hallow Moon Flow Arts since we started it. Brie recorded the festivities while Luna couldn't help herself and was dancing right along with the performers. She made herself not visible from anyone watching the show by hanging out behind the pyramid as a matter of respect for the performers doing their thing. As each one passed by to get ready for the next set she congratulated them and told them how amazing they looked out there! Most of the way through their set Darrah and Luna couldn't hold back much longer. Darrah grabbed her fire buugeng and Luna her staff, Hekate. They went back over and were told they could go and spin during their free flow session, so after a little longer it was time to burn and they performed their hearts out for the remaining crowd while having an amazing time!

Afterwards one of the leaders of the troupe came over then took Darrah and Luna to their campsite. We were introduced to the other lead and we all had a good talk before returning the festivities for the night and celebrating!

What were we celebrating exactly? Well we are so excited and proud to announce that Hallow Moon Flow Arts has partnered up with Element of Flow for the remainder of the festival season! Next up we will be performing live at Element of Earth 2021 where the production the group is putting on will surely inspire, entertain and bring a ton of light to peoples lives! This is more than just flowing, its true performance art with costumes, characters, and of course our flow props!๐Ÿ˜ Come and support us using the link below to get tickets as I believe you will not be disappointed!

We will be posting more content as the time draws closer so as always stay tuned! Love, light and blessings to you and yours from the Hallow Moon crew!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŒŸ

---Link removed as event was canceled due to a nationwide Porto Potty shortage... Yeah we can't believe it ourselves!๐Ÿ˜‚ Can't make this s**t up, quite literally!๐Ÿคฃ


While we may have had some solo outings of note, this brings us to our most recent show together! Four of our members, Luna, Darrah, Brie and Dawn took a trip to see CharlesTheFirst at Terry Bison Ranch, WY! This show is the first since Covid Restrictions were completely dropped and it felt amazing to be back in the positive energy of so many rave fam!๐Ÿ’œโœจ We danced, we flowed, we even made a few new friends and ran into some old ones!๐Ÿ˜Š As the sun began to set it was time for our crew to get their flow on. Darrah and Brie were in their element the whole night and we captured some of their best flows to date! Brie came out going hard with her fans all while maintaining that delicate grace of them flitting and flowing about through the air. Darrahs buugeng flows entranced those around her and really showed off her growth. Later in the night Dawn gave a little dance lesson to a wonderful friend who had joined us on this trip in place of Tori! And where was Luna this whole time?! Well she was getting her staff and whip flow on too, but unfortunately little to no video was caught of her because well... That's my bad there too..๐Ÿ˜… But she did get out on a solo trip the next day, so we have included a special flow taken during her time at Vedauwoo Recreation Area in Medicine Bow National Forest! No music, just the sounds and energy of nature to inspire her flow.โœจ But all-in-all we captured a lot of people's attention throughout the night. Oftentimes people would come up and compliment us, followed by saying they were going to just sit and watch. Even had one security guard for the event get in on the fun after Luna overheard him talking about how fun it would be to try! So she turned around and offered him the staff. To her and everyone else arounds amazement he absolutely killed it! He was inspired by Luna's flow and getting to play around with the staff. So much so he even said he really wants to buy one! This is what our crew is all about! Being inclusive of everyone and inspiring others to find their own artistic expression through dance and flow!๐ŸŒŸ

We really do hope you enjoy watching these flows as much as we enjoyed doing them! Looking back at them and seeing our growth really keeps us motivated to push forward in the hopes of greater outreach. We thank you for your support and do hope to keep receiving it for many years to come!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’œ Keep it PLUR all!

Spotlight - Darrah 06/06/2021

Name - Darrah
Props - Buugeng

In August of 2019 - from a vacuum of dark nothingness - Darrah was born with an eruption of prismatic color, light and thumping sound. Since her rebirthing, it has been her mission to weave rainbows through darkness. To transmute drab greyscales into vibrant colors. To alchemize erotic motion, ninja slicing, wild eyes, and rampant siliness into an expression of dance infusion that sparks joy and inspiration into all who will experience it with her.


Here are some clips from another night out in the recent past!

On this night members Darrah, Dawn and Luna went out to Antero Hall for a show that was to benefit The American Foundation for Su***de Prevention. It was here that our members got a real taste of the spotlight and knew they wanted more! It was when Covid restrictions started to ease up, so masks were required and no intermingling of groups, but dance was allowed near your table. A while into the show they were approached by an event worker who told them they were enjoying watching them flow and along with a few others flow artists attending, were offered the opportunity to dance in front of the stage! This was definitely a unique experience as oftentimes flow artists are kept to the back or sides of the stage so others can crowd in. So they jumped on the opportunity when Luna and Darrah both grabbed the attention of a local producer who filmed part of their flow in front of the stage! It was truly an exciting night and one that will never be forgotten!โœจ

We hope you enjoy these couple clips and as always keep it PLUR!๐Ÿ’œ

Spotlight - Tori 06/06/2021

Name - Tori
Props - Hoop

Spotlight - Dawn 06/06/2021

Name - Dawn
Props - Short Staff & Freestyle Dancing

Dawn was raised with an eclectic taste in music from their mother. Hip-hop, R&B, Pop, Rock, almost every genre except for Country. They've been dancing most of their life, taking classes as early as 11 years old. Just as they're passionate about dancing, they also have a deep passion that lies in creating music as a producer! This lends to them in dance by allowing impeccable timing and rhythm. They accel at creating amazing beats, being a lyricist that speaks from the heart and even singing!

Spotlight - Brie 06/06/2021

Name - Brie
Props - Fans, Hoop

Spotlight - Luna Rayne 06/06/2021

Name - Luna Rayne
Props - Whip and Staff
Performer Page - Witch of the Dancing Flame

Luna Rayne is one of the "Founding Five Elements" of HMFA. While being raised on the genre of Rock, she developed a passion for dance music in her late childhood. It wasn't until many years later that she would follow that passion and attend her first rave. Once she did there was no turning back, she knew what she wanted to do! Having been inspired by the beauty of flow art she picked up her first prop, a FiberFlies PixelWhip, and never looked at dance the same again. Since then she has developed her talent and passion for flow artistry, dance and has even become a fire dancer! Her intentions are to perform for the whole world over, entertaining and inspiring others to the art of flow, expression through dance, and maybe just change some stigmas that go along with being a practicing Witch.


In the last post we talked about upping our game in skill and props, so let's see a little of whats been going on!

On this night, Luna began her journey into the world of fire flow and became Witch of the Dancing Flame!๐Ÿ”ฅ After a short blessing, she lit the ends of the staff and began to spin fire for the first time. She has given her staff the name Hekate after the Triple Goddess commonly depicted with two torches, much like the ends of her trusty new 3 piece compression staff! Here's a few short clips taken during her first couple burns. Enjoy and follow on her performer profile to keep up with her fire dancing!๐Ÿ˜Š

PSA time!
Do not try this yourself if you have no training!! She has been working with a staff for a quite a while now and took all necessary precautions (staff ends tight and won't pull, water bucket, wet towel, fire extinguisher, wet ground, far from fuel, etc.) to prevent a disastrous result. Even something as simple as posing with a fire staff could lead to bad results due to the erratic nature of the flames when stagnant. She has a tremendous respect for fire and the danger it poses, as should anyone attempting something like this. Stay safe! PLUR๐Ÿ’œ


Hello, all! Been a while since we've had an update thanks to our lazy editor and social media person... My bad!๐Ÿ˜… But that doesn't mean we haven't been up to a lot! There's been tremendous growth amongst our crewmates, both in skill and props. I'd like to revisit some things that we've been up to since then, starting with a trip to Your Mom's House. This was our first real event with most of our crew as Covid restrictions started easing up. No props, just a fun night of dance and enjoying life in the positive energy of others once again! Members, Brie, Darrah and Luna were in attendance along with a couple friends for the night. Suffice it to say it was just what we all needed to feel alive again! Being allowed to dance again, even if just in the immediate vicinity of your table was fantastic! Everyone was having a good time and security was super cool even if we did move a little too far away from the table on occasion.๐Ÿ˜ Here are just a few clips from the night to showcase our unique ways of dance as individuals that form a solid crew!


How did we spend our NYE? For members Darrah and Luna that answer was to enjoy a small gathering with awesome live beats and good people! We hope everyone had a safe and fun night!

From all of us at HMFA to you, we wish you a happy new year! Here's to 2021!๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅ‚


That night we formed under the light of the Hallow Moon.
Halloween 2020 - Pt.1


Meet the crew!

From left to right
- Luna Rayne (whip/staff)
- Darrah (buugeeng)
- Brie (fan/hoop)
- Dawn (staff)
- Tori (hoop)


Welcome to the official page of Hallow Moon Flow Arts! We are a group of flow artists brought together by fate under the Halloween Hunter's Blue Blood Moon of 2020. We all share a passion for flow and wishing to spread positivity and inspiration to everyone we come across. We follow the code of PLUR and believe that everyone should be accepted in society regardless of their gender, age, sexual orientation, body type, race or ethnicity. While collectively we have a passion for flow we each bring our own uniqueness to the group. From our personalities, to our styles, right down to our props which include both LED and fire. We use hoops, fans, buungeeng, whips and staves, with even more variety to come in the future!

Our goal is to reach far and wide, sharing our art with the world over and providing positive entertainment for all. As we start this journey together we welcome you and appreciate your support!

Thank you all so very much,
- The HMFA Crew

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Videos (show all)

Brie's silhouette dance.
Luna with whip



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