Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center

The BEST functional medicine in Bucks County. We help you when no one else can. First week of services is always FREE! Visit our site or call/text us.

We offer red light therapy, vitamin D lamps, infrared sauna, functional lab analysis and more!


Bucks County Light Therapy: Summer Closure Announcement

Hey BCLT fam!

As most of you know by now, BCLT has closed for the summer. Historically, we’ve seen a significant drop in clients during the summer, and we understand why—there’s simply nothing quite like the natural light from the sun to boost your mood and well-being.

Our mission has always been to support your health, and during these months, we encourage you to take advantage of the long days and abundant sunshine.

Natural light is one of the best and most accessible ways to maintain your light therapy regimen.We extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our members and supporters who have made this journey with us.

Your commitment and trust has meant the world to us, and we are grateful for your continued support.We look forward to welcoming you back in September, refreshed and ready to help you through the shorter days of autumn and winter.

Thank you once again for your understanding and support. Have a wonderful, sun-filled summer!

Warm regards,The Bucks County Light Therapy Team


Remember folks, we are officially CLOSED for Summer!

Our lab testing services are still available. Please reach out to us if you're looking for that.

See you in the Fall!

Photos from Britt Around Town's post 04/12/2024

Thank you so much for the shout out! 🫶 and we are beyond thrilled that you're already feeling so much better! 💕


Hormonal imbalances in both men and women can manifest as low libido, sexual dysfunction, infertility, fatigue, weight gain, mental fog, weakness, depression, and insomnia, among other conditions. Although research on the effects of right light on hormones has been limited to animal studies, red light is emerging as a potential treatment for achieving hormonal balance. Some research findings include:

Red light stimulates energy production in Leydig cells, which are the cells responsible for producing testosterone. [1]
Red light improves thyroid health [2]
In men, red light therapy increases s***m motility (swimming speed and strength), and does not cause any damage [3] to DNA, s***m, or the te**es.
Treatments can consist of just a few minutes a day, over several months. It’s important to give any cells that are struggling the chance to heal themselves and resume normal functioning. This can take weeks or months.

Since red light therapy has been proven safe for long-term use, you could continue the treatments several times a week indefinitely to maintain optimal cellular functioning.

[1] https://platinumtherapylights.com/blogs/news/red-light-therapy-for-boosting-testosterone
[2] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23407899/
[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28425485/


Today, Evan was talking all about how the labs we use are COMPLETELY different than what you may have done in the past.

Check it out and let us know if you have questions!

Photos from Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center's post 02/16/2024

Not getting quality sleep is not only annoying but also harmful to our health long-term. 😬

Try these tips to get started today to help you sleep better at night. There are also some supplements that can be helpful. However, there may also be deeper imbalances that are keeping you up.

Gut dysbiosis, mineral imbalances, and blood sugar issues are just a few things that can harm your sleep quality.

Want help looking into your health? Let me know! 😊


Taking care of your liver involves a holistic approach!

● Staying hydrated with an adequate water intake. Water helps flush toxins from the liver and supports its overall function. Electrolytes play a crucial role in maintaining proper fluid balance, aiding in cellular functions and liver health.

● Limiting alcohol consumption is essential, as excessive drinking can lead to liver damage and systemic inflammation.

● Quality sleep is crucial for the body's overall well-being, including liver regeneration and detoxification processes that occur during rest. Aim for properalignmentwith your natural circadian rhythm. In bed by ~10pm and awake by ~6am

● Providing your liver with proper nutrition ensures it receives essential vitamins and minerals necessary for its optimal function.

●Opting for less processed foods reduces the intake of harmful additives that can burden the liver.

Together, these practices create a supportive environment for the liver, promoting its longevity and efficient performance in maintaining overall health.

Photos from Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center's post 01/31/2024

Your health is connected to your gut.

Your immune system, brain, skin, energy levels, and hormone health are all connected to the health of your gut!

Gut inflammation is unfortunately very common in today's world. When gut health is compromised, you will start to experience symptoms in many and all symptoms in the body.

Your entire health and vitality can be compromised with a dysbiotic gut. But there's good news!

With the use of smart lab testing and natural support strategies based on your results, you can reverse this damage and heal your body!

Your gut is the place where food breaks down, is digested, and absorbs nutrients from your food to support, repair, and keep your body healthy. It's also where your bacteria helps defend you from pathogens and helps you get more nutrients.

With chronic inflammation, a poor diet, toxic load, chronic stress, etc, the already inflamed gut lining can get worse and feed back into that negative cycle of disease.

Removing these stressors and allowing your body the time to heal your gut will, in turn, help other areas of your body to heal too.

Prioritize your health and realize that how you're living and what you're eating, MATTERS.


Hi folks! Due to the weather, we reluctantly have decided to close for the rest of the day. We are reaching out to everyone booked for today to get you rescheduled!

Our phone line will still be available all day. Call or text us @ 267-499-4430


Everyone has stress in their lives 🤯

This is exactly why prioritizing rest and relaxation is crucial for keeping your vitality!

Chronic stress contributes to major imbalances within the body. Your hormones, your digestion, your mental health, your skin health, etc. is all impacted by stress. So when you're constantly in a state of stress, your body physiologically can't run correctly. Over time, this leads to more serious problems, diseases, and symptoms.

Here are some (definitely not all) ways that stress impacts the body.

Prioritize quality rest and relaxation!

Photos from Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center's post 11/02/2023

Skin hydration starts from within!

Serums, toners, and lotions will only give you temporary relief (and possibly some unwanted toxins that mess with your physiology).

The first place you should start when considering your hydration is your diet and your lifestyle!

When your skin is healthy, the barrier of your skin consists of lipids (25% of that is cholesterol), which helps your body retain water. That's why consuming cholesterol rich foods regularly helps support your skin, as well as many other systems in your body... like your hormones and brain health!

Fruit is typically high in both water and mineral content, which is a great combo to help your body get hydrated!

Salt is crucial for your cells to do their job as salt helps facilitate charges and chemical reactions within. If your water doesn't have mineral/electrolytes, your body will leach them from other places to make sure these processes can happen. Headaches, dull skin, and muscle cramps are just a few things that start to happen when you don't have enough minerals in your body. Having a good quality water filter that you change and clean regularly or drinking spring water is a great way to ensure you're drinking quality water that doesn't have any leached heavy metals or fluoride. Those are bad. Heavy metals can dehydrate you fast and also prevent calcification, which can slow your body's processes.

Unfortunately, people who are slow oxidizers tend to dry out faster! Oily skin is usually a sign that you may be a fast oxidizer. Eating for your type is so important for energy production, as well as making sure your body is metabolically healthy!

After a night's sleep, your body needs fluids and salts! All night, your body was resting and repairing, which requires lots of water and salt. So the best thing to do first thing in the morning is to down a glass of electrolyte water and go for a walk in the morning sun. When you get back, that's when you should eat breakfast. And wait to drink your coffee for about 40 min afterward. I know this may suck at first, but believe me, your energy and mental clarity will thank you later!

Photos from Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center's post 10/26/2023

Are you frustrated with your weight loss journey?

Have you tried EVERYTHING to lose that weight?

Why can others lose weight easily, but for you, it seems impossible?

Not all bodies or health journeys are created equally, so neither is the solution to get to your end goal.

Weight loss is impacted by so many things in your life that we have to dig deeper as ask the questions, what is preventing your weight loss? What is suffering in your body?

As an FDN practitioner, I love helping others dig deeper and figure out what stressors they have in their lives that we can remove to help them achieve their health goals.

I work one on one with people to do the health detective work they need to get the answers they're searching for.

Are you interested in feeling better than you have in years? Do you want to reclaim your health? Do you want to take ownership of your body again and not be defined by labels and pharmaceuticals? I can help you learn how to take control!

Let's talk and see what options are best for you!

Photos from Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center's post 10/25/2023

"Blue light therapy is one area of light therapy that is quickly gaining recognition for some of its amazing benefits and especially when used in conjunction with red and NIR light therapy.

In this article, we’ll explore the uses, treatment benefits, and side effects of blue light therapy.

We hope this will help educate some of the benefits of blue light treatment when used alongside proven and highly effective red light treatment.

First and foremost, a clear distinction should be drawn between blue light when being used for human therapy purposes vs. the blue light in cell phones, computer screens, etc.

Recently, it has come to light that the practice of staring at phone or computer screens for many hours on end can help disrupt sleep patterns due to the blue light emitted from these devices alongside using them at late hours in the day. This is due to the fact that when you are using these devices, you are directly staring into them for an extended amount of time in order to use them - at times hours on end.

This is not the same application or methodology in any way when blue light is used in therapeutic applications and you cannot equate the two!

When we use a therapy light, we are exposing our bodies only to the device for a short, set duration. We are applying very specific wavelengths of light to our skin and bodies for the application of therapeutic benefits. We are not staring at the devices for hours on end but rather using them on our bodies for a very short duration of time.

This very clear difference in application must be kept in mind as you learn about the amazing benefits of this type of therapy!

The benefits of blue light therapy

All wavelengths of light have specific effects on the body. In this section, we discuss some of the many potential advantages of blue light treatment."

To read the rest of the article, go here:

Photos from Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center's post 10/22/2023

Mold may very well be the hidden stressor preventing your healing 🤔

Mold causes issues with energy production within your body and can inhibit the immune system. This will contribute to may obstacles for your healing journey.

Many autoimmune diagnoses also have underlying mold issues, microbial imbalances within the gut, or other types of imbalances.

It can be so hard for the body to detox mold properly, and the toxins begin to cause neurological and mitochondrial issues... which will leak into your hormonal health.

Are you doing everything "right" but still aren't feeling any better?


"How Does Light Therapy Work?
Consider the visible light spectrum, which comprises all the colors that exist. On one side of the spectrum is red light, which has the longest wavelengths and lowest frequency; on the other is violet light, which has the shortest wavelengths and highest frequency. Collectively, the colors of the visible light spectrum create white light, which is what our eye perceives when we see sunlight.

LED (light emitting diode) light therapy uses different wavelengths of light that have been shown to effectively treat various health concerns. Some treatments use blue light, or green, or amber. Red light wavelengths are also effective, sometimes called low-level light therapy (LLLT) or photo biomodulation.

All LED light treatments operate with the same basic principle, which is that certain wavelengths of light trigger biological processes that are beneficial for the body.

Years of research have shown that, when certain wavelengths of light pe*****te the body, they stimulate mitochondria, which are tiny, energy-producing organelles found inside cells. Once energized, these mitochondria produce more of the compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is an energy source that’s used and stored at the cellular level.

This surge in ATP leads to a number of physiological effects. It’s thought to increase the production of collagen, the most abundant protein in our bodies. And it is known to reduce inflammation, which is beneficial for muscle recovery, chronic inflammatory diseases, and general aches and pains. In this article, you can read more about the science behind the process." [1]

Red light therapy has amazing benefits for:
☆ reducing inflammation
☆ cosmetic and dermatology aid for beautiful and radiant skin
☆ fitness gains and recovery
☆aiding the healing process for injuries

✨️ Want to try red light?! At Bucks County Light Therapy, get your first week free!

☀️ Call or text us at (267) 499-4430 to get your free session today, or visit our website at www.buckscountylighttherapy.com

Photos from Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center's post 10/14/2023

Light affects our hormones!

Light is a messenger to the body that it is day time. Our hormones are tied to the light we receive. So if you get the wrong light signals at night, your hormones become unbalanced. That's also why blocking blue light at night will drastically help your body stay healthy.

Do you suffer from horrible sleep? Are your hormones out of whack? Do you have chronic pain? Do you have acne?

Believe it or not, it's highly probable that your light exposure is tied to your dis-ease. Try blocking all blue light (Phones, TV, computer, artificial house lighting) at least two hours before bed, and an hour after waking up. The first light you should be getting in the morning is sunlight!

Try this for 30 days and watch your health improve :)

Iris is a good program for a computer to help filter the light, there are also blue light blocking glasses that you can use to help you filter out light at night (just make sure the lense is red or it won't be as efficient!)

Want to talk to us directly about light? Dm us to start that convo :)


"Meditation is becoming widely popular as an adjunct to conventional medical therapies. This article reviews the literature regarding the experience of chronic illness, theories about meditation, and clinical effects of this self-care practice. Eastern theories of meditation include Buddhist psychology. The word Buddha means the awakened one, and Buddhist meditators have been called the first scientists, alluding to more than 2500 years of precise, detailed observation of inner experience. The knowledge that comprises Buddhist psychology was derived inductively from the historical figure's (Prince Siddhartha Gautama) diligent self-inquiry. Western theories of meditation include Jungian, Benson's relaxation response, and transpersonal psychology. Clinical effects of meditation impact a broad spectrum of physical and psychological symptoms and syndromes, including reduced anxiety, pain, and depression, enhanced mood and self-esteem, and decreased stress. Meditation has been studied in populations with fibromyalgia, cancer, hypertension, and psoriasis. While earlier studies were small and lacked experimental controls, the quality and quantity of valid research is growing. Meditation practice can positively influence the experience of chronic illness and can serve as a primary, secondary, and/or tertiary prevention strategy. Health professionals demonstrate commitment to holistic practice by asking patients about use of meditation, and can encourage this self-care activity. Simple techniques for mindfulness can be taught in the clinical setting. Living mindfully with chronic illness is a fruitful area for research, and it can be predicted that evidence will grow to support the role of consciousness in the human experience of disease."

Bonadonna R. Meditation's impact on chronic illness. Holist Nurs Pract. 2003 Nov-Dec;17(6):309-19. doi: 10.1097/00004650-200311000-00006. PMID: 14650573.


One of the optional lab tests we offer at is food sensitivity testing!

People typically are drawn to the idea of testing for foods they might be sensitive to, but what does it really mean?

First of all, it is NOT the same as food allergy testing. When you go and get a food allergy test (maybe you've had your back pricked before), they are testing for IgE (immunoglobulin E). This is a great test, as it's scientifically-backed and HIGHLY correlated with symptoms. AKA there is a high probability that if a food comes up hot on your test, you are very likely experiencing notable, negative symptoms from eating that food.

Virtually everyone should get a food allergy test at some point to rule them out (or in).

But then there is another problem...

Even though IgE is typically associated with the most severe reactions in the body, it is only ONE way the body can react! In reality, the body can react in HUNDREDS of different ways if it gets aggravated by what we eat, and that's just what we know of.

Imagine having to test for 100s of different things! It would be extremely expensive and, overall, pretty impractical.

The food sensitivity test that we utilize at our center does not actually test for any ONE thing specifically. They have a patented technology that looks at volumetric changes in the white blood cells. Based on how much the volume (size) of the white blood cell changes when it's exposed to a potential antigen (food protein), they are able to quantify how likely you are to be sensitive to the food.

The test is clinically-backed, and is also highly correlated with people's symptoms.


Did you know that red and infrared light therapy treatments that we offer at have been shown to stimulate the body's natural fat burning mechanisms? Even one session of full red and infrared light can burn as many as 450-600 calories, just from increasing your metabolic rate!

"A number of studies have shown that red light therapy can help those who want to shed excess fat. One of those studies, conducted in 2013, revealed that 635nm red light helps fat cells to leak and release lipids [1] into the body. The fats are then converted into carbon dioxide, which is removed from the body through urinating, defecating, and exhaling."

Red light therapy provides a multitude of ways to stimulate your body to burn excess fat and reduce cellulite. In a 2018 study [2], red light therapy at a wavelength of 650 nm stimulates lipolysis (breakdown of fat) in the subcutaneous tissue.

Appetite suppression is also influenced by red light to control leptin (appetite reducing hormone) and ghrelin (appetite-enhancing hormone). "In 2012, the International Journal of Endocrinology published a study that showed red light at 633nm can affect the concentration of leptin and ghrelin [3],[4]. in this study, researchers studied participants with poor sleep habits (decreased sleep often leads to increased ghrelin production and decreased leptin levels, thus weight gain), their study showed that exposure to red light significantly increases leptin levels while decreasing ghrelin's." This helps you keep your hormones in check to better support your control of your eating habits! Red light is a healthy and non-invasive approach to keeping you healthy, not just with weight control, but so much more!

[1] Avci P, Nyame TT, Gupta GK, Sadasivam M, Hamblin MR. Low-level laser therapy for fat layer reduction: a comprehensive review. Lasers Surg Med. 2013;45(6):349-357. doi:10.1002/lsm.22153
[2] https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03470272
[3] Figueiro MG, Plitnick B, Rea MS. Light modulates leptin and ghrelin in sleep-restricted adults. Int J Endocrinol. 2012;2012:530726. doi: 10.1155/2012/530726. Epub 2012 Aug 14. PMID: 22988459; PMCID: PMC3440859.

Photos from Bucks County Light Therapy and Functional Medicine Center's post 09/25/2023

One of our FDN-Ps said it best, "the quality and time of day that you sleep, matters!"

Don't mess with your body’s circadian rhythm as our health, recovery, and system processing depends on good sleep and good sleep hygiene 😴


Red light therapy treatments, like the ones we offer at Bucks County Light Therapy, supercharge your cells with the natural light they need to make more core ATP (adenosine triphosphate) energy. This helps your body run more efficiently, heal faster, and has shown great results for producing more natural melatonin and improving sleep disorders like insomnia.

Light plays a major role in your sleep cycle. The body’s circadian clock interprets light as a sign of when to sleep and when to be awake. Artificial blue light from phones, computers, and other screens is extremely bright and knocks your circadian rhythm out of whack when used incorrectly. Red light is ideal for evenings because it has a low color temperature—far lower than blue light and much closer to the natural sunset, which our bodies need at night. We were not supposed to be staring at so much blue light, i.e. when we are on our phones, staring at our computers, or inside under artificial light.

Natural light is a key ingredient for a healthy circadian rhythm and restful sleep. If you struggle to sleep, your light intake could be a big factor. Red light therapy delivers natural light like you’d get from the sun, but without overdoing the UV rays.


Yeager RL, Oleske DA, Sanders RA, Watkins JB 3rd, Eells JT, Henshel DS. Melatonin as a principal component of red light therapy. Med Hypotheses. 2007;69(2):372-6. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2006.12.041. Epub 2007 Feb 23. PMID: 17321060.

Are headaches an aspirin deficiency? Is sleeplessness an ambien deficiency? No! 

A little snippet from our stress and Hormones Workshop.
Holistic and functional medicine helps us dive into "why" and actually get results. 

Need a health detective to look into what's going on in your body? We can help! 

We work with clients all over using drop shipped labs and the power of the internet to connect with you. :)

#buckscountylighttherapy #holistichealth #holistichealing #functionalmedicine #functionalhealth #functionaldiagnosticnutritionpractitioner #healthdetective 09/23/2023

Are headaches an aspirin deficiency? Is sleeplessness an ambien deficiency? No!

A little snippet from our stress and Hormones Workshop.
Holistic and functional medicine helps us dive into "why" and actually get results.

Need a health detective to look into what's going on in your body? We can help!

We work with clients all over using drop shipped labs and the power of the internet to connect with you. :)

Are headaches an aspirin deficiency? Is sleeplessness an ambien deficiency? No! A little snippet from our stress and Hormones Workshop. Holistic and functional medicine helps us dive into "why" and actually get results. Need a health detective to look into what's going on in your body? We can help! We work with clients all over using drop shipped labs and the power of the internet to connect with you. :) #buckscountylighttherapy #holistichealth #holistichealing #functionalmedicine #functionalhealth #functionaldiagnosticnutritionpractitioner #healthdetective



Wow Expo 09/15/2023

We will be CLOSED on Saturday, October 21st to particpate in the World of Wellness Expo in Plymouth Meeting :).

Please feel free to join us and grab your tickets here: https://wowexpo.com/

We went last year and it was an excellent time. Let us know if you're going!



For the first time ever we are allowing all NEW CLIENTS to get a free WEEK of services 🙂. We just announced this yesterday in the Doylestown group.

As always, no credit card on file is required to do the free trial. At the end of the week, you will simply be asked if you’d like to continue or not (no worries either way).

Fill out the form on buckscountylighttherapy.com or call or text us anytime on our biz line 267-499-4430 to schedule your first session!

Home - Bucks County Light Therapy When addressing skin issues naturally (especially things like acne), some people will have to do more, and others will have to do less. We take a minimalist approach that doesn't break the budget, and can work with you as in-depth as is required to get you the results you want.

Basic Intro To HPA-Axis Dysfunction + Evan's Healed Hormones 05/01/2023

First YouTube vid is up!


In this video, we introduce the concept of "HPA-Axis Dysfunction." This concept is a much more complete way of describing what was previously known as adrenal fatigue.

Additionally, we are looking at our lead practitioner's hormone transformation! It is meant to act as proof and encouragement that yes, your body CAN heal when given the right instructions (food, lifestyle, sleep, etc.).

Watch here: https://youtu.be/s1UvZmUvf4k

Basic Intro To HPA-Axis Dysfunction + Evan's Healed Hormones In this video, we introduce the concept of "HPA-Axis Dysfunction." This concept is a much more complete way of describing what was previously known as adrena...


Evan, Maddy, and Bryan will be away on a business conference for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.

We will be closing April 19th at noon, and all day Friday the 20th until end of day Sunday the 23rd.

Normal business hours will resume on the 24th and we greatly appreciate your patience as we are off learning more Functional health goodness.

Thank you all!


Join us for our LIVE Stress and Hormones Workshop (How to balance hormones naturally) in Doylestown, PA on April 18th @ 6:30 PM!!!

Getting well naturally is 100% possible. One of our founders, Evan, knows this all too well. At the age of 18, he had over 7 DIFFERENT diagnosed conditions. Pretty crazy, right?

The crazier part? Nowadays (over 9 years later), he doesn't meet the diagnostic criteria for ANY of those 7 conditions anymore!

This was made possible by learning what stress ACTUALLY is, and how it plays a pivotal role in managing our hormones.

If you are sick and tired of FEELING sick and tired, then this workshop is for you :).

You can learn more about the event by clicking here: https://buckscountylight.kartra.com/page/April18thEvent

Any questions? Text or call us anytime at 267-499-4430. We hope to see you there!


When symptoms appear, we must stop and think; what is our skin telling us?

The skin is the largest detox organ, and it tells us what's going on internally when something is out of balance. Have you noticed changes in your skin?

Have you noticed increased stress? Lack of sleep? Food sensitivities? Birth control changes? Too much sugar and/or alcohol?

All of these things (and so much more) can affect your health balance and thus your skin.

To truly help your skin symptoms, we aim to do some investigative work to see how we can bring your body back to homeostasis.

We incorporate light therapy to help skin heal and glow, we also offer comprehensive diet testing to see what foods are making you fall out of balance and get these symptoms. In addition, we can also look at your hormones, your mucosal barrier, and even to check up on the health and functioning of your liver (your primary detox organ).

Speak with one of our Practitioners if you're interested in getting some functional health coaching and testing 😊

Interested in light therapy and live in Bucks County? Any and all of our sessions are free for the first use! Call or text us at 267-499-4430 to get started!
Or visit our website buckscountylighttherapy.com

Want your business to be the top-listed Beauty Salon in Doylestown?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

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Dealing with ACNE in Doylestown, PA? We can help :). My name is Evan, and I'm one of the owners at Bucks County Light Th...
Doylestown: Say GOODBYE to skin issues this winter! Our light therapy devices are clinically backed to help a wide varie...
One year ago today, Bucks County Light Therapy was still just starting to come together. It's amazing to see the transfo...
⚠️ Hey guys! Our Black Friday deal is up and running until Tuesday! ✨️ 30% off all memberships until Tuesday November 29...
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4095 Ferry Road
Doylestown, PA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 6pm

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