Our Mission: To improve the quality of life for people living with bleeding disorders.


Congratulations to the Brandywine Valley Hemophilia Foundation (BVHF) for hosting their successful Spring Education Celebration at the Fieldstone Golf Club in Greenville, DE, Saturday, June 8th. The event included learning, awareness and fundraising along with fantastic people, food and weather!!!☀️⛳️


Celebrating BDRN Nurse Manager, Maria Barros RN, BSN for receiving the HANJ Unsung Hero Award 👏👏👏


Need some bleeding disorders home infusion or subcutaneous injection practice or would you just like to become more familiar with these skills? Come join BDRN’s nurse, Maria Barros, RN BSN on Saturday, June 8th for an afternoon of learning. RSVP today!

¿Necesitas practicar la infusión o la inyección subcutánea para trastornos de la coagulación en el hogar? O, ¿te gustaría estar más familiarizado/a con estas habilidades? Acompaña a la enferemera de BDRN, Maria Barros, RN BSN este sábado 8 de junio para una tarde de aprendizaje. ¡Responde a la invitación hoy!


National Nurses Week, May 6 - 12, 2024



Happy Friday!!! Sharing some awesome pictures from the NYC Hemophilia Chapter’s “Annual Spring Event” held at the Bronx Zoo this past Sunday 5/5/24
🦁 🦏 🦓 🦒 🐘 🦍 🦚

¡¡¡Feliz viernes!!! Les compartimos algunas bonitas fotos del "Evento de primavera" de NYC Hemophilia Chapter. El cual tuvo lugar en el Zoológico de Bronx este domingo pasado 5 de mayo del 2024. 🦁 🦏 🦓 🦒 🐘 🦍 🦚


Thank you New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) for hosting your third BDRN Infusion Workshop on Sunday 4/28/24. BDRN Nursing, Clinical Manager, Maria Barros, RN, BSN, led the program in helping patients and caregivers to familiarize and practice home infusion & injection therapy skills. Congratulations to all who particpated!!!

Gracias a el Capítulo de Hemofilias de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYCHC por sus siglas en inglés) por auspiciar el tercer Taller de infusión de BDRN, el domingo 28 de abril del 2024. La directora de enfermería clínica, María Barros, RN, BSN, dirigió el programa ayudando a pacientes y cuidadores a familiarizarse y a practicar las habilidades de infusión e inyección en el hogar. ¡¡Felicidades a todos los que participaron!!


“Bowling for Bleeding Disorders” was held on Saturday, March 16, 2024 at Devon Lanes in Devon, PA. The afternoon event was a great opportunity for all to knock down pins while networking and supporting The Eastern Pennsylvania Bleeding Disorders Foundation (EPBDF) during Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month! Pat Johnson and Jon Davis from BDRN, LLC were among the proud sponsors that attended this year’s annual event. A big THANK YOU to all who supported, participated, volunteered, organized, and hosted this successful EPBDF event!

El evento “Boliche por los trastornos de la coagulación” se llevó a cabo el sábado 16 de marzo del 2024 en Devon Lakes, PA. El evento de la tarde fue una gran oportunidad de tumbar todos los bolos mientras interconectábamos y apoyábamos a la Fundación de Trastornos Hemorrágicos del Este de Pensilvania (EPBDF por sus siglas en inglés), ¡durante el mes de la concientización de la hemofilia! Pat Johnson y Jon Davis de BDRN, LLC estuvieron entre los orgullosos patrocinadores que asistieron al evento anual este año. ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS a todos los que apoyaron, participaron, se ofrecieron de voluntarios, organizaron, y auspiciaron este evento exitoso de EPBDF!


Familias Latinas con un desorden de coagulación. Celebremos juntos el mes de la Hispanidad con NYCHC & HANJ

BDRN LLC Our Mission: To improve the quality of life for people living with bleeding disorders.


Directrices para el tratamiento odontológico de pacientes con trastornos de la coagulación hereditarios.

Credito por la foto


Guidelines for Dental Treatment of Patients with Inherited Bleeding Disorders

Photo Credit

What is Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)? - Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Inc. 09/14/2023

September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month, designated by Congress to help focus attention on the need for research and treatment of sickle cell disease.

Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de la Concientización sobre la Enfermedad de Células Falciformes. Fue designado por el congreso para crear conciencia sobre la necesidad de llevar a cabo estudios y de crear tratamientos para la enfermedad de células falciformes.

What is Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)? - Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Inc. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells. People with sickle cell disease have red blood cells that contain mostly hemoglobin S, an abnormal type of hemoglobin. Sometimes these red blood cells become sickle-shaped (crescent shaped) and have difficulty passing t...

HFA Symposium 2023 04/27/2023

Pavri Family Award Presentation 4/15/23
HFA Symposium, Orlando, FL

HFA Symposium 2023


BDAST Bowlathon 2023 Fundraiser!!!

BDRN LLC celebrated Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month with BDAST on 4/2/23 at Midway Lanes, Vestal, NY. The annual event was a great afternoon of family fun for all ages, that included knocking down pins, lunch and winning raffles!!! Thanks to all the bowlers and sponsors who joined in to support the BDAST Mission of education, awareness and advocacy for individuals and families living with a bleeding disorder in the Southern Tier and Central NY!!! 🎳🍕🎟️🏆🙏

¡¡¡Evento de Recaudación de fondos Bowlathon BDAST 2023!!! BDRN LLC celebro el Mes de la concientización de los trastornos de la coagulación el 2 de abril del 2023 en Midway Lanes, Vestal, NY. ¡¡¡El evento anual fue una tarde muy divertida para todas la edades, incluyo tumbar bolos, un almuerzo, y rifas ganadoras!!! ¡¡¡Gracias a todos los que participaron en el boliche y a todos los patrocinadores que nos acompañaron en apoyo de la misión de BDAST de educación, concientización y abogacía para individuos que viven con un trastorno de la coagulación y sus familias en el Southern Tier y Central de NY!!! 🎳🍕🎟️🏆🙏


BDRN was proud to be one of the sponsors of the HANJ Community Connection program held at the American Dream Mall this week. This event had numerous and immersive events for both children and parents alike. Events such as this and the sponsorships provided, allow for those within our community to not only get access to the best possible care available, but to give the community a chance to enjoy themselves, relax and support one another as well.

BDRN es un patrocinador orgulloso del programa, Conexión comunitaria de HANJ, el cual se llevo a cabo en American Dream Mall esta semana. Este evento tuvo varias actividades inmersivas tanto para hijos como padres por igual. Eventos como este y los patrocinios proporcionados, permiten que aquellos dentro de nuestra comunidad no solo obtengan acceso al mejor cuidado posible, pero también que la pasen bien, descansen y se apoyen uno al otro.


Happy Friday from BDRN!!!


Infusion Training with the New York City Hemophilia Chapter

On Sunday, 1/29/23, the New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) hosted a self-infusion training program with sponsor BDRN, LLC. BDRN nurse, Maria Barros, RN and community volunteer nurses, Hope Woodcock-Ross, RN and Joan McCarthy, RN were on-hand to provide one-on-one instruction and share tips with attendees for successful self-care. During the program, BDRN’s own Glenn Rosenwald and Martin Tully demonstrated their self-infusion and subcutaneous injection skills respectively for the group. BDRN would like to thank all who attended and looks forward to presenting the program again with NYCHC on Sunday, May 7, 2023.


In the News with the Eastern Pennsylvania Bleeding Disorders Foundation:

Hershey Lodge was a welcoming venue for the “The Power of Community” Women’s Retreat, held 11/4 - 11/6/22.
Over 50 attendees participated in yoga, wellness and health education for women living with a bleeding disorder. Pat Johnson and Kelli Kaminskas were honored to participate from BDRN Specialty Pharmacy, in support of this year’s program. Congratulations to Sarah Pilacik, Executive Director of the Foundation and her team for organizing this successful event.


Summer Camp Staff Retreat 2022

Planning a week long camp for kids living with a bleeding disorder and their siblings is a year-round effort. BDRN, LLC is honored to help support the volunteer staff at Camp High Hopes who generously give their time and skills to create a life-changing experience of friendship, self-care education and fun memories! For more information visit:

Photos from BDRN LLC's post 10/21/2022

NYCHC Unite Walk 2022

Over thirty walk teams raised nearly $140,000 on Sunday 10/9/22 to support the New York City Hemophilia Chapter's mission to provide education, support, advocacy, and research for those in the bleeding disorders community. The event was hosted at Prospect Park in Brooklyn and the fall weather was beautiful! Kelli Kaminskas and Maria Barros, RN were on hand from BDRN, LLC specialty pharmacy. They both enjoyed sharing the day with everyone in support of this fantastic, 17th annual fundraiser and look forward to next year's event. Thank you to all who made this a successful event!

NYCHC Unite Walk 2022

Más de treinta equipos recaudaron casi $140,000 el domingo 9/10/22 en apoyo de la misión de New York City Hemophilia Chapter de proporcionar educación, apoyo, abogacía, y estudios para aquellos en la comunidad de trastornos de la coagulación. El evento se llevo a cabo en Prospect Park de Brooklyn. Y, ¡el clima otoñal fue hermoso! Kelli Kaminskas y Maria Barros, RN estuvieron presentes de parte de la farmacia especializada BDRN,LLC. Ambas disfrutaron del día junto con todos los que apoyaron este programa anual número 17 para recaudar fondos, y esperan con entusiasmo el evento del próximo año. ¡Gracias a todos los que contribuyeron al éxito de este evento!

Photos from BDRN LLC's post 10/17/2022

The Eastern Pennsylvania Bleeding Disorders Foundation serves those affected by a bleeding disorder in forty-one counties.

On Thursday, 10/6/22 the Foundation held its Annual Meeting at the Sheraton Valley Forge Hotel. Leonard Azzarano, Board President opened the meeting, followed by Executive Director, Sarah Pilacik, who presented the organization’s Six-Month Report. Over 175 members attended the event which included a talk by Keynote Speaker, J. Nathan, MD, MHCM, FAAP on “What’s New in Bleeding Disorders”. Pat Johnson and Jon Davis from BDRN, LLC displayed in the event’s exhibit hall and enjoyed talking with the members about BDRN’s specialty pharmacy services and commitment to the bleeding disorders community. Congratulations to Executive Director, Sarah Pilacik, and her team for their new leadership and for organizing a great night of networking, dinner, chapter information and education!

La Eastern Pennsylvania Bleeding Disorders Foundation sirve a aquellos que son afectados por un trastorno de la coagulación en 41 condados.

El jueves 6 de octubre del 2022 la fundación tuvo su reunión anual en el hotel Sheraton Valley Forge. Leonard Azzarano, el presidente de la junta comenzó la reunion, después la directora ejecutiva, Sarah Pilack, presentó el reporte semiannual de la organización. Más de 175 miembros asistieron al event, el cual incluyó un discurso de parte del orador principal, J. Nathan, MD, MHCM, FAAP con el tema: “Qué hay de nuevo con los trastornos de la coagulación.” Pat Johnson y Jon Davis de BDRN, LLC exhibieron en la sala de exhibición del evento y disfrutaron de platicas con los miembros sobre los servicios de farmacia especializada y el compromiso con la comunidad de trastornos de la coagulación que BDRN tiene. Felicidades a la directora ejecutiva , Sarah Pilacik, y a su equipo por su nuevo liderazgo y por organizar una gran noche de interconexiones, una cena, y educación e información sobre el capítulo.

Photos from BDRN LLC's post 09/29/2022

NYCHC and the New York Mets!

Fans and members of the New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) came out Tuesday evening to watch the Miami Marlins battle the New York Mets at Citi Field in Queens. Despite the Marlins winning 6-4 over the home team Mets, everyone enjoyed a night of great baseball, weather and cheering! Kelli Kaminskas and Jon Davis represented sponsor, BDRN, LLC at the event. Cheers to the NYCHC Team for hosting a family fun outing! Let’s Go Mets!!!

¡NYCHC y los New York Mets!
Fans y miembros de New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NYCHC) salieron el martes en la tarde para ver el juego de los Miami Marlins contra los New York Mets en Citi Field en Queens. ¡A pesar de que los Marlins ganaron 6-4 contra los Mets, todos disfrutaron de una buena noche con beisbol, buen clima, y porras! Kelli Kaminskas y Jon Davis representaron al patrocinador, BDRN, LLC en el evento. ¡Salud al equipo de NYCHC por hospedar esta divertida noche para las familias! ¡Arriba los Mets!

Photos from BDRN LLC's post 09/19/2022

BDANENY Annual Meeting

Members of the Bleeding Disorders Association of Northeastern New York (BDANENY) met at Liberty Ridge Farms in Schaghticoke, NY on Sunday 9/18/22 for the organization’s annual meeting. Following lunch, Pat Torrey of Gut Monkey, presented a talk about how having a Growth Mindset, instead of a Fixed Mindset, can make reaching new goals limitless. Executive Director, Beth Mahar continued the meeting by sharing the BDANENY Mission and the different programs offered to the membership. Later, BDANENY members of all ages, enjoyed over 40 seasonal fall attractions that Liberty Ridge Farms offers, including the Pumkin Cannon Show, Gerbil Wheels, and Pig Races. Jon Davis and Chad Blair from BDRN, LLC were at the event to discuss BDRN’s specialty pharmacy services. Congratulations to the BDANENY Team for organizing another great annual meeting!

Reunion annual de BDANENY
Los miembros de Bleeding Disorders Association of Northeastern New York (BDANENY por sus siglas en inglés) se reunieron en Liberty Ridge Farms in Schaghticoke, NY el domingo 19 de septiembre del 2022 para la reunión anual de dicha organización. Después del almuerzo Pat Torrey de Gut Monkey, presento un discurso sobre como el tener mente de crecimiento, en vez de una mente fija, puede hacer que alcanzar nuevas metas sea sin límites. El director ejecutivo, Beth Mahar continuo la reunión y compartió la misión de BDANENY y hablo sobre los diferentes programas que les ofrecen a sus miembros. Después, los miembros de BDANENY de todas las edades, disfrutaron de más de 40 atracciones de otoño en Liberty Ridge Farms, incluyendo el Show Pumpkin Cannon, ruedas de jerbos, y carreras de cerdos. Jon Davis y Chad Blair de BDRN, LLC estuvieron presentes para platicar sobre los servicios de farmacia especializada que ofrece BDRN. ¡Felicidades al equipo de BDANENY por organizar otro gran evento para su reunión anual!

Photos from BDRN LLC's post 09/16/2022

Back to School with HANJ

The Hemophilia Association of New Jersey (HANJ) presented their Back to School program on Saturday 9/10/22 at the Liberty Science Center located in Jersey City. BDRN, LLC was honored to be part of the program that discussed advocating for your child, 504 education plans and collaborating with your Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC). BDRN nurse, Maria Barros, RN provided infusion demonstrations for parents and school children during the program, along with Martha Occhigrosso and Kelli Kaminskas who shared BDRN’s specialty pharmacy services and commitment to the bleeding disorders community. BDRN congratulates the HANJ Team for providing this day of quality education!

Photos from BDRN LLC's post 09/01/2022

Hello Houston!

The National Hemophilia Foundation’s Bleeding Disorders Conference took place 8/25 - 8/27/22 in Houston, TX. After two years of virtual only conferences; friends, family and providers were able to greet one another in person, to learn about advancements in treatment, quality of life topics and public health policy. Kelli Kaminskas, Martha Occhiogrosso and Jon Davis were delighted to meet all who visited the BDRN Pharmacy booth this year! The BDRN Team looks forward to seeing everyone at next year’s 75th Anniversary Conference in Washington, DC.

¡Hola Houston!
La Conferencia de la Fundación Nacional de Hemofilia tuvo lugar el 25 de agosto – 27 de agosto del 2022 en Houston, TX. Después de dos años de conferencias que fueron solamente virtuales; amigos, familiares y profesionales pudieron saludarse de forma presencial para aprender sobre los adelantos en tratamientos, temas sobre la calidad de vida y políticas de salud pública. ¡Kelli Kaminskas, Martha Ochiogrosso y Jon Davis estuvieron encantados de saludar a todos los que visitaron el puesto de la Farmacia BDRN este año! El equipo de BDRN espera ver a todos para la conferencia número 75 en Washington, DC.

Photos from BDRN LLC's post 08/24/2022

On Sunday 8/21/22, members of the Bleeding Disorders Association of the Southern Tier (BDAST), held their Annual Hike to Help and Summer Picnic event at Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville, NY. Over 70 kids and adults enjoyed an afternoon of animals, networking, lunch, and more animals! BDRN, LLC, represented by Jon Davis and Chad Blair, congratulate BDAST on organizing another successful, family event and thank Animal Adventure Park for being a great host!

El domingo 21 de agosto del 2022, los miembros de Bleeding Disorders Association of the Southern Tier (BDAST por sus siglas en inglés), tuvieron sus eventos Annual Hike to Help, y Summer Picnic, en el Animal Adventure Park en Harpursville, NY. ¡Más de 70 niños y adultos disfrutaron de una tarde con animales, interconexiones, un almuerzo, y más animales! BDRN, LLC, representada por Jon Davis y Chad Blair, felicita a BDAST por organizar otro evento familiar exitoso. Y, ¡gracias a Animal Adventure Park por ser tan buen anfitrión!

In May, HFA will be raising awareness about health barriers and challenges in the bleeding disorders community that exist for women. We continue to hear cases of health care frustrations from our blood sisters, and we hope to provide education,... 05/17/2022

Barriers and Challenges for Women with Bleeding Disorders (Because Women Bleed, Too!)

Tuesday, May 17th, 7:00-8:30 PM EST
In May, HFA will be raising awareness about health barriers and challenges in the bleeding disorders community that exist for women. We continue to hear cases of health care frustrations from our blood sisters, and we hope to provide education, advocative measures and resources to strengthen support for patients and caregivers. Speakers will include Kerry Funkhouser from the Foundation for Women & Girls with Blood Disorders and Dr. Roshni Kulkarni. Register to join us today! Spanish translation will be available!


In May, HFA will be raising awareness about health barriers and challenges in the bleeding disorders community that exist for women. We continue to hear cases of health care frustrations from our blood sisters, and we hope to provide education,... In May, HFA will be raising awareness about health barriers and challenges in the bleeding disorders community that exist for women. We continue to hear cases of health care frustrations from our blood sisters, and we hope to provide education, advocative measures, and resources to strengthen suppor...

How Bleeding Disorders Are Diagnosed 05/11/2022

“Doctors use a number of tests to pinpoint the cause of a person’s excessive or abnormal bleeding.”

"Los médicos aplican una serie de pruebas para identificar la causa del sangrado excesivo o anormal de una persona."

How Bleeding Disorders Are Diagnosed Doctors use a num

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Videos (show all)

BVHF Spring Education Celebration
HANJ Annual Meeting 2024
NYCHC Bronx Zoo
NYCHC Infusion Workshop
World Hemophilia Day
Bowling for Bleeding Disorders
NYCHC Education Day 2023
BDAST Bowlathon 2023 Fundraiser!!! BDRN LLC celebrated Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month with BDAST on 4/2/23 at Midway...
BDRN was proud to be one of the sponsors of the HANJ Community Connection program held at the American Dream Mall this w...
Happy Friday from BDRN!!!
Infusion Training with the New York City Hemophilia Chapter On Sunday, 1/29/23, the New York City Hemophilia Chapter (NY...



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Denville, NJ

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