Sarrah Lallier Salon

​Creating breathtaking low-maintenance colors and styles to enhance your natural beauty since 2006.

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 01/05/2024

Short answer: The air is dry. Welcome to winter. 🙄🥶🤦‍♀️

Quick fix:
Add moisture to your routine. If you won't want to switch to a different shampoo/conditioner combo for the drier season, Davines' OI All in One Milk is a great place to start. 10-15 sprays on freshly washed hair should be enough to combat those unwanted electric charges. If not, finishing your style with hairspray is helpful as well as adding in a weekly deep conditioner.

Add a comment below ⤵️ if you've found any other tricks that work!


Take a moment (or two) for self care this week. Do deep breathing while wrapping presents, take the long way home and see some Christmas lights, soak in the tub for 20 minutes while watching your favorite Netflix show. Regardless of how you prefer to relax, make yourself a priority this week. 🥰

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 12/13/2023

What has kept our marriage going for 19 years? Laughter. It might not be the first response to what life deals us, but eventually, we've been able to find laughter and joy in both the good and bad times. Chris has been my biggest cheerleader in life AND the most affordable salon designer. 😉🥰 Enjoy the trip down memory lane: our wedding and some of my favorite family photos.

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 12/07/2023

Keeping long hair healthy is no easy task. Courtney does this by adding a weekly deep treatment into her Davines OI haircare routine and limiting washes and heat on her hair. For a deep dive into other tips to keeping your long locks healthy, read the blog post below. ⤵️


What is the key to a dynamic transformation? A thorough consultation. I often apologize to new clients for sharing what might be perceived as too much hair knowledge, but I've been told that it's those exact conversations that have built their trust. Pinpointing hair goals, discussing time and cost investments, and even admitting that certain looks are not my specialty are some of the many things I find vital to discuss before making any type of transformation.


Unfiltered curl technique that smooths hair near the roots without using a flat iron.


Every 2-3 days is the ideal answer but it's okay if YOU don't fit into that timeline. Hair type, activity levels, and condition of the hair are some of the many factors that can alter how often you shampoo.


Are you in the mood for fall? I might not be ready for what comes after fall, but I have enjoyed the leaves changing, switching out my summer wardrobe, and beginning to transition clients to gorgeous fall hair color.

Now is the perfect time to try something different. Whether you're comfortable like Isabella Crego to go bold with your fall color or prefer to subtly soften your summer blonde, I always hope you leave the salon just like her with a huge smile on your face.


What are you cooking for dinner tonight?

I know that has NOTHING to do with hair, but it is a common question I get in the salon.

Meal planning and ex*****on can be draining. It can occupy our mind and keep us from experiencing things that matter more like taking a moment to truly listen to your child practicing their musical instrument instead of shouting from the kitchen, "Sounds great!" while shuffling through cook books for dinner ideas.

Taking a block of time each week to plan your meals (no one says they have to be home-cooked) can open opportunities for more important moments throughout the week.

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 09/11/2023

Two QUICK curl-styling tips to achieve less frizz and more definition:

1.) Apply your styling products first thing out of the shower. The wetter the hair the better.
2.) Ditch the traditional towel. Use a microfiber towel to dry your hair OR a cotton t-shirt.


I love taking risks.

Okay...that's a lie.

What I actually love is recognizing the nudge toward a new direction in life. For me, that comes from the Holy Spirit most often while I'm journaling my thoughts and prayers. Sensing that nudge stirs something in me: the realization that I have a choice to make, the hope of an unknown future being better than the life I'm currently living, and fear telling me things would be easier if I left everything the way it is.

My friend Amy listened to her inner nudge and became a small-scale flower farmer. Amy, a wife and mother of 3, gave up the security of a full-time career in nursing to pursue farming with her Dad. She thought the initial career "jump" would eventually lead her to take over her father's business but her inner nudge had another idea. After working in the corn and soybean fields with her Dad, she found that she was in love with all things flowers. She learned all she could and started digging in the dirt.

Amy's journey is not void of some roadbumps but she is finding joy and success along the way. Next time you're driving through Plain City, stop by Roots and treat yourself to a fresh bouquet.


There is an undeniable energy with the start of a fresh school year. This passionate 3rd-grade teacher was filled with it when she sat in my chair and allowed me to do something new. Like many, Angela Alverson loves a low-maintenance look. She visits the salon twice a year and needs her color to last. By blending in her gray instead of fully covering it and keeping up with a Davines hair routine at home, she's able to achieve her goal and confidently do what she does best-empowering young minds and giving those in her classroom a voice.


Buzz words. Sometimes there're so annoying. You want to stay up on trends and know what people are talking about, but who do you go to to find the meaning without admitting you have no idea? Does that automatically make you untrendy?! 🤔🤣

I specialize in "lived-in looks" and "low-maintenance color." It's my goal (unless you tell me otherwise) for your color to LAST between appointments and resemble NATURAL hair colors.

As we age, our color dulls. Hair texture might change and we often lack blessings from the sun lightening our hair. My passion is to create looks that others might think are growing from your scalp. This could look like a root color to cover gray and a blended color for your ends to add shine. Maybe it means you want some lighter colors around your face to make it look like you've been outside. Maybe you want both! The possibilities are endless. What is MOST IMPORTANT is that you feel great about yourself and are still receiving compliments on your hair right up until your next appointment.

Bingo -A Pelotonia Fundraiser 05/16/2023

Do you love BINGO, games, and NOT having to think about dinner? Grab a friend (or family member) and join me for my 1st official Pelotonia Fundraiser! Registering ahead of time is greatly appreciated for planning purposes. Hope to see you there!

Bingo -A Pelotonia Fundraiser Want to kick off the summer with some fun? Bring your family to an evening packed with BINGO, games, food, raffles, and more!

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 05/14/2023

Every mother leaves a legacy.

In celebration of Mother’s Day, I thought I would share the legacy MY mother has lived and continues to live.

My mom is a pray-er. The term “prayer-warrior” has never sat well with me because although it tries to sound strong and powerful, prayer is supposed to be vulnerable and selfless. My mom IS vulnerable and selfless.

My mom has often told me that she has no way of explaining how she raised 3 successful, God-fearing women because she didn’t do it-she didn’t know how to. She says she prayed her way through parenting us girls.

As an adult, I can see many highs and lows throughout my mother’s parenting years but as a child I never FELT those lows. She shielded us from those hard times with prayer.

Besides praying together at dinner, I never saw evidence of her praying. I can imagine it was sprinkled throughout her day when she had a moment of silence or a moment to cry when no one was watching. Maybe the opposite was also true and she prayed through the loud, chaos of the days’ activities.

My mom doesn’t just say that she prays. She lives it out. I see that her Bible is bulging with scribbles,cards from loved ones, and articles that spoke to her. I’ll FaceTime her in the morning and catcher her in her chair reading her Bible, drinking her coffee. One of her favorite activities is mowing their 2 acres each week (sometimes twice). She says she loves the time with just her and Jesus-sometimes singing aloud to Him.

A beautiful mother. A beautiful legacy. 🥰

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 05/09/2023

Long hair. Sometimes you love it and sometimes you want something TOTALLY different...without cutting any length of course!

Color changes can always be an option when you get the itch for something new, and layering is another great option.

was ready for a change. Unlike the majority of her appointments for the past 15 years, she was willing to take length off AND add layers. We painted lighter pieces on her tips to help showcase the new layers against her dark, shiny base.

Lori's routine at home to create her favorite bouncy curly look includes hot rollers. Remember those?! I love when people are able to stick with what they feel comfortable with instead of exerting unnecessary energy on new trends.

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 04/28/2023

What are you thankful for today? Comment below-I seriously want to know! And don't worry if you have to dig REAL deep to find something.

I'm thankful that there's only a 70% chance of rain on Sunday. That still leaves a chance that I'll stay dry while hiking/camping with Evan's boy scout troop! 🫣 🤞☔️

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 04/27/2023

Why is it that we feel embarrassed if we change our minds? Ever been there? You've decided to make a big change-hair related or life-related and then as time pasts, you might not feel the same way.

Welcome the change of heart and don't feel ashamed to admit it! Time is a gift that can help us process our thoughts if we have the patience to allow it.

Stephanie texted me prior to scheduling to say she wanted to grow out her artificial color and embrace her natural color. I always enjoy supporting clients through this process. Once she was in my chair, she admitted she had changed her mind and wanted to continue coloring.

I love Stephanie's vulnerability. I love how she allows her mind to process and change. Changing her mind gave her confident-boosting results! 🥰


I can only answer that after you answer my NEXT question:

Is your goal to be trendy or wear a hairstyle that flatters your unique features?

If you want to be trendy, then heck yeah! Let's embrace that middle part.

If you want to wear a hairstyle that flatters your unique features then most likely the middle part won't be the right look for you. I'm not saying it's a no, but often a part that is a little off-centered is softening to our facial shapes. Don't know your face shape? I can easily identify that for you at your next appointment and make suggestions as to which part would make those young trendy girls jealous...well maybe not...but we can all dream a little.

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 04/17/2023

Do you quickly grab on to an excuse to get our of something hard? Even if a part of you wants to do it?

I sure do. Especially when it comes to moving my body. Evan and I are training for a backpack camping trip. We had a goal of hiking 5-6 miles yesterday and got a later start than originally planned which means our chances of getting stuck in the rain increased dramatically.

We pushed through the easy excuses of poor weather and packed rain jackets.

Did we get rained on? YES! Was it surprisingly amazing? YES! I learned many things on the hike. I have more of an appreciation for God's creativeness with nature than I did before the hike. What I am most proud of is that we didn't allow our excuses to keep us from experiencing these things.

Is there something that you want to pursue but keep making excuses? Take that first step today!


Simplicity. Just reading the word makes you want to take a deep cleansing breath, doesn't it?

Simplicity has been the reason for many tweaks with my rebranding over the past year. One example of that is retail pricing. Besides 3 unique items, all of my Davines products fall into one of 6 categories and each category has one price. Whether I send you home with shampoo from the luxury line, prescriptive line, or cosmetic line the price remains the same.

Go ahead-take that deep cleansing breath. 😊


Do you crave a hair change but don't want to lose any length or switch up color?

It's easy to think it's impossible to feel freshly new without a major change in the salon but don't lose hope. is a great example of 3 looks that stem from the same cut/color: straight, curling iron curls, and beachy waves that were created after sleeping on wet braids.

Need a new way to style your current look? Let's talk about it at your next appointment! Don't wait to wait?? Pinterest is filled with a plethora of new ideas! 😊


Do you ever struggle with embracing the new season? Meet Andrea-a new guest and lover of everything summer and beaches.

Andrea is naturally dark, but after two separate lightening services and a lot of time well spent at the beach last summer, had faded into a color that was feeling kind of lifeless.

Andrea wanted the best of both worlds-her natural dark color AND some lighter blondes. Two color processes were needed to get her to this gorgeous balance, one of those being a full balayage technique.

If you're feeling a little sluggish this spring season, send me a DM and lets get you scheduled!


How do you decide whether foil highlights or balayage is best for you?

Think less about the process of coloring and more about what you want your end result to be. Bring pictures of colors you love with you to your next appointment and let me decide which technique to use in order to meet your goals.


Laughter. It's no surprise that laughter can make us happier. And it's easy to agree it could be stress-reducing. But did you know it has many other qualities like pain relieving, boosting your immunity, and can help your heart?

According to, true laughter releases endorphins which can increase pain tolerance. It can increase oxygen in your blood. And it can release anti-infection antibodies that protect you from infection. Who knew!!

So if you need a little help laughing today, here's my current favorite dad joke: ❓Why was the baby jalapeno shivering?
🗣 Because it was a little chili. 🤣

Photos from Sarrah Lallier Salon's post 03/28/2023

Sometimes you just have to get away in order to relax and refresh.

I'm so thankful for the relationships I still have with these high school friends AND that the first time hiking in new boots didn't involve blisters (or me falling into a stream)!


When was the last time you read the directions on the back of your shampoo, conditioner, or stylers?

I'm guessing the answer is, "I don't know." I have to admit, that would be my response as well.

Take a moment to read the fine print. Either you will get confirmation that you're using them the way they are intended, or you might discover an additional way of using them.

I read the fine print on Davines' This is a Sea Salt Spray while working with Brandi and was pleasantly reminded that it can be used on dry OR wet hair for added texture. Each way results in a different look!🤩🥰


The beauty industry throws out around 877 pounds of waste each MINUTE!

As a Davines exclusive salon, I want to do my part in decreasing waste. One day, I hope to become a Certified Sustainable Salon, but in the meantime, I'm recycling as much as possible. ♻️


Hi friends!

It's been a LONG time since I've posted-8 years to be exact. If you know me, technology has never been a strength-especially social media. God is continually calling me to do hard things, and I know that I can lean on His strength when my brain starts spinning. 😉

With a still somewhat new salon located in Dublin, OH, and an active online presence, I hope to educate, entertain, and inspire you like never before- through life and the world of beauty. 🥰

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Unfiltered curl technique that smooths hair near the roots without using a flat iron.  #perfectlyimperfect #1stVideo #cu...




6748 Perimeter Loop Rd Suite 9
Dublin, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 9:30am - 8pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 8pm
Friday 9:30am - 4pm
Saturday 8am - 4pm

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