30 Dry Days

30 Dry Days

A 30 day course for every human who wants to do what they actually want to do while destroying an addiction or addictive behavior.

3 simple steps.

Over and over and over. Abstain from something. Write down what you want to do. Write down what you do.


Are you 'Little Miss Makes Works of Art in Her Planner?'


Someone asked me for an oil for getting through election season. I present to you:


💃🏻😘 The razzle dazzle includes Jesus, essential oils, and a super cool planner 😎 sarcasm and blunt truths at no extra charge!!


EEEEEEEEEKKKKK!!!! IFYKYK!!! Melissa Poepping is launching new makeup and I am sooooooo freaking excited!!!!!!!!!! I trust Melissa to create high quality non-toxic beauty products because I have used her first line of makeup and this is going to be even better!! Eventually I will have an affiliate link to share but thats's not up and running yet!


See ya in at least 30 days! You can email me [email protected] 💝 keep going! Keep praying! Keep reading your Bible! I love you and I believe in you and I’m proud of you!!!

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 05/14/2023

Happy Mother’s Day 💝

And now I must go make dinner, bathe my children, and put everyone to bed.

Oh, and the timer for the dryer just went off.

Anyone else doing laundry today?



For all the Mamas and wanna-be Mamas and other people having a hard time today 💝


Do more of what makes you feel alive.

Do less of what makes you feel less alive.

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 04/09/2023

Resurrection Sunday! 🥳 I’m thankful for Jesus’s sacrifice and so glad He rose from the dead! 💀 🫶🏼

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 03/09/2023

For international women’s day, I am sharing two photos of my international adventures! Snowboarding in Austria was absolutely incredible. Seeing new Schwan, Stein Castle, in Bavaria was a childhood dream come true 😍🥰 Sometimes the craziest possible choice brings incredible experiences and adventures! 😍💗✨ To God be the glory!

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 01/29/2023

All day I’ve been feeling like today is Sunday, not Saturday 💁🏻‍♀️ Selfie Saturday 💁🏻‍♀️😍



Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 12/13/2022

Are we still doing photo posts? I am 💁🏻‍♀️ are you still doing that sober thing? I am 💁🏻‍♀️ I might make this a reel too 💁🏻‍♀️ you can do this too. You just have to start. Commit to 30 Dry Days. Honestly, that’s exactly how 1,700 days started. I committed to 30 dry days. Then another milestone goal. Then it just felt good. So I kept going. I have no plans to quit quitting! 👏🏼✨🥳😍🥰


via instagram.com/toriglass

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 09/15/2022

It’s really hard for me to see people have health problems and not jump in with possible root causes (cough trauma cough va # # cough personal choices like nutrition/movement/sunshine/sleep…) and not offer solutions.

I don’t want people to think I’m trying to sell them something or see them as a project. I just KNOW what a difference HEALING has made for me. And part of that healing was coming to terms with the THINGS I DID TO MYSELF and not because someone else did anything to me. Yes, it’s both. My choices and others choices.

And yet, when you really truly take an assessment of what you’re doing or not doing, did or did not do, it becomes very apparent that you HAVE SO MUCH CONTROL OVER HOW YOU FEEL.

A year ago I would have rejected part of this message. And now, I accept and take full responsibility for the things that are MY CHOICE.

Addiction and choices do go hand in hand.

So are you gonna punch yourself in the face or are you going to do something helpful for yourself?

Hmu if you do wanna talk about healing. I feel confident that I can link nearly any issue to a root cause that’s a combination of others choices in the past and your current choices.

You deserve to smile in true peaceful joy and not as a mask for the pain you don’t want anyone to see ✨

😍 Post acupuncture glow and thoughts 💖


Selfie of the day.

Live yo best life and be comfy.

Push yourself and trust the process.

Show up.

Wash your hair.

You know, eternity already started ✨

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 08/30/2022

Over and over and over and over.

Until we get answers.

Until we hear Him speak.

Until He moves mountains into the sea.

Until evil is destroyed and sent back to hell.

Choose which side you are on.

You don’t get to play both sides for eternity.

The wolves will be exposed.

The lies will be replaced with truth.

Oooooh, there is a reckoning coming.

Call this a prophecy. Call this a call unto God to action. Call this a manifestation.

Just know GOOD WINS!!!!!!!!!

I know what side I’m on. I know whose blood I am covered by. I know that in Jesus’s name, the demons must flee.


And I will tell them about Jesus and all that He has done for me and for them. They will listen with starry eyes and hearts full of hope for eternity. This world is not our final home 💖

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 08/29/2022

Going to church alone is weird.

Going home alone from church is weird.

Being alone on a Sunday is weird.

On one hand, it’s literally vacation and such indescribable refreshing peace after an abusive relationship.

On the other hand, I just want someone to hold hands with all day, especially on Sundays.


Is there anything more exciting to a small business owner than mailing out an order?

Thank you, 🥰


I hate this. I want this to be different. I am so tired of my heart literally hurting. Waking up without my children is so painful and debilitating. I need help. I need a human to be here on these mornings. Through this day. Tonight as I go to bed.

You’re here too. It’s not the same and You know it. You would not have made Eve for Adam if we truly were meant to exist with just the Holy Spirit as our comfort and companion. Please take the scales off peoples eyes and help them see truth.

Please bring my humans back to me. Please bring us a special human to be our champion and leader (and my lover 😉). We need You AND we need a Man. You are the God of both soul and body. We are both. We need both. It is not good for man to be alone. It is not good for me to be alone.

So do what only You can do. Show up the way only You can show up. I KNOW You have a plan and a purpose. Like Joseph being sold into slavery by his own brothers so he could save nations later. Like baby Moses set in a basket to float down the river so he could lead his people to freedom later. Like Ruth who mourned the death of her husband, moved to a new country, and met the man who would be her kinsman redeemer and together they created the family that would birth Jesus later. Like Jochobed who put her infant baby in a basket because she trusted You. Like so many others before me, I will trust in You.

Because I KNOW You are GOOD. Even when this doesn’t feel good or seem good at all, You do have a purpose for the pain. You will bring freedom to all of us. And yet, today still hurts so so so so so much. I have done this over and over and over and over and over and nearly every time it breaks me into a million pieces and You calmly and patiently put me back together again and again and again. I’m tired. I’m so tired. I don’t want to do this anymore. I’m crying out for YOU TO CHANGE THIS!!!!!!!!!

📸 my son 💙🥰😍


13 years of silence.

Keep showing up every day.

Every. Single. Day. You. Must. Go. To. War. For. Your. Life.

For your children’s lives.

For your children’s children’s lives.

Generational curses stop with you.

You must do the work too.

God will break the chains.

You gotta quit putting them back on!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love you.

I believe in you.

I am so proud of you.

You really can do it.

Even when you doubt yourself.

Even when you’ve been layered in lies.

Even when most of the voices are deafeningly loud and against you.

The Lord is for you 💖✨


Mood. 5:05 AM

You won’t always feel this way. It will change and you will change. Make radical choices when you can. Sometimes you don’t get to make choices. Sometimes you do. 💖✨.

I love you. Your battle is real. Your victory is just as real.

Do this visualization right now. Imagine you’re wrapped in something. It’s like that crunchy chocolate coating from . But you can’t eat it. It’s thin. But you feel trapped by it. Somewhere in your body, you feel like you can move. Most of you cannot move. Wiggle what you can. Is it your toes? Your shoulders? Crack. Crunch. You broke a little of that wrapper. So satisfying. Now feel a deep breath into your belly. Pop. Another crack in the casing.

Deep breaths into your belly like a ballon. Feeeeeeeeel the freedom of air in your body as your body expands. Pop. Snap. Crack. You’re becoming free.

Stretch your arms. Literally stretch and reach as far as you can. One arm at a time if you just can’t put your phone down yet.

Reeeeeeaaaaach your toes. Imagine you’re swirling your toes in warm sand at the beach. Pop. More of that shell falls off. Your skin feels the warmth of the sunshine like never before. You look around. There’s a fresh glisten in the air. It’s almost… magical. It’s so real! So crisp! So fresh!

Shake. Wiggle. Dance. Throw off ALL of that shell. That’s not YOU!!

Once upon a time, someone started layering lies on you. The brain accepts things as truth; even with no proof. So tell your brain some new truths. This is YOUR LIFE!

God did not make you to be sad. Stuck. Miserable. Addicted. Traumatized.

Listen, I know an Instagram post is easy words. Life isn’t as easy. Been there. Fought that battle. Lost a few times. Won a few more times. It ain’t ending soon; the war for your soul. So light up your life and illuminate what’s working and what isn’t working.

What’s the secret?

There isn’t one.

There’s thousands of them, thousands of secrets. 💖


Trigger warning

The more time that passes since I have been s*xually active, and the more my body craves that type of intimacy again, the ANGRIER I get about how I was assaulted over and over and over and over in my own home. MY OWN BED. And then discarded like a used toy. A perfectly good toy, no batteries needed, but he was bored.

Sis, ask questions. Bro, ask questions.

If it doesn’t feel right in the bedroom, it ain’t gonna feel right anywhere else.

S*x addiction is a thing.

Po*******hy addiction is a thing.

Marital r**e is a thing.

And they’re all sins that grieve God’s heart for his babies. WE DESERVE BETTER! God made us for absolutely mind blowing, toe curling, sheet ripping intimacy! If you’re getting less than that, speak up. Ask questions. “Is this normal?” “It doesn’t feel right when…” “they want me to… and I’m not comfortable…” “they want more s*x than I have energy for and they get angry/mean when they don’t get it”

Ugh. I’m so angry. God is angry. God is so furious at the s*xual sins of HIS CHILDREN! Not the world. He knows they are depraved and lost. You?! You know Him. You know His heart.

“You know better”

And maybe you don’t know how to do better.

There is no shame in s*x. There is only shame in s*xual sin. Read that again. Share it. Passive aggressively tag someone. Dm that word. Preach the gospel to yourself.

What is in the dark will always be exposed. Always.


Just a mom at a playground with her kids.

It seems so simple.

It is.

It’s the rest that’s complicated.

A sober mom.
A single mom.
A trauma mama.

Just a mom at the playground with her kids 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 08/01/2022

As you prepare for the spiritual battles of the week, remember the Lord is on your side. We have already won. We must endure the next mile of the journey. Through valleys and across mountain tops, across oceans, through canyons, one step at a time.

One thought at a time. Take every thought captive to Christ isn’t simply a command, it’s a really great idea! Stop letting your mind wander away unattended. You’re the adult.

That’s why you get to have coffee. Cuz you’re the adult. So go prep your coffee for Manifest Monday and make it the best night ever!!

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 07/31/2022

Today’s selfie series is fitting room fashion!

I wanted both the flower romper and the (smaller) white one. None of them fit.

I wasn’t mad at my body for being bigger than the clothes size. I didn’t get mad and vow to lose ten pounds. I didn’t beat myself up for eating ice cream last week.

Honestly those conversations aren’t the body image ones I struggle with anymore. I used to battle my body a lot.

Now it’s more of “will I look too good in this?” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Btw skinny shaming is a thing and it sucks.

Clothes can be hard. Dress for you. It doesn’t matter what other people think. Wear the comfy stuff. Ditch the itchy stuff. You’re not a sausage, you don’t have to squeeze into a casing. You’re not a size. You’re not a number; either on the clothes or on the scale. Get rid of your scale too if that’s helpful. I literally don’t own one and haven’t for years.

Be as extra glam or as extra cozy as you want.

Most women build an outfit around one particular piece like flashy shoes or stellar pants. My #1 outfit question is “will I have to wear a bra?” My #2 question is “will I be comfy? Warm enough? Cool enough?” #3 “what am I in the mood for today?”

Also, sensory issues about clothes/tags/fabrics/itchiness/tightness/looseness/etc are absolutely real and you’re not crazy or high maintenance!

That’s about it for now, go make it a lovely day!!!

Hmu if you need a pep talk, a listening ear, or accountability 💖💖💖

Photos from 30 Dry Days's post 07/30/2022

Go do things.

Buy the flowers.

Try the new food.

Have a real conversation.

Go home.

Do the next right thing.

Over and over.

Don’t forget to invite a friend to join you 💖💖✨

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together 💖💖


Another day. Another sober day.

My life is interesting 💖💙💙

How about your life? Is that addiction working out for you? What even is addiction? Sobriety?

Being in control.
Not being in control.

Now go do something else 🥸🥰


To be alive… is not enough. One must LIVE!! How does one live?

One day at a time.
One choice. One thought.

Sounds simple. Pull your heart out of the past or the future, live in today.


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Videos (show all)

30 Dry Days explained in 30 seconds!The next round starts on Saturday. Are you ready to truly change your life?It’s not ...
What is 30 Dry Days? Did you hear about the freemium round?
What is 30 Dry Days? Part 2
What is 30 Dry Days?




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