Positively Zen Massage

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Positively Zen Massage, Massage Therapist, 1159 E. Iron Eagle Drive, Eagle, ID.


Jeff and I are celebrating 22 years today! It's been an adventure for sure, but I wouldn't want to do life with anyone else.

While in Austin, we are having a ball of a time! Tonight we are seeing Kings of Leon because I literally couldn't find anyone else big time in the Boise area to see. I begged and pleated. We get the cheap seats at least!

Austin has been so fun so far! We have met some really amazing, friendly people, and eaten way too much good food! I am legit sad we don't have moonshine! And Every time I go to the south it's always a thrill. Southern hospitality is thing!

Cheers to many more years with my handsome fellow!🥂


Some words of inspiration for this Monday morning! Go kick some a**! You got this!

This week openings:
Friday at 11, 12, or 1 for either one 90 minute or 2 60 minutes just depends on the tetris that fits in the spot.


I have a few openings this week and next week. :)
This can be for Massage, reiki, or both

This week:
Tuesday, the 30 at noon for a 60 or 90 minute.
Thursday, the 1st at 9 am for a 60 minute.

Next week:
Wednesday, the 7th at 9, 10, 11, or 12 for 60, 90, or 2 hour
Thursday, the 8th at 9 or 10 for a 60 or a 90.

The middle of the month I am gone to Austin for a Lymphatic Drainage class.

You can get ahold of me or book on my site.


Don't forget we have our drum event happening this Saturday! There are some really amazing spiritual ladies coming and you get to make your own drum! It's going to be so fantastic!

Register here!


Good morning!!!

I have a few openings this week if you have been putting off your massage, reiki, or want both. :)

Tuesday I have one or two afternoon spots open at 230 pm or later.

Thursday morning us open at 9, 10, or 11am.

Booking online is easy. Book at Www.positivelyzenmassage.com


If you feel this in your soul and want to come to our drum birthing workshop, it's this Saturday 7/27! We still have spme open spots! I will give away a FREE 30 minute intuitive session or an hour of reiki to anybody that signs up!

Make sure you PM your receipt of purchase and then you can sign up on my website for your session.

It will be mind blowing magical!! Seriously, you don't want to miss it!

Here is the website to sign up!


Just a little something from the man, Jay Shetty. This guy's been through a lot and so have you. Don't give up.
These are the things he would have told himself along the way of all the critics. And sometimes, our minds are our own worst critics.


Thanks for all the wonderful birthday wishes! My family and I have been hanging out at my friend's house in Kamiah. It was definitely a much needed get away to recharge away from the city.

I was going to post this and my guides said to post doves! So I bring you peace in your life in all that you do. Do it without ego and go forward with purpose. But it's ok to find the in-between light and dark. Some days I don't have the patience. It's the traffic mainly. I have been still blasting 70's music. Maybe it's the beauty behind the music, maybe it reminds of the time period of when it came out (it was rough), but most of all the cords of music are healing and help me unwind. I think Led Zepplin's my favorite, but so are Jimmy Hendricks, The Rolling Stones, all members of the Beatles, The Doors, and Eric Clapton. So good! My hippie soul needs it all! Lol!


Stolen from my friend, Leticia. :)

This skin fits so well.

The Power of Walking the Eight 07/10/2024

I had a few minutes this morning as I was called to go to YouTube and watch a video. I searched through all my channels that I have liked over the years and of course went straight to Pam Gregory. She is an astrologist and invites just wonderful humans to her channel to walk you through rituals or meditations to bring such profound healing. This one was nothing short of that. I was enriched with a more profound third eye opening. But it can used to heal anything going on in your life.

Watch Pam Gregory and her specail guest, Sarita Sol as she explains the Power of walking the eight and a very beautiful Tibetan heart meditation.

The Power of Walking the Eight Shamanic practitioner explaining and demonstrating the Power of Walking the Eight, and sharing a Tibetan Heart meditation with us. Sarita is a shamanic pract...

Drum Birthing Workshop 7/27/24 Boise ID 06/29/2024

I know I have shared this before, but I am the admin for the spiritual soul sisters which moved from meetup to Facebook because of their crazy fee that went up a lot.

I felt lead this summer to coordinate some intuitive events getting more intune with our guides. We are walking into part 2, being one with our shamanic tribe.

Kharma is visiting us from out of state to bring her lovely magic and lead us into making our drums! If you feel called to come, I will attach the link below so you can sign up. And if you wanted to join the Spiritual Soul Sisters here on Facebook (apparently it won't let me tag it here, but send me a friend request and I can get you or I can send you a link.

I am all about getting our community together!

Kristy Lageson

Drum Birthing Workshop 7/27/24 Boise ID Saturday 7/27/24 from 9-2pm The Womb Room 1524 S. Vista Ave Suite 110 Boise ID 83705 Craft your own 12 inch Medicine drum with your own hands in this full day immersive workshop. Join Kharma in Earthways traditions. We will gather, create a community circle and share intentions for our the birth of....


Slowly moving into the summer vibes! This morning was all about 70's music and transmitting all the energy. Clearing out and moving into the softness of summer.

Music can do so much to help your soul move! Feeling those feelings so you don't repress them. Dive into the sounds. Listen to the notes, the beats, the voice or voices. Let it move through you.

Don't forget to release, have fun, and enjoy yourself this summer!

Sending hippie vibes to all my friends out there!

Photos from Positively Zen Massage's post 06/21/2024

Feeling a little spoiled today from my clients. I received a very specail necklace from a client that traveled abroad. I told her just to see what popped out at her that would be specail to me. She saw this necklace that was in a history museum and said that's for Kristy! It's from the Celtics. She explained their symbol was three circles. And how cool is it came in yellow that she was drawn to! Feels like Summer Solstice like the celebration that they partook in! Which I will be celebrating tomorrow with Spiritual Soul Sisters. :)

And I received a chocolate cookie from another client! I am always a sucker for sweets!!

My clients don't have to bring in gifts or treats, in fact, it's pretty rare. But it's always appreciated!!


Hi folks!

Sorry, I have been away! I have been busy in the studio and with family. But I just wanted to drop in and let you know that my Spiritual Soul Sister meetup group is moving over to Facebook!
So if you are spiritual, like to go to events, like community, this is the place for you!

This summer I am doing a triad of events. One for each month. The first one is hosted by my amazing friend, Nanci and myself. We are doing a Summer Solstice event along with connecting to our guides and learning about the Druids!

Next month's event is going to be making your own drum. I have Kharma coming to visit from a land far away. She is going to help us create and birth our drums. Kharma is just wonderful person who has so much experience in this process and will definitely bringing her magic! Something you don't want to miss!

August will be something magical and native American with my co-host SaMa. We haven't quiet worked out the details on this one, but it should be super fun with lots of connection to our native guides.
To join our Soul sisters (you have to be female. Sorry, guys.)
Here is the link:


If anybody else wants to come my see soul sister is doing am Intro to tarot class tonight at 630 pm in Garden City!

Lindsey has been reading cards for over 20 years. She also does pranic and shamanic healing as well as a reiki 1 practitioner! She is the bomb if I do say so myself! She clears energy, reads cards, and is such a lovely human being!

Be there or be square! Sign up at the website below. It's $44 for the class. :)


For anybody interested I am hosting an Intro To Tarot class with my friend Lindsey this Saturday at 630 pm at her place in Garden City.

I know personally that I know a little bit of tarot, but there is always room to learn more especially from an expert like Lindsey!

Lindsey is not only my friend, I send people to her and a few others as their healing methods are different then my own. She is a level 2 reiki practitioner, Advanced Pranic Healer, Sound Shaman, and Oracle. She has been reading cards for more than 20 years!

Class is $44. Please bring your own deck, but I will supply some to borrow as well just in case.

Hope to see you there! It's going to be amazing!!

Sign up on Lindsey's website www.blackbirdhealing444.com


Just when I thought of giving up on societies closed minded humans, life hands me some new amazing clients. Lots of fun messages for several clients today that were young and older.

Plus check out this article about energy and how our attitudes effect us and the people around us!



Did you see I have an ad in Greet Eagle! Page 27 in the newest addition!

Come see me for all your massage needs!

Offering -
Deep Tissue, Swedish, Tigger point therapy, Lymphatic Drainage and scar tissue release, reiki, and intuitive sessions. :)


Let's talk about one of my favorite tarot decks, The Light Seer's Tarot!

It's my favorite deck for many reasons. It follows the original Ryder Waite deck, but with beautiful, colorful illustrations. The illustrations, like any deck can be interpreted through the pictures. I feel what's going on in them. If it's a sad card, I feel a little sad. But like any sad card, you just have to find the hope and value behind the message.

To me, they are magic! Just looking at the illustrations brings me so thought!

Check out the The Light Seer's deck by Chris Anne wherever you buy your cards at. :)


Excercise time is so important! Most people come to studio saying they do some sort of excercise between walking, lifting weights, raquet ball, dancing, Ju Jitsu to name a few! And although stretching and warming up are super imperative, foam rolling gets the best results for what your about to accomplish and for every day life challenges.

Here are some tips on foam rolling:
You can do it before or after your workout. ( I, often times do it before because it gets all the kinks out before I lift and I am pretty tired after and would mostly likely forget.)
You can foam rolling your legs, back, shoulders, and even your neck.
You can find a foam anywhere they sell them - Amazon, Target, Walmart, Fred Meyer, Scheels.....

I will post a video in the comments for more info to watch. :)


Hey everyone!!

Long time no see! Sorry, I have been MIA with lots of planning going on behind the scenes. As many of you know I am in charge of the Spiritual Soul Sisters here in the Boise area. We have many events in the group throughout the month by different leaders. Check them out!

I just coordinated with my amazing friend, Sandra, who does Human Design readings and is also intuitive as well! She has been doing some pretty darn amazing stuff the last couple of years! It starts June 2 and is 4 weeks long. It is online so participants can be part from other states as well. Check it out on our Spiritual Soul Sisters on Meetup page! We are capping it 11 participants so sign up fast!

Talk to you soon for more updates! :)


Unfortunately, my workshop got canceled last minute. I was in a bit of shock this morning when a lady called from the place I had purchased it from. After much thought and after the shock wore off I thought to myself, well, I still should have some fun! So we are going to Salt Lake City to go play for a couple of days!

I did open up my calendar for Friday and Saturday if anybody wanted in and couldn't get in for a couple of weeks.

Another thing is I have been negotiating with another insurance carrier. And guess what? I got the number I was asking for!! Like a boss! I will keep you'all updated to whom it's with and how to proceed if you have this insurance policy. It does cover a couple of carriers which is neat to see. And that means clients that want to have a massage covered by insurance for sometimes just a copay makes it more affordable and easier on their pocket book especially in these hard times.


I get a lot of comments about the artwork in the studio. There was and is a lot of thought that goes into what I represent. To me, my studio represents a form of comfort, ease, a place to cry if need be, a place to laugh, a place to dream, and definitely a place to relax.

I will be out of town this week at a 5 day Lymphatic Drainage workshop in Salt Lake City with my husband (it's part of his territory). If you have questions or anything feel free to reach out, but know it might be a bit before I get back to you.



It's been a wild ride since the eclipse. Anybody else on this emotional roller coaster?

I would say if anybody was feeling rough last Tuesday, welcome to the club. I thought it was just me at first reading my own energy and then reading my clients energy, but turns out it was a lot of us experiencing anxiety, overthinking, and just crazy stuff. It seemed to bring out all of our triggers in just a short couple of hours.

But the good news is we are past it. We can recognize what happened. We are especially almost past the Mercury Retrograde energy! Yeah! (Can't wait to get out of that!)

Make sure to give yourself some extra grace and be patient with yourself. We are all learning to overcome our challenges.

Photos from Positively Zen Massage's post 04/14/2024

Sometimes, you just need some humor to break up the seriousness of things!

I have been elbow deep in my clients backs, glutes, IT bands, and other places. Along with doing a ton of energy/ intuitive work this week.

I have heard from my friends/ clients that I am super humble about my gifts. Connecting to spirit is a big deal to me. Not everyone is doing it right now, but you can with practice. I have connected to lots of parents who have past over this week. And it's really the most specail thing when it happens. Some messages I get really choked up by. I absolutely love seeing signs, symbols, and just having the inner knowing of the messages that come through. Sometimes, they even play me a song and it ends up being their favorite song! It's super cool stuff!

If you wanted to book a session, make sure to book it soon. I am booked out a couple of weeks and I do have some ads running. You might see me in Greet Eagle soon! I am a little excited about that (or maybe a lot.)

K thanks bye! Lol!

Photos from Positively Zen Massage's post 04/07/2024

There is one thing this current energy is pushing and that is to believe in ourselves and also face our fears.

The conversations I have recently with others are an experience of revelations. Which is such a wonderful place to be. To ask questions of ourselves, are we where we are supposed to be in life? And how can we get there?

I was literally just reading that if you are on the wrong path, the Solar eclipse will move you to the right one. And that's not running to the store and buying groceries or thinking the world's going to end. Or thinking it's Christ's second coming. (Although, there are lots of thoughts on that just not in a physical sense).

Don't be afraid to go on a road not traveled before. It's kind of like artwork, when you think you made a mistake, you add some more to the piece and maybe it's better then you expected.

And don't be afraid to celebrate the wins! You have come this far! You can go further! You can try new things, new experiences, new jobs, new friends. The list goes on.

This Adam Grant has some pretty cool points. You can do this!

I hope you have an amazing week, friends! ❤️


This energy is unreal right now. So remember to ground yourself. It's ok to tend to your responsibilities but then maybe take a bath, reset, and call your energy back to yourself.

And it's so nice to hear these days are changing. I love this message.


This so accurate on so many levels. I see it all the time. Do you want to keep repeating the same cycle?

As a medium/ clairvoyant I can only give the message, but I can't get people to change their mind on their decisions. Sometimes, that puts me a rough spot. But sometimes I just need to tell them and they can decide at a layer time if it's right.


A little update. :)

I took a trauma class for bodyworkers on Saturday with some amazing teachers. One being a Dr. that specializes in releiving trauma in more of a somatic approach and the other a massage therapist who learned holds to help the body relax and let go. It's not all about muscles all time! Those guys seem to get the credit for everything! This class was about getting the body out of fight/flight/ freeze mode and helping it along to a calmer mode. And maybe it doesn't happen in one session because our brains, depending on how long the trauma in our head keeps going on, it can happen in multiple sessions. Or maybe it's at a subconscious level? Either way the body holds the score as the book is called.

You could be going along in a regular day and a smell, color, place, or person could trigger the past trauma and your body could go into a fight/flight/ freeze response. And it's ok to feel this way, but it's important to get help for it. You don't need to live like this your entire life. Trained massage therapists along with specailed counselors or therapists can help. You don't have to feel alone.

Photos from Positively Zen Massage's post 04/01/2024

From an old photo of the kids to them all grown up, well practically!

Happy Easter from my family to yours!

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1159 E. Iron Eagle Drive
Eagle, ID

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm

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Welcome! I am very passionate about helping people live their life more comfortably and happily! I would love the opportunity to help you achieve this!