Jennifer S. Levine - Jennifire

Artist, writer, art activist and
FirePower Productions founder

Pursuing the dream and igniting the This paradigm is fallacy.


I am a writer and an artist, human in my quest for identity and definition. Though every journey is a well worn path and every story, clichéd, I still believe we can create our own footprints. Intrinsically, the human experience revolves around relation… relation with our selves, relation with others, relation with the very ground on which we stand. These relationships are based


8 JANUARY, WORLD TYPING DAY: You read this right, TYPING and you read it because I'm at my computer hammering away on a keyboard.

Today is about celebrating the communication we use to everyday. We've come a long way as a society from longhand letters, snail mail and asking operators to connect us for a long distance call. I don't know about you but this wonderful ability is so easy to take for granted. Here's a day to appreciate it!

So, how did we get here? Typewriting machines were introduced in patent by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868. By 1874 typewriters are being introduced to the marketplace; they took a while to catch on mainstream. But, once they caught, they tapped into every industry and created a whole new career field which was typists, which became secretaries and now personal assistants.

Slowly, this tool was modernized in design, lighter and portable, then IBM developed the first electric version in 1935. It took almost 30 years but IBM came out with the first word processor in 1964 and by the 1980s the great great grandfather computers of all these devices we're now using were progressively replacing typewriters en masse... and, here we are!

Some urge celebrating this day by practicing typing, enrolling in a class or taking an online quiz to see how ya do. Personally, I like underscoring the practical use of this wonderful tool as an excuse to do a little writing, maybe drop a line to a friend I've not talked with in a while. We shouldn't need excuses to stay in touch but life happens so days like this are a terrific reminders!

If you like these reminders to set the tone for your week and through the year, it's not to late to get one of my limited edition 2024 calendars:


7 JANUARY, I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE DAY: This holiday isn't something to be mad at but time to do something about the stuff that makes you mad or makes you feel inhibited from being yourself and realizing your aspirations.

It's a great time to take inventory over this past year and see how you've started this new year, with the first full week coming to a close. Are there things you want to change? Are there situations where you need to be more assertive? Is it time to have a talk with someone about something, a significant other or friend or colleague? Is it time to get mad?

Set your boundaries, chart your course, take hold of the helm and GO BIG OR GO HOME because THIS is YOUR DAY to ROAR and THIS is YOUR YEAR to SHINE!

If you like these reminders to set the tone for your week and through the year, it's not to late to get one of my limited edition 2024 calendars:


6 JANUARY, EPIPHANY OR THREE KINGS' DAY: I know this is a day late but I've been taking time to reflect and spend time with memories on the anniversary of my dad's parting... I've not forgotten you folks that like these!

So, yesterday was Epiphany which comes from the Greek word epiphaneia which means "manifestation." It is also celebrated as Three Kings' Day because it marks the date that the Magi presented their presents of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The precious metal, incense and anointing oil were traditional offerings to honor a king or god. A harbinger of this visitation can be found in the Old Testament, “bring gold and frankincense and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord” (Isaiah 60:6). To celebrate the beginning of Epiphanytide season, the time following Christmas where Jesus' birth and baptism are reflected upon as the first of his divine powers to be witnessed, it is common to eat King Cake or other pastries, go to church or occasionally exchange gifts.

If you like these reminders to set the tone for your week and through the year, it's not to late to get one of my limited edition 2024 calendars:


5 JANUARY, TWELFTH NIGHT: It gets a little confusing because we're all very familiar with the song "12 Days of Christmas" and its countdown theme TO Christmas but the actual 12 Days of Christmas start FROM the 25th. So, today is actually the date for the Twelfth Night.

In Christian tradition, it took the Magi 12 days after they saw the star from the East to travel to Bethlehem and bring baby Jesus gifts. The very idea of Christmas gift giving is from the three wise guys. The traditional way of celebrating tonight is to eat, drink and be merry, not to surprisingly. Even more traditional, it's time to enjoy your last mugs of wassail, take down the Christmas decorations if you're not in Denver, CO (it's traditional to keep Christmas decor up until after the National Western Stockshow which ends on the 21st, outdoor Christmas lights started here for the same reason), and maybe cook up some king cake for tomorrow's Epiphany celebrations. In some countries this marks the beginning of Carnival season as well which is probably why NOLA is so well known for its king cakes because they've been known to have marching in the streets a time or two.

If you like these reminders to set the tone for your week and through the year, it's not to late to get one of my limited edition 2024 calendars:


4 JANUARY, NATIONAL TRIVIA DAY: What better way to celebrate today than offer some trivia about TRIVIA? I don't know about you but I have a deep LOVE for tidbits, etymologies, histories and just learning anything about everything. Here's some not so trivial stuffs about a word that seem most oxymoronic by definition and why that is.

TRIVIA finds its roots in the Latin word trivium (it's a plural word by nature). Literally translated, the word means "a place where three roads meet". And, me being uber nerd that enjoyed my high school Latin studies immediately saw TRI as three and VIA meaning road... so, okay, but where is that taking us?

In Roman times, celebrated for their infrastructure which is still used today in some places, where three roads met was an intersection where people would meet and gather because of the convenience and a COMMON PLACE. See what I did there? So that's why referring to something as "trivial" carries that definition.

Language changes. This goes without saying so let's leap ahead a couple years where we find TRIVIUM in its classical definition once again used but in an academic setting, the medieval times. Trivium became the route for those lucky enough to be able to receive an education. The curriculum consisted of three prongs of education: Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. So the first use of "trivial" was to describe anything associated with those studies. If you continued on to a higher education, as it were, you'd go on to study the Quadrivium: Arithmetic, Music, Geometry and Astronomy, but that's trivial to TRIVIA.

Some think the publication of Logan Pearsall Smith's book series, Trivia, with its rich anecdotal observations might have leant to the popularization of the word in more modern times but who's to say. What I was able to gather though was that by the 1960s college campus life began to be lit up with a game of informal games where students would quiz each other with random tidbits. (I know, leave it to college kids to bring us Trivia and Red Bull, am I right?) By 1982 Selchow and Righter licensed the rights to what became the board game Trivial Pursuit which was brilliant! Not only does the game appreciate the word play of the word "trivial" BUT, think about it for a second, the whole design is where roads meet and underscores the very root of the word, yet again. I mean, how cool is that?

So, happy National Trivia Day and thank you for playing!

If you like these reminders to set the tone for your week and through the year, it's not to late to get one of my limited edition 2024 calendars:


3 JANUARY, FESTIVAL OF SLEEP DAY: With all the hustle and bustle and just plain GET DOWN ON IT through the holidays, then the reflective moments and New Year's resolutions, is it a wonder that sometimes we need a reminder to take a god-blessed break? Well, today is that day.

I don't know about you but I need this as much as anyone! I have all the best of intentions for a good sleep schedule and good game plan for bed. I really do! Yet, before I know it, darkness falls darker while I'm caught up in a project or allow myself one more show in a series or chapter in a book then the best laid plans of mice and men...

So, tonight let's all set some conscientious goals for slumberland if only for an evening and see how we like it. Personally, I'm gonna strip my sheets off my normal weekly schedule, fluff some extra pillows, turn off the screens and get ready for bed 30 minutes earlier in case I do decide to read that next chapter. I mean, we've all read those sleep studies and stuffs and know they're right... what do you think would be a good goal for you tonight to honor a Festival of ZZzzzzzs?

If you like these reminders to set the tone for your week and through the year, it's not to late to get one of my limited edition 2024 calendars:


2 JANUARY, NATIONAL INTROVERT DAY: So when I'm not pushing paints around, this is my other creative sanctuary where my inspiration finds a voice in words. I've been sitting in here today into tonight, listening to roundtable podcasts with creatives, thinking about goals for my year and pondering words.

I made a post on New Years Eve asking folks to leave a positive word that started with the first letter of their name to set a tone for the year. What words folks came up with! I've been thinking about those wonderful words. I've also been looking at the word assigned to me last year by my Thursday evening church group when I picked a star and turned it over to read OPEN-HEARTED. I've kept this star at my desk, glancing at it throughout the year and really pondering what it means to be open-hearted. I'm not so sure I honored what it means everyday of this past year, within myself or towards others, but having it as a talisman was a healthy North Star that guided me in action, in reflection.

For the rest of the world, it would seem, Merriam-Webster chose for its Word of the Year at the close of 2023 to be AUTHENTIC. We discussed that at my church group a couple weeks ago, as well. What does "authentic" mean? Why would it be a thematic that carried through 2023? The topic wove through AI, deep fakes, news, politics, social media of course, religion misperceptions and various other threads you can imagine unraveling from those really pivotal things happening in our macroworld. In a smaller space, there's a certain intimacy conjured in being authentic. And, within that intimacy, an inferred sense of trust. For that reason, it's no wonder that most of my creative writing professors in college would hold it as a standard with which to measure the quality of our work, "Do you feel your voice is authentic in this piece?"

So, for this last year, being open-hearted was a good approach and looking back on seeing "What is authentic?" was an interesting inventory. I've been asking myself what I can learn from this last year to encapsulate my focus for this following year. What is a healthy word, a word that holds potency to carry through the remaining 364 days this Leap Year?

VULNERABILITY comes to mind. I've always seen vulnerability as something that should be guarded against, as most of us do and that isn't a bad thing. That said, that very protectionism has held me back at times as an artist and a writer. I tell ya, that Imposter Syndrome S**T is no joke. I fight it, actively, even after all these years. I push through it, as all creatives must, but this year I'm going to focus on embracing my discomfort as a tool. Is it so bad to see vulnerability as a strength?

Without the limitation of choosing a word that starts with the same letter as your name, what word do you want to set into intention for 2024?


LINK ON MY PAGE: This is THE day! We all have those days but the rest of the time maybe not so much. If we're lucky, life is busy but it can be too busy. Sometimes we just need a beat to remember why we're here: take inventory, allow for fun, grab a little adventure, give back, feel gratitude or just have a laugh. I know I do!
After weeks of combing through calendars and the internet, reading about thousands of holidays and traditions, I think I've compiled the perfect collection to keep your year on track with a little joy and inspiration. Plus, I haven't forgotten to note all the full moons and eclipses so you know when things are gonna get CRAZY!
I know not everyday needs to be special nor, realistically, can it be. Some days on this calendar are stacked with suggestions and a few are empty (with room to mark your own occasions, of course). I selected dates throughout the year that will eventually connect with everyone, sooner or later. If even one day speaks to you in the month, color me thrilled to have succeeded!
So, enjoy and big cheers to a bigger, brighter year ahead as we all so richly deserve!
Jennifer S. Levine


SOLAMENTE COMMEMORATIVE COLLECTION: Limited Edition Monthly Calendar f 12/31/2023

I don't know how many hours over the last several weeks this has taken but I have my monthly calendar available for 2024! You may be asking, why the HELL did it take you soooo long?! Well, believe you me, I've been asking the same thing.
Do you have any idea how many days there are in a year?! If you think there are only 366 days in a year (2024 is Leap Year), you'd be off by thousands when you start looking at calendars with special days in them! I suppose, by this point I could've just started making up stuffs but the professional editor in me just went into supersonic mode and decided I needed to research EVERYTHING.
So, with careful consideration and without further adieu, here's my collection of dates to help ya take a beat to remember why we're all here, take inventory, allow for fun, grab a little adventure, give back, feel gratitude or just have a laugh. Plus, I haven't forgotten to note all the full moons and eclipses so you know when things are gonna get CRAZY!
Enjoy and big cheers to a bigger, brighter year ahead as we all so richly deserve!
Abundant gratitude to each and everyone one of ya'll! Without the love and support ya'll give, DUDE... ya'll just leave me speechless and that's damned hard to do, as ya know! Hahahaha! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Jennifer S. Levine - Jennifire

SOLAMENTE COMMEMORATIVE COLLECTION: Limited Edition Monthly Calendar f This is THE day! We all have those days but the rest of the time maybe not so much. If we're lucky, life is busy but it can be too busy. Sometimes we just need a beat to remember why we're here: take inventory, allow for fun, grab a little adventure, give back, feel gratitude or just have a laugh. I...


This is THE day! We all have those days but the rest of the time maybe not so much. If we're lucky, life is busy but it can be too busy. Sometimes we just need a beat to remember why we're here: take inventory, allow for fun, grab a little adventure, give back, feel gratitude or just have a laugh. I know I do!
After weeks of combing through calendars and the internet, reading about thousands of holidays and traditions, I think I've compiled the perfect collection to keep your year on track with a little joy and inspiration. Plus, I haven't forgotten to note all the full moons and eclipses so you know when things are gonna get CRAZY!
I know not everyday needs to be special nor, realistically, can it be. Some days on this calendar are stacked with suggestions and a few are empty (with room to mark your own occasions, of course). I selected dates throughout the year that will eventually connect with everyone, sooner or later. If even one day speaks to you in the month, color me thrilled to have succeeded!
So, enjoy and big cheers to a bigger, brighter year ahead as we all so richly deserve!
Jennifer S. Levine


SOLAMENTE COMMEMORATIVE COLLECTION: Limited Edition Monthly Calendar f 12/29/2023


I don't know how many hours over the last several weeks this has taken but I have my monthly calendar available for 2024! You may be asking, why the HELL did it take you soooo long?! Well, believe you me, I've been asking the same thing.

Do you have any idea how many days there are in a year?! If you think there are only 366 days in a year (2024 is Leap Year), you'd be off by thousands when you start looking at calendars with special days in them! I suppose, by this point I could've just started making up stuffs but the professional editor in me just went into supersonic mode and decided I needed to research EVERYTHING.

So, with careful consideration and without further adieu, here's my collection of dates to help ya take a beat to remember why we're all here, take inventory, allow for fun, grab a little adventure, give back, feel gratitude or just have a laugh. Plus, I haven't forgotten to note all the full moons and eclipses so you know when things are gonna get CRAZY!

Enjoy and big cheers to a bigger, brighter year ahead as we all so richly deserve!

Abundant gratitude to each and everyone one of ya'll! Without the love and support ya'll give, DUDE... ya'll just leave me speechless and that's damned hard to do, as ya know! Hahahaha! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Jennifer S. Levine - Jennifire


2024 Calendars with Original Art from Jennifer S. Levine's Solamente S 12/15/2023

Hey there Have you taken a look at We Fancy's store lately? Checkout the commemorative calendars from my solo show, Solamente. If you're looking for last minute gifts or want to start your year off right, take a look to have one in your home or just enjoy perusing the selection:

2024 Calendars with Original Art from Jennifer S. Levine's Solamente S Talk about a colorful selection! We are the exclusive distributors of Jennifer S. Levine's original paintings and these colorful calendars with her work. Choose from the 12 month wall calendar with special fun reminders like National Puzzle Day and Global Belly Laugh Day or a wide array of year at a...


RENOIR, STILL LIFE WITH STRAWBERRIES: Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 16 IN. This piece is the second in a series I plan to continue to explore. It is based off of Renoir’s Still Life with Strawberries, 1914 in the collection of the Brooklyn Museum. Each color and stroke of this piece is from his palette in that painting, as well as the texture in the layers. The reason for this series is that he was my first introduction into art, first relationship with an artist which made me want to explore painting.

When people ask me where my love for art began, I always cite my after school art class in 5th grade at 10 years of age. It was during that time I was made aware of the Impressionists and my forever favorite artist, Renoir. You may be asking, “Do what?” Yep, you read right. My first and continued influence for my work, even with the act thereof is Pierre-Auguste Renoir. I understand how this may be confusing with my body of work primarily being non-objective so I decided to take my style and underscore his influence by picking paintings then emulating their hues, tones and brushstrokes in my style.

Also, Renoir symbolizes, for me, the abiding love and support my late parents had in me. The reason I have so many books and other accouterments by Renoir is because they often gifted me things relating to him, knowing my love of his work as well as my love of art. To this day, I have hanging in my bedroom a print, beautifully fabric-matted and gilt-framed, of Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party. On the back of that piece is a note written in marker from my parents, memorializing my 13th birthday that reads “To our little ‘Renoir’, love Mom and Dad.”

Art & Expectations - Jennifer S. Levine - ArtBeat 11/27/2023

Making me blush!! How wonderful is this?! It’s been a beautiful ride this artsy life, thank you to all you wonderful folks without whose support this never would’ve been possible. ABUNDANT GRATITUDE ❤️🙏🏼❤️

Art & Expectations - Jennifer S. Levine - ArtBeat An artist’s journey is one of open expression. Jennifer Levine is continuing to push her artistic boundaries and find new ways to showcase her creative source. “Art and creating have been in my life everContinue reading


It’s the last day of my show, what a wonderful ride it’s been! Thank you everybody for the love, support and just EVERYTHING ❤️🙏🏼❤️

If you want to learn more, all original work is available and solely distributed through . You can learn about the pieces and see the written accompaniments on the website below:


Halloween can be an art, too! I mean, Van Gough gets it!

If you want to learn more, all original work is available and solely distributed through . You can learn about the pieces and see the written accompaniments on the website below:


Don’t give up on them, seize those dreams and just keep doing you!

If you want to learn more, all original work is available and solely distributed through . You can learn about the pieces and see the written accompaniments on the website below:


Always listen to your own voice over paying attention to those that don’t matter. Just keep doing you!

If you want to learn more, all original work is available and solely distributed through . You can learn about the pieces and see the written accompaniments on the website below:



If you want to learn more, all original work is available and solely distributed through . You can learn about the pieces and see the written accompaniments on the website below:

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Videos (show all)

INEFFABLE from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up through Oct...
THE CITY DIFFERENT from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up th...
DAYDREAMER from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up through Oc...
EMERGENT from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up through Octo...
****SOLD**** COBBLESTONE from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be...
RUMINATION from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up through Oc...
THE SPACES I LOVE from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up thr...
LET US LAY THE TABLE from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up ...
ARRAY from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up through October...
ENDEAVOR from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up through Octo...
LIFE IS MESSY from my show at @denverpressclub called SOLAMENTE: JOURNEY THROUGH COLOR AND WORD which will be up through...




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