Natural Flow of Life Acupuncture and Herbs

Providing natural healing through acupuncture and herbs. Additional modalities include cupping, tuin (NCCAOM), Lic.# ACU.0002684

Natural Flow of Life Acupuncture and Herbs LLC, Dr. Corey Brown, DAOM, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.


Just wanted to answer a question I get asked a lot which is "how do keep myself grounded?" There are several ways I do which is through Qi gong meditation, daily gratitude and affirmations, hobbies, martial arts and spending time in nature. These are some of the many ways that I work to keep myself grounded.


Schedule your herbal telehealth consultation today! Get a customized herbal formula tailored to your needs, shipped directly to you. Experience the benefits of Chinese Medicine from the comfort of your home!

Book today at #/


Just doing a check-in for all the brothers out there for Men's Mental Health Month. I also wanted to let you know that Acupuncture and Chinese medicine cab be an avenue to help assist you with emotional imbalances such as anxiety, depression, overthinking, irritability, anger, PTSD, grief, fear, etc... This doesn’t replace seeing your therapist or other mental health counselors, but it can definitely complement your existing care. Know that you are supported over here brothers!

Book your Acupuncture session or herbal consultation today at if you would like to assist your mental health healing journey.



To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders! -Lao Tzu

Qi gong meditation is part of my daily routine. It helps to ground me at the start of the day and re-ground me at the end of the day.

Qi gong, an ancient and time-honored healing practice, was discovered through deep meditation by masters who observed the interplay of energies in nature and applied them to the human body. Originating in ancient times, Qigong emphasizes the quality and consistency of practice, as well as self-cultivation, to tap into the body’s inherent healing potential. Through diligent Qigong practice, individuals can harness and enhance their natural energy flow, leading to improved health and well-being. Through the breath and movement, you can move the qi throughout the meridians for a harmonious flow throughout the body.

Many acupuncturists practice Qigong to improve their overall health and well-being and to enhance their ability to treat patients. Additionally, Qigong helps acupuncturists develop a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese medicine principles and cultivate the qi (also spelled "chi" or "ki") central to this system of medicine.

"Gong" (功) means "achievement" or "accomplishment," signifying something attained through hard work and effort. Therefore, Qigong is the study and practice of cultivating Qi through dedicated effort and perseverance.

Photo taken by Miss Money Shot shot


It's always makes my day and brings me great reward to work with the kids and introduce them to the great benefits of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Today was another one of those days. A nervous and hesitant face in the beginning ended with a energizing and smiling face at the end of treatment today! If you are wondering if Chinese medicine and Acupuncture can work for kids, just ask this 4 year old!


Happy Lunar New Year from Natural Flow of Life Acupuncture and Herbs! This is the Year of the Dragon 🐉 🎆 ! To learn more about what that means and how to embrace the year of the dragon, click the link below to read the recent blog post. #/

Embarking on a Year of Wellness: Leveraging Acupuncture for Your Resolutions 01/01/2024

New Blog Post Alert!

Embarking on a Year of Wellness: Leveraging Acupuncture for Your Resolutions This article is about achieving health goals in the new year according to the theory and principles of Chinese Medicine.


You can now purchase and give the gift of healing this holiday season through Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. These gift cards can be used for Acupuncture and other therapies offered such as Herbal Therapy, TCM Nutritional Consultations, Cupping, Tui Na Massage, and much more. Packages can be purchased with gift cards as well. Just check which package you would like to purchase and purchase the gift card for that amount. Click the link below to give the gift of healing this holiday season. #/

Photos from Natural Flow of Life Acupuncture and Herbs's post 12/04/2023

It was an honor for me to be invited to present at the 7th Annual World Conference of Integrative Medicine this weekend which was presented online in the U.S. and onsite in GuangZhou, China. This conference aims to promote the development of global Integrative medicine and higlight the combination of ancient wisdom and modern methods.

My presentation was focused on "Evidence-Informed Treatment of Chemotherapy Side-Effects with Chinese Medicine". I am hoping that this presentation was very informative on what Chinese medicine can offer for this population of patients.


The Hands Guide Energy

Our hands have meridians and key points where energy flows to and from us and the outside world. These can be used in several ways to stimulate the flow of healing energy in the body. The energy in the hands can be used to stimulate points along acupuncture meridians to increase the flow of healing energy. The microcosmic orbit, for instance, travels along the governor vessel on the spine and the conception vessel on the front, midline of the body.

We can touch each point and stay there until we feel heat and the sensation of energy below the surface of the skin. It helps to see a ball of energy the size of billiard ball (for instance) glowing (and even spinning) at each point. We can also use the palm of one hand, at the Peridcardium-8 point, nicknamed ‘The Palace of Work’, to beam energy into our body at each point. Or, we can use three fingers and press into each point until we feel the pressing sensation, even after we take the fingers away.

The more we focus on each point, the more energy will flow there. Eventually, we won’t have to use the hands to feel energy at each point. But, even after two decades, it can be a helpful way to warmup the practice and to deepen the feeling of energy and connection between the physical and energetic parts of the body. For points that we can’t comfortably reach but want to stimulate, we can use a tennis/lacrosse ball to sit on or lean against on the floor or wall. As we feel the sensation at each point, we can feel that point expand and condense with our inhalation and exhalation.

Lastly, the hands help us stay present and focused on the body. With using the mind alone, our concentration can drift. The physical contact of the hands can help us feel more deeply than with the mind alone. The use of the hands can be a useful self-healing technique at each organ during the practice of the Inner Smile Meditation too.

The Alchemist's Tao Te Ching:
Transforming Your Lead Into Gold



The Whole Body

The Taoist approach to health considers the entire body as a system. Some belief systems may judge the body and split it between upper and lower parts. They may judge the ‘lower’, animalistic aspects of s*x, hunger, and basic instincts as inferior. This split approach also judges the ‘higher’ aspects of the heart and spiritual aspects of the third eye and crown as better than the body’s insatiable cravings.

Similarly, the western medical model of healing is known for its specialties. Broadly speaking, the western model divides the body system into subsystems and component parts. When there is sickness and disease, this model focuses where the disease is present and looks to eliminate it right there. Some areas of primary care are taking a more holistic approach, working to transform a decades-old system of sub-specialization.

On the other hand, the Taoist approach to health looks at the individual in its totality. It considers its environment, its habits, how it interacts with the environment and the weather. Taoism considers the interaction of the five elements and yin and yang, within and without the body. In the Taoist model, the desires of our animal urges work hand in hand with the energetic and spiritual urges of our body. And lastly, there is a millennia-old, time-tested model for building our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health—we just have to make time to practice.

The Alchemist's Tao Te Ching:
Transforming Your Lead Into Gold

(Link in bio 📚📚📚)


Stars and Society

Once upon a time, people recognized their natural connection with heaven and earth. They saw how the patterns of the sun, moon, planets, and stars resonated with their life on earth and the flow of the seasons. Society was aligned and governed according to the natural ebb and flow of these cycles. People understood that their connectedness with one another mirrored the connection of bodies in heaven. The gravity and movements of heaven and earth were a model for the harmony of movement between individuals and tribes.

Over time, rulers fell out of touch with the patterns of nature. Instead of seeing themselves as part of great cycles, leaders mistakenly saw themselves as the center of the universe. The desire for power over people and nature led rulers to destroy that which didn’t bend to their wills. Disconnection from nature continues to the present day and large percentages of generations have forgotten the old ways of connection to nature, watching the heavens, and working together for the benefit of all.

In pockets of the world, the ancient knowledge went underground and was protected, cultivated, and awaited its time to reemerge. Even as the world seems to plunge into chaos on the mainstream news, many are returning to the old ways. Astrology, meditation, kindness, and small collectives of local agriculture can be found in every city and town. Some Taoist teachers believe that the Earth herself is undergoing an evolution and we are just along for the ride on very long cycles of growth and evolution. Perhaps it is up to us to do our part in helping spiritually birth a new Heaven and a new Earth through the old and confused vibration that left mankind wondering why they are here.


Posted with the permission of his mother.

It's always exciting when the kids come to see me in the clinic! It always makes my day! This 8-year old came in to see me becaue he has been experiencing severe sinus congestion. His mom wanted to focus on a more holistic approach. It was a rewarding feeling knowing that he felt less congestion after treatment. He also showed openness to trying this new experience to help him with his healing.

Children respond very well to Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. While this medicine will help address the symptoms that your child is coming in with, you may notice improvement in their overall health and wellness since we focus on treating the whole body and not just the symptom thats being presented. Children tend to be very vulnerable to common viruses, allergies, and illnesses. A great, gentle alternative for children are acupuncture, herbal therapy, tui na massage, and dietary changes which can all be great alternatives to helping keep the immune systems strong and reduce over use of antibiotics for common ailments. Some of the ailments that Chinese medicine can easily help with in kids are common colds, ear infections, allergies, eczema, and asthma. Children are the most cherished members of our society and caring for them is one of my top priorities.


As above, so below

Taoists believe that the way we see the universe is the way we approach life. If we see the universe as a dangerous, contentious foe, then we will approach life suspiciously, nervously, and without trust. If we see the universe as a loving and abundant environment, we can have an experience of life as a learning environment and people and situations as positive experiences. From the Taoist perspective, it doesn’t matter as much as we see the universe, just that it will mirror itself in our lives. So we shouldn’t be surprised when we get what we get.

Further, Taoists teach that we can understand the body by studying the macrocosm—and visa versa. Studying the movements of protons and electrons can teach us about outer space. Chemical analysis of the inner reaches of outer space can inform what is happening within our body. The laws of gravity that hold planets in orbit can be the same laws that bind us to our habits, unless an outside force, or change, acts upon us. Understanding this and having a feeling of connectedness with the universe may bring us peace and freedom and enlighten an otherwise mundane life.

It is said that most of the matter in existence is invisible to the naked human eye and so called “dark matter.” The physical matter we see may be frozen waves of energy that slowed enough to be seen. Understanding energy and matter outside of us can help us unfreeze stuck energy patterns inside of us. It starts by listening to silence within and following it deeper.

The Alchemist's Tao Te Ching:
Transforming Your Lead Into Gold

(Link in bio 📚📚📚)

Photos from Emperor's College's post 08/03/2023

You all have been requesting it and it's finally here. Natural Flow of Life Acupuncture and Herbs is now offering package deals for you to keep your health in balance with consistent treatments while also saving you money. To book a package deal please contact me at 720-443-0316 or email me at [email protected].


Did you know that a modality of Acupuncture called Acu-Detox in America was FIRST popularized by The Black Panther Party in the 1970s, and Tupac's stepfather, brother and Dr. Mutulu Shakur? Acupuncture, at the time, was not only focused on detoxing addicts but served as a form of self-care and health care for the community.

Listen in as I break down what the conditions of the tongue reveals, how the different therapies that I offer assist Black men in their mental and physical health, and so much more. Hosted by I Change The Narrative

Tune in to the live at

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For anyone that missed this awesome live stream today, here is the recording link to check it out: You'll just have to create a free account if you don't have an account already and then you can watch the playback video.

In this new series, I highlight the theory and background on acupuncture and Chinese medicine focusing on how it connects with the earth and universe and also how that connects to the human body and its Qi flow. I also talk about the common modalities in Chinese medicine such as cupping, moxibustion, auricular acupuncture, Chinese herbology, pulse diagnosis, and tongue diagnosis. There is a small Q&A session where I answer some great questions regarding the modalities and how diagnosis and treatment are developed.


Check out my blog post on how to shift your diet according the season of Winter based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nutrition. Blog post can be found at #/ 🌿🍵☯️


Gift cards are now available for you to purchase for your family and friends! You can now purchase gift cards online at #/ ☯️ 🍵 👨🏾‍⚕️


Check out my blog post on how to shift your diet according the season of autumn based on the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nutrition. Blog post can be found at #/. 🌿🍵☯️


I'm always in the zone when treating my patients. From the time I enter the clinic room, until they leave the clinic room, I make sure that my Qi is balanced and grounded so I can be able to tell where their qi needs to moved and balanced. One of the biggest ways I stay grounded is practicing Qi Gong every morning and evening to help to replenish and ground my Qi.

Come experience balancing yout natural Qi flow today. Visit to learn more and book your appointment today.

Eating According to The Season of Summer 06/14/2022

This is a new blog post I just did about eating and diet during the Summer according to Chinese Medicine. #/

Eating According to The Season of Summer This article is about eating a diet appropriate for the spring according to TCM Nutrition (Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutrition).


New setup for clinic space. Come enjoy a zen atmosphere with your next acupuncture session!


More Die Da Jow available for purchase online at the link below or in person.

Dit Da Jow roughly translates as "hit fall wine." Dit Da Jow was primarily used by martial artists to aid the healing of Trauma Injuries (bruises and sprains) and also iron palm training. Centuries ago, it was made by combining the herbs in a clay vessel and adding rice wine, then burying the vessel in the ground for months or even years; it was believed that the longer the herbs sat in the alcohol, the stronger the solution became. #/

Eating According to The Season of Spring 03/22/2022

Check out my new blog post about eating for the season of spring according to the theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine. ☯️ #/

Eating According to The Season of Spring This article is about eating a diet appropriate for the spring according to TCM Nutrition (Traditional Chinese Medicine Nutrition).


We are in the transitioning phase from the season of winter into the season of spring. What does this mean in Chinese Medicine?

As winter ends, we need to transition from being physically and mentally internal and contractive (this is connected with activities such as staying inside more and relaxing, minimizing outdoor sports and activities) to being more expansive and external (this is connected with going on more adventures, taking more vacations, participating in more outdoor activities, spending more time in nature). This transition helps to regulate the qi throughout the body which is slowed down during the season of winter.

For some individuals this transition can be difficult and manifest with emotional and physical symptoms. Some of the emotional manifestations thay show up in the spring are depression, anxiety, insomnia, mania, panic attacks, frustration and anger. The good news is that with the modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we can help the body to cope with those changes and transition smoothly along with nature into the season of spring

Some of the health problems and diseases that can manifest with the season of spring are common cold, asthma, and allergies. Getting you body prepared and balanced can help you have a great start to the spring season. During the spring, the main focus is on cleansing the liver and lungs so that we can create harmony between the two. Chinese Medicine can help you to achieve the goal.

What symptoms do you commonly have during the spring season?

Book your appointment online with me today and let me help you balance and prepare your body for the transition into the upcoming spring season.

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Videos (show all)

Just wanted to answer a question I get asked a lot which is "how do keep myself grounded?" There are several ways I do w...
Just doing a check-in for all the brothers out there for Men's Mental Health Month. I also wanted to let you know that A...
New clinic space setup with zen vibes!
Dit Da Jow


4875 E. Evans Avenue #102
Denver, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 7pm
Tuesday 2pm - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 4pm
Saturday 11am - 7pm

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