Movement Coach Charles

FP HBS Practitioner
Licensed PTA
NCSF Certified Trainer Charles Tucker is a movement coach, educator and business owner.

He is incredibly passionate about improving human biomechanics and has over a decade of experience and accreditation in leading-edge movement sciences including a License in Physical Therapy, a B.A in Exercise Science, and a nationally recognized personal training certification. Charles Tucker primarily uses the "Functional Patterns" methodology when assessing and prescribing corrective exercises

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 11/16/2023

Click the link in my bio or DM me to schedule your first session.
Now is your chance to take advantage of my 3 sessions for 150 special as I will be increasing my prices at the beginning of next year.
If you are ready to overcome pain and do the activities you love without fear of injury, here is your chance.
Any purchase of this special will be valid and available for use through the beginning of next year if purchased In the next 40 days.
Look forward to hearing from you.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 11/15/2023

Happy 90th birthday to my ride or die always by my side grandma!
Your body may be aging but your mind is sharp as can be.
You wake up every day with enthusiasm to take care of your home and get outside to work on your garden.
I love our deep conversations about current events and am always inspired by your continued commitment to be curious and interested in the ever changing world around you.
I love you so much grandma! I’m sorry I can’t be there to take you out to lunch like we do every year but I’ll make up for it when I come to visit in December 💕.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 08/04/2023

A collection of beginnings and endings.
As I approach the sunset of this adventure my mind is asking for quiet reflection.
A year ago I was not considering the possibility of all the changes I am currently navigating. Whether or not I was expected them, I am certain now that I was at least prepared for them.
In this space am reminded again that readiness is not planning out the details of a future that hasn’t happened yet, it’s establishing deep steadiness and competence within yourself to navigate whatever comes with courage and values.
I am so proud and grateful to be able to find community and connection no matter where I roam. To find myself in countless moments of awe. To respect and learn from new cultures and ways of engaging with life, finding new pieces of myself as I adapt to these not so foreign places. I am grateful that love is universal, kindness is universal, community is universal.
I know the real challenge is yet to come as I return to a very different pace of living.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 05/30/2023

Update on .lies.robs.brain.cells progress 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Rob has been putting In WORK and it shows 🦍🦍🦍
Proud of this man for his determination to improve and commitment to the process.

“I was diagnosed with bone spurs in my cervical spine in my early 20s and spent thousands on physical therapy that didn’t address the problem. I lived my life in chronic neck, shoulder, and collarbone pain and was slowly considering risky surgery. I felt hopeless, turning to every “fix” I could find.

Finding Charles changed my entire body and life. I haven’t had chronic pain in almost a year and it’s honestly unbelievable to look back and remember the horrible, debilitating pain I was in. Committing to this program is truly one of the pillars of my personal self-love now. It works if you work it”

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 03/17/2023

In 3 days I turn 33.
33 seems adult af to me but I don’t personally feel adult af.
I am open and accepting whatever this new year of life is opening to me. I can tell it’s gonna be extremely difficult and extremely incredible.
In reflection of the last year of my life here are a few things I felt inspired to share with you guys.
Thank you for being here with me.
With love always.


My choice to learn how to move well was not made from a place of just casually wanting to learn something new. It was made from a moment of absolute desperation, it was made from rock bottom.
I recognized that the way I was treating my body was absolutely not sustainable: constant cycles of injuries to my shoulders and low back, persistent foot pain, in and out of my routine due to injury, poor posture.. the list goes on and I was only 23 at the time.
The process of figuring out how to be strong and fit without destroying my body was NOT EASY. There is sooooooooooooooo much bull s**t out there that is designed to waste your time and take your money.
It took me almost 10 years of learning and unlearning, trials and error, sifting through the bulls**t to figure out what actually works and why.. to feel like I at least know how to address the most important variables when it comes to moving well and living injury free.
Most people will come to a point where they recognize that the way they are treating their body is not sustainable, many of those people will stuff that thought deep into their unconscious and find a way to justify continuing their unsustainable lifestyle, most likely placing the burden on our healthcare system at some point in the future.
Others will look for help in the wrong places, which there are plenty of, and end up injured, addicted to pills, cut up by surgeons etc.
Listen carefully:
There is good information out there, there are people that can help you but it’s gonna take some work.
And as always I’m here to help.
- Coach Charles

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 01/23/2023

Amazing results from my client Chris after 6 months of hard work 💪💪.
Chris has made dramatic improvements to his posture, his Internal breathing pressures and just the general level of connection he walks around with.
It brings me so much joy to see Chris literally turn the clock back on his physical age and be able to run and move pain free.
You can visually see the decompression of his spine and rib cage and that decompression has helped him to move with more freedom and confidence.
“When I started working with Charles I suffered from lower back pain and struggled with pain during my daily runs.  I’ve made great progress in many areas one is breathing which has improved my runs and overall workouts.  Another significant improvement is my core strength and posture.  My lower back pain is gone and i find myself self-correcting my posture.  Im running pain free now! These skills were focused training areas i worked on with Coach Charles.  I cant wait to see what the next six months brings.”
Awesome job chris! Your hard work and commitment to your health is inspiring to others. Let’s keep turning back that biological clock and getting you Moving well and feeling great.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 12/10/2022

and i completed our first Spartan Beast!
13.1 miles, 30 obstacles and countless piles of cow p**p.
Grateful for friends that I can endure and overcome difficult things with. We honestly killed it considering we did 0 specific training and placed in the top 5%.
50 k next year?

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 12/04/2022

Incredibly grateful to be on this journey under the guidance of people I love respect and TRUST.
Although I don’t feel deserving of this belt quite yet I trust that it was given to me for a reason and look forward to growing into my blue belt with daily work and committed practice.
The elementum community has brought so much value and discipline to my life.
Thank you 🙏.
Let the blue belt journey begin.


Today was my last day working at unconventional strength in downtown Orlando.
Wanted to share my gratitude to this space for holding so many incredible moments of challenge and growth for both me and my clients.
I witnessed many lives change for the better here
Also wanted to share my gratitude to the team I shared this space with. Thank you guys for the constant inspiration, pushing me to grow my business and educate myself a little more every day. And thanks for just being my homies. (Including you although you showed up a couple of years late for this group pic 😂)
Off to new adventures and more amazing client results at a new facility.
Beginning next week you can find me training at Self Made Training Facility in Winter Park Fl.
Really looking forward to new challenges and new growth as I march forward in this beautiful game of life.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 10/26/2022

Really stoked to share my client’s 6 moths scoliosis transformation.
This is my first time working with someone suffering from significant scoliosis who hadn’t already had surgical intervention.
When it comes to scoliosis, knowledge is power. Your postural behaviors can either make scoliosis much worse or improve it.
This young man and his parents made the very wise decision of seeking out non invasive strategies instead of opting into the incredibly invasive procedures pushed by the medical industrial complex that lock children’s spine into limited function for the rest of their lives.
Since we started working together in April my client has seen huge improvements in:

✅ improved weight bearing through both legs
✅ improved spinal alignment and connection through supporting muscles
✅decreased back pain
✅improved capacity for spinal motion
And most importantly for any teenager,
✅improved feelings of safety and security in movement and play.
Looking forward to helping him make further strides in his physical competence allowing him to take responsibility for his own healing journey.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 06/16/2022

“I was diagnosed with bone spurs in my cervical spine in my early 20s and spent thousands on physical therapy that didn’t address the problem. I lived my life in chronic neck, shoulder, and collarbone pain and was slowly considering risky surgery. I felt hopeless, turning to every “fix” I could find.

Finding Charles changed my entire body and life. I haven’t had chronic pain in almost a year and it’s honestly unbelievable to look back and remember the horrible, debilitating pain I was in. Committing to this program is truly one of the pillars of my personal self-love now. It works if you work it”
Rob has made huge huge improvements to his posture and body mechanics since I started working with him early in 2021. Rob also loves bouldering and it’s been awesome to see his bouldering skills improve as he became more connected with his body and less burdened by neck and shoulder pain.
See if you can spot some of the postural corrections and improved tensions Rob was able to accomplish from the before taken in may of last year and the after taken this week.
✅ improved thoracic extension and rib cage vertical alignment
✅improved lateral expansion of rib cage
✅ reduced lateral rib cage shift
✅improved scapular alignment on rib cage
✅ improved scapular positioning from compressed to actively suspended
✅reduced forward head posture
✅improved tva tension
✅reduced forward dumping of pelvis ✅better suspension in knees and ankle
Your hard work has paid off Rob great job. Looking forward to more gains in the future as you get back into running and we move to more complex mastery of movement.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 05/17/2022

December 2018 vs November 2021.
In 2018 i had been following the lifting bro’s playbook for years. Back Squat Bench and Deadlift on repeat like a broken record. Powerlifting, body building, 5 minute active warm ups, steady state cardio.. This was all I knew as a personal trainer and also how I trained myself.
Along with this type of training came an endless cycle of injury-recovery-reinjury. Over the course of 5 years from 2013-2018 I suffered from 2 herniated discs, a severe glute strain, and a dislocated shoulder.
My own cycle of injury and seeing my clients get injured led me down a deep search for knowledge on how to build strength and fitness without literally breaking myself in the process. I became first name basis with chiros, PTs and went to PTA school myself to try to paint a more complete picture of what real “fitness” for human longevity and adaptability looks like.
I discovered around when I graduated PTA school and came to recognize that it filled in many of the missing pieces to this puzzle I had been failing to solve.
The second picture is me after 3 years of gradually integrating the biomechanics and principles I’ve learned from .
Since shifting to more whole body integrated movements and focusing on moving well as an objective rather than weight on a bar, I am pain free and able to do the things I love without fear of injury. I Literally haven’t had a significant injury since 2018.
The downward spiral has become an upward spiral with improved biomechanics making room for more movement and more movement making room for feeling energized and that good energy has helped me distance myself from compulsive behaviors like over eating, drinking to much and being sedentary.
Best of all I get to share this knowledge with others and help people on their own journey toward moving better and feeling better.


Foundations of movement class this Wednesday May 18 at 6 pm!
In this class we go over the essential knowledge and skills that will allow you to approach movement from a safe and connected foundation.
Correct breathing and posture is that special sauce to living with more energy and less pain.
Use the link in my bio to sign up. Each class is only 25$, must pay in advance to secure your spot in this small group class.
Hope to see you there !


I never planned on branching out of the well organized, hierarchical structure of corporate employment and venturing into the open ended valley of self employment.
Over time it was just the obvious choice to me. I witnessed firsthand that many of the default systems we’re told to rely on are unfortunately broken. I knew I could not isolate myself to clinical practice knowing the American healthcare system would incentivize me to treat symptoms over whole body systems, knowing that I was incentivized for greater patient load over quality of patient care, knowing that I would eventually become too burnt out and numb to cultivate the passion that led me into the field of physical therapy in the first place: my passion for science and human movement.
As a business owner I have the freedom to cultivate my passion every day and focus all of my love and attention on the human beings that I am serving. Every day my toolkit is expanding and my tools becoming more precise through thorough assessment, application and reassessment. I get to modify my toolkit myself based on what I witness to be most effective.
I get to take time to build meaningful connections with my clients based on trust and a confident commitment to quality.
I have so much respect for the PTs and PTAs grinding in hospitals and outpatient clinics, you are highly trained healers functioning in an imperfect system.
I believe the healthcare system will eventually find the balance between efficiency and humanization and that It starts with all of us taking personal responsibility for the one body we’re given.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 04/20/2022

Excited to announce a new small group class!
This class is open to anybody and everybody who is ready to build that solid foundation toward better movement and reduced pain.
In this class we will be going deep into the cornerstone principles of posture and breathing. We will learn how to use these tools to promote regeneration in our bodies during our day to day routine rather than breakdown and biological aging.
The class will be held Wednesdays at 6 pm starting May 4th and located at Unconventional Strength.
Asking 25$ to confirm your spot in this limited availability class.
Request your spot by scheduling using the link in my bio and I will contact you for the $25 cost per class.
Really excited to share the information that I am so passionate about and that has set the foundation for all the results you see on my page.
See you there!


Client spotlight!
Ms Loretta has been so rewarding to work with. Movement has gone from a source of suffering to a source of joy for her and it’s been so humbling for me to see her dedication to getting stronger and stronger. Age is really just an arbitrary number for Ms Loretta.
If you’ve been tuning into my story you’ve seen that Ms Loretta’s training had really leveled up in intensity over the past few months. She is able to perform more complex multi step movements with seriously improved tensions and we’ve even been gradually introducing running on the air runner into her programming.
The image above shows her standing posture transformation over the course of about a year.
What you see is the product of: ✅corrected breathing patterns, ✅improved tensions and pressures in the abdomen and rib cage
✅daily practice of better postural behaviors
And the result has been a significant decrease in neck pain, back pain and knee pain as well as an increased capacity to move.
The better we feel moving, the more we are willing to move.
Congratulations Ms.Loretta, proud of you and grateful to be a part of your journey.


Repost from


Joint pain and exercise have commonly been associated with one another. This doesn’t have to be the case.

When you learn how to move in ways that distributes tension and pressure equally across your body its makes movement easy on the joints and ligaments while simultaneously improving your strength and functionality.

If you are feeling pain it’s likely stemming from a dysfunctional structure. Address your structure with FP.

Address the system not the symptoms. Start from home today. Check the link in our stories.


As some of you may know, at the beginning of the year my brother Kurtis Tucker​ was diagnosed with Leukemia.

Anybody who knows Kurtis knows that he hates being in the spotlight, so as a brother you know I gotta do it to him. spotlight on!

Kurtis or as I lovingly refer to him, Turdis, has spent the better part of the last couple of months at Advent Health battling this aggressive cancer with the help of some awesome healthcare workers and the support of family. His wife Julie​ has been a superhero balancing long drives to and from the hospital with chasing around 4 little ones.

My brother's a thug though so he's gonna kick this cancer's ass eventually, plus he's got those Tucker genes in him so honestly that leukemia is probably regretting its life choices.
However, Turdis still has a very difficult and very expensive year ahead of him.

After a couple of more rounds of chemo he will be undergoing a complete bone marrow transplant which will most likely be donated by one of his 5 siblings. All of our DNA has been sent in but we won't know who has the superior, cancer defeating bone marrow for another couple of weeks. With the help of a close family friend Jeena​ we decided to put out a contest to see which sibling you guys think will be the donor. We will be using the contest to raise funds to help support Kurtis and Julie through the immense financial challenges ahead of them.

If you would like to be a participant in the "guess which sibling is the closest genetic match" contest we are asking for a minimum of $20 donation to enter along with your guess and a silly story about one of the Tucker siblings (or just a random joke to make us smile if you don't know us that well).
Winners will get a batch of Mama Tucker​'s famous chocolate chip cookies.

Please consider donating to this campaign in whatever capacity you are able to. Thank you and so much love to all of you from the Tucker Tribe.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 02/22/2022

Great educational post from

Adaptively tilted scapula is something I see VERY often in new clients do to prolonged poor posture and limited functional activity. The fix requires a whole system restructuring approach involving the core, rib cage, breathing, even hips. has given me the tools to help people address this problem from a whole systems approach.

A scapula wing is an all too common dysfunction of the shoulder that can limit it’s ability to function well and without pain. 

A scapular wing is easily identified by the protruding of the shoulder blade and while is may not always be associated with pain in your body, it can lead to many dysfunctional adaptations in your daily movement.

In this post we highlight a scapular wing and what you might want to begin to think about when it comes to addressing this common dysfunction.

Photos from Movement Coach Charles's post 02/17/2022

Repost from

From chronic shoulder pain to zero shoulder pain. Lasting changes like these are our focus at FP.

By focusing on the FP First Four (standing, walking, running and throwing) corrections like this can be made when your body learns and understands how to move correctly.

Results like these don’t require a routine. You do the FP exercises, your body memorizes the functions of those exercises and that data doesn’t leave your body. Once you make the changes they are easier to keep for the long haul.

Great work by .oakland and his client Ben.

June 2020 to November 2021

Both pictures are fully relaxed. Ben is an avid surfer and came in with chronic shoulder pain due to MRI diagnosed tendonosis and arthrosis. He has a history of traditional weight lifting and described always struggling to keep mass on his structure. He also felt any muscle mass he did develop would lead to increased compression in his body and would inhibit his movement. Today his structure is much more integrated and decompressed and he can now sustainably pack on and keep muscle mass. The muscle mass he has gained has been built with functional patterns protocols so it is completely connected to his greatly improved movement.

- improved scapular compression and winging
- improved muscular development around pecs, lats, shoulder, and core
- improved hyper lordosis
- improved kyphosis


Less thought spirals more movement spirals.
I’ve been getting some unhelpful behaviors slowly in check this year.
Behavior change is challenging and takes time. We are creatures of comfort and creatures of habit so to make intentional changes we need to be clear on our objective and clear on our commitments. Our past behaviors will be looking for any weakness in these blossoming values.
And sometimes we’ll falter.
But we forgive ourselves as many times as it takes because we deserve it.
And we get back up and get back on track as many times as it takes because good things take time.
And we laugh at the silliness and absurdity of it all along the way because being human is a wild ride.


Diving back into the fundamentals of locomotion this week.
Hip extension is the motion that occurs when your leg is moving backwards relative to your pelvis, think donkey kicks or hip bridges.
During running, hip extension muscles propel your body forward in space and also aid in stabilizing your pelvis.
When the important muscles of hip extension are weak and disconnected we can still “run” but we compensate by shifting the job to smaller muscles in our hip, knees, ankles and low back.
When I first assess people, most cannot even get to neutral in their hip extension because of an over dominance of muscles on the front and sides of their hips (flexors, abd/adductors).
Running is survival though so if you ask your body to run it will do it’s darn best hip extension or not, no worries though there is plenty of low back hyperextension to share the load, sprinkle in some side to side hip drop and the ol knee buckle and you got yourself a 10.5 minute per mile ticking time bomb.
Humans are designed to run but if we don’t practice it through our formative years our bodies forget, our bodies remember our behaviors.
If you want to be able to run for years to come it is 100% worth your time to improve your mechanics and learn how to run in a way that reflects our evolutionary design.
has easily been the best resource for me and my clients in improving running mechanics and overall joint health.


Repost from

Gift yourself a gift that keeps on giving. With FP you gain an instant awareness of how your body was built to move. Here is a great example of what FP can do for you. Great work here by and his client Monica!

My client Monica on her journey to functionality.

With a lack of correct intrinsic core tension , her low and mid spine would protrude without her knowing.

Here we can see the result of 9 in person sessions where the low back is supported by her spinal erectors and better intra abdominal pressure.


Exercise should leave your joints feeling smooth and mobile not stiff and painful. Many people are in the habit of seeing how far they can push the load limit of their joints, wearing injuries like a badge of honor. They associate pain and intense soreness with progress yet they don’t have much to show for it at the end of the day. I honestly think this style of exercising will fade out as more quality information becomes available.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my journey is that less is more. You don’t need heavy weights to build muscle, you don’t need to threaten your spine to improve your strength, you don’t need to do 1000 repetitions to get abs.
Less is more but if you ask any of my clients they will tell you less is definitely not easier.
When you bring concentration, control and connection to your movement suddenly a 5 rep movement with 10lbs can feel like the same central nervous system effort as that 225 lb squat but with way more full body integration and way less damage on your joints.
If you are sick of doing the same 5 exercises with nothing to show for it but joint pain then you might be ready to take your movement knowledge to the next level with the training systems I use.
I am currently opening my schedule to motivated and curious individuals who are ready to learn how to build strength while still improving their biomechanics and joint health.
-Coach Charles


2021 was as wonderful as it was difficult , I know It was a difficult year for a lot of us.
And I have no expectations of things getting easier in 2022. That’s not something I wish for any more.
The lesson I have begun to truly feel this year is profound, enduring acceptance. I am reminding myself daily to allow what is to be without resistance.
However, acceptance is just another meaningless human word if you don’t know how to forgive yourself. On tougher days I found myself cueing self forgiveness hundreds of times, fighting to refrain from getting sucked into the time stopping void of rumination and self criticism. It was hard but it improved in time.
The final ingredient I found was essential in letting go of unhelpful behaviors was refining my values and daily reaffirmed commitment to my values. Values provide a clear path of redirection whenever you get lost.
I don’t wish for 2022 to be easier, I fully expect a challenge. I am ready. I am equipped with refined values and committed tools.
We are all powerful beyond belief, but the process of finding your power is not taught to you in school or in mainstream media. It’s taught through suffering and a will to overcome. Your hero story won’t come without tragedy and challenge. But i believe if you choose acceptance, compassion and commitment to values you can become your own hero.


Swangin into the new year with renewed perspective and an updated tool box.
2021 was another challenging year, but the challenges are what stimulate growth.
The growth I experienced this year was not accomplished alone. I am filled with gratitude toward the people who have challenged me to put my actions in front of my values.
you are an infinite inspiration for play and authenticity, thank you
you have helped me to ground myself more fully In the present. Thank you. acero you are my movement Coach and trusted source for challenging conversations. Thank you.
you help me check my intentions and expand my political/social worldview. Thank you.
you are my love and my partner. You see my most vulnerable parts and gently guide me towards betterment. Thank you.
you have been a trusted and motivating guide in a brand new journey of improvement. Thank you.
These are a few that immediately come to mind but there are many many more, I am truly blessed to have you all in my life. Thank you.

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Don’t believe the YouTube shorts telling you “this one stretch will get rid of your back pain.”.Back pain can come from ...
I strained my QL last week and wanted to share what my rehab process has looked like. .This is a very common injury and ...
Just some thoughts to clarify this idea that “trauma is stored in the body”.Tag someone who may be able to benefit under...
Here’s a little progression I use to help people connect with the arm to trunk rhythm of running. It’s also an amazing w...
DENVER!! .Get back into your body in 2024.I have been helping people like you live pain free for over a decade and now I...
Serratus push-up challenge! .Set up a camera and see how low you are able to drop into a kneeling push-up position witho...
These are my go to breathing exercises to help my clients reconnect with the muscles that align their pelvis and rib cag...
Your low back muscles are designed to hold your spine up in space and orient the rib cage over the pelvis. If you are no...
Tag someone who needs to hear this! .Sitting is pretty terrible for us, we all know this. But for many of us living in t...
These scaps are gliding babyyy
Scap work in paradise 🏝️.My scapula have always been one of my biggest challenges but it’s cool to see the progress I’ve...
Finally found a spot in the city to get some grounding and direct sunlight ☀️ .Heading to Mexico next week for some cons...



2000 S Acoma Street
Denver, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 8pm
Tuesday 9am - 8pm
Wednesday 9am - 8pm
Thursday 9am - 8pm
Friday 9am - 8pm

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