The O'Sullivan Law Firm

The O'Sullivan Law Firm

For over 25 years, we've been recovering maximum settlements for Colorado accident victims and their families. Call or text to get help today at 303-388-5304.

Advice is always free. At The O’Sullivan Law Firm, our clients work directly with one attorney from start to finish, whether the case is settled or goes all the way to trial. Clients are never passed off to a paralegal or legal assistant. We develop relationships built on trust and we explain every step of the process to our clients. Our success rate is over 99% with more than 1,500 cases won. We


Recovering from a severe injury can be a challenging, painful, and expensive process. Moreover, if your injury was caused by someone else's actions, navigating through the aftermath can be even more complex.

While insurance might offer some relief by covering certain expenses, you might still feel uncertain about whether you're receiving the compensation you deserve.

In such cases, seeking the assistance of a reputable injury attorney in Denver could prove beneficial. They can guide you through the legal and administrative intricacies, ensuring you receive the best possible settlement.

When and How to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer Dealing with a serious injury is difficult. Here's when and how to hire a personal injury attorney if you've been injured in Colorado.

How Can You Tell If a Driver Is Drunk? 05/29/2024

It's crucial for drivers to learn how to detect and steer clear of dangerous drivers by spotting signs of impairment.

What indicators should you watch for to avoid encountering drunk drivers? Read our article here:

Call or text us if you have any questions 303-388-5304

Advice is always free.

How Can You Tell If a Driver Is Drunk? All Colorado drivers can protect themselves by knowing how to spot alcohol impaired drivers so that they can be avoided.

Colorado's New Lane Filtering Law 05/15/2024

Colorado’s New Lane Filtering Law - Be Prepared

There’s been a big development for Colorado traffic law: the passing of a bill that will allow lane filtering in Colorado, effective Aug 7, 2024.

This is an important subject because it affects ALL MOTORISTS, not just motorcycle riders.

Colorado's New Lane Filtering Law Colorado's new lane filtering law does NOT make lane splitting legal. Learn what lane filtering means for motorcyclists and car drivers.

Factors that Affect the Outcome of a Colorado Personal Injury Case 05/09/2024

Every injury involves a unique multitude of factors, each with its own degree of influence on the amount owed to victims.

The complexity of these cases arises from the unique circumstances of each incident, the individual characteristics of the injured party, and the legal and insurance frameworks in place.

Here are just a few of the factors that may impact the value of your Denver car crash case.

Factors that Affect the Outcome of a Colorado Personal Injury Case Each crash involves unique factors, which influence the amount owed. Here are a few that may impact the value of your Denver car crash case.

Tell state legislators to support SB24-065 & reduce distracted driving! 05/02/2024

SB24-065 passed House Appropriations yesterday with an 8-3 vote and is heading to the House Floor. Over multiple attempts to pass this bill, this is the first time it has made it to the House Floor. With the The General Assembly is adjourning on May 8, it is now a race against the clock. What is critical is for Majority Leader Representative Monica Duran to bring the bill to the floor ASAP. Use the link below to tell her you want SB24-065 - to get phones out of driver's hands - to get voted on!

Tell state legislators to support SB24-065 & reduce distracted driving! Contact your legislator to ask them to support SB24-065 to reduce distracted driving. Learn more about Bicycle Colorado's current policy work:

The O'Sullivan Law Firm: Above & Beyond 04/30/2024

We get most of our new case by way of referral from our past clients. It's simply because we give every client the care and attention they deserve.

If you're injured in an accident that isn't your fault, call now: 303-388-5304. Advice is always free.

The O'Sullivan Law Firm: Above & Beyond The majority of our clients come from referrals because we give each case the care and attention it deserves.Injured in an accident that wasn't your fault? C...

Photos from First Tee - Colorado Rocky Mountains's post 04/22/2024

Every year our firm offers a college scholarship to a young member of our community to help them fulfill their dreams. This year it was Grace Farrell. Congratulations Grace!

Tell state legislators to support SB24-065 & reduce distracted driving! 04/18/2024

Contact your legislators and ask them to Vote Yes on SB24-065 to reduce distracted driving.


Tell state legislators to support SB24-065 & reduce distracted driving! Contact your legislator to ask them to support SB24-065 to reduce distracted driving. Learn more about Bicycle Colorado's current policy work:


Hands-Free Bill Testimony: One of the supposed issues against SB24-065 is that it will disproportionately affect minority and poor populations (that they might be profiled or that ticket costs will hurt those with less income too much). Scott's testimony yesterday addresses that the cost for those same community members who are hit and injured by distracted drivers, are much more devastating.


Progress! Today the hands-free driving bill (SB24-065) made it through the Transportation & Housing Committee for the first time ever! Two more votes before it lands on the Governor's desk for signature. Thank you to everyone who brought such compelling testimony today!

Ways to Increase Your Visibility on a Bicycle in Denver 04/09/2024

Ways to Increase Your Visibility When Riding Your Bicycle in Denver

Ways to Increase Your Visibility on a Bicycle in Denver Many bicycle accidents happen because of lack of visibility. Colorado law requires a reflector, headlight & tail light at night.

Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Injury Attorneys 04/02/2024

Ever wonder how long it takes to settle a personal injury claim?

Frequently Asked Questions about Personal Injury Attorneys You see the billboards all over Denver, but do you know what a personal injury attorney actually does? Here are answers to common FAQs.

Calculating Future Medical Expenses for Car Accident Claims 03/27/2024

How Do Personal Injury Attorneys Calculate Future Medical Expenses in a Car Crash Settlement?

I’m working on a case right now for a young man who was tragically injured when a car made a left-hand turn in front of his motorcycle. Car accident cases can be complicated. But thanks to witnesses, we know that he was following all the rules on his motorcycle and had no time to react when the other driver pulled out in front of him.

Now, this young man is facing a lifetime of pain and medical treatment. So, my job is to make sure that he can afford to pay for that treatment as long as he needs it, which means I need to calculate his future medical expenses, then demand that amount in the settlement with the car driver’s insurance company.

Calculating Future Medical Expenses for Car Accident Claims Do personal injury attorneys calculate future medical expenses for car accident victims? Yes! Learn how experienced car crash lawyers do it.

Opinion | Switching the Clocks Twice a Year Isn’t Just Annoying. It’s Deadly. 03/10/2024

Interesting opinion article about daylight savings from the Times this morning. It talks a lot about deer… but also:

"Of course, more crashes with deer is far from the only cost of standard time. The number of fatal traffic accidents at night — caused by deer or anything else — is three times higher than it is during the day, and the dark increases the risk of pedestrian accidents by up to seven times. Permanent daylight saving time would prevent 366 fatal pedestrian and vehicle accidents a year with the help of brighter evenings during the 4.5 months of the year we currently spend on standard time. Conversely, staying on standard time for an extra 7.5 months each year would add about 610 fatalities — a difference of nearly 1,000 human lives."

The Times has a paywall but the article is here:

Opinion | Switching the Clocks Twice a Year Isn’t Just Annoying. It’s Deadly. Standard time leads to far more vehicles colliding with deer.

Shift into Safe | Don't Drive Distracted 03/07/2024


Shift into Safe | Don't Drive Distracted At 45 MPH, you can miss a lot when you take your eyes off the road for 3 seconds. To show why distracted driving is so deadly, Colorado Department of Transpo...

Avoiding Common Causes of Car Accidents in Colorado 03/06/2024

The Most Common Types of Colorado Car Crashes – And How to Avoid Them

Car accidents stand as a prominent contributor to injuries and fatalities globally. Often labeled as "accidents," there's a misconception that they are random and unavoidable events. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Many of the car accident cases encountered in my Denver Personal Injury Office are entirely preventable. Moreover, certain types of crashes occur frequently enough to be anticipated.

Understanding these prevalent types of car accidents empowers drivers to take preemptive measures, thus enhancing road safety for all. This piece delves into the most common types of car accidents witnessed in my personal injury practice, providing practical guidance on preventing them.

Avoiding Common Causes of Car Accidents in Colorado Do you know which car crashes are the most common? Our Colorado personal injury firm has insights about common accidents - and avoiding them.

Slip and Fall Cases in Colorado 02/27/2024

Slip and Fall Cases in Colorado

Have you been hurt on someone else’s property? It may seem like you have a right to sue them, no matter the circumstances, because you were hurt and they should be held responsible!

But slip and fall cases in Colorado can be more complex than they seem. If you suffered an injury on someone else’s premises, it’s critical that you understand the nuances of the Colorado Premises Liability Act. It’s also critical that you consult with an attorney to assess the value of your case.

Slip and Fall Cases in Colorado Our slip & fall attorneys discuss the Colorado Premises Liability Act. Read if you've been injured or someone was injured on your property!

Questions to Ask a Restaurant Before Eating Raw Oysters 02/21/2024

Questions to ask a restaurant before eating raw oysters.

Questions to Ask a Restaurant Before Eating Raw Oysters Please don't eat raw oysters right now. But if you absolutely have to, here's what you should ask the restaurant, and a few red flags.

Scooter Hit and Run in Denver 02/20/2024

In the bustling city of Denver, the rise of dockless scooters has brought convenience and a new dynamic to urban transportation.

However, this convenience comes with its challenges, especially when accidents happen.

This story seeks to shed light on the rights of pedestrians and cyclists who share the road with scooters. It also emphasizes the responsibilities of scooter drivers in Denver.

Scooter Hit and Run in Denver Recently a man in Denver was injured when he was hit by electric scooters. Here's what you need to know, as a pedestrian and scooter rider.


Scott is on his 7th year fighting to get phones out of people's hands while they drive. This week he testified again. In the coming weeks, we'll be asking for your support of Senate Bill 65. See comments for a link to the bill.

Why Car Crash Victims Should Seek a Motorcycle Attorney 02/13/2024

Navigating the aftermath of a car crash in Denver can be a daunting and complex task. You absolutely need to hire a personal injury attorney. But how do you choose one when you’ve never been through an experience like this before?

Here’s a surprising tip: hire a motorcycle attorney who has seen it all.

Due to the often-tragic nature of motorcycle crashes, which tend to include life-changing injuries, complicated and long-term medical care, and contentious battles with insurance companies, a motorcycle attorney is well-equipped to handle your car crash case.

As a personal injury attorney with over 25 years of experience in Denver, I’ve witnessed the immense challenges victims face. My extensive experience as a motorcycle attorney, dealing with catastrophic injuries and securing multimillion-dollar settlements, has equipped me with unique insights and skills.

These are precisely why Denver car crash victims should hire me for their cases.

Why Car Crash Victims Should Seek a Motorcycle Attorney Colorado car crash victims need an injury lawyer who knows how to deal with severe injuries. A motorcycle attorney like Scott understands.

Infographic: What Drivers Need to Know about Motorcyclists 02/07/2024

Here at the O’Sullivan Law Firm we care deeply about the Colorado motorcycle community, and it’s our mission to help keep our biker friends safe.

If you ride a motorcycle, then the information below isn’t news to you. But the majority of car drivers have never–and will never–drive a motorcycle in their life.

That doesn’t mean, however, that they can just ignore motorcycle safety.

Infographic: What Drivers Need to Know about Motorcyclists All Colorado drivers should read this and share the infographic in order to keep our motorcyclist friends safe on the road!

First Tow - The New Toyota Tacoma’s MPG Surprised Me Both Towing & Empty on a 1000-Mile Road Trip! 02/07/2024

Are you familiar with The Fast Lane Truck? They are based out of Boulder and Scott has been a big fan for years so... he decided to support one of their video series. You can follow the series and all of their other off road adventures on YouTube.

First Tow - The New Toyota Tacoma’s MPG Surprised Me Both Towing & Empty on a 1000-Mile Road Trip! Thank you to O’Sullivan Law Firm and Scott O’Sullivan for sponsoring TFL’s long-term 2024 Toyota Tacoma reviews and testing. If you’ve been in an accident an...

Semitrailers may be prohibited from using the left lane on I-70 through Colorado’s mountains. Truckers aren’t happy. 02/01/2024

Traffic vs Costs vs Wrecks… we'll take less wrecks, please.

Semitrailers may be prohibited from using the left lane on I-70 through Colorado’s mountains. Truckers aren’t happy. Senate Bill 100 would only offer an exception for a commercial vehicle passing another vehicle traveling below the posted speed limit


Scott talks a little about what makes The O'Sullivan Law Firm different. Most of our cases are referrals because of the care we give our clients.

Does Vehicle Weight Impact How Deadly a Crash Is? 01/24/2024

How VEHICLE WEIGHT impacts car crashes.

Understanding the impact of a vehicle’s weight on the severity of crashes is crucial for drivers, especially in a bustling city like Denver. In my opinion, if you understand how heavy your car is, you might drive a little more defensively.

Does Vehicle Weight Impact How Deadly a Crash Is? How much does vehicle weight matter in a car crash? It can matter quite a bit, and electric cars are sometimes the culprits.

How to Find an Honest Personal Injury Attorney in Denver 01/02/2024

Finding the right personal injury attorney in Denver can significantly impact the outcome of your case and overall experience. And my goodness, is this getting harder these days.

Did you know that some big, national and international firms are buying up local personal injury firms in an effort to take over this market? That’s why you’re seeing all those new names and faces on billboards.

With a plethora of options available, distinguishing the honest and effective attorneys from the rest can be challenging. That’s a big problem when the stakes are typically very high after a Denver car crash.

How to Find an Honest Personal Injury Attorney in Denver If you've been injured, you may need to hire a personal injury lawyer. But with so many out there, how do you find an honest one in Denver?

Nighttime Pedestrian Deaths in Denver and Beyond 12/20/2023

Like the rest of the country, Colorado and Denver have experienced a disturbing uptick in road fatalities. Yet we struggle to make changes that turn the trend around. A New York Times article got me thinking about all of the compounding problems that have made our roads less safe over the last few decades. Here are a few…

Nighttime Pedestrian Deaths in Denver and Beyond Recently the NY Times published a story about increasing nighttime pedestrian deaths. Here are our thoughts from a local Denver perspective.

Support safer streets in Denver 12/05/2023

2 days left! Donate to the The Denver Streets Partnership, a coalition of community organizations advocating for people-friendly streets in Denver.

Support safer streets in Denver Donate to the Denver Streets Partnership for Colorado Gives Day

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Videos (show all)

SB24-065 HAS PASSED! Hands-free driving is law in Colorado. Thank you to everyone who supported this effort!Special than...
Hands-Free Bill Testimony: One of the supposed issues against SB24-065 is that it will disproportionately affect minorit...
Progress! Today the hands-free driving bill (SB24-065) made it through the Transportation & Housing Committee for the fi...
Scott is an expert in motorcycle accidents and that specialty makes him an incredible asset for your car accident case.
Scott is on his 7th year fighting to get phones out of people's hands while they drive. This week he testified again. In...
Scott talks a little about what makes The O'Sullivan Law Firm different. Most of our cases are referrals because of the ...
Scott is at the Rockin' Rescue Night Out to support the @DenverRescue. You can help by making direct donations here: htt...
If you've been in an accident, the damage may be done, but we can still fight for your rights and maximize the compensat...
Vibrio vulnificus warning, stop eating oysters because of this deadly bacterium
Biggest Lie Insurance Company's Tell You
When Nationwide is not on your side…here's what you need to do if you're dealing with Nationwide Insurance when you get ...



600 North Ogden Street
Denver, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm

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Anzalone Law Offices Colorado Anzalone Law Offices Colorado
2727 Bryant Street
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Zaner Harden Law Zaner Harden Law
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The Halliburton Law Firm, LLC The Halliburton Law Firm, LLC
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McQuaid Injury Law McQuaid Injury Law
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Lampert & Walsh, LLC Lampert & Walsh, LLC
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