City of El Centro

Please visit our web page for information. City of El Centro, California, USA

Photos from City of El Centro's post 07/26/2024


Photos from City of El Centro's post 07/25/2024

The next CR&R Community Clean-up Event will be from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., on August 3 and October 3. For more information call 760-482-5656.

El próximo evento de limpieza comunitaria de CR&R se llevará a cabo de 8 a. m. a 12 p. m., el 3 de agosto y el 3 de octubre. Para obtener más información, llame al 760-482-5656.


Congratulations to Mr. Jon LeDoux, who is retiring from the El Centro Elementary School District as Superintendent for the past 12 years. Thank you for your service, Mr. LeDoux, and we hope you enjoy retirement.

Felicidades al Sr. Jon LeDoux, quien se retira del Distrito Escolar Elemental de El Centro después de haber sido Superintendente durante los últimos 12 años. Gracias por su servicio, Sr. LeDoux, ¡y esperamos que disfrute su jubilación!

El Centro Fire Department Strategic Planning Assessment Community Partner Survey | City of El Centro 07/24/2024

The El Centro Fire Department is in the process of developing a 3-year Strategic Plan and would like to invite you to participate in a short survey. The survey is available in both English and Spanish and will assist the department in creating a roadmap to achieve the community and department's goals, as well as to promote continual growth and improvement. Your input is valuable and will greatly benefit our city. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

El Departamento de Bomberos de El Centro está desarrollando un Plan Estratégico de 3 años y nos gustaría invitarte a participar en una breve encuesta. La encuesta está disponible tanto en inglés como en español y ayudará al departamento a crear una hoja de ruta para alcanzar los objetivos de la comunidad y del departamento, así como fomentar el crecimiento y la mejora continua. Tu opinión es valiosa y beneficiará enormemente a nuestra ciudad. Gracias por tomarte el tiempo para compartir tus pensamientos con nosotros.

El Centro Fire Department Strategic Planning Assessment Community Partner Survey | City of El Centro The El Centro Fire Department is currently developing a comprehensive Three-Year Strategic Plan that will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the department. The strategy will serve as a roadmap, outlining the steps necessary to achieve the community and department’s identified goals and ...


El Centro resident Adelaida Arvizu was recently honored by the City of El Centro Council for receiving a lifetime membership in The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the nation's leading certified honor society for high-achieving first- and second-year college students with a minimum GPA of 3.4. Congratulations, Adelaida.

El residente de El Centro, Adelaida Arvizu, fue recientemente honrada por el Consejo de la Ciudad de El Centro por recibir una membresía de por vida en The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, la principal sociedad de honor certificada a nivel nacional para estudiantes universitarios de primer y segundo año con un GPA mínimo de 3.4. Felicidades, Adelaida.

Sign Up & Beat the Heat at the Indoor Co****le Tournament Fundraiser! | City of El Centro 07/24/2024

The Friends of El Community Services Foundation, in collaboration with the City of El Centro, is thrilled to announce the Indoor Co****le Tournament Fundraiser. The event is scheduled for Saturday, August 10, 2024, at the Martin Luther King Jr. Sports Pavilion at 770 Park Avenue. Click on the link below for more information.

La Fundación Friends of El Community Services, en colaboración con la Ciudad de El Centro, se complace en anunciar el Torneo de Co****le Indoor como evento para recaudar fondos. El evento está programado para el sábado 10 de agosto de 2024, en el Pabellón Deportivo Martin Luther King Jr. en el 770 de la Avenida Park. Haz clic en el enlace a continuación para más información.

Sign Up & Beat the Heat at the Indoor Co****le Tournament Fundraiser! | City of El Centro El Centro, Ca. – July 23, 2024 – The Friends of El Community Services Foundation, in collaboration with the City of El Centro, is thrilled to announce the Indoor Co****le Tournament Fundraiser. The event is scheduled for Saturday, August 10, 2024, at the Martin Luther King Jr. Sports Pavilion at...


Thank you to Victor Zazueta who recently retired from the Friends of El Centro Community Services Foundation. Mr. Zazueta was recognized at a recent Council meeting. The purpose of the Friends of El Centro Community Services Foundation is to promote and assist the City of El Centro with community service projects and programs. Thank you Mr. Zazueta. Thank you Mr. Zazueta for your service to the City of El Centro.

Gracias a Víctor Zazueta, quien recientemente se retiró de la Fundación Amigos de El Centro Community Services. El Sr. Zazueta fue reconocido en una reciente reunión del Consejo. El propósito de la Fundación Amigos de El Centro Community Services es promover y asistir a la Ciudad de El Centro en proyectos y programas de servicio comunitario. Gracias, Sr. Zazueta.

Community members of all ages are invited to improve the safety, comfort, and beauty of Imperial Avenue | City of El Centro 07/22/2024

The City of El Centro invites the public to a community meeting for the Imperial Avenue Complete Streets Plan from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., August 8, 2024, at the El Centro Library, 1198 N. Imperial Avenue.

La Ciudad de El Centro invita al público a una reunión comunitaria para el Plan de Calles Completas de la Avenida Imperial, de 6:00 p.m. a 7:30 p.m., el 8 de agosto de 2024, en la Biblioteca de El Centro, ubicada en 1198 N. Imperial Avenue.

Community members of all ages are invited to improve the safety, comfort, and beauty of Imperial Avenue | City of El Centro EL CENTRO, Ca.- July 19, 2024 – The City of El Centro invites the public to a community meeting for the Imperial Avenue Complete Streets Plan from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., August 8, 2024, at the El Centro Library, 1198 N. Imperial Avenue. The meeting will include children’s activities and refreshmen...


Dear Citizens and Visitors of El Centro,

We understand that the recent global technology outage, caused by a faulty CrowdStrike update, has had a significant impact on our community. Some of our payment solutions and services were affected, disrupting your daily activities. Our IT department has been working tirelessly to restore service to all impacted resources and operationalize systems. We appreciate your patience during this challenging time.

I am happy to inform you that most of our affected systems have been restored. If necessary, we will send periodic updates via our social media accounts. In the meantime, please visit our city offices for any necessary customer support.

We are committed to fully restoring all systems as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work through this issue together.

Cedric Cesena
City Manager, El Centro

Estimados residentes y visitantes de El Centro,

Entendemos que la reciente interrupción global de tecnología, causada por una actualización defectuosa de CrowdStrike, ha tenido un impacto significativo en nuestra comunidad. Algunas de nuestros sistemas de pago y servicios se vieron afectados, interrumpiendo sus actividades diarias. Nuestro departamento de tecnología ha estado trabajando incansablemente para restaurar el servicio a todos los recursos afectados y operacionalizar los sistemas. Apreciamos su paciencia durante esta situación.

Me complace informarles que la mayoría de nuestros sistemas afectados han sido restaurados. Si es necesario, enviaremos actualizaciones periódicas a través de nuestras cuentas de redes sociales. Mientras tanto, por favor visiten nuestras oficinas de la ciudad para cualquier servicio al cliente que sea necesario.

Estamos comprometidos a restaurar completamente todos los sistemas lo más rápido posible. Gracias por su comprensión y paciencia mientras trabajamos juntos para resolver este problema.

Cedric Cesena
Administrador de la Ciudad de El Centro


In emergencies where calling 9-1-1 isn't possible, texting 9-1-1 allows you to communicate with a dispatcher via text message. While calling is preferred, texting is available when calling is not an option.

En emergencias donde no sea posible llamar al 9-1-1, puedes enviar un mensaje de texto al 9-1-1 para comunicarte con un despachador mediante mensajes de texto. Aunque llamar es la opción preferida, el texto está disponible cuando no se puede hacer una llamada.

Photos from City of El Centro's post 07/19/2024

The City of El Centro is aware of a widespread technology disruption impacting multiple Windows-based programs. Our critical infrastructure remains stable, with both our 911 and water/wastewater distribution systems functioning without issue. Currently, our email and City Hall electronic billing systems are offline and only cash or check payments can be received; efforts are underway to restore our electronic billing capabilities. We will provide further updates promptly.
El Centro Regional Medical Center remains unaffected by this incident.

La Ciudad de El Centro está al tanto de una interrupción generalizada de tecnología que afecta múltiples programas basados en Windows. Nuestra infraestructura crítica se mantiene estable, con nuestros sistemas de emergencia 911 y distribución de agua y aguas residuales funcionando sin problemas. Actualmente, nuestros sistemas de correo electrónico y facturación electrónica en el Ayuntamiento están fuera de línea y solo se pueden recibir pagos en efectivo o cheque; se están realizando esfuerzos para restaurar nuestras capacidades de facturación electrónica. Proporcionaremos más actualizaciones de manera oportuna. El Centro Regional Medical Center no se ve afectado por este incidente.

Photos from City of El Centro's post 07/19/2024

An Excessive Heat Warning has been issued for tomorrow through Sunday. Please be mindful of the conditions and take safety precautions. Here are a few tips from our Fire Department:

1. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid sugary or caffeinated drinks.
2. Take Breaks: Take regular breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas to cool down.
3. Dress Appropriately: Wear light, loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing. Use sunscreen and wear a hat if working outdoors.
4. Adjust Work Schedules: Where possible, perform strenuous tasks during early morning or late evening hours.
5. Monitor Health: Be aware of symptoms of heat exhaustion (dizziness, headaches, nausea) and seek immediate help if needed.


The next Mondays with the Mayor is set for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 23, at the Old Post Office Pavilion, due to a scheduling conflict. We hope to see you there.

El proximo Lunes con la Alcaldesa está fijado para las 17.30 horas. el martes 23 de julio, en el Old Post Office Pavilion, debido a un conflicto de programación. Esperamos verte ahí.


No job is too big or too small for our El Centro City Firefighters. Earlier today, they assisted a senior citizen who had accidentally locked herself out of her car.

Ningún trabajo es demasiado grande o demasiado pequeño para nuestros bomberos de la ciudad de El Centro. Hoy temprano, ayudaron a una persona mayor que accidentalmente se había quedado encerrada fuera de su automóvil.


City of El Centro Council Meeting :: July 16, 2024

City of El Centro Council Meeting :: July 16, 2024


Earlier today, our El Centro Police and Fire Departments responded to a disturbance at City Hall. No one was injured or arrested, and both parties went their separate ways without further incident.


Congratulations to El Centro Regional Medical Center on completing 5,000 Robot-Assisted surgeries with the da Vinci surgical system, the only one of its kind in the Imperial Valley. This represents a significant advancement in advanced healthcare for the Imperial County. Read more about the da Vinci surgical system at the link below.

Felicidades al Centro Médico Regional El Centro por completar 5,000 cirugías asistidas por robot con el sistema quirúrgico da Vinci, el único de su tipo en el Valle Imperial. Esto representa un avance significativo en la atención médica avanzada para el Condado de Imperial. Lea más sobre el sistema quirúrgico da Vinci en el siguiente enlace.

El Centro Fire Department joins Strike Team deployed to Lake Fire in Santa Barbara County | City of El Centro 07/09/2024

ECFD joins Imperial Valley Strike Team deployed to Lake Fire in Santa Barbara County. Read more at the link below.

ECFD se une a Imperial Valley Strike Team desplegado al incendio Lake en el condado de Santa Bárbara. Lee más en el siguiente enlace.

El Centro Fire Department joins Strike Team deployed to Lake Fire in Santa Barbara County | City of El Centro El Centro, Ca. – July 9, 2024 – ECFD personnel has joined a Strike Team deployed to the Lake Fire in Santa Barbara County on Tuesday morning.


Earlier this month, the City of El Centro Council recognized our Parks and Recreation Department in honor of National Parks and Recreation Month. The department works diligently to promote the health and well-being of our residents through a variety of activities and programs. We are grateful for their dedication and service.

A principios de este mes, el Concejo de la Ciudad de El Centro reconoció a nuestro Departamento de Parques y Recreación en honor al Mes Nacional de Parques y Recreación. El departamento trabaja diligentemente para promover la salud y el bienestar de nuestros residentes a través de una variedad de actividades y programas. Estamos agradecidos por su dedicación y servicio.

El Centro Fire Department part of a Strike Team deployed to the Thompson Fire | City of El Centro 07/05/2024

We extend our best wishes for safe travels to our El Centro Fire Department team, who joined a Strike Team deployed to the Thompson Fire on Wednesday. Thank you for your service, and we hope you all return safely to your families. For more information, please click on the link below.

Extendemos nuestros mejores deseos para un viaje seguro a nuestro equipo del Departamento de Bomberos de El Centro, que se unió a un Equipo de Ataque desplegado al Incendio Thompson el miércoles. Gracias por su servicio, y esperamos que todos regresen sanos y salvos con sus familias. Para más información, por favor haz clic en el enlace abajo.

El Centro Fire Department part of a Strike Team deployed to the Thompson Fire | City of El Centro El Centro, Ca. – July 5, 2024 – The City of El Centro Fire Department, along with other Imperial County crews, sent a strike team to the Thompson Fire in Butte County on Wednesday.

New stop signs to be unveiled on Sixth Street in front of Kennedy Middle School | City of El Centro 07/05/2024

With community input, the City of El Centro is proud to unveil a new three-way stop in front of Kennedy Middle School on Monday. Read more at the link below.

Con la colaboración de la comunidad, la Ciudad de El Centro se enorgullece en presentar una nueva señal de alto de tres vías frente a la Escuela Secundaria Kennedy el lunes. Lee más en el enlace a continuación.

New stop signs to be unveiled on Sixth Street in front of Kennedy Middle School | City of El Centro El Centro, Ca. — July 5, 2024 — The City of El Centro, with community input, will unveil a new three-way stop in front of Kennedy Middle School. This initiative is a direct response to concerns raised by residents and parents, demonstrating our shared commitment to safety.

Photos from City of El Centro's post 07/05/2024
Cooling Centers available in the City of El Centro | City of El Centro 07/04/2024

Cooling Centers are available in the City of El Centro. Click on the link for more information.

Centros de enfriamiento están disponibles en la ciudad de El Centro. Haga clic en el enlace para obtener más información.

Cooling Centers available in the City of El Centro | City of El Centro El Centro, Ca. – July 3, 2024 – The City of El Centro has two designated cooling centers for the upcoming extreme temperatures: the bus terminal at the corner of State and Seventh Streets and the Imperial Valley Mall.


City of El Centro Council Meeting :: July 2, 2024

City of El Centro Council Meeting :: July 2, 2024

Photos from City of El Centro's post 07/02/2024

The El Centro City Hall will be closed on Thursday in observance of the Fourth of July.

La sede del Ayuntamiento de El Centro estará cerrada el jueves en conmemoración del Cuatro de Julio.

Freight train derails in the City of El Centro; no threat to public reported | City of El Centro 07/02/2024

Train derails in City; no injuries reported. Read more at the link below.

Tren se descarrila en la Ciudad; no se reportaron heridos. Lee mas en el link de abajo.

Freight train derails in the City of El Centro; no threat to public reported | City of El Centro El Centro, Ca. — July 2, 2024 — A freight train derailed at around 2 a.m., early on July 2, just east of the railway intersection with Sixth Street in the City of El Centro.

Photos from City of El Centro's post 07/01/2024

Join us for a regular Council Meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

Únete a nosotros para una reunión regular del Consejo a las 6 p.m. del martes.

Photos from City of El Centro's post 06/30/2024


Photos from City of El Centro's post 06/28/2024

Imperial Valley Transit's Free Fares Program will end in June. Existing fares will be re-implemented on July 1. With funding provided by the Area Agency on Aging, all seniors will continue to receive free rides on IVT Ride and IVT Medtrans. Click on the link below for a list of fares.

El programa de tarifas gratuitas de Imperial Valley Transit finalizará en junio. Las tarifas existentes se volverán a implementar el 1 de julio. Todas las personas mayores seguirán recibiendo viajes gratuitos en IVT Ride e IVT Medtrans con fondos proporcionados por la Agencia del Área para la Tercera Edad. Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para obtener una lista de tarifas.

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Videos (show all)

Join us on August 8 for our Imperial Avenue Complete Streets Plan at the El Centro Library.
Únete a nosotros el 8 de agosto para nuestro Plan de Calles Completas de Imperial Avenue en la Biblioteca de El Centro.
Join us on August 8 for our Imperial Avenue Complete Streets Plan at the El Centro Library.
The next Mondays with the Mayor is set for 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 23, at the Old Post Office Pavilion, due to a sche...
City of El Centro Council Meeting :: July 16, 2024
July is National Vehicle Safety Month. Here are some tips to prevent being a victim.#WeAreElCentroJulio es el Mes Nacion...
City of El Centro Council Meeting :: July 2, 2024
¡Esperamos que tenga una celebración segura del 4 de julio!#SomosElCentro
Have a safe Fourth of July celebration!#WeAreElCentro



1275 W Main Street
El Centro, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 5pm

Other Public & Government Services in El Centro (show all)
City of El Centro - Community Development Department City of El Centro - Community Development Department
1275 W. Main Street
El Centro, 92243

page for the City of El Centro Community Development Department

6511th Test Group - Parachute 6511th Test Group - Parachute
El Centro, 92243

The Joint Parachute Test Facility was established in 1951 by the Department of Defense to perform development; testing; and evaluation of parachutes and related assemblies, pilot e...

Supervisor Luis Plancarte Supervisor Luis Plancarte
940 W. Main Street, Suite 209
El Centro, 92243

Serving all the residents of Imperial County, and representing the Second District includes a large